Sunday, September 13, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates [09-13-2020]

              As I said in yesterday's post, I hinted a ton of different things and the most exciting part is getting our Founder & Owner back this week after a very rough week. I know he's gone missing quite a lot lately but all cause of drama, drama, drama and to be honest it's enough to drive him insane and he lost it and really just couldn't deal with it hence he disappeared for a little while. Anyways onto the major updates that we have for you guys this week:

- Website: We have updated as you know we updated numerous things on the website as well as add in new pages. First of all we added onto our website a "Staff" page which has been indeed long requested as people want to know who is on our team and who is involved with ChrisBOnTheWeb. It has been since then updated staff removed, and myself and Larry have been added to that actual list.  Finally with this updates for the website portion of our weekly updates is this Live page. You all are probably wondering what the heck is going on with it and for now he has put that on the back shelf for now as we recently cancelled a podcast and the feature renders useless right now due to the fact only time it would be used at this moment is Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as we do not know with the other podcast which I will get into soon so right now the Live page remains hidden and unused but it is ready to go one way or another when the time is right.

- Sports Podcast: Due to some things that happened behind the scenes and I will not get into the entire details. This podcast is no longer in production within CBOTW Network, it has been removed off our menu bar and off our network at this point.  Any graphics also have been removed off our social media. 

CBOTW Gamers Podcast: A new podcast is now in the works however our host for that Podcast, Jeff needs time to his computer back, setting up on our website video feed that we have here on so it goes back to that feed not being used at this moment but this podcast has a logo and still gotta work on the Podcast feed but plenty of time for Chris to work on this.

                 There is the updates for this week and we had a ton to talk about this week and I hope you guys enjoyed it and I am pretty sure I covered everything and I know that Chris will tell me if I indeed forget something but I am 99.999% sure that I haven't forgotten anything on the list. Anyways I will speak to you guys next week and hope you all have a great week and I will see you around the CBOTW Social Media accounts throughout the week.

Jim, Community Manager

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chris Is Returning To Blogging Monday and Announcement Notice!

              So I got some updates from the boss man and he feels great! He feels happy and good enough now to actually make his return to social media as of Monday morning you will see a lot more posts and updates from him. He is excited to returned and he tweeted a couple of posts after being off so it goes to show that he is indeed ready to come back and get back to making posts for you guys. He's starting to feel less stressed and feeling a lot calmer and maybe him taking a few days away here and there but again he's been active in creating and making content for you guys and including updating this website which I will be getting into tomorrow morning's post. There will be a ton to update for you guys to updates to hear on tomorrow's post and we can be honestly excited for it. 


                On tomorrow's blog post I will be outlining some of the changes that are being made and will recap what has gone on throughout this week which mind you it will be an long winded update for you guys tomorrow. We are remaining positive with the recent things that has gone in this week and we are just looking into the future. I think out of the updates website will be the most interesting out of all of the updates. You will see what we mean tomorrow and we are excited especially for the very near future. We are on the move but taking baby steps to what we wanna do for right now. We rather take our time then rush all these features especially on the website and when we have had issues. Yes tomorrow's post will have an announcement with the "Live" page as you know we haven't gone live nor release the page yet so answers will be given tomorrow's post. 

Jim, Community Manager


Friday, September 11, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast On Hold

                Chris has decided to put any upcoming Podcasts for Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast on hold till end of next week till him and Larry have a Skype meeting with each other on a lot of things. I will highlight what they need to discuss:

 -  When they will be recording Power Rangers Wild Force: They are currently still behind schedule and things are just getting rolling again and they are about to get ready to record and I am guessing at this point they are aiming for the end of September, early October. 

- State of COVid-19 With This Podcast: With things getting worsened in Ontario, he's already mentioned to me that I am will mention: Him and Larry have to actually discuss how long they wanna continue on recording Power Rangers Podcast via Skype at this point. If they wanna put the podcast on hold or if they wanna continue to record via Skype.

The views on Power Rangers Time Force: He will be discussing what the views that they got on the last episode which I have personally seen screenshots and it's not that bad really. 10 views is better then 5 and he's stated he don't care if he gets 5 views, he's doing it for the love of the show and bringing back his childhood memories plus he's doing this for Larry as it was an idea Larry had. 

- Future of The Collaboration Podcast: He is going to have a conversation about renewing the Collaboration Podcast which has been up and down with Chris trying to figure out what he wants to do and the worries of the views going down so he is truly worried about the amount of views but he's changed his attitude on that. 

               That is what he has to talk to Larry about and why he's mentioned to me to make this post but we will know more information by next week at some point once the two of them talking and I probably will end up being the first person to know since he isn't going to be on for a week and a half. 

Jim, Community Manager

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Chris Is Taking Time Away from The Blog and Social Media...

                Chris is taking some time away from the website, blog and social media as I stated on here and social yesterday, there was stuff going on which again we will not get into detail but he is stressed right out to a point of a mental breakdown and I think he had one the other night and him being away from the the team and all of this. However he will still be working on his own pace and the podcast will remain as schedule but as for the live I will be addressing that tomorrow. Things will be reveal over the next week as that is what he is planning to not be around for the next week as he needs. I think this is what he needs and honestly things were going just smoothly up to what happened and I was surprised to see a message from him late last night to what was going on and that is why I offered to take it over. Right now he needs to get his mental health better. He is all wound up like he gets like this especially like the other night. Plus he has been under immense pressure getting Entertainment Man Podcast notes done and also Power Rangers Podcast which is currently on standby.

               There is stuff I like to explain Saturday as there is a ton of stuff going on and why he's put things on hold. I do not why he has to bring me into his dirty work, honestly... LOL! He probably see this post and just shake his head at me talking about him but it is positive things. We're a team and we stick together to the end. He will be back soon I hope and right now it's him getting work done and discussing with who's left on this team at this moment as the staff seems to be fluctuating at this moment.  This is why he needs a community manager and he has one, me. I use to be near him at one point, but moved away and I am still happy to help him out one way or another. I am here to answer questions you guys may have via Social Media or email, just send me a message and I or the staff will be sure to answer them as quickly as possible.

Jim, Community Manager

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

We Ran Into An Issue With Mobile Compatibility With The Live Page!

              First of all: Chris is off today from the blog and social media due to some drama that went on last night but I will not get into details at this moment but I am taking over the Community Manager role as well as we just switched over Community Managers yet again and part of it is what I said above. Anyways I am hear today to talk about our Live Feature. We recently tested the feature out for how compatible the feed is via mobile and I can tell you it works but you either login to the chat or play the video as the auto play feature but majority of people to this day of age have computers as Chris and I had that conversation this morning as we are late coming out with the post and most of us slept in after a rough night for all of us.

               So after consulting the boss man, if you wanna do both then you will have to be on a computer but if you wanna listen to mobile you can as it is both compatible on mobile as it is HTML5.  So you listen to it but you cannot do both that is our issue with the live page. I've noticed with the page there has been a lot of views lately and probably cause the Staff been in and out of the page a ton lately. I'm pretty sure the page isn't visible through Google at the moment as it hasn't been available and maybe the fact it hasn't been promoted does make a difference and the only people that really do know is the Staff of this website. However we will make a clear statement when we start posting links whenever that is as Chris is holding back the live for this week but we will make a note that you will have to login to a computer for both due to the state that this player does not auto play which it should to be honest. You can't say we tried! We are continuing to test and try this but no guarantees when we will be launching it it could not even be this weekend at point cause of the schedule. 


Jim, Community Manager

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Will I Still Stream On Facebook and Instagram Live?

              Now with the announcement of the new Live Feature for Podcasts has been made the question I have is will I continue to do streams on Facebook and Instagram from time to time? The answer is yes. When I have a chance or announcement to make, I will most definitely go live and you can withhold me to that and right now there is no other announcement but I am not a fan of the live feature on Facebook and Instagram but if I need to make an announcement I definitely will. Don't expect it to be every day or couple of times a week. You will know when I go live to know what the announcement as you will be notified. I know I have had more requests for me to do live streams on the fan page and I would love to but I am a very busy person from maintaining the website to doing these posts to my own podcast and help getting the hosts onto the air as well as I am the one that setup that feature and the one that  has the key to the door to our stream on the website.

                Anyways, that is what I have to say and I know I am only going to be live on Facebook and my Instagram and I know you're going to ask what about the website well that is another story but in a nutshell I will be only live for Power Rangers Podcast at this point as you know my days for broadcasting are slim to non of me ever being a regular caster and as you know Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast is 3 times a year and I wanna save the airwaves for the other podcasts to be honest and when I said I am semi retired from casting I meant it and mainly if I was to cast it would be off my website or on the CBOTW social media's at this point. We've been banned off of Twitch, YouTube and other platforms. However I mean it I will pop up here on and socials from time to time but don't expect it to be often. Thank you for continuing to read on a daily basis and I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Monday, September 7, 2020

Planning To Roll Out A New Feature On The Website!

            We are no longer going to be broadcasting our Podcasts on our Fan Page. No it's not cause of copyright or anything it's more we more then likely will be getting more listeners on our website as we will be getting a ton more traffic right here on our website and we have a good chance of success too. As you probably noticed that we have the chat and same rules apply as before.

              When I created this page I yet to add the actual rules to the page which more then likely be at the bottom which will be our playground area where you can find the rules. One thing we will do is lock the chat down when there is no podcasts live to ensure that there there is nobody spamming, insulting and disrespect will find you banned.  We are not going to tolerate it to be honest and we have learned from this in the past. The feature is starting to be tested by the hosts that are currently active and the shows that are currently active Live on the Website Live Feed are: 

Power Rangers Podcast (Larry and I)

Sports Hour W/ Bulldog (Billy)

(CBOTW Gamers Podcast (Jeff) When it returns. Podcast is in pre-production right now.

                 There is the just the beginning as we are rolling out new features and ideas to grow this website and this is just the most perfect time to take to our website as the numbers are insane. We are not rolling out the Live Stream Page yet as we need to test the other host on it aka Billy and just hope he's cool with the idea of us actually doing it on the website but it is my website, I am the boss, just wanna make sure the team are happy with my decisions as that wasn't the case once with my old team at one time. We will let you guys know when the Live Page actually is live on the website publicly. 
