Tuesday, May 1, 2018

I Need To Be More Patient With Everything!

           I know I am a very inpatient person at time, especially right now with the recent website delay of the rebuild and i know it feels like a freakin month which I believe it is close to a month now since I initiated the site to make a return. The part that takes forever is the amount of the podcast episodes I have done in a very, very short time. I know you guys know I am very heavily involved with the operations of both Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show, well you know I am the Executive Producer of both podcasts, so I have a heavy say what goes on. 

          I know I have been hyping up the return of the website quite a lot and teasing you guys with opening the site partially to give you all an idea what it is going to look like with the new Grey Background of the website. I have had a bit of help but with them recently quitting, I am now back on my own to do all the dirty work of the website.  I know it is quite a lot going on with both the podcasting and blogging world between working on the site, but i have to realize, the blogs and podcasts come first as content is what keeps you guys happy and content each and everyday and you love to hear what I think of things and trust me over the next 2 days, I got 2 great blog posts that have to tie into this topic today. 

          Yes I have to be patient through this very, very long process of building the website, there will be coding, then testing, coding, more testing, its a repetitive process and i wish I can launch one page at a time but I rather have a fully re-built website before I actually launch but yes I started to tease you guys with the website open a tad. I am giving you guys a taste. But patience is very essential this time around as I probably have mentioned on Social Media, the Late Winter/Spring are the busiest times on the year for me in the way of podcasting as I not only cover the actual episodes of Big Brother Canada but the live feeds as well, so I am working double shift 16 - 18 hours of everyday and sometimes it is hard to sleep at night too but podcasts and the blog posts come first in my books before the site being fixed up but I am working hard on the site, it will take sometime but I gotta remember, Patience is a Virtue or slow and steady wins the race (Even though I am not racing to get it done!) 


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show Announcement (Apr 29th/18)

            I have been thinking about everything very clearly lately and I made this decision and it was hard as I have been thinking about it and here is the Big Announcement I have been holding back for the past couple of weeks, dreading making the announcement but why would I hold back an announcement that is great news? Because it is very exciting news to be coming out to you guys.

          So the news is I am renewing Everything About Reality TV Podcast for Season 7 & 8, that's right I am renewing the podcast for the Summer 2018 season, but not only the Summer, but also the Fall 2018 season too. In today's blog I will be covering which Reality TV shows I will be covering for each season and plus an idea I got in my head but not sure if it is possible for it to happen but we will have to see. Also The CBOTW Show will be more on the active side after it only had a few week stint On-Air.

Summer 2018:

             This summer I will be covering once again, like I did last year Big Brother (Big Brother 20) and also will be covering Amazing Race Canada 6 as i normally plan on doing each and every summer for you guys. Now I have been talking to my parents and there may be plans to go away but with the upcoming kitchen renovations coming up, that may prove to not happen possibly. If I can find someone I may find someone to cover Big Brother US 20, just to take the pressure off of me and you never know my team could even start growing again as there is something you guys do not really know yet but I will tell you guys in time what I mean. Even if I do not go away, still would be nice to give someone an opportunity to help out but if not that's fine. I am ready to make the moves and rebuild the team from the ground up. The CBOTW Show Podcast will be seeing 3 brand new episodes of the podcast as myself and Larry will be starting up a Power Rangers Talk on the podcast 4 times a year.  This summer we will talk about The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in 3 parts on 3 different weeks in a 2 week interval. 

Fall 2018:

               In the Fall, as it has been recently announced that Survivor will be back in the fall for Season 38 and I already assume and know that it is for Season 37 & 38 which puts a big smile on my face to be actually able to recap Survivor once again. Now YES! I am aware that Amazing Race has been renewed for Season 31 and do not know when it will air as it has been left off the schedule for right now until I know when it will air on TV again. Also in the fall, The CBOTW Show Podcast will be back to scheduled episodes with the Hell's Kitchen 18 Recaps returning to Chris B On The Web. So a busy and hectic Fall and Summer but a fun 2 season for both of the podcasts and I hope you guys enjoy the episodes! 

Chris "The Media Man"

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Plan & Future of Chris B On The Web's Podcasts...

             I hate to make this announcement but it has to be done and it is one of the hardest announcements to make at this time but it has to happen. As you know, the CBOTW Podcasts are on TuneIn.com, ITunes & Player FM and Podcasts.com is where the RSS Feed is from. Podcasts.com is the main feed which is fed to the other 4 platforms. So as you know by social media aka Twitter, I couldn't upload to Podcasts.com and frankly, I am was not one bit happy and it doesn't look good on me and for those who were on the platforms that were subscribed I feel bad for you guys not getting the CONTENT you wanna hear. 

         So what is the plan for the nearby future? Well with the website now not in limbo and I am on a more sturdy web builder for right now at least, till end of the year till i move to the more permanent home, this website will have to do for now and I don't mind it at all, whatsoever, it stalls the time from one site to another. But back to the talk about what if Podcasts.com goes down on me again in the nearby future where I cannot upload a podcast to their website. Well the plan is ChrisBOnTheWeb.com will always be the alternative website for the content and it is guaranteed of being up 24-7 and you guys can always check on there if you do not see a podcast up with podcasts.com, TuneIn, ITunes or Player FM. There is my website which is the heart and soul of CBOTW and always will be the heart and soul. 

           Please note that I did email Podcasts.com support right away to make them aware of the situation and that I couldn't and I am nothing but thankful for their quick and effective response to my email so things can be figured out and resolved quite quickly.  This is the plan for the future of CBOTW and I plan on changing things around so everything is still coming out as normal, but just will not be on the 4 platforms if I cannot upload it to the platform. So this is the move I am taking for right now, If I need to tweak in the nearby future I will be sure to let you guys know before anymore changes are made, it was quick on the spot this happened. 


Thursday, April 26, 2018

High School Traveling To Classes (Throwback Thursday Story)

         I don't think I ever talked about this in the blog but this is once again another THROWBACK Thursday Story for you guys! This one is a cool one and it is in two parts, the first paragraph will contain the travel music, the second part the other music they played during travel to classes at the start of the day and after Lunch. 

         So just after the warning bell, just before the period starts they played the William Tell Overture which was created by Giachino Rossini which is very easy to YouTube the tune but in case click this Link To William Tell Overture if you don't know what the tune is like but trust me it is the theme to the old TV Show and they also did a movie while back,  "The Lone Ranger" which is that is where the history of the song came from. So yes they played it just before first period and right after Lunch just as we were traveling to 3rd period class so it made traveling to class a lot more fun I guess you would say. Did I not like hearing the song from time to time, yes, just because towards the end of the year before summer came around I was just fed up of hearing it but it is a good way to make sure the slackers as Mr Strickland from Back To The Future would say, get to class and I knew a few students who liked to skip classes, especially from my BIC Class (Behavioral Intervention Class) and my Homeroom as well who were skippers.... SMH! I was actually the first person from that class to graduate out of BIC, so I had the great honor of being the first person to graduate from the BIC Program there at O'Neill C.V.I. 

            Now latter half of O'Neill they did this fundraiser if we fill up this big water jug which is used for the water coolers they will stop playing MmmBop by Hanson. I pretty much brought in every single penny (which still existed back then, as we do not use the penny here in Canada anymore), nickel, dime, quarter into the office so they can just stop playing the stinkin song. I was sick of it, the students got sick and tired, I think there was enough complaints they stopped playing the song all together which mind you it was a relief to hear that they stopped it. 

             It was definitely interesting way to  travel from and to class and I got plenty of High School and College throwback stories to tell and please let me know in the comments below what other throwback stories you would like to hear, whether it is High School, Elementary School or even College, I will be more then happy to tell it. I am very much an open book to my days in School and I got a few other ideas in mind as I was searching through old posts on my blog so I got a clear idea what other posts I could do in the nearby future. 

Chris "The Media Man"

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Toronto Blue Jays Last Couple of Games

           I was asleep obviously before the game even finished up for the night but I woke up this morning and realized that actually the Blue Jays beat the Red Sox 4 - 3. A win is a win and we will take it. But it was a very good game by the sounds of it. Jays are going to become a great team in the next year or so, they got young talent who wanna win. I know they have had difficulty beating the Yankees but in time they will beat em. Yankees have Aaron Judge and a bunch of other good players. 

            Yankees however, what I heard there is a bit of drama between the Manager since Joe Girardi the former Manager wasn't resigned as manager for this season so the new manager and the players, their seem to be a bit of arguing between the players which is probably why the team unity isn't all there. Both my dad and I thought the Yankees were going to win it all this year with Aaron Judge being their big name player that can help them to another World Series but with the Jays now ahead of the Yankees but not by much but they are second in the AL East Division right now. If they can continue on and keep on winning and actually win the series, they will be closer to the top to Boston.  I am not giving up on the Jays, don't worry, they actually surprised thus far in the season and it is still fairly early in the year to be giving up on them at this point. 

             Jays are vibrant team, with experienced players to help them along the way. Granderson is one of the players who had a walk off home run last night which gave em the big W, which we will take it. I don't mind them rallying after the 7th, it makes watching the game even more and more exciting and yes I watched the majority of the game before nodding off in my bed early last night around 930 pm so I got to see a lot of the game but will be flipping around between Big Brother Canada, Survivor & The Hockey and baseball game. I will be discussion the Leafs final game on Friday's blog post as tomorrow is THROWBACK Thursday blog post!

Chris "The Media Man" 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Back Spasm Update & Podcast Scheduling Mishaps

             As you all know I have been dealing with back spasms and it has been extremely hard to stay on track with things lately and I am truly sorry about that but my back is more important to get better and it has been better however, I have fell behind and yet to keep up. Today and tomorrow will be crucial to catching up and staying caught up. Ever since this back spasm I have falling so behind on the podcasts it has been hard to try and keep up with them and this is why I am so behind and half the time I do not use the hashtag #BBCAN6 on twitter anymore too often.

           How am I getting better? I am doing exercise everyday to ensure the spasms are loosened up as it was very, very tightened up but it is totally different then it use to be so it is progressing slowly but surely. It is one step at a time. One side of my back is feeling better, the right side still tightened up but if I keep up with my exercises, 2 - 3 times a day, I will truly feel better and got a better back then I did few weeks back when I was in constant pain.

           I take it one day at a time, I am slower then I am normally but again it doesn't really help the fact I cannot bring out the content to you guys on the schedule I set back at the start of the New Year, but I plan to try and repair the trust I have broken with you guys to being on a timetable that was broken the week before Easter but with my back now on the mend, by the end of this week, I will be back on the right track and having podcasts out on schedule. 


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Internet Update

              So as you know I have had a few issues with the internet and still have the odd issue this morning but for the most part it is operational but keeping an eye out on it over the next couple of days. Now this morning, I had a internet connection issue after I took the WiFi off still it is a bit of a problem with it but like I said I will keep an eye out on things. Is it annoying that the problem is still occurring? Yes of course! I mean if you think about it I upload the podcasts to the platforms and it takes quite amount of the resources to upload the content for you guys.

              What will I do if I still get a internet connection error now that the WiFi setting is off and I am using the hard wire for the internet? I plan on contacting my Internet Service Provider aka Rogers and try to figure out what is going on with my connection. Now mind you my phone connection to the WiFi is fine, I may end up trying to reboot the system see if that helps with the connection. Maybe that is what my PC needs is a reboot as it has been running non stop 24-7 so my PC is telling me I am tired of running non stop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the past 7 weeks now, soon going onto 8 weeks ever since Big Brother Canada has started so I think the computer is a bit slower as it hardly gets rebooted and I should ever day or ever 2nd day at the most. 

             Really I do not know what the problem is, I know I thought the hard wire was the issue but I worked with the WiFi card for a bit with no problems. So I am completely confused what to do or what the problem is with the internet and maybe this is the time I need to reach out with Rogers and see what they say about the situation but again by tomorrow or Tuesday I will be deciding what I wanna do, I know I got options and shouldn't be afraid to explore options!
