Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Coming Home Tomorrow!

             As you all know I pre-written posts for over my holiday so I am not leaving you guys hanging for nearly a week but tomorrow things we will be coming to a full swing as we are going to be back home from holidays and which means I will have a bunch of content to write as I will be blogging my ears off for you guys to what I have been up to for the last 6 days while on vaca from being in this studio for such a long time now.  I am however excited to be back home and getting back into the swing of things again and continue to podcast for you guys. I know I probably worrying about losing subscribers but I put a notice on the last episode that I am away but if I lose a couple of subs then it is what it is. But I know you guys are very understanding if something goes all to heck especially technically but again I cannot make a damn excuse as I got the other microphone I can use by switching seats temporarily while I try and fix it. However the tech issues now are very mimimal at this point. I am looking forward to getting back behind the microphone and recording again but it was a nice break for me but always nice to get back to normal.

              Anyways I will make sure to have a safe journey home as we drove out instead of flying and looking forward to catching up with you guys and the way the blog posts to catch up on what I was up to at the East Coast is Days 1 & 2 will be in one post, then Days 3 & 4 on another and finally Days 5 & 6, so 3 posts it will take to get covered then we will be back into normal everyday topics on the blog so it will be span 3 days that is it. It has been a fun filled trip and I have so much to talk about and excited to write the posts once I start writing again after catching up on things being back in the studio over the next couple of days. Speaking of which the next couple of days will consist of me recording podcasts and getting back on track. As for Twitch as you know I streamed on the weekend before I left and I am not sure when I will be back to it as I made the switch to do the podcast which will be explained eventually as it is only in the testing phases right now. Either way I feel energized to continue on with the podcast for the rest of the summer and excited to what is coming next for the podcast, blog and the website!


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

What TV Show's Will I Watch Next?

             I am close to finishing up Home Improvement and hopefully it was finished as I am talking like I have completed the show but if not definitely when I return back to Ontario as I am currently still out of the country down in the East Coast in Boston, USA. Now the question is what is next and I do got a few ideas in the back of my mind to what I would like to watch and this is why I am doing my list. So I know I probably did write something like this before but let's just say this is an updated version of my list and maybe I will actually watch the series I mentioned this time around. Anyways here is the list of shows I would like to watch, the updated version:

1) Monk-  I would like to actually re watch the entire season from start to finish as I haven't seen that show in a very long time.

2) Frasier-  I have never seen the show before and would like to give it a shot at watching it and seeing if I really am enjoy the show but I can always say no if I do not like it whatsoever I can always stop.

3) Last Man Standing-  I watched the entire season 7 of the show and highly enjoyed it. It felt like the Home Improvement show minus Tool Time, also Tim breaking things every time he supped up things with "More Power" smh. Either way it is similar but instead of Tim having 3 boys its 3 girls. 

4) Seinfeld- Funny show and I have seen episodes here and there when I visited my aunts when they were still with us before they passed on in 2008 and 2015. But they both loved that show and I think we still got the DVD's here in the house. 

              There is my list and I am going to start with these and I think I may start with Last Man Standing as I wanna kind of get the gist of things so I will be starting that probably soon but I do have to work on the Power Rangers Podcast for the fall first but soon as I am finished both of those seasons I will be definitely getting into it even if it crossed during the new season I will still binge watch the older seasons. From there who knows what I will wanna watch next, that isn't determined but we will see how things are as I'm sure November or December I will be back preparing for the next June recording so time is limited but when I get time this is what I do with my time honestly.


Monday, July 8, 2019

My Favorite Simpson Moments

             Today's post I would like to talk about my favorite moments on The Simpsons which yes it is still on air and will be back for a 31st and 32nd season which they originally said Season 30 was going to be the end of the series but I guess Fox wanted more seasons which is amazing and I will be tuning into the show in the fall when it returns and it has been years since I have seen the show honestly. Anyways here are a list of my top 5 favorite moments on the show:

1) Homer Mocking Mr Burns- Homer standing up doing stand up comedy and failing and had to do I'm Mr. Burns, Blah, blah, do this do that, blah, blah. I think I'm so great, blah, blah, blah.

2) Homer Vs. New York City- Homer vs. New York City  and him using the bathroom and one tower out of order then him running from the one to the other then him looking down and saw the police officer giving him yet another ticket and he lets a loud Doh!

3) Bart Passes With a C Minus- Bart doing not so well in school ending up with a snow day and he decides to buckle down and study to pass as if he didn't he would of had to repeat the 4th grade again. At the end he passed just slightly and ended up kissing Krabappel his teacher.

4) Mother Simpson- Homer's mom is in this episode, he goes to what is suppose to be where she is buried as Homer knew she had passed away but when he started freakin out when it was Walt Whitman. Also the city of Springfield thought Homer wasn't alive anymore.

5) Homer In Space- Homer in space eating potato chips to the tune Blue Danube which is a classical and well known piece.

              That is my top 5 list as like I say for majority of these lists, I do not want to make it too long as I say as always, it would be a very long post and I honestly do not wanna make this a overly long post but it has proved that longer posts you guys do enjoy so I think I am planning to write a lot more. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed today's post as I enjoyed writing these and I will talk to you guys in tomorrow's post.


Sunday, July 7, 2019

Am I Going To Do Something For Everything About Reality TV's 5th Year On Air?

           So Am I Going To Do Something For Everything About Reality TV's 5th Year On Air? I really would like to do something but it is just 5 years on the air.  If something is going to happen and I think there will be no big podcast recording but I think I am going to have my Co-Founder of the podcast, Larry here to celebrate the success of the podcast and I will see if I can get a few alumni to come to celebrate the success but we will see what I can do. As of right now we have recorded 200 + episodes of the podcast which is many hours of content for you guys and the podcast deserve a special celebration which is an accomplishment. Now I do not know what the plan is beyond September 24th, 2020 as I have not yet confirmed it that far but I can say up to September 24th the podcast will be around till then at the most as I am planning in the new year that it will be back for Big Brother Canada, Survivor, Amazing Race 32 in the winter and spring and Big Brother US 22 in the summer so I do not know what is the plan beyond the 24th of September of next year but hopefully it'll be back but I am already planning things already but it is not a good idea to get too far ahead of myself. However don't think I have been thinking about it and I have been thinking what I would like to do but at the same time I really wanna wait till it make 10 years on the air if it goes that far but again cannot say as it depends what shows there is to cover.

            I take things from season to season basis and I have said this many times in the past as long there is Reality TV Shows to cover this podcast is here to stay. I just do not want to get way ahead of myself and something happens to this podcast but if it continues in Fall 2020, then I will definitely think about it but it is OK for me for think about the 5th Anniversary of the podcast being on air for that long but really I have one idea and one idea only to be thinking about it but planning should take place by Spring of next year to what I would like to do. I really do not think I will be doing a lot of planning this year and wait it out till next year towards the middle of the year to do the planning if I do plan on it because knowing me it could be out of sight out of mind and I could end up technically planning, I am just unsure. If I really want to, I could wait till the 10 year mark but again it depends on the shows and if it continues to run but again like I mentioned it is a season to season basis and I am always on my feet for what is to happen next! 


Saturday, July 6, 2019

Minecraft Catastrophe 2 Weeks Ago!

          About 2 weeks ago, I was fiddling around with my old Minecraft world and honestly things were going fine up to the point of the game crashing constantly and I never had the mods on as that was what was always crashing the game. I got rid of the mod very quickly but then it still crashed and it crashed over and over again so I said the heck with it, I deleted the file but do not worry I still got it with the house, barn and Garden Center still in tact. I did all that work on the under ground barn and garden center in the water. However like I said the only reason why I raged quit was cause of the game crashing. Yes I could of back up the file technically and I should of honestly which was a huge mistake but at least the old world is staying as it is and there is no change to it. I kind of regret putting the map mod up on there which I think it is the entire culprit of the issue that I had and the reason why the game suddenly decided to just start crashing non stop on me so it became apparent it wasn't worth playing the old world and just move on and yes I could do something else and that is what I am thinking about but I could mod it but then there could be more crashes involved. I guess certain mods cause the game to crash from time to time.

             I think right now, I am going to play other games for now and just focus on finishing up these games. I think not starting anything new is probably the best thing. Either way I have been very active with Isaac and also Rocket League as I have been playing quite a lot and I think at this point these are the games I should really focus on these ones first then the next focus would be doing a modded Minecraft and I am not sure what gave me the idea to actually dig out Minecraft again to play it. Maybe it was for my niece technically but I guess now I have to explain to them that the game kept on crashing and have an idea what is going on but it is best if I just focus on other games and really with the schedule now becoming more busy with the podcast so I am going to have very limited time for a schedule with two podcasts a week, I will definitely be busy but when I get time, I will get to play video games but it depends how busy I am from a day to day basis. 


Friday, July 5, 2019

Schedule While I Am Away....

              I obviously pre-written for me as I am currently on my way to Boston, Massachusetts on my East Coast journey with my family for another family vacation which will help ease down my stress levels honestly with the quick and very fast transition. Anyways the purpose of this post is what is the schedule for the podcast when I am back home after the trip? Well I was looking at the scheduling and made the decision and this is what I am currently am thinking:

The Amazing Race Canada 7 (Will be on it's own, as one will be recorded and I will be able to post an episode up) It is sounding like I know the day we are leaving for our USA trip.

Big Brother US Season 21 (Will be doubling up the episode with 2 weeks worth unless I can make the time to catch up and it could be separate but I am more leaning towards making the move to double it up to play catch up and get back on the right track.)

                  So either way I will have the recaps up and do not be alarmed if the feed goes quiet while I am away as I do not have a laptop to do the podcast from on the road so I will have to take some time off from the podcast and obviously I do not have anyone to actually replace me and I id reach out but not much response in the past so now I have to play catch up with the podcast which I am sure you guys do not mind but just hope you guys will hang in there for a week and a few days so I can get organized to record and get them out to you guys. I will try to not waste time when I get back and work hard to catch up as the summer after that I will be definitely will be around for the remainder of the summer as I am not planning to be going out of town for a good amount of days so I am all yours when I return back to here in Ontario. One last point I would like to make is once I am back and settled back in, I will be working on posts about my holiday but I will be doing it with that is I will be covering Days 1 to 3 in one post, Day 4 to 7 so it will span to two days then we will be getting back to a normal on a daily basis so it will be nice but either way I am going to enjoy this break for myself.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Last Post For A While....

              This is my last post for a while as tomorrow I am off on my trip with my parents for 6 days and on my way to Boston for a vacation and this has been talked about for the past couple of years. I am excited to be getting away from here and last night it finally clicked that I am seriously am leaving for 6 days. You will notice on the podcast that I spoke for a good 5 minutes with instructions to what to do and (not to unsubscribe) from the Audio ONLY feeds and to hang in there and obvious talking about no live broadcast on Twitch till July 18th so I am giving you guys the instructions about the Audio ONLY for when I do return home to get caught up a lot more easily. Today besides me going to my grandma, I will be wrapping up all the small things around the studio for tomorrow as things are being shutdown for a while. Either way not much work will be done, minus maybe writing down ideas for future blog posts when I get back as I need to start planning out more posts but that is the only thing. I won't have my CBOTW Shirt or tags, this is legitimately my time off, when I said I needed a break I meant it. I sure do need a mental break from this and my brain is working a mile a minute right now so I sure do need the break and this is why I pre-written posts up a bit passed with me returning home. 

                 It will take me two day to get down to Boston but either way today I am going to work hard all day to get all posts done and get the podcast posted up as it is currently sitting on my desktop at the moment as it was recorded Live on Twitch late last night after the episode aired on TV. Either way today will be a busy day indeed  to prepare for the shutdown of CBOTW Studios for 6 days. Next live blog post that I write will not be for quite some time as I have written ton of content for you guys up to the 14th or 15th of this month if I remember correctly that is when I start writing newer posts for you guys. Finally I wanna say I will miss you guys while I am gone. I will post here and there on socials to what I am up to in the evenings and posts will automatically through twitter and is the only time I will auto tweet things is blog posts and podcasts but either then that majority of my posts are live from me Tweeting. Anyways have a great week and looking forward to catching up with you guys when I get back and getting back into the grind of things once again.


P.S. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY to all my American fans out there!