Showing posts with label The Entertainment Man Talk Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Entertainment Man Talk Show. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Did I Enjoy Filming The Entertainment Man Talk Show?

              Did I enjoy filming or taping The Entertainment Man Talk Show???? Well this is quite a tough answer to give as you know, I had my up's and downs with the series, however that is not the right answer to give you guys. Yes I did enjoy filming the show and I know what you guys will say, weren't you mentally exhausted from the series with the planning? Yes of course, however I enjoy the actual filming end of the production, that is the more fun part of taping an episode, but planning and editing that has a stressful aspect of it, not so much. 

               The reason I loved to tape episodes was because of the craziness, the comments made, tons of cursing going on, we were always laughing on set and things that my staff and crew did that I never expected to see or said on the set. I admit season 2 the cursing was completely out of control but the viewership went up with the amount of cursing and with me bleeping it out. The moment Eric or myself cursing, it sure brought up the views on YouTube and the subscribers, it grew. There were moments where we kept on taping, capturing the moments of mistakes made on set. I admit the time I was tripping over and falling that was staged obviously as it was for mere entertainment.

                Being on set was so much fun with my team, expect the unexpected with being on set... Always not expecting what my team would say or do, so that was also fun to expect the unexpected on set. I will never forget any of the fun experiences on set and it truly has taught me what set life is like and the process I go through each and every time we shot an episode of The Entertainment Man Talk Show!


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Entertainment Man Talk Show Would of Turned 10 Years Old Today!

                Today would of marked 10 years since The Entertainment Man Talk Show started it's crazy adventure. Yes it is very sad to think almost a week and a bit marks 3 years since the series went from on a high note to a very low note as Larry and I wrapped up our very last episode taping ever in the history of the show not knowing it's future till June the very next year when the show went from on another hiatus to being completely cancelled and lost all episodes of Season 5 & 6. 

                Yes it still feels very much raw and there are days where I feel sad and feeling down. The reason is because I am thinking of the old show, the memories that I made with my friends, the laughs, the drama on set, but I will take what I learned as a YouTuber and take it to the Chris B On The Web and the way Operations run here in this one man studio of a studio now. I have spoken to my alumni about a mini reunion and it's going to happen hopefully this fall at some point and hopefully the studio is fixed up and looking better then before without the holes in the wall unit right across the wall. I am not making this get together a big deal but it is a way to celebrate the series success within the 4 seasons that are still out there to this day. I have said it before and I will say it again, I do miss my old YouTube life and the show all together but I am quite content with what I am up to this day now.

              Memories I have that will never go away, that is something I will always have for the rest of my life. I wish the series went the full stretch to the 10 year mark like I had planned originally but if it wasn't for certain 2 people quitting, the show probably more then likely would of continued on but yet Everything About Reality TV Wouldn't be at where it's at to this actual day. But I cannot thank the Team I had throughout it's 7 year's of it's long run of a web series, they helped me with the filming and production of the series, without them non of the episodes would be taped. 


Friday, May 18, 2018

Behind The Scenes In The Entertainment Industry! (YouTube)

                   Today I want to talk about Behind The Scenes in the entertainment industry. I am doing a 2 part blog post as I have been through different types of the entertainment industry online, YouTube which I will be talking about today and of course what I am doing in this current day, podcasting. Two different industries but excited to talk about both in this post and tomorrow's post as well. 

                    YouTube, seems like something I haven't done in ages now. It has been almost 2 years since my last ever video I ever made. It was fun days to make videos and see the reaction from you guys was so amazing. For those who don't know, The Entertainment Man Talk Show ran a long time, about 6 years not including the hiatus that took place between Fall 2010 and Summer 2012. It was a very successful series but it got a little stale after a while as it the ideas started to go downhill and the views went downhill, it was clearly time for change and with the way YouTube was heading, it was a good move to get off the platform. However behind the scenes there are different parts, planning, getting ideas together, get a script or discussion topics to talk about and I introduced myself to cue cards and it became very effective. The next part was the filming. It could take up to 45 minutes to record depending on the episode and how long breaks were when I added in the chimerical breaks between segments. Now between the filming, I am putting fluids in my body to make sure my throat doesn't get dry and trust me I drink enough water during the shoot of a video. The way we had it setup we had the intro track which I can hear the theme in my head from time to time.  Now also between the filming I also gave, Eric, Dave, Brent, Larry instructions for the next segment, so I played the director role as well as the Exec Producer and Host I had tons of roles on the show besides the host. I pretty well did everything on the series. But the other team I had were my dream team back in the day, I had to also rely on them as well. Usually on set there was about 2 - 3 of us that did on the set related stuff. Now behind the scenes, it takes me hours to edit an episode of The Entertainment Man Talk Show I will usually wait till the next day to start editing but sometimes I start to edit right off the bat. But usually the next day when I was in the world of vlogging my life every single day.

                      That is what typically happens behind the scenes for the prep of an episode, on the day of filming and behind the scenes of the editing of an video. It was truly a lot of work to do behind the scenes but in the end it was worth all the hard work for people to see what think of the episode once it is posted up on YouTube. I truly did enjoy my time as a YouTube but I am now much happier as a Podcaster and I will be talking about it on Sunday's blog post. 


Saturday, December 23, 2017

Favorite Memories On The Entertainment Man Talk Show

              I been wanting to write this blog post for over a year now and I can be honest I have been struggling to write this article or post for a long time due to the fact I am still year and a half later not all over the YouTube departure and it's not gone out of my head, I am not longer active making videos but I still think about the good times and I admit I do tear up from time to time and that emotion is still there but I can take with me the memories and if it wasn't for Everything About Reality TV starting on YouTube, I probably end up bored out of my mind right now but I am glad I started podcasting full time. So without further ado here is my list of favorite moments:

1) Cursing at My team at the start: This moment wasn't originally in the actual episode I added it at a later time as a Behind The Scenes and it was very iconic moment where my frustrations came out with so much happening at once and my staff at that time realize I was feeling frustrated.

2) Trying To Pick a Fight With Eric: This probably was the most funniest moments and Eric's smart alic remark at the end after he dropped the camera and of course that camera was expensive even tho it was given to me. I wanted to kick his butt on camera but he said nah, then he said on the next Jerry Springer! I can laugh at that now being years down the road.

3) Random Moments of Curse Words Spewed Out! (LOL): There is a reason why I put LOL in brackets, there are moments I use the s word, the f words and the remarks back to some of them have been classic moments. 

4) Bloopers In The Show: The show wouldn't be what it was without the mishaps of me tripping, falling, messing up the script for an episode, CD player not working leading to hilarity on set. Trust me we had fun with the bloopers. 

5) On Going Running Jokes: The mentioning of Shawn in the St Patty's day as Gordie said he has nothing green in his closet, I'm like except Shawn. He said hes green to the gills. Also when I got a lousy card during the Skip-Bo game, I said s*** and Gordie saying if you need to do that go into the house up the stairs door to the left... The middle names I came up with for Eric (Bearded Wonder, Texas Slugger), Justin (Justina, Justine, Old Grandma Justina), Larry (Larissa, Old Grandma Larissa) It was on going and even today I still got nicknames for my former staff and future staff member Jeff Lieberman (Jeffanah, Lieberfail, Liebernoob) It will always been a running joke and we have fun with nicknames.

                  So Those are my top 5 moments and I am sure there are more and it is hard to remember them all when I prep for the blog post but I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post and enjoyed reading my blog post about My Favorite Memories On The Entertainment Man Talk Show. 

Have a great day!


Monday, October 2, 2017

The Truth Behind The Entertainment Man Talk Show!

          There are things that I really never made clear as when I left The Entertainment Man Talk Show and YouTube career. I wanna make this clear to a few things that probably didn't seem real or I faked but let me say for the most part a lot of my out bursts at my team was entirely real, it was pure frustration with them, whether Eric said a bad word I said something or with me going off at them was pure frustration but the one thing that I faked was me tripping those two episodes but I cannot remember the exact episode numbers that it was but those two episodes were faked. The rest was purely frustration at times and trust me filming a talk show like The Entertainment Man Talk Show isn't as easy as you think and it was the most stressful thing I ever have done in my entire life and having to deal with some staff drama, no names to mentioned but that was another major factor behind it but that is the truth behind me supposedly tripping but it was entirely faked but me going off on camera numerous that was real. Some scenes like Gordie saying in the St Patties Day episode he would wear green but hes got nothing green in his closet. Of course me being a smarty pants like I am, saying yea except Shawn, Gordie saying hes just green to the gills, I just had to put in my 10 cents worth. There are memorable moments where something is said and it was an instantaneous comment that came out of my mouth or one of my teams that made a moment of laughter on set. 

             Now the last thing I want to touch on is why is there no longer Seasons 5 and 6? Well they are now lost episodes as they were lost as I forgot to download them when I decided to quit YouTube all together and go in the direction of podcasts. When I say they are lost, they are TOTALLY lost episodes and I feel nothing but bad this happened and if I had a time machine, I would go back in time and save all the videos and bring em back to the future or this present day of time. Regrets that Larry and I regret making is ending it after 6 seasons and move on with other things or start podcasting like I am doing sooner so that was our major fatal flaw we made. I knew the views were down anyways with the series and my channel pretty much died after nearly 10 years being on YouTube so no regrets leaving and I've been given crap about leaving but I've been with the platform for nearly that long and I was ready for change to be made, if people do not like it then then so be it, I had to do what I had to do.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Mistakes Made With The Entertainment Man Talk Show and YouTube Channel...

Now being almost 6 months since I've retired from YouTube, I have had quite sometime to reflect over the mistakes that myself, Justin and Larry made with the now former YouTube Channel and I'd like to in this blog post, share my thoughts on what I think happened over the course of Late 2015 into 2016 and to the point of Staff quitting on me, so here goes nothing.

1) First mistake was continuing The Entertainment Man Talk Show beyond 6 Seasons, due to the facts of the failure of coming out with new ideas which was my own fault and I think Larry and Justin were out of ideas as well. 

2) Hiring Eric was the biggest mistake as he didn't really come into the series until January 2016 but was short lived as he quit for the 1st time out of 2 times. Plus him assaulting me back in December 2010 which was almost 6 years ago. He is banned from being in my studio in the near future anyways.

3) Yes we had the right idea with Everything About Reality TV, however we made a mistake, yes I said we as it was a team mistake to bring it in too soon as we were trying to get The Entertainment Man back on track but that wasn't the case. To add on to the 3rd point we should of waited till The Entertainment Man was done or back to what I said on the first point that series should of just ended opening the door for Everything About Reality TV and things could of been better. Yeah, the transition was not easy getting out of an yes Justin, Larry and I been talking about what could of been done smoother. However this change has really gotten me into a good frame of mind and I think yea I learned my lesson from the mistakes made back on the YouTube platform and I do not want to make the same ones as I did there on here.

Have a great Night!


Saturday, December 17, 2016

What If I Did Things Differently with The Entertainment Man Talk Show....

Been thinking about this the last few months and decided to do a blog post anyways. Please note I am not putting any of my ex staff I mention in the blog down, I just stating the truth that I could of done things differently.

# 1: I could of not brought on Eric, due to the fact he screwed me over and the behavior towards the other staff back when Durham Entertainment Today still existed. Also him assaulting in 2010, so he shouldn't have come back in 2015 whatsoever. Technically I should of never brought him back after Durham Entertainment Today ended as well.

# 2: I should of never trusted Brent with a The Video Projects Team Staff Badge at all due to the fact, he ditched the team and not giving myself, Larry or Justin any notice and running off with his Staff Badge, when he should of handed it back. 

Those are the 2 people I should of never brought on The Entertainment Man Talk Show, Larry, Justin and I could of handle the seasons on our own and we could potentially end up going into 9 or 10 seasons. Another thing I should of not done until The Entertainment Man was done, was not try and bring Everything About Reality TV until one project was done and over with, that was my major fatal flaw I think losing Larry, but I am happier where I am at with both EAR TV, I am doing what I feel passionate about and going to interview Jeff, one of my personal friends, going to interview Justin and Diana as well from The Amazing Race 27. So I got a few plans with my website planned and I am in a happier place now. 

Have a great rest of your Saturday!


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Was The Entertainment Man Talk Show A Quit?

Obviously I am writing this on the train heading home from my day trip in Toronto. Now you all are wondering after the struggle in the last year and a half with the series, was it a quit? Well yes... I had no other choice to end it or in your view as a reader of the blog, it was a quit. Now reason behind it was the struggle with the staff drama it just drove me absolutely nuts. Once Larry quit I did have an alternate plan which was Eric until he quit on me officially over me having odd feelings and concerns. Then the icing on the cake was Sarah getting fired a day or so after hiring her on as staff of my website. So the answer to the series ending abruptly is yes it was a quit and I have no regrets whatsoever at all of it ending and with me walking away. Made the final decision for me and me only.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Everything About Reality TV's 1st Season Coming To A Close | The Entertainment Man Talk Show Season

Cannot believe the first Season of Everything About Reality TV is coming to an end. The first official season of the recap series has almost come to an end and has become a sensation on my YouTube channel! Cannot wait to premiere Season 2 on June 2nd, 2016 the day after Masterchef US airs! Season 2 will be recapping Masterchef US 7, BB US 18 & eventually Amazing Race Canada 4. This all started as a test run and ended up having support from Amazing Racers like Justin from #TheGreenTeam and Krista from #TheCheerleaders. I am blessed this series has quickly won over the amazing viewership on the YouTube community and my small YouTube community of 41 subscribers and climbing! 

Now with The Entertainment Man Talk Show, I can say I am ready to summon my camera crew and get filming the series as of tomorrow the set will be completed and ready for production in the week and a half from now. A lot of time, work and effort to the series has been put into the setup and planning, last things to do is finalize set, put the curtain decorations up, then the board and make sure its all setup and ready to go!
