Friday, August 14, 2020

Video Game Review & Spelunky Update!

               Today's post is about Fishing Planet and I can say this, I wasn't impressed with the game whatsoever.  I found this game boring and not entertaining. I think I am more into entertaining game like shooters and what not. I just found it hard to get specific fish throughout the time and people getting in the way of me fishing which was annoying really.  No matter how many times I tried I couldn't get the fish. I just didn't feel like that this was a fun game, I wasn't too pleased with it whatsoever but I can give it another shot as I just started it and maybe I didn't give it a shot enough. After all it is a game to relax and not much raging to do like I do with most of the games technically. Anyways I am not really feeling like trying it again at this point but maybe in the very near future I will give it another shot. I would give this game a 1 out of 5 rating

                 Next on my list is an Spelunky update. I know it's been a while since I have done one in a few weeks and I tend to do one every few weeks apart from one another. Anyways two big things happened on the game the first thing is I actually killed all the bees on the Forest Level of Spelunky and gained 8 lives which didn't last long but it was an achievement that I am very much proud of at this point and I am going to get to the Ice World eventually. It will happen at some point where I will get to that point. Just gotta keep trucking on it. Also I am getting smarter in the earlier part of the video game making moves but still making stupid mistakes I shouldn't be making like going after the shop keeper on the game but getting better at it. I should really get the items I want I have to earn the coins. However there is one item I like but then I pay the ultimate price later in the video game. However I am having fun and trying to 100% as I would like to play Spelunky 2 if it comes out for the PC at some point but I am taking my time on this game. Those are my updates for video games wise and I really do have some more updates with Issac but I wanna wait till the time is right to make em. I really wish I had a channel to do gaming on to be honest but I have said this before, I am done with YouTube as a whole now. 


Thursday, August 13, 2020

No Secret I Put Power Rangers Wild Force To The Side!

              It is no secret, that I put Power Rangers Wild Force Podcast to the side and the reason was because I have been busy with Time Force editing and been busy getting this out to you guys. I know I said on Facebook Page and Instagram that this is a really tough last episode as it was a disaster and still feel like I want to redo it but that means getting a schedule recording day, scrapping the current one. I was talking about using the wrong mic in the second half and the tech issues in the first but no, I am going to make it work. Like I said it's not the best episode in the entire world but it is doable really. Anyways with watching the season, I am going to be resuming this very soon and when I say soon, I had other priorities that I had to deal with the website and the fact I was typing up notes every notes when it came to Larry and I recording a week and a half ago that became another priority to me to be honest it is about priority at this point.

               I mean Monday things will be back to normal and we will be back or I mean I will be back watching it. I will get it done before September and I am excited to get back to it to be honest. It has been sitting in my tray for the last few weeks but won't be for long. I had to do this and I know you understand and Larry understands I did this so I can at least get Time Force out for you at least this summer and moving forward I am going to try and do things a little differently and I will address that in another post next week here on the website what we are going to do moving forward  and that is hopefully next week but excited to tell you guys what I am doing to make some changes to improve things and hopefully this works out but time will tell I guess to what I have in mind. 


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Chris Is Off Today, I Am Filling In For Him... Again!

           Well, Chris is off again today and not cause of work either. It'd because he's not in a good mood over transit system cancelling buses to and from his area which is not good. Means Larry cannot come to the house to record in the studio and I just found this out minutes before coming on here to type up a post on his behalf or for him. The post he had, he will do at a later time and I am sure he's put it on the backlog of post ideas for right now and will covering it eventually. Not only that but he cannot go out to see friends for the day once CO-VID19 is over and he feels like he's in jail for the rest of his life and he has considered moving into his own place and he feels like he is ready to go but is kind of scared. It's natural that he is feeling scared or will be lonely but he is only a call away to his parents if he wants to talk to them. After all he is going to be 35 years old this year and he will need to move out on his own. I get the fact he wants to help them out as much as possible as he is the only one out of him and his brother that's living there but it's only a car ride away.

                Maybe it is time for him to find a place called home for himself, maybe he is ready to be on his own and is only a bus ride or drive away from the house. That is up to him but I totally understand why he is upset and he needed the day off from social media to work on stuff and get the podcast edited today so he can release it this weekend and he means it too. I can say this he is almost done the second part of that disaster of a podcast as he is calling it. He's not too impressed with the outcome but the next one I'm sure will be more of a smoother podcast. First thing he outlined to me is the tech issues Larry was having and 2) He had the wrong microphone setup but he will make sure it is the right one in September when the two of them record. So that is his primary focus right now is to get that done then work on Wild Force again. That is my post for today and I will speak to you all on Sunday's blog post update!

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Thoughts On This Season of Big Brother 22 So Far!

              So we're through 2 episodes of Big Brother 22 and yes I know what your gonna say, aren't you retired from Reality TV Talk in general? Not blog wise, more Reality TV wise but do not get use to this as this will not be happening a lot. Just a post in general I wanted to make and the next one probably won't be till the day after Finale which we are a very long way from right now as we are only week 2 of 13 however I highly doubt I will do a post as I am currently in my post Reality TV. Anyways I like the way they went into a pod of 4 and a comp to see which two are going to be competing for HOH (Head of Household) anyways the way they brought them down one by one in their pod of 4 and Julie really had some sass threatening eviction and she had to quite the "Come On Down" like on The Price is Right.  Side of Julie I have never seen before but it was quite entertaining to be honest. So we know Cody is HOH and Kevin and Keesha are up. Hearing things about Keesha is going to be going but never know as we still have Veto to watch tomorrow and I know more then you think but that is not for me to spoil whatsoever. 

                I am enjoying this season but still early to tell and to be honest, I do not have any favorites to be honest with you guys. It will take me sometime to decide to who I like but I got a couple in my mind: Cody, Kaysar, Memphis, Enzo, Nicole A, Dani, Keesha, Janelle. Maybe I can take these and actually have em as my actual picks? Maybe, give me a few days to think on it and I know I haven't paid attention to the feeds, actually cannot wait since I am up here in Canada technically but I watch updates from Rob Has A Podcast, Matt and Jess Carter, Madrosed, etc so I do get updates once or a few times a days so I have a long of sources to get updates what is going on with the feeds as well. Anyways I looking forward to the veto and what is next and you never know, maybe I can do these for a weekly thing? I know I said I wasn't really going to but as I got further into the post maybe this is something I can do or we could ask an old Staff of ours, Reality Teas to talk about it on Saturdays? Stay tuned for more information on Social Media!


Monday, August 10, 2020

I Have Returned!

        Well hello there, long time no see! LOL. I know it's a long time since I have spoken to you guys and I think it was actually was when before we started having bugs with the blogging interface here on the website when I was here but I believe I have been gone almost 2 weeks without communication with you guys and there was a reason and I am going to tell you guys; It was the Power Rangers Podcast obviously as you probably figured once you heard the announcement that we were coming back. Anyways recently, I've been taking time off from things as I have been exhausted from doing all of this and well deserved after I have worked long, long hours actually. We are in the midst of editing between myself and my community manager, we're working extra hours on the podcast to get it done and we will. This was a really strange podcast say to least. So I decided to wait till a start of a new week to come back and start posting up on the blog again and I am glad to be back into posting on a everyday basis but could be a day I miss or get our community manager to cover again but most part, I am definitely back. 

          It is good to be back and to be honest, I missed talking to you and I found it hard not being able to give you guys information to what's going on. Yeah, I posted from time to time on Social Media to say hey but gave absolutely no information to you guys where I've been and not saying anything. However that is behind and I promise to give you guys more of a notice if I disappear again for this long. Only reason I went off the radar is because the deadline for Time Force was looming close for both Larry and I so I had to go off the grid for 10 - 14 days to get it done and I wish I could of told you why. I mean I should of told you why is what I meant. However I look forward to posts this week. Finally I really hope that I am going to be able the podcast up by Friday or Saturday this week as this is a huge podcast and it's taking us time to edit and put together this very complicated podcast due to the tech issues we had last week but stay tune for time and day on Social Media and I will speak to you guys tomorrow.


Sunday, August 9, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Updates [07-09-2020]

                Here are the weekly update for ChrisBOnTheWeb. Now there wasn't much going on with ChrisBOnTheWeb as it has been a very quiet but dramatic week. As you guys know Chris and Larry drama happened on our Facebook Page live which shouldn't have happened really. Chris could of muted the video version of the podcast aka FB or go to the main image screen and put up text however I have news one what happened:

- Chris and Larry mend fences after he debacle and they successfully finished up recording and we're now piecing this puzzle together and hopefully this week we will upload it and post it up here on the website for you guys to hear. It is a very long podcast but we will get it edited and posted up sometime and there will be an announcement on our Social Media accounts to when it is up!

- Chris has got a program where he is able to bring Skype calls to the Audacity Program which definitely makes things a lot easier and Chris actually has tested it out and figured out how to work. He has to tweak a couple of computer settings but it's easy to setup and he has an idea how to work with it and it will do until he can get the gear for the Mix-Minus setup on the mixer in the studio.

- The Boss Man has confirmed it that there is no plans to lift the social distancing rule so he has already put it in place that him and Larry will be recording Power Rangers Podcasts via Skype until further notice which is totally fine but this could change, this could change, it could not change it is a day to day basis as the studio remains in lock down and has been for nearly 5 months now. 

Will be chatting with you guys next week,

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Saturday, August 8, 2020

When Is Chris Set To Return To Blogging?

              So there has been questions to when the boss man aka Chris is to return to blogging and the online life. Well good news is he is set to return on Monday, yes this Monday he is coming back after weeks of being off from social media and being sequestered in the studio working on Power Rangers Podcast for the past week, week and a half to 2 weeks. So Monday, you will be seeing a different name on the blog for once and don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed my time writing to you guys on a regular basis but it is time for the boss talk to you guys. I am going nowhere, will still be active in chat during the week, answering messages from you guys on Social so you will still see me around and whatever he needs, I will do for him. What is he going to be talking about well, I am guessing he will be updating what he's been up to over the past week or so and when we know and he will give you guys his insight on Big Brother 22 this season since Everything About Reality TV Podcast is ending and he is excited to be returning finally. Hopefully he will be back for good and he won't disappear. I do not know if he will be active on the chatroom and active that I couldn't tell you guys really.

              So you will be hearing from me on a weekly basis as Chris blogs 6 days a week and I am back to weekly posts again but I am always around to fill in. However I am sure you guys are sick of hearing from me but I am always a team player to help him and the team out. It is long coming for the return of the boss man, it has been very quiet without him on the website blog, chat and socials. However, Chris has been sneaky and went on to say hey to you guys from time to time but most posts are from me but you will be hearing a ton more from him and he has great topics to talk about and he has even has 2 on the list already plus whatever is on the board in his studio so he has things all set up for the next week already which is awesome he has content for you guy one way or another.

Sophie, CBOTW Community  Manager