Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Chris B On The Web Turns 3 Years Old Today!

               I cannot believe the time has flown by and you are wondering what I am talking about, well if you saw the title and I know it's sort of click bait but yes it is true, today marks Chris B On The Web's 3rd birthday, also its been 3 years being on my own with minimal help, well now I got no help so I am truly on my own and it has been a whirlwind of a journey as a blogger/YouTuber/Podcaster now a Blogger/Podcaster but I truly have had more fun then I did the first 1.5 now almost a year and a half later.

               First had to start somewhere, I continued on with my YouTube channel till as you guys know went downhill very quickly which obviously you know I took Everything About Reality TV from YouTube and brought it to Audio ONLY and the rest is history. Ever since the start of CBOTW (Chris B On The Web) its gone nothing but uphill even with struggles each and everyday and the fact I got over these hurdles is quite a surprise to me actually. 

                  When the team I had left one by one, I knew it was time to start fending for myself and myself only I knew change was to happen and not little change, major change is to happen and I did it one step at a time and will talk about the podcast on another post probably Thursday at some point. 

                    I can say I am proud of Chris B On The Web and the connections and long friendships I have made with people on social media. Not only that staying in touch with 5 Alumni members who once were part of my team at one point they are always giving me advice and always looking out for my well being, but also my moderators of my Facebook group and of course the fans on both social media's have also been in touch and giving their opinions as well which I always welcome. Like I said my fans are important to me with Chris B On The Web as I have now involved the fan base with some of the big decisions or when I got a question, I like to turn to the fans when I need to and if I do a poll sometimes it works, sometimes not but I try to involve the fan as much as possible. In conclusion I cannot believe and grasp how far I have gone but in the long run I am proud of what I have done and how far I have gone without giving up and quitting after all I have been through it is totally worth every minute of the stress, I call it progress and like the saying goes, patience is a virtue! Thank you to the fans, Twitter Followers, Facebook Group members, Facebook Group Moderators, My Alumni Eric, Dave, Krissy, Justin & Larry for being there even at my moments of doubts. Finally I wanna thank my family members for being there for me and putting up with my crap ton of noise from the studio here in the basement. I am forever grateful for the Love & Support through the good times and the bad and looking forward to Chris B On The Web's future and what it is to bring in the near future.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Website Update & Announcement (11-13-2017)

                I cannot delay this anymore then I have since the end of October but here is my Announcement and Website announcement I have been holding off almost a month now and it will not be a very long winded announcement:

                So as you may know ChrisBOnTheWeb.com has been suffering a lot with problems on the server side of things and now the website going to sleep at 3 am EST every night which you don't really notice it but my theory behind it is a website is suppose to be up and running 24 hours, 7 days a week and it only runs 23 hours, 7 days a week which isn't right so with that I am moving the site with a new provider next year once the domain expires and will be getting it with 000webhost themselves well Hostinger24 who are partnered up with 000webhost but next year I will be changing everything over with them officially as of a year from now so the website will be running very smoothly then it has been in the last year. Website is the last stage of the re-build for Chris B On The Web.

               2nd announcement for Chris B On The Web is as of Mid December (next month) I will be taking a small break till mid or late February from Everything About Reality TV Podcast in the way of TV Show recaps because my head has been going non stop and I just need a mental break from the podcast. This however don't mean I will not be doing off season podcasts on this podcast because I will be recording and posting em up every week or every 2 weeks up on the Audio ONLY feeds so you can get your fix of Everything About Reality TV Podcast so the feeds will still be very much active during the break from recapping the shows we all love to watch! This don't mean I won't be watching Celebrity Big Brother US because I will be tuning into the show regardless! 

                3rd and final announcement: In the New Year Larry and I will be doing the CBOTW Presents: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Talk and it will be split into parts, PT 1: Season 1, PT 2: Season 3, PT 2, Season 3. Also I have an interview lined up for the spring with a good friend and long time real life friend Jeff. Also the 100th Episode of Everything About Reality TV Podcast is in the very near future and excited to be recording the 100th episode in the New year at some point but that will be decided when it gets closer to the 100th episode. 

                That is what is to come for podcasts and what the plan for the website for ChrisBOnTheWeb.com and I thought Chris B On The Web was a sinking ship but it isn't, it's slowly coming together, week after week. Don't think I am not working hard because I sure am!


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Personal Update For November 12th, 2017

                I have been up and down in stress in the pass week with the work load of getting podcasts out on time, blog posts are out on a daily basis or at least every two days at the most but I am slacked off bringing out blog posts on a regular basis. Not only that friendships went out the door on me this week and it has put me back into a depression for about 2 - 3 days but Thursday were a better day for me about 12 noon when I was being with friends and after I got back and got moving on the podcast which was up in no time. I think it had a lot to do with the stress of the Audio ONLY Platform issues I was having throughout the week with both Player FM & TuneIn.com as well but that was cleared up with staff of both websites and the process time was much shorter then it was back on Monday or Tuesday night when I posted up the podcast from last week quite later then usual. I do feel bad for the lack of blog posts too, just not been motivated to write at the time or I get way to busy with other things but I do wanna write but some days I just don't feel like I want to, I lack motivation to do it, but I am writing it this morning thats for sure.

                  Sometimes I wonder why I am still doing podcasts and blog posts but I love to write and I love to talk "Reality TV" with you guys and the podcast has become ever so popular quickly out of the gate, I shouldn't give up on it whatsoever. I gotta someway, somehow motivate myself to get things back on track and I dont think blogs daily is going to work at this point so I will figure something out and put it on my list for the announcement & update for tomorrow. This is not going good as I have lost tons of followers because of the lack of updates and that puts me down but again I can't be on Twitter 24-7 that is my frustrating part of this as I got a life to live to and I cannot be tweeting but I try, that's what dragging me down is losing followers when I try to be as active as I can and I was active yesterday a tad bit but again I had my niece and nephew and couldn't tweet I was extremely busy or trying to save my data on my phone so I won't be in a wifi zone. So please understand where I'm coming from, but if you un-follow me then re-follow me constantly, may end up not following you back all together, might be changing the way things are for Twitter and following certain people but that is unsure at this moment of time. 

                      So that is what is going on with me and hope you understand the lack of tweets or Facebook updates, but I am still here and not going anywhere anytime soon and trying to keep you guys up to date as much as possible but sometimes it is hard when I am traveling from places without using my data as much as possible, so I am not ignoring you, just out of wifi zone or busy with things at the moment and I will get back to you soon as possible!

Have a fantastic Sunday!


Thursday, November 9, 2017

After The Royal Winter Fair 2017 Stories

             So as you know by my previous blog this morning I blogged about the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and this blog will not be as long as the other one but I had a really neat stories from at the Royal to after as we were heading out the door and in this blog I will talk about the 2 different stories I had during the Royal Winter Fair this year.

              First story I wanna tell is my dad and I were where the sheep and the goats, rabbit were, we walked by and a goat was standing up against it's food container to just eat it, I was just amazed by the goat able to stand on it's back two legs. I am attached the picture to this blog post but how the goat managed to hold on to the fencing with it's hooves its beyond me but it was a neat moment and of course the character coming out of the animals. The goat came over put its hoofs on the top of the fence looking for free hand outs of course.

Second story I would like to share and I already told the story about the horse neighing when we walked away but this was after we left The Royal Winter Fair we walked out into mass chaos and noise and of course as I remember as we are getting off the Go Train and also going into The Royal Winter Fair, The Toronto FC Soccer are playing the Semi Final game against a NY team so that is why but a lot of chanting and noise and chaos, wish I had the camera out filming it so I could put it in the blog or even take a photo but it was chaotic. So were waiting for the Go Train and a gentleman being friendly and pleasant with us asked if we went to the game well he offered us napkins to wipe off the bench but after he asked if we he to the game and I told him we went to The Royal and of course he said its always a fun time. We asked him since the FC loss and the 2 game series was tied what happens next and he told us they went with the number of goals they have scored so of course the FC have advanced on. Then he went the other way then he offered to give us a FC Flag and we said yes so I got it in my room and will put it up next time they are playing. So those are my few little stories I had from my day at The Royal and this wraps up this years Royal Winter Fair till next year, I cannot wait to go again.

Have a great night and will talk to you in tomorrow's blog post!


The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 2017

Here we are at another Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, and I was merely excited, I mean I was raring to go this year in good intentions of no problems happening this year as there was an argument this year and fair warning we were having too much fun. So we got there at around 1130 am, got my media pass.  Also I have added the amazing Winter fair logo display they made in the main lobby they made when you entered the Royal Winter Fair. It was the main thing I saw when I entered in the Royal this year. So it sure did bring in a warm welcome to the Fair this year. Of course I had to buy the horse show ticket as I didn't have a pass for it this year so I had to buy the extra ticket to get into that part of the event. So we looked around a bit before the Horse show, if I am corrected we had an hour and a half to kill before we went into the Ricoh Coliseum for the Royal Horse Show. We looked around for a while at the sheep and the goats and yes Plishka the goats didn't get cut! LOL... Sorry small joke that ran back in my high school years back in the day.    
                                                                                                          We looked at the Butter Sculptures as well that people put a lot of hours in and it they are sure very talented individuals to do such artistry with the butter sculptures, I remember one year someone did the head of Darth Vader from the Star Wars movies. We also saw cows like the Angus cows, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayeshire, Milking Short horn, Swiss and of course our milking cows the Holsteins. Did you know Cows eat 100 lbs of feed a day and 20 lbs of grain a day and a bathtub of water a day? Also they lay down 13 hours a day and eating 8 hours a day! I know crazy right, I never knew this till I read the sign there which was a cool neat facts on cows. 

 So we went into the Royal Horse show with no ideas what all the horse jumping programming was and it was eye opening on the different programs for Horse Jumping. In my entire life I've never heard of Hunter Derby and it's similar but it is hard to explain but here is what the course looks like on the picture on the left side. Hunter Derby began in England, so that is the origin of Hunter Derby. After that they went to the Single Road to Bike competition which is like Hackney but again it is a hard one to explain as I have never rode a horse in my life, well not yet at least, maybe one day I will get to ride a horse! They also had a featured entertainer named "Bob Kur" not sure if that is the proper name but he is

an entertainer that goes around North America Entertaining people. Followed by that was the Junior Jumpers now note between them setting things up we went back out to the Agricultural portion of the fair looking at booths from Northern Ontario, especially one from Manitoulin (my stompin grounds back in the summer) and it is always nice to see Manitoulin business at the Royal Winter Fair each and every year. Also Honey, beewax pickles, tarts, chicken eggs also Oats, Hay, Corn Barly. There was so much to see there and I know there are story's I wanna tell on a second blog post which will come later on today as a 2 part blog. Also had vegetables, giant pumpkin weighing over 1200 lbs. Also a long parsnip, Rutabaga, apple judging, cheese like cheddar cheese, egg plant & cabbage, the list is endless.

                    Finally at the end of the day my dad got a muffin and a coffee and I got a chocolate cookie with a peppermint tea and we went into the horse palace as that is the way we go out and plus it is a nice way to finish up the day at The Royal Winter Fair and it's be a tradition for both my dad and I for many, many years. After we finished our treat and I took pictures of a few riders riding their horses in the warm up ring. After that we walked around the horse palace and we saw a white horse, absolutely beautiful and loved every moment of attention it got and we walked away away and we hear a neigh from that same horse as it was a sign "hey get back here and give me attention" But overall this year was a great and fun experience and cannot wait for the next year as I will be once again doing the Royal Winter Fair and trust me I am looking forward to it once again! I will be doing a side blog little later about some story after the Royal Winter Fair.


Sunday, November 5, 2017

Would I Broadcast Everything About Reality TV On Stickam?

              I really never thought about this as it has been 4 years now since Stickam.com closed it's doors and if the website was still operating to this day, definitely would consider bringing Everything About Reality TV to the video platform, but yes it is a pain in the butt to do audio only and video but I would consider it, however ever since stopping broadcasting myself on the internet live, I have falling in love with the Audio ONLY portion of the podcast so I probably would and more then likely I would remain off the live air waves and continued to Pre-Record them. 

                Now you are going to ask me why tho Chris? Didn't you like broadcasting? Well yes of course I did, however the trolls kind of got to me over the years, I just had enough dealing with the trolls, especially the latter half of the time I was broadcasting. Really, the only platforms I loved broadcasting on were Stickam.com & Blogtv.com but both closed hence after trying other platforms, I realized the podcast is more successful on the Audio ONLY platforms then it did on any of the video platforms so that was one consideration to make in my thought process of would I broadcast my podcast on Stickam and it has become a clear picture as I am typing this blog post this morning before I am gone out for the day.

                So with that, would I broadcast Everything About Reality TV? Yes and no at this time but to build an audience you gotta use what Resources, if your Canadian, you would know we use that term a lot and yes I got that from Dan Gheesling saying that on his Let's Play series on YouTube. But yes of course I would broadcast it live and right now I do not have those resources to go live as I am not liked by many platforms, Vaughnlive, IVlog, plus the trolling these days are bad and the doxing has gotten to an all time low, so to this day, no I wouldn't go live for it now unless I did make a return to YouTube, but yes if Stickam.com was still up and running to this day, but no to this day since Stickam has been closed down for 4.5 years now and trust me I do miss Stickam to this day. Have a great rest of your day and stay tuned for a 2nd blog post later on tonight,


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Halloween 2017

           I know it is the next day as I am typing this, but first of all this wont be as long as a post as I normally do and most of you know I do longer posts from time to time and tonight's is going to be different as I am briefly talking about Halloween and what I did.

           First of all please note I slept a majority of the day, went to bed late and up around noon - 1 pm so most of my day was wasted away but I pretty much stayed home minus  going to get my bus pass and pay a bill but other then that I was home.

            I was mainly home the entire time, had my dinner then was outside but it didn't last over too long to the point I got cold but then again it was cooler out as you know winter is near, I know Shhh Chris, do not push it too fast as it is still clearly the fall at the moment. Around 730 pm I setup in the front hallway and remained inside the rest of the time while handing out candy. When my mom got back from bowling, her and I played cards up to the time we turned everything off and time to call it quits for the night.

             After that I put on the 1960 classic movie, Psycho and watched it as this is now going to be a tradition to even just watch one horror movie and Love at First Bite at Halloween. Overall it was a great Halloween, kind of boring for me as I slept half the day due to my wacky sleep schedule in the past week to a week and a half but still wanted to write a small post to talk about it briefly.

Have a great night!
