Thursday, August 31, 2023

Firefox dislikes when we make changes to the website

Ever since my team and I made the changes with the newer graphics as we are slowly in transition which I will get to on Monday's Labour Day blog. But all the other browsers such as Chrome and Edge and what Kelsie our resident Community Manager uses, Opera Browser, she's told me the new favourite icon at the top of the tab does show for her.  So  this means Firefox is being an old stick in the mud again. We had that same issue with Firefox before when we changed from the blue background, gold, white text with the red maple leaf to the black background scheme we had that same issue as we do now

       And it is only Firefox that is being a problem right now nothing else as we tested it everywhere.  I think the way to fix this bug is to clear out the cache and the issue is truly fixed the problem at hand. I just find it hilarious out of all the browsers that is the only one as I said before. Go figure. Not sure if it's a setting on the browser that's causing the issue with or not. Anyways that is my post for today and hope this helps you guys out if you see the old logo to clear your history and should fix the entire issue all together and as always I hope you enjoyed reading this and appreciate each and everyone of you for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates.




Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Built Myself my 6th House on Minecraft!

            So I have been getting prepped up to start working on the building that is behind the house and this house is just for me to live in and sleep during the night. I am not 100% sure if this will be a permanent building whether it will be torn down the road or it will indeed be a victim of the soon explosion of the building being constructed. Time will tell.
        I absolutely love the inside and there are 3 villagers, their my crew during all this work and pretty simple inside, place to cook food and I wanna add a potato farm out front at some point and probably the next step to get it done. I really hate to see the house be destroyed as I worked hard and if I need to repair it down the road I can  but depends how severely damaged and really I should of moved the house further away from the actual office tower but will be interesting to see if it becomes a victim of the office tower blow up. Anyways I am rambling, sorry about that and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I'm Recording My 500th Episode as a Podcaster!

              Tomorrow I will be recording my 500th episode of the podcast and what an amazing podcast to pay homage to the last 500 episodes I have done whether it was Reality TV, Entertainment Man or The CBOTW Show. It has been such an amazing last 500 and I never thought I would get to this moment where I would be celebrating 500 episodes as a podcaster. The next big moment will be the 1000th episode then 5000 but I am getting a little ahead of myself.

             I have you guys to thank for supporting me the last 8 years since starting this podcasting and it has been such an amazing adventure for me! I have learned so much as a podcaster and you probably will hear this for me but either way I cannot wait for you guys to hear this episode of the podcast, was a great one that I did and yes it will be premiered this weekend as I promised that I would do a premiere this weekend. But for right now that is the post for today and as always I will talk to you all tomorrow! 


Monday, August 28, 2023

Auto Fest 2023


           What a weekend it has been! Been to two events over the span of 2 days on the weekend. First Fridays Kars on King which I covered and blogged about Saturday morning and yesterday's Auto Fest down at the lake yesterday. I couldn't honestly believe how many cars there was at the event. It would take us hours to go through every car there and nothing wrong with that really. We had no plan when it came to looking at the cars. We didn't look at every single but spent an hour and a half down there, was truly a lot of fun.

            We grabbed a hot dog/sausage and drink was great little treat for us both and cannot go wrong with one from a little BBQ stand there. Music was great and had the funniest oldie they played called "Beep, Beep!" I know it sounds funny for a name but they were known for the silly songs back in the 50's and 60's which is great. I could even do a blog about my favourite silly oldies songs. I really enjoyed this event and fortunate to have gone again 2 years in a row and as long COVID doesn't end up us with restrictions I will continue to go to the events no matter what. Anyways that will do it for today's post as always I will talk to you all tomorrow!




Saturday, August 26, 2023

Kars on King 2023

           Yesterday, I went into the downtown for Kars on King. I am not sure if this is my second time and if I have been to the one last year and I could of with both my parents. Anyways, one of my cars that I saw is the Austin Mini aka the Mr. Bean car. One of my personal favourites actually. Saw a lot of different varieties of cars at Kars on King. I actually ran into friends of mine that I have been friends with for many many years now. Also my aunt and uncle we bumped into on the other end of the downtown and another friend of mine that I didn't see but knew she was there. 

         Now there was entertainment obviously between one of the major roads there which is called the 4 corners which is truly what it is called. When we came back around to the main stage there it was an Elvis tribute by a gentleman and boy he sounded like him actually, exact same voice as Elvis... He was really, really good! As you guys know there is always 2 cars that I hope to see, actually scratch that 3: Lemon car (Edsel); Delorean car and the Mr Bean car, Austin Mini which I saw. I can officially say I saw at least 1 of the 3 yesterday night. Anyways that is the blog for today, enjoy the rest of your weekend and talk to you all Monday. 



Friday, August 25, 2023

End of The Week Updates [08-25-2023]

             Another week has come to a close... Well let me start with an announcement:

 Additional Blog: Wait actually big announcement tomorrow at 11 am EST for the Kars on King which is an annual event I go to each and every year. Also Monday on the normal day for blogs will be the Auto Fest which we will be going to on Sunday afternoon.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Speaking of events, this weekend's episode will be posted up not premiered as I said before I will be at Auto Fest with my dad so I will not be available for a premiere and I apologize and I will make it up to you guys next weekend as it is indeed the 500th episode as a podcaster! 

The CBOTW Show- Power Rangers Podcast: So I am still stuck trying to get it done and this weekend I need to start working on it and getting it finished for October as time is ticking and I am sure Larry is waiting on news from me when I finish the next set for us to record. Hoping to get it all done within a week and a half then to typing I go.

       Those are the updates for this week but this is not the end of the blogs for the week as tomorrow will be the Kars on King event downtown and I look forward to going to the event and attending the event. Anyone that lives locally and sees me please do not hesitate to stop me and say hey and get a fan photo. Love interacting with the fans and I know I have many fans locally but anyways I will speak to you all tomorrow for a bonus blog which rarely happens but I will speak to you all tomorrow!


Thursday, August 24, 2023

New Strategy With Keeping Organized

             I have come up with a new schedule and came up with this whole method when it comes to keeping organized with content and getting things done. Now not everything is listed as I do have two other things on my list but this gives you a bit of an idea what my list looks like. It lays out my week and what needs to be done during the week. However I have to make sure to actually be prepared as interviews can pop up at anytime. I after all have 6 of the 7 days available for those. 

           I hope this will be helpful for me to getting me on track to sticking to the schedule as you guys know that I am behind schedule on and off recently. This is why I am now working on getting into a more of a routine and maybe this is actually something that I am missing is a routine. Sometimes I do not even go by a routine and routines are good and to have structure is good. This should help me moving forward and getting things done in a quicker pace. That is the post, thank you to those who read this post and I will speak to you all tomorrow. 


