So this is the official announcement for the Power Rangers Podcast which isn't a collaboration podcast anymore and I will get into details about this on Saturday's blog post when I make an official announce for you guys which is Huge News for you guys! Anyways as you know rumors and speculations for weeks that we are indeed close to coming back and yes I have been working long hours to getting the notes done and i can say officially that I am at the tail end of the podcast notes which means a week Sunday, Larry and I will be back together recording the 2 podcasts finally. Also note that when I was at the other desk It was not set for 2 boom arms as I have said in the past posts but now that the setup is very much done and ready and all we really have to do from here on our is to actually finish the notes and get it done. I should be done by the end of the weekend at the most, hoping by the end of the week. After that I will be taking a week off from preparing Power Rangers Time Force and also Power Rangers Wild Force seasons which I plan to actually get going on these for June as time will be indeed ticking.
Larry doesn't know about this news yet as I haven't spoken to him since Sunday and he has not been online lately due to personal obligations which is fine and gives me time to finish things up and print them off and get them into the folder and ready to go for a week Sunday. I know in the end I will deserve a break from the Power Rangers Podcast once I am done as after a week Sunday I will end up in the editing process of the Podcast and hopefully have something up for you guys end of that week honestly so you have something to listen to. I want to also remind you guys that Larry and I will be doing 3 recording sessions this year so there will be a ton of content for you guys this year and excited to be bringing 3 of them out this year. Also that we are catching up on things from last year still as we did not record a second set of 2 seasons so we are catching up but come June we will be back on the right track again and raring to go for another one come June and October.
Showing posts with label Power Rangers Podcast announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Rangers Podcast announcement. Show all posts
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Power Rangers Podcast OFFICIAL Announcement
It is no secret why my sleep schedule is being weird, I have been in bed early and up around midnight to work all night long with the Power Rangers Podcast so with that I am aiming for December but something could change if I fall so behind but I hope not as the next couple of weeks will be crucial to me getting this done. However it comes down to me not being ready by December then we will have to re schedule till the New Year but we hope it will not end up this way and I know I have to watch the next season still so I have to compensate for the time I watch the show and the time I type up the notes. However I think with these long overnights I will be working non stop on the notes so these nights will indeed be worth all the stress and what not with it. As you all know that announcement has been made for those who haven't seen it and I had it up on the pinned post but here is the announcement it is coming back but like I said I hope its December when we get together and if I can get to record mid December that would be good too and if I go on a tear over the next couple of days in the way of content then definitely will be on the right path hence I was on all night long getting things done.
So we are aiming towards December but again it comes down to me getting all of this done in time and we will be up for recording in December so come later in December I can start working on the next one for June 2020 which would be the next one. So yes after a very long time being very quiet with this podcast and not saying anything, it is back in December. I really wanted to say something to you guys but I had to keep my mouth shut with it. Yes I admit to there was a bit of a situation with Larry but we worked it all out and we are now back in business with it. Sometimes it is better to keep quiet then say something to you guys. Trust me I really wanted to say something but I just didn't wanna say anything or dis-spell the rumor that we were going to cancel it as I just did not know what the status of it and honestly this is the first time Larry and I have had a fight in a very long time in about 3 years now. Friendships do have fights and I am glad him and I worked out and were gearing up for the next one. Final thing is the reason why we are waiting a month and a half is because of the studio renovations going on next month so the studio will not have the entire setup as I am taking down one of the mics in a week Sunday so that is the reasoning behind that but if it wasn't for the reno we would definitely been in November sometime but that is not the case but it is what it is and were back in December with another episode!
So we are aiming towards December but again it comes down to me getting all of this done in time and we will be up for recording in December so come later in December I can start working on the next one for June 2020 which would be the next one. So yes after a very long time being very quiet with this podcast and not saying anything, it is back in December. I really wanted to say something to you guys but I had to keep my mouth shut with it. Yes I admit to there was a bit of a situation with Larry but we worked it all out and we are now back in business with it. Sometimes it is better to keep quiet then say something to you guys. Trust me I really wanted to say something but I just didn't wanna say anything or dis-spell the rumor that we were going to cancel it as I just did not know what the status of it and honestly this is the first time Larry and I have had a fight in a very long time in about 3 years now. Friendships do have fights and I am glad him and I worked out and were gearing up for the next one. Final thing is the reason why we are waiting a month and a half is because of the studio renovations going on next month so the studio will not have the entire setup as I am taking down one of the mics in a week Sunday so that is the reasoning behind that but if it wasn't for the reno we would definitely been in November sometime but that is not the case but it is what it is and were back in December with another episode!
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Power Rangers Podcast Returns Monday!
With great excitement after 6 months of not recording the podcast, I am not prouder of what was done back on the weekend. It has been a roller coaster of hours or preparation and watching the show has truly paid off. I know I have been asked my not only you guys the fans about the return of the podcast but not only them but my co host, Larry has asked numerous times when is it coming back. With great pleasure and excitement, I am proud to say Power Rangers Podcast is returning this upcoming Monday with the Power Rangers In Space. I have been working on the editing of the podcast, getting ready and once I am done editing, the next step is to actually get the page ready to start releasing the episodes over on the collabs page in the next 2 weeks once a week on the Monday. I am so stoked after the long wait and silence of Larry and I not saying a word as we kind of started to speculate as the months going on during the hiatus that the planning for the return but kept things very hush hush especially to Larry and my alumni and staff as they get insight what is going on before you guys even know. However it is very exciting news and I am beyond excited that I am posting up a new episode next week and got the rest of the week to finish editing the episodes and getting ready for release. I also would like to say I do have an announcement to when the next one is coming out which will be a week Monday but here is what the schedule will look like for the next 2 weeks of this podcast:
Monday, June 10th, 2019: Power Rangers In Space Podcast, 8 pm EST
Monday, June 17th, 2019: Power Rangers Round Table Podcast, 8 pm EST
The Power Rangers In Space is about an hour long meanwhile the Round Table Podcast is around 20 - 30 minutes long. It really all depends and it varies from episode to episode but you guys are getting content. I honestly cannot wait for you guys to hear both episodes and excited for the future episodes down the road as well and I know 6 months is a long wait but remember that both Larry and I only do this twice a year and it isn't too often we sit down to record these as it does take time to watch the season write notes then type up the notes but I got a plan which I will reveal in time that I may be adding on a 3rd session in 2020 but we will see how the schedule fits as right now I know I renewed my podcast series for a 11th and 12th season and I know more but you will see in a seperate post about that at 2 pm EST.
Monday, June 10th, 2019: Power Rangers In Space Podcast, 8 pm EST
Monday, June 17th, 2019: Power Rangers Round Table Podcast, 8 pm EST
The Power Rangers In Space is about an hour long meanwhile the Round Table Podcast is around 20 - 30 minutes long. It really all depends and it varies from episode to episode but you guys are getting content. I honestly cannot wait for you guys to hear both episodes and excited for the future episodes down the road as well and I know 6 months is a long wait but remember that both Larry and I only do this twice a year and it isn't too often we sit down to record these as it does take time to watch the season write notes then type up the notes but I got a plan which I will reveal in time that I may be adding on a 3rd session in 2020 but we will see how the schedule fits as right now I know I renewed my podcast series for a 11th and 12th season and I know more but you will see in a seperate post about that at 2 pm EST.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Putting The Power Rangers Collab Podcasts on Hold Again!
With Survivor: Edge of Extinction and Big Brother Canada 7 underway now, I can officially say I am in a busy schedule now and which means the prep work for the Power Rangers Podcast is on hold again which is disappointing to me and to you guys, but I have no time to be working on it and there is plans once Big Brother ends to start grinding to get it done but right now is not the right time or place for it. This is why I told Larry I was going to and planning on a hiatus as I didn't plan on this hiatus happening, I really didn't get planning ahead of schedule so I was able to record between Celebrity Big Brother US 2 and also Survivor and Big Brother Canada 7 where both him and I could of slipped it in there but I didn't and I should of scheduled things better as I knew March is usually the time him and I record the podcast but I have taken the extended hiatus from it and probably is the best move for me and it gives me a break from everything as both Larry and I have grind so hard and we sure as heck at this point deserve the break and least now I can focus on the task at hand which I am currently working on at this current time.
However for right now my primary focus is on the two shows, the live feeds and the current season for Everything About Reality TV with 3 podcasts a week which will take time with recording the podcast, editing the podcast then getting it ready to be posted up in the evenings but like I said I have my tools and schedule when things are done and it helps. However, the Power Rangers Podcasts is NOT going away anytime soon. It is not over yet for the collaboration podcast as there is plenty more episodes coming just right now I do not have the time to do the prep work but consider this a break for now but plenty more to come. Maybe I will figure out a better schedule and timetable to releasing it and probably why we only record twice a year at the most. However with twice a year, comes 2 episodes at a time which is great 4 episodes a year at the most. This week I will be doing a schedule diagram this way I know what is what coming out when and when to start planning, etc. So in closing in today's blog post, stay tuned to social media for updates on both Twitter and Instagram as announcement will be coming in the next 2 months to when recording is back into session and when it will be released as I can guaranteed it is going to be back very, very soon!
However for right now my primary focus is on the two shows, the live feeds and the current season for Everything About Reality TV with 3 podcasts a week which will take time with recording the podcast, editing the podcast then getting it ready to be posted up in the evenings but like I said I have my tools and schedule when things are done and it helps. However, the Power Rangers Podcasts is NOT going away anytime soon. It is not over yet for the collaboration podcast as there is plenty more episodes coming just right now I do not have the time to do the prep work but consider this a break for now but plenty more to come. Maybe I will figure out a better schedule and timetable to releasing it and probably why we only record twice a year at the most. However with twice a year, comes 2 episodes at a time which is great 4 episodes a year at the most. This week I will be doing a schedule diagram this way I know what is what coming out when and when to start planning, etc. So in closing in today's blog post, stay tuned to social media for updates on both Twitter and Instagram as announcement will be coming in the next 2 months to when recording is back into session and when it will be released as I can guaranteed it is going to be back very, very soon!
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
The CBOTW Show... RE: Power Rangers Podcast
I know, I know! I have spoken about this podcast a ton before but I want to make it clear with you guys that both Larry and I came to an agreement down the road and that is why I have made the decision to officially release this statement which I have had in the back of my mind for the last 9 days now since seeing Larry last at the movies. So what is this announcement you may ask? Well recently we were talking about the seasons of Power Rangers Podcast and how he didn't really understand the seasons after and that is when I made the statement that let's stop at Dino Thunder and he agreed and that is our plan is to stop with Dino Thunder and we will not be continuing on with those whatsoever so it will be a cut off point for us to recording those but a great run. We plan on talking about the team ups after Dino Thunder at the end of the the Dino Thunder Season podcast. There is so much we can and cannot do with that podcast and we cannot do the entire series as we would be going on and on and what a great way to end those podcasts with Jason David Frank's last full on season before the team ups later on.
What happens from there? Well Larry most definitely will be involved in Everything About Reality TV in special episodes like the 500th episode, Big Brother Canada Finale's down the road like he use to be involved with and that is fine with me honestly. I'll start picking up more shows on The CBOTW Show down the road and will not really worry about the podcast failing as it hasn't failed and Music City is a great fit for that Podcast and I plan on continuing on that one as it is the sister Podcast to Everything About Reality TV There will always be shows to cover on the podcast and Hell's Kitchen as I mentioned on Twitter yesterday as it was a hint that I really wanted to actually cover it if they decide to renew but if not then you never know what will be covered on this podcast down the road. I will start doing polls on Twitter to see what you guys would like to see on the podcast in the way of shows. That is my announcement that Larry and I are stopping the Power Rangers Podcast after Dino Thunder and moving on with other projects and interests that we are interested in.
What happens from there? Well Larry most definitely will be involved in Everything About Reality TV in special episodes like the 500th episode, Big Brother Canada Finale's down the road like he use to be involved with and that is fine with me honestly. I'll start picking up more shows on The CBOTW Show down the road and will not really worry about the podcast failing as it hasn't failed and Music City is a great fit for that Podcast and I plan on continuing on that one as it is the sister Podcast to Everything About Reality TV There will always be shows to cover on the podcast and Hell's Kitchen as I mentioned on Twitter yesterday as it was a hint that I really wanted to actually cover it if they decide to renew but if not then you never know what will be covered on this podcast down the road. I will start doing polls on Twitter to see what you guys would like to see on the podcast in the way of shows. That is my announcement that Larry and I are stopping the Power Rangers Podcast after Dino Thunder and moving on with other projects and interests that we are interested in.
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