Friday, July 30, 2021

Trying To Figure Out Some Things...

               You might of not know but I have the domain for another 2 years then it's renewal time once again to ensure I renew it in 2022. I can be honest with you guys, I am 50/50 on making a business decision with ChrisBOnTheWeb which is actually renewing the domain and spending the money to renew it for 10 years which is a very very long time, takes the website to CBOTW's 20th Anniversary in 2034. I have to think strategic with it and I have to do what's best. I have some money saved aside for it but I have to make sure I wanna continue for the long run and I do. Yes, ChrisBOnTheWeb is doing quite well and the views are there and in the back of my mind I can see the 10 Year Anniversary it is not that far from it, 3 years to be exact. I just do not wanna make the wrong move and renew the domain for 10 years and then end up quitting and  screwing myself out of the money for it. That is my dilemma because back then when I had the other team, it was a mess and I ended the team and had a domain already and had to cancel it which I didn't even get my money back and I should of known better.

              So I have to really think things through to really come up with a decision if it is in my best interest to renew for that length of time and I am pretty sure it will be around. There is no plans to end it anytime soon as I am in a good place but again I am going to weigh the pros and cons of deciding to go with a more long term plan. I think this is definitely the time to think long term for because I have it set on the site where I am actually happy with the state of the site and not planning to change anything on the website at this point.  However I have sometime to weigh the options. Anyways that is my post for today I will talk to you all on Monday with a very special post for the first time in 16 months, till then have a great weekend! 


Thursday, July 29, 2021

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Release Schedule (August 2021)

               I know with the SPD Podcast looming within a day from now you wanna know the timetable for release. Well first of all, I wanna set the record straight that we had to split the SPD Podcast into 2. Yeah, we had 60 + pages of notes which sets a new record for us. So instead of doing it in one, we're going to try two podcasts instead and hopefully this goes well with us but we are not planning to do this again in the very near future as this could become a total fail all together but this isn't nor the time or place to be negative really. Anyways the schedule will be looking like this:

Friday, August 6th, 2021, 1 pm EST: Power Rangers SPD (Part 1, First 19 Episodes)

Friday, August 13th, 2021, 1 pm EST: Power Rangers SPD (Part 2, Episodes 20 - 38)

              Yeah there is a 2 part episode and I am questioning my judgement of breaking it down into two parts and this is why I need to make sure moving forward to make sure it's one part not any of these two part episodes anymore. It's ridiculous to be splitting it into 2 parts and I got that weird feeling this isn't going to go over well but it is what it is and we had to split but we will see what happens it hasn't been recorded as of yet. Still it'll be fun tonight and this gives me a week to edit the podcast(s) and get them out at a timely matter. I hope you enjoyed my blog today and I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Minecraft Server Updates

                     I am here to give you guys and provide you an update on my Minecraft Server today. A lot has happened in the last while with the completion and fix of the ice rink with better suited lighting in there I put my attention solely on the building process once I finished the lighting in the football stadium. I started excavating dirty and placing down dirt to build the final sports stadium and start building the main structure at the bottom of the stadium. I had to remove some of the dirt from a hill side but you cannot even tell it was sliced into as it's a straight slice as it was before.  Then I put the glass on the outside you sort of can see it in the image to the right at the top popping on out and the second bowl was built. Now I am working the 3rd and Final bowl and with the water falls at the back, it will remain an open concept there there will be no seating built above the left field seating and where the bullpen is. 

              Now moving into the next part of the update, as requested by my niece as she wanted me to build a CN Tower like building and I know there is is two decks but I like it with the one  floor for right now. Maybe later I will add it to the tower but I like it as it is right now and I like it as it is and also if you can see its a glass on the floor so you literally can look down and see the ground from where you are which is definitely a cool feature to have and it has our touch to it. Maybe I made it better perhaps? Never know! Final thing I wanna add is I started to lay out the bed for the railway in the Nether and that will be the next big project to work on next is building the railway in the Nether as well. I have some other ideas for the regular world too, perhaps shops and what not added, I may see if my nephew likes this and expand the dome property to the side with shops and what not but I will have to ask him first. That is my post for today, hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Power Rangers & The Collab

                These seasons are the ones, I started to wonder why did I continue the collaboration podcast. However since the views are there, we are doing this for you guys, the fans. The podcasts popularity is through the rough. You know I really had bad first impressions of SPD till I watched it and actually enjoyed it and when you guys hear the podcast as we make a ton a references to the original 3 seasons but you have to wait till it is recorded and released for you guys. Guess the saying don't judge a book by it's cover. Yeah we could of skipped this season in total but then I know you guys wouldn't be that happy with me if we skipped over a season of Power Rangers. We both wanna do every season of Power Rangers right to the end of the 28 seasons which we are going to address in a podcast or even a video one way or another and if we get a chance Thursday we will record it, we have to discuss this again before we decide and I think it will be podcast format for the most part but might be video that isn't decided yet. 

                   With the movement of the next collab and getting geared up ready to go for Thursday which the announcement is coming Thursday morning with a brief announcement that I also have. Either way I am enjoying it so far and going to try make a good run to get it done in a few days then working on Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury and RPM so I can start typing up notes and get em done. I start when I get up to at least 3 pm to when I get tired and need to stop for the day. Today I hope to finish up to 10 episodes and I stopped for an hour to write a couple of blogs so I have this one and at least tomorrow's done and finished. Hopefully before summer is done I will actually be done watching all the seasons of Power Rangers, Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury & RPM. Anyways that is my post for today, I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!


Monday, July 26, 2021

ChrisBOnTheWeb-- Trying To Figure Out The Right Direction With The Website

                  Yeah, you probably seen the chatroom here on the website suddenly poofed! Yeah well there is an explanation to that. I wasn't thinking clearly when I told Alexandra that I wanted to grow the website and adding back the chatroom was not the right move. I should of thought  things more clearly. With the rumors getting stronger and stronger with a potential Reboot of the beloved CBOTW Gamers Podcast down the road, there can be and possibility of a Discord Server returning eventually as there is possibilities of the Podcast being streamed over to Twitch since I am banned from YouTube and cannot stream to there plus you guys know my stand against that. Back to what I was saying-- I think having the chat really crowds the heck out of the website especially the top bar on the website as it was quite full. 

                However there is other ways you guys can stay in touch with me and my team, Facebook Group, Twitter and Instagram, even e-mail if you got any questions that you may have. I just do not wanna crowd the website whatsoever and I think the way Alexandra and I have the website now is a ton better and I think at this point, we are done adding new items to the menu at this point and I have no plans to add anything else to that menu. I am keeping it to the 6 items on the menu.  However we are planning to keep adding and maintaining the drop down menu on my website moving forward. I hope I'm in the right direction now and not going backwards in time. Like that podcast I did a week or two ago, Moving Forward, not Backwards. Anyways I will talk to you all tomorrow and one last thing, if you have any ideas for Wednesday's post please leave it in the comments below! 


Friday, July 23, 2021

Abba Favorite Songs List

                 As I said and promised for you guys is an top 10 List of my favorite songs by Abba. There are a ton of songs, I love and enjoy. Without further ado as I do not wanna delay this any further, here is my list from bottom to the top:

10. Chiquita 

9. Does Your Mother Know

8. Say I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do

7. Super Trooper 

6. On and On And On

5. Gimme Gimme Gimme

4. Take a Chance On Me

3. Waterloo

2. Dancing Queen

1. Mamma Mia

              There is at least my top 10, it's hard to pick a favorites and put them in any order and really not really any picking order I can put em in to be quite honest at this time. Either way there is my list and you probably can tell 99.999% of the songs are from the musical as I mentioned the musical both the on stage performances and the movies. Until Monday, have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday!


Thursday, July 22, 2021

ChrisBOnTheWeb Studio Grand Re-Opening

                   I know with the pandemic (COVID-19) Larry and I were not able to do an official Grand-Re-Opening upon the completion of the renovations, we were already in lockdown because of the state of the world so with Larry and I are soon to reunite after nearly 2 years of not seeing each other in person, we are planning to do the Official Grand Re-Opening and we are planning to go big with the Grand Re-Opening. We are planning to stream to both the Facebook Group and Instagram Live on my accounts to celebrate the return to a more normal activities returning and we kind of have an idea when but we are waiting till restrictions are more lifted in the area. Not just the Grand Re-Opening but it's a celebration of be re-united back together and being able to see one another. It will be probably just the two of us as I do not wanna go too big at the start and I wanna make sure we are still safe regardless as we went through a heck of a long. 

                   There will be no recording till February 2022 as that is the next one and not 100% sure if we will be back together as of yet but this is depending when restrictions are lowered down greatly and we are able to visit without masks but we will giving you guys a ton of notice when it's going to happen and when we decide to be back together again with one another. Either way I am excited to be doing this grand re-opening soon enough and it will be time to celebrate the return to hopefully some normalcy which really there isn't going to be a normal its more the new normal now and will be the new normal for all of us. Stay tune on further development on this bit of news, I will try and keep you guys up to date as much as I can.
