Monday, April 1, 2019

Chris B On The Web Has New Ownership!

               I Chris, have decided to step down as Owner of Chris B On The Web as it has been a tough almost 3 years running things I found it time for me to move from this. No I am not giving up on the podcasts, it will just be a solo project from here on out and I think this is the best move for me honestly.... I will miss running CBOTW but I am sure Snowballs Entertainment has this and the ability to continue on with the website and content that is on the website. I hate to say this but it has been fun while it has lasted but all great things do come to an end eventually and I guess this is the time.



               You guys think I would do such a stupid thing and quit when things are about to get really shooken up with CBOTW... It is going to get real by the summer time as I cannot yet talk about it yet but I ensure you were going nowhere anytime soon, we are definitely here to stay for the very long run of the website. 


Friday, March 29, 2019

Big Brother Canada Recaps on Everything About Reality TV....

               As I mentioned on social media and the first podcast of this week, I have stopped the live feed coverage, however I added a few notes of some things that were said on the feeds about Double Eviction and Triple eviction talk but that's it pretty much. Other then that I have covered the actual episodes and still manage to have a good length of an episode and honestly I loved it and I think you guys really enjoyed it too as I saw a great stride on the feeds recently and once again the emails are once again pouring in! I am sure you guys are liking the changes I made and this is why I asked you guys on social media if you want me to pull the live feed part of that podcast as it wasn't very popular so it has made a difference on things. Now the schedule if you are all wondering is it going to change? Is it going back to once a week? The answer to that is No. It is staying the same as it is still a great idea to actually cover so the schedule goes as follows:

Tuesday's: 8 pm EST- Big Brother Canada 7 Sunday Recap

Thursday's: 8 pm EST- Survivor Edge of Extinction Recap

Friday's: 8 pm EST- Big Big Brother Canada 7 Wednesday & Thursday Recap

                This way it makes it much easier for me and also when it comes down to the finale week, Larry and I only have to cover the two days not all 3 days plus him and I have a ton to cover especially for the finale so it is easier. I thought of this idea back last year but refused to go with the idea which wasn't a smart move honestly but wish I did make the move sooner then last year but slowly but surely. Also this change and the scheduling staying the same will take off the amount of pressure at the end of the week especially and I know 3 podcasts a week is a lot of work but worth it in the end.  Nothing is changing in the way of schedule but it helps the stress levels on me especially and I like the way I have the podcasts formatted now then I had it last year at this time. Change is good and I am definitely getting better at the change aspect of things. 


Thursday, March 28, 2019

My List of Sims 4 Fails... (Throwback Thursday Story)

            So 2 weeks ago which it could of been longer honestly but anyways I made Dave a sim and of course added in his fiance in real life and tried to get the two to start dating but uh uh, no dice they ended up into a fist fight so it wasn't a pretty site to see honestly and I do not know what the heck went wrong honestly. It was an total epic fail. I ended up locking her in the bathroom by mistake and she died... So it was the biggest fail I have ever made on a video game ever but the next fail I had was not realizing that when Dave's adopted daughter was dating my guys daughter on the game tilI recognized my last name and I'm like seriously?! Eventually they ended up married which made Dave and I in-laws on the game... LOL! Sounds odd I know but that is what happened. I ended up deleting all the current sims honestly. Also the two sims became parents so Dave and I ended up being grandparents go figure! I don't think I have ever done that before nor it would ever happen again but you never really know what is or going to happen.

            The Sims 4 can be full of surprises one way or another like the time my sims wife electrocuted herself fixing the TV in the game I just shook my head on that in dismay this actually did happen. Expect the unexpected like the Reality TV Show Big Brother, Celebrity Big Brother or Big Brother Canada. Anyways I still enjoy this game even with the craziness of the game from time to time as it is nuts, I can turn my back and a sim starts a fire in the house or even in the backyard and end up on fire and dying which has happened with Eric's sim trying to extinguish the fire in the kitchen on the game. He didn't didn't last more then a few minutes of me creating him and it sure as heck looked like him too! It is never a dull moment on the game but my sims can do the wrong thing ending up with certain consequences like once I tried to get my sim to go to work and he refused to go and I think he was in one of his grumpy moods, tired, hungry or something wasn't right with him but the boss called him to tell him to GET HIS BUTT back to work the next day... Probably glitch but there is tons of fails but makes it for a good laugh and a good time!


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I'm Already Thinking About Studio Renovations!

            I know the start of studio renovations hasn't started yet but I am starting to picture the whole entire new setup here and I am planning on changing things around indefinitely! However first I need to get the desk rebuilt first and fixed up as it is a cheap Walmart desk. Now I am not saying Walmart if bad, it has done me well for the last several years since and it isn't the strongest then it use to be but that is the first side of the plan is the assess the desk as it is because when I move it the sides are not strong so that is the first issue to deal with then the desktop is the last thing as I am making this a bigger desk top and more room and especially for guest in my studio, it sure will make things easier and I think we are adding in the studio by June a second boom arm for the second microphone that we have in the studio for guests that come in to join in on a podcast! As part of the renovations and the additions I am going to add I plan on getting flags for my boom arms with the CBOTW emblem on it. 

            Also I am planning add in on top of the whiteboard a cork board for notes, schedules and also my niece and nephews pictures they have made me. Also after the reno is done, I am working on getting up a new clock on the wall and definitely posters all over and I am sure my niece and nephew will help me with poster ideas. I am already thinking Minecraft, The Binding of Isaac and Star Wars posters will be up on the walls of my studio space. But that may be way too many posters in the studio I would have to chose at least two of em to put up as I wouldn't wanna over do it honestly. However I do want to decorate the studio to my specifications. Also as I have mentioned before I am moving around the desk. It is OK to start thinking about it and I have even talked to my uncle about it and he's recommended wood board instead of wall board but I do have to ask him if it is paintable or not. Either I am always planning in my head and getting stoked to fix this studio up and start a new setup for the space I record in. 


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

We Need To Talk About Everything About Reality TV Podcast....

         I Got a goal for Everything About Reality TV and yes I have been working hard on the longer episodes but according to a poll I did a while back, you guys preferred quality over quantity so they does help me quite a lot too. I am finding out I look at the program I am recording and it is 30 minutes or more. I just love making content. However there is still room for improvement and I need to address this, I have recently lost 2 subscribers on the Castbox platform and I have made up and have posted up the podcast close to on schedule. I guess you guys got tired of it but I thank those who stuck with it despite the schedule but don't forget the podcast has only been on Audio ONLY for 2.5 years so it will take time for people to find the podcast on there but there is other platforms that are listened to. So goal # 1 is to get the podcast up on the day it is suppose to be up not the next day or the day after. It may take some time to get a good rhythm going again but with me running back and forth from here to the studio, my timetable right now is out of sync so it could be a late post tonight it could not be. That is why I said you can follow me on social media: Twitter/Instagram @ChrisBOnTheWeb constantly in case something like this happened. I should of rescheduled today but making an effort to get it up today. Another goal to get a longer podcast I need to expand on my points which I have been doing and I would like to get more of my opinion not just taking what is off my notes what was said. Not sure if you guys are liking the live feed ideas so over the next day I may go back to the Friday episodes on top of the Survivor I will do that, twice a week not the 3 times a week. No live feeds as you guys seem to not care and maybe it is best to move forward that we do the recaps 

          I definitely in room for improvement, I think it is what you guys want well, we will see what happens and I always think about you guys first. Now I am not doing a public poll but my Alumni and I are in discussions and I opened a poll over Twitter for over the next 2 days and we will figure out why I am losing subs and how to repair the issues. Like I said, if I have to I will go back to the bare bones of the podcast with the BB Canada which that is what I think is one of the main issues. Survivor Recaps are doing quite fine, I think it comes down to fact you guys are not interested in hearing live feed stuff on the recaps so I think that definitely has a factor in it. That could be it's own podcast alone if I wished but I think I know what the heck is going on and end of this week, may result to schedule change next week which I will announce on a second blog post at the end of this week so fair warning, there may be an additional Friday Post or a switch on Friday's post. I wanna make things right and make it right fast as I do not wanna go back to restarting from the start of things. 


Monday, March 25, 2019

If I Stayed on YouTube, I Probably Would of Still Walked Away Anyways...

          This question always crossed my mind over the years of me transitioning into the Podcaster and Blogger life. However, If I stayed on and created a separate channel for Everything About Reality TV Podcast on top of the channel I had in June of 2016, then I probably wouldn't last very long on the platform. What do I mean by that? Well, I probably last about an additional year on the platform, due to the fact of the Adpocolypse and Family Friendly content, so my stay on YouTube would of been a short additional time from me going from having an actual team to being on my very own. But I would of definitely separate from the vlogging channel to the channel for the podcast as well. I would of separate from the two indefinitely!  I feel stupid that I never separated the podcast to a separate channel from the main video with pranks and vlogs but it is what it is now and that channel does not even remotely exist now anyways. Would I posted to both of the channels? Of course I would of! I would of done the occasional vlog from time to time when I was out or something major that happened around the studio, especially the changes with the space as my series was really, really over for me as the interest level in continuing the series wasn't doable at the time and we just couldn't do it anymore as also the ideas were not there anymore.

             Did I make the right decision to leave when I did yes. Would staying being there for an additional year as 2017 was not the greatest year? It would be a greatly difficult transition to making a podcast on there I probably would end up being demonetized and also flagged as sometimes there is a curse word that comes out on the podcast but with Audio ONLY I can get away with it not like YouTube's algorithm, clickbait titles. I know I sound like another YouTuber who said this but I agree! He uses his app now which he can curse all he wants. This is what I am doing with Everything About Reality TV and of course I cannot forget The Power Rangers Podcast as well. I am utilizing my website, a ton more then I did before which is good. It is good I am doing that. But the answer to the question how long would I lasted on the platform? Probably 1 more year more, then I would of been gone again to focus on my website more and Audio ONLY Podcasts, I just couldn't see myself lasting very long, it would of short lived honestly. In the end of the day thinking about it almost 3 years later, I made the right choice to what I am doing to this very day and I have no regrets whatsoever and YouTube is now a part of my past as I am focusing on the present day.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

Today Marks 3.5 Years Since Everything About Reality TV Went On The Air!

             Wow 3.5 years ago tonight, Everything About Reality TV Podcast went on the air. Which is crazy to think it's been on for this long without any problems at all. When it first started, it was on YouTube at the very start and had 2 seasons on there before I moved onto the Audio ONLY and the rest is history. It has been quite an incredible journey I have been on and really have enjoyed recapping Reality TV each and every week. I know there has been times where I have off schedule but I still put it up. There was the one week (last week) mind you that I had to cancel the post and ended up losing a subscriber. But that is why I say it is best to subscribe to the podcast and also follow me on social media just in case something like that happens again which it will not, I am ensuring you that now. Either way I always look forward to recording days where I get to sit down and dissect the game or talk about the episode to what went on. I think starting this podcast really gave me something to look forward to when it gets to the day of recording which normally is the next day I record in the morning. 

              I also may as well say this, the other thing I have enjoyed is the milestones and have made quite some milestones, breaking 100, breaking my web series milestone and you probably know where I am going with this but also will soon be at the podcast's 200th episode. So mark you're calendars: Tuesday, April 30th will be the 200th episode coming out and yes I am not making a big deal over it but it will be mentioned at the start but that is pretty much it. I honestly think its insane this podcast has been recording this long and I thought, meh 100 episodes it'll be over but like I have said before, I'll say it again: "As long there is Reality TV to cover, this podcast is going nowhere anytime soon." It may been on for 3.5 years but this podcast is not done yet. There is plenty more Reality TV Shows to cover, new Reality TV Shows to cover. I can see Everything About Reality TV hitting 500 Episodes but I am getting a little ahead of myself honestly. Either way the more platforms my podcast gets on the more it has been getting noticed and I am very proud how far this podcast has gone over the 3.5 years it has been on the air!
