Wednesday, September 21, 2022

CBOTW Studios is on Hold!

                          Good Morning!

                   I wanted to let you all know that Chris has made a decision to hold back on the idea of CBOTW Studios. His computer is now 8 years old and it's slower then normal and usual life span he's had with a computer is about 10 - 11 years at the most. He will be keeping his  old computer at some point for just desk work nothing to do with recording a podcast or gaming but the desk work for typing up notes, social media posts and what not. However when he gets his new PC, he plans on streaming on a second channel at some point but whenever he gets that new PC.

                 He apologizes for the hype and now not going through with the channel. He will be serious when he wants to do streams and behind the scenes look in the studio but for right now he is focusing on the one YouTube Channel and when the time comes to expand his horizon he will. He will be doing weekly videos and he's got it on his board and will be leaving it up to Tuesdays and streams on Fridays and Saturdays. That schedule he will be leaving on his whiteboard in the studio.  Nothing wrong with him planning for the future of ChrisBOnTheWeb and he should just not worry about re-uploading old videos unless there is one he needs to re-upload. Yesterday his external hard drive possible died on him so big shoutout to his neighbor for trying to recover it and maybe I'll do a post Saturday if anything was recovered. I will talk to you tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your Wednesday. 


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Power Rangers Podcast is On Hiatus!

                Hey everyone,

           My name is Alexandra and I am Chris's personal assistant. As you may know, Chris is currently away from his regular duties on Changes are being made and you probably seen some removal of podcasts and podcasts moved around but I will cover that at the end of the week updates as he normally does and it will be a bit longer. Anyways he is no longer on speaking terms with his Senior Producer and Co-Host and has decided to walk away from Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast for now and put it on a long term hiatus till hopefully things settle down and the two of them are talking things out again. For now we've put Power Rangers Collab into the Archive Page of the website and will remain in the vault till a final decision is made with the collaboration podcast. 

             At the moment the content is void, he isn't tearing up the contract but has deemed it void for now and if necessary can work out a new contract if falling behind. At some point Chris may work on the seasons at his own pace, hoping that it will one day return back to a norm but all he can do at this point is just move on with the projects he is working on which is Entertainment Man Podcast. He will be putting nothing out about this collaboration on neither social media or Entertainment Man Podcast at this moment of time. Also the #PowerRangersCollab will not be monitored at this time and will do the best we can to answer any questions but he will not be answering anything pertaining what happened. He is keeping that a private matter and only reason I am bringing this up is I would like you guys to respect his wishes but anything else he is open to talking about just mention or private message on any of the socials which are found at the right hand corner. I will speak to you all in the next post tomorrow morning. 

Alexandra, Assistant to Chris

Monday, September 19, 2022

Entertainment Man Podcast-- YouTube Channel is Doing Well!

                 Recently I have seen the growth of the channel not subscriber wise but viewer wise it has done extremely well spanning between 20 and 50 views an episode or per video per week as it is a weekly thing.  To be honest I do not mind the weekly thing as you guys know another certain channel of mine is returning soon and sooner then you expect to be quite honest.  Anyways, ever since that 2.1k video the channel has sort of blown the heck up and it is quite interesting how one video gives you a boost in viewership. I also didn't think that you guys would be interested in hearing what I had to say about how The Video Projects Team, should of had a contract. I mean I never thought you guys still cared about the old team that has now been gone for almost 8 years and still gets love no matter what happened to the group.

                The fact I am sharing my stories from all the different series that I was on I really, really think you guys enjoy those and I have a ton of different stories to tell you guys, little details. However those years are very faded in my memory as I am now pushing 40 in the next couple of years, my memory is starting to fade of those days. Maybe I am just moved on fully from creating web series now perhaps. However I will never forget those days where I actually did the web series but now I am fully focused on the podcasts and blogs now and that is always a priority. I am so off topic now which is normal for me as there is so much to say on these posts and also on the podcast. I honestly wish I did Entertainment Man Podcast on YouTube from the get-go, meaning the beginning when I started it and I could have a ton more subs and views but cannot dwell that and to be honest, I am glad one of my guests I had on the show talk me into going back cause it feels like I never left the platform. However I wanna talk more about YouTube this week and I will be doing 2 more posts but will spread it out between today and Wednesday this way it will not be all clumped together. Anyways that is the post for today I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Friday, September 16, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-16-2022]

                  It is time for another end of the week updates as another crazy and busy week. Yeah it has been a very, very busy week and got a ton of work done. However here are the updates for this week:

Entertainment Man Podcast: I have finished interview prep, had a pre-interview meeting yesterday for next weeks interview podcast and so excited to be back to interviews and I got a ton of interviews spanning over the next few weeks so will be a busy next few weeks for me for sure.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: Finished watching Power Rangers Super Megaforce and now typing up the notes today and hopefully by Tuesday to get things done in time  for 2 weeks from now Larry and I can actually record this and be ahead of schedule for once not behind. Next week at some point I will be starting to watch Power Rangers Dino Charge, followed by Power Rangers Super Dino Charge. Then it will be all about me typing up the notes. Larry going to be very, very surprised that we're recording on the 30th. I'm excited to tell him we are actually going to be doing 2 recording sessions, I will tell him to bring his headphones in case we record and he probably will not know till the day we meet up. ha ha! Ohhh I love my little plans without him knowing but Larry if you read this then the cats out of the bag obviously lol. 

              Anyways those are the updates on what is happening and finally got news for the collab to share with you all and the excitement with Entertainment Man Podcast and look forward to next week so until next week, have a great weekend and I will be talking to you all on Monday!


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Studio is Changing, AGAIN!

                  Things are changing here in the studio again. I am going to be receiving a second desk from my grandma and I have started to make the necessary room and plans that I need to fit it into the setup. There is some cleanup needed as we need to donate some of the kids toys to our neighbours as my niece and nephew rarely use it anymore and that will make the room for the desk. Also I have to figure out where the printer goes which may be on the shelf again but how sturdy is that shelf as it moves around so I may put the printer on the dresser it'll just be on the other side of the room perhaps and it uses WIFI anyways to print as there is no cable. Only wire is the power cord on it and there is a plug nearby where I am thinking of putting it. 

              Shelf will be quite empty as I do have drawers and will be able to put a lot of my stuff in there and it makes it so much easier. I plan on trying to unload the plastic containers a bit more. I will use it for the smaller things like inbox tray that has everything because later I will have a computer on there when I have the new computer for streaming and the podcasts so I will be having two computers and I am glad my parents talked me into keeping the old computer because I can use the old computer for just the paper work part of it and the new computer as I said for podcasting and streaming as you guys know I actually plan on streaming again on CBOTW Studios channel when I bring it back up and running in January. Anyways that is the changes and I will do an actual video in January of a tour of the new and improved studio and I will talk to you guys tomorrow for the end of the week updates.



Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Plans Updates [09-14-2022]

                The plans moving forward are as follows:

Entertainment Man Podcast: Continue to prep for next year, will still working on interviews and regular and bonus episodes of the show and I will continue on with that and things are progressing very well with the podcast.

Power Rangers Collab, Finish up Power Rangers Super Megaforce to hopefully draw a recording session on Sept 30th, 2022. Then I will be working on Dino Charge then will be working on Super Dino Charge so I got everything out of the way. I hope to actually get the podcast recorded on the 30th of this month but it will depend how quickly I type and I got 2 weeks to go and almost finished this season already. Then I am not sure what the plan is if I will go straight into Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel or take a break from seasons and prep the movies perhaps but who knows. I may just get it done so we're ready for February 2023.

Back to Entertainment Man Podcast: If I do not work on Ninja Steel right away and will but the back up plan is that I work future episodes of the podcast. I am planning for the future of the podcast so I have some kind of content ready for 2023, in it's 3rd year and 4th season.

            Anyways those are the updates for today, I hope you guys enjoyed this smaller post and gives you an idea where I am at right now with all the workload seemingly piling up stressing me right out to the point I am unsure what I wanna do first or what needs to be done first on my list. I will talk to you all tomorrow, have a great rest of you day.




Tuesday, September 13, 2022

CBOTW Studios YouTube Channel Is Returning?

                Yes there has been rumours CBOTW Studios is returning and I dispelled those rumours over the weekend with an Image which you can see to the right side of this post today and also this message: "Preparing for CBOTW Studios #YouTube Channel return on 01.01.2023" and I know I made a cryptic message hinting the return but not what exactly will be on this channel and what to really expect. This is why I am making this exact post to explain what the exact plan is with this new channel and to when you can see content and other amazing things on this channel. However I wanna say this I am super excited and stoked to be returning with this channel and it was long wait for it to return to this channel. I know my computer isn't the best computer in the world till I get the new computer in 2023 hopefully but I am making the best of the situation.

              Now what can you expect on this channel, well you can expect this:

- Live Streams (Which will be sporadic streams till I find the time to have regular schedule for the streams) Will be a variety of gaming streams and just chatting streams, it'll change from time to time.

- Past Streams (I have 2 past streams to post up on the channel that I have waiting in a folder here on my computer and will be the first of few things I do post.)

- Behind The Scenes Look (Behind the scenes look what goes on in the studio and I have some things to post up for you guys first before any new content so I will be posting those before I start anything else.)

- Minecraft: Aftermath (Video my niece and nephew did few months ago that I edited together and posted. Also I will be posted the bloopers that went on with the creation.)

             Streams will not be happening for a while, I have a ton of older content to post and I will let you guys know when the streams start in the New Year. Right now there is a ton of stuff to post up and get this channel growing and I will have more information as we reach towards the end of the year. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.

