Showing posts with label Lack of Sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lack of Sleep. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Update on Chris and How He is Doing

            Chris, well he's hanging in there and has been dealing with the Mental Health and his sleep has been off and still is off he sleeps in the evenings and up during the nights however the positive thing is he is sleeping full 7 - 8 hours and up around 1 or 2 in the morning. The next step for him is to actually get to bed a little later then usual and he will have that opportunity soon as he has an interview Thursday to do with Larry so opportunity is knocking to fix his sleep. However he is in good spirits right now and working hard on content and working on that new feature as that has become the bigger project and from time to time he works on Dino Thunder as well. Management Team and Discord Moderators and you guys are keeping him in good spirits right now and he makes his occasional visit to the Discord.

           He is working hard even if he has to nap he will nap to get his energy back up. I believe he's picked up the workload quite quickly and very affectively and he is nowhere near stopping as he has done an amazing job on content and also the way the server has grown very quickly. Chris continues to grow the Discord server and we continue on this growth in the community. I will be talking about that on Saturday's post but for now, I ensure you Chris will be just fine and give him some time he will get to more a normal sleep pattern and he is working hard on the sleep issue and I know he will fix this and get back into a routine, it will just take sometime for him. Chris wanted me to add that he will be back blogging first thing Monday and cannot wait to update you guys on things.

Matt, Site Admin/CBOTW Management

Sunday, March 29, 2020

My Mental Health Is Not Great & Updates....

            My sleep is really weird right now and probably has to do with being isolated for nearly 2 weeks now and honestly will be talking about that this week on Tuesday if I remember correctly to when that post is going up. I have found myself sleeping way to early and up during the night like I use to which I really wanna get myself back to a normal routine even with me home 24-7 recently and just hope this is over soon as I am struggling on a daily basis and I just do not know how much longer I can hold out being in isolation but don't forget I am with my parents so that gives me someone to talk to honestly. However what I really meant is I'd like to see other people as it has been hard not to see friends and even texting, IM chatting online or Discord/Skype but more in person. I kind of feel what the sims feels at time desolate not seeing other people and I am starting to sound like Sims. I know my parents been trying to keep me occupied during these tough times. I know I haven't been the most impatient person during these tough times but there is nothing I can do. I can go out for walks and plan to go to the bank with my mom to get out of my area and isn't far to go really. However I am going to more then likely stay in the car but we'll see how I feel. 

             I really haven't been too motivated to do much and trying to get the content out to you guys as much as I can and trying some new things out for the podcast. I think this week I will be taking a small break from bonus episodes but promise you guys I will get back to a every second week schedule after this week.  I am also taking my time off and I may change my time off schedule and work Monday through Fridays this way I take off weekends which means I need to keep to my schedule which is:

7 Days a Week: Blog posts
Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast- post up the episode @ 1 pm EST
Wednesdays: Entertainment Man Bonus Podcast- Record Bonus episode
                        Entertainment Man Podcast- Record Regular episode
Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast- post up bonus episode @ 1 pm EST (Every second week)
Fridays: Entertainment Man Podcast- Sneak Peek @ 1 pm EST

            There is my timetable honestly and looks very busy but the odd weeks that I am not doing the bonus I will always be doing other content or getting that content ready but this schedule will be temporary as I think working during the week is what I need so this will all start Tuesday so tomorrow I will be off then Tuesday through Friday then off during the weekends for the time being until this "Self Isolation" is done and could be another 2 - 3 months where I will not be able to get out but it depends how quickly they can get the vaccine figured out and it will take time to make it and test it out and then administer it to everyone. So I will hang in there and I will talk further what I have been up to during self isolation on Tuesday.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

Sleep Schedule Is Really Off!

           Originally it was a weight loss update but obviously it is now an update on my sleep now as you know my sleep is all over the darn place. I know one of the reasons why is because of me working on the Power Rangers Podcast and getting the notes typed up and really getting it done as I am now half way through the two sets of notes my sleep should be getting better but it hasn't been lately as I have been sleeping early and up during the night but the nights have been very productive. However I need to get sleep fixed and probably the only time I can really sleep early is the days I am on Punk Rock Cheeseburger Podcast which is usually every week but at least once a month at the most. maybe more off. However the other days I need to get to bed around 9 or 930 at night at the most on the other nights but I need to actually start training my body to actually go to bed at this time at that time to ensure I get better sleep and not sleep half the damn day so this way I can get work done for the website as that hasn't been the case but yet I have been able to get Everything About Reality TV Podcast on time which it hasn't been the last 2 weeks it has been on a very odd schedule and this is due to my sleep schedule but hey least it is back on time. Sleep and my mental health is still the upmost important to me and I need to take care about myself at the same time but been trying. 

            This upcoming week I promise to get myself back on track with sleep and you obviously can tell the days I am awake during the night with my posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posting stuff up but most of the time during the night I tweet the most of the time. However today I am getting my sleep back on the right track as I know I'll be back fairly late like 830 - 9 pm ish so this will be good I can relax for 30 minutes then go to bed and tomorrow's another day for me and I plan on working on the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast more tomorrow with the sleep being fixed and a lot better then it has been lately. You cannot imagine how tired and worn out I am from the lack of sleep during the night. I miss getting up at 330, maybe 4 or 430 am and getting my day started but again that hasn't been the case lately as you know my posts on social are pretty much all over the place and I am sure you guys are quite confused. Final things I would like to say is my posts lately are not as good as they normally have been as sometimes they aren't making sense or they have been misspells on there that is why. Either way this week will be a tough week to get things back on the right track for me and also the podcast but I know I can do it if I put my mind to it and that is what is going on with me on this little update blog post.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Mental Health Is No So Good Once Again...

              It's not like I didn't take my meds for my Persuasive Development Disorder (PDD) or also known as autism but today wasn't a great day and my friends ensured me none of this was my fault. But I feel responsible for my actions towards knocking the chair over and dropping my Contiago cup which is medal to the floor spilling the rest of my drink onto the floor making a mess, then grabbing my jacket and walking out the door with me kicking it further on the floor then knocking over the wet floor sign, out the door, then proceeding to kick the garbage can and spill the rest of my drink on the ground from the bottle then the rest of the day is history. 

               Now, I haven't had a mental breakdown this bad since April of last year and it is very concerning to me to when my moods gets this bad but I wonder if it is because of my lack of sleep in the last several days is what could be the culprit behind it as you all know I have been busy with the website recently, podcasts and the blog, I am not surprised I can hold in all this stress in for this long. Only a few people know what is going on with me with the lack of sleep problem but not everyone knew what was going on, only 2 friends if I remember knew about it. Now I ended up scratching my poor hand open and it's the first time since July of last year this has happened which is a good thing, I am not making it a habit of me doing that constantly to myself, so I am learning to not do harm to myself but I need to continue on with sticking to my strategies I have learned in the past year and a half almost now and keeping up with it. Now I walked away, however I could of gone without kicking my cup on the floor or knocking the wet floor sign or kicking the garbage can and things could of been better. But also I could of gone without hurting myself. However with me just deciding to go home, that was a smart move on my part and should of left sooner then sticking around, this could of been prevented but I of course listened to my friends advice and I always appreciate my friends sticking up for me or being supportive of me. 

                 There is a long road to my mental health getting better and I think without friends that turn on me on a dime or wants to cause problems ,I was in a much happier place till today happened. With my current circle of friends and my family supporting me, I know I can not self harm myself, I know I can control my anger and frustrations if people try to start trouble, I gotta just work harder and use my strategies and I know I will be a happier person and always smiling like I have in the past few weeks.

Have a great night!


Monday, October 16, 2017

Sleeping Habits...

                Sleep ever since Late 2015 into 2016 right up to now, my sleep has not been the greatest, I would sleep at night for a few days, then up during the night for several days to sometimes a week and sleep only during the daytime... It is totally insane. I try to make the most out of the no sleep situation. But if I am up the night I try to get in bed by 3 am up at 10 am at the latest, hoping to fix the sleep situation. So trying to sleep for 6 - 7 hours and being up at a decent time not like noon, 1 or 2 pm in the afternoon, so trying to motivate myself to actually being tired enough to sleep that night, so that is part of the motivation to make myself sleep at night, or just wear myself out so bad to a point, I am tired to sleep at night... 

                    I am the definition of a night owl, lately I am have seen myself up at night and there are several things that can be a factor in the lack of sleep department and one thing I think of when it comes to lack of sleep is stress, when I get stressed, I don't sleep which is a disaster for me where I end up sleeping most of the day. But recently been sleeping at least 3 - 4 hours in the last couple of nights which is good to a point. It does stink to be up during the night but when I have a couple nights for sleep, it does feel really good and I got so much more energy when I do sleep at night time. 

                    What do I do when my sleeping habit goes south of the border? Well I end up being up at night I try to make the best out of it, I try to make myself tired as quickly as possible and if not then I end up half the night. I try to pre-occupy myself and hope to fall asleep quickly. I know this blog is all over the place but I try to make myself tired when I'm not I try to wear myself out as quickly as possible but there can be nights where I'm up during the night but nights where I sleep night after night and that is the way I kind of the way I want it to be is have a good sleeping habit.  Have a great night I will talk to you in the next blog.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Lack of Sleep....

In the last several days ever since the night before the Autism Celebration which I slept at night last, hoping I will go lie down soon to fall asleep for even a few hours, but ever since the event I haven't slept at night much, was asleep maybe 2 - 3 nights before the event 2 - 3 hours that's it but since then I have been awake at night and not able to sleep and tonight I am feeling like I am ready to sleep at least a few hours but this sleep deprive is gotta stop because I am tired and my moods are really bad at times where I am snapping at my own parents and I think they know it is the lack of sleep. There is nothing Dr's can do for me at this point, I gotta just deal with it and try and make the best of it. 

Now, usually after a few days I end up going to bed and sleeping through the night and usually up at 4 or 430 am EST... LMAO, yes it is a very early morning but I get a lot. Now if I could get a a routine like 430 or 5 am wake ups and in bed by 930 pm that would be amazing to keep the routine going I would probably be in a happier place right now.  So what is my plan you may ask? Well I am planning on going to bed soon as this blog is posted and sleeping till at least 5 or 6 am EST then getting up getting my day started. Then hopefully I will be in bed at 930 pm later on and hopefully it fixes this screwed up sleep. Yes I am frustrated by this, yes I want this to all change and get my life back on track hopefully soon and I am going to start making changes in my life starting Monday with a 4 day treadmill and exercise routine and going to bed earlier and so on. I will do weekly updates on the blog like on Fridays how it is going.

Have a Great Night and/or Day!
