Wednesday, July 20, 2022

What Happened To The Chatroom? and Bigger Plans!

              I know the chatroom was short lived and reason was because of too much drama honestly, it just became way too much for me to have a chatroom and always seems to be the problem and even if we ban someone they find a way around it but the bigger plans is when ChrisBOnTheWeb channel gets bigger, there are bigger plans for it and I will most definitely get into it later on when the time is right. I am actually talking about a Discord server for the ChrisBOnTheWeb Community which would be huge. I am only doing that when things get bigger. I need to realize that I need to wait on things till I am big enough that I would start a server. If CBOTW Gamers Podcast pops up somewhere on ChrisBOnTheWeb, then more then likely that's when or if I start doing well with my streams.

               However, just like the chat here on there will be rules to follow when the time comes and will be a similar set of rules just like before which will be:

  1. No spamming the chatroom
  2. No being disrespectful including racist, homophobic remarks will be allowed.
  3. No posting inappropriate links or images whatsoever
  4. Please keep the chat PG at all times, trying to keep it a clean and happy community.
  5. No asking for Moderator, must earn that title by the CBOTW Team.
              Those are the rules that will probably be enforced and I will be sure to refer back to this post in the future but for now that is just plans for the future and that is what happened with the chatroom and I know it was a short explanation but things changed on the menu bar and quite quickly too. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Stardew Valley Upates!

              For the last few weeks, I have been playing Stardew Valley on my extra time.  However I have made some stride with the game. I have now upgraded both my axe and pickaxe to Iron and the next phase is Gold axe and pickaxe next but I need 20 grand to do both tho so that is a bit of a pain getting money and getting the gear I need. There are two stones that I think are copper and with copper that could open up a big amount of money. At this point I think I am going to sell most of it. Maybe make a copper or iron can but more likely copper will be sold and it will give me a bunch of money indefinitely. I am planning to sell cause I need the money to get one more upgrade on the axe and pickaxe. I have now started to grow crops and it has helped me out greatly but not only that but I have found a cave and able to start gathering stone, copper quartz and other amazing items. 

              Now back to the pickaxe and axe situation, it has been so much better with an iron axe and pickaxe and made life around the farm a ton better then it has been easier for me and I am happy with the outcome of what I have built. Now I have an new addition to the farm and that is my very first chicken coop in the game. This changes the game entirely. I am guessing that I will be able to collect eggs eventually but I will have to see next time I play as right now Power Rangers Collab is the upmost importance to finish up with hopefully both but I know I will finish it eventually. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for another post. 


Monday, July 18, 2022

Changes Made To!

          What you see to your right is true! Schedule is now mounted in the about drop down menu now along with About CBOTW, Team which is now as that changed now dirastically now. I know it seems cluttered but maybe in time I will declutter it but maybe I will not. Maybe I will leave it as it is perhaps? What matters now is I am making room for something on there. I had to play around with the website a bit and the code especially for the CSS Code for the menu bar, I had to actually kind of shift things around and knowing me, you guys will see another change later this week as welll. Yes I said change, there is still some more adjustments and will be removing one of the pages that I feel isn't relevant to ChrisBOnTheWeb in 2022 and the past is the past is the past and you guys will find out more soon as ideas are now flowing and we're about to really blow ChrisBOnTheWeb & up. Trust me, big stuff is on the horizon.

As you can see on the left, the menu bar is less crowded now as I have kind of picked away all the unnecessary items for the website and made the website a lot more simple then it has been recently. Schedule remains under the about section and actually if this post makes no sense, I apologize cause something was there but is now removed off the website at a last second. Something is on the horizon for it  and cannot wait to explain it. Also I have removed past projects and will explain at the end of the week but anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.          


Friday, July 15, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-15-2022]

              Another week has come to an end and time for some updates. Now again there is very little updates as things are quiet right now. Not much to report but there are a few things. 

Website: I have backed up the code to this website as I spent the morning yesterday saving the entire code that this website has. This website doesn't have any text elements nothing, basically all made out of code which mind you looks amazing really.  Also Past Projects has been updated along with the schedule to fit with this weekend as stream wise I do not know what is up for family sanction events so if I'm free, I'll stream. Probably do some Minecraft for a change. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Now I have two interviews booked next week which will take up the next two weeks in the schedule for the podcast, one with someone my assistant has been coordinating on my behalf so I look forward to the interview on July 21st. Also 2 days later I have Chidi's interview about his book for the 23rd of this month. I look forward to both and this brings the podcast into the month of August.

Power Rangers Collab: By now, I should be done Megaforce and typing up the notes. I am going to try and get it done very quite quickly to see if it can be done by a week and a half from now. If not it will be rescheduled this fall along with Dino Charge and the movies. I do have a bit of a backup plan if things go awry on us.

              Anyways those are the only real updates for this week and seems more then you expected but it is what it is and I hope you guys have a great weekend and I will be talking to you all on Monday with another blog post.


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Changing ChrisBOnTheWeb's YouTube Channel Around.

                Yes, if you have noticed the ChrisBOnTheWeb YouTube channel is gone, deleted. Do not worry, I still have Minecraft: Aftermath on my drive so I have it saved and you never know I may re-release it later if I chose to do a gaming channel all together. But I have a copy of it. Now the reason behind it is I had 9 subscribers and nobody really popped in and the channel was kind of dead meanwhile Entertainment Man Podcast is flourishing in listens and 15 subscribers now which is quite amazing. So I have shifted my focus on Entertainment Man Podcast for right now but this doesn't rule out a future gaming channel and I could re-release the video again down the road but you never know I may undeleted it and just put archives or rebrand the entire channel. If you guys know me well, it will not last long but yet again, I am a very stubborn person and I am open to admitting that. 

              However with YouTube it is hard to grow and it is hard to get an audience and maybe I am just hard on myself perhaps. However I want to stay put with Entertainment Man Podcast for now then if I wanna branch off I can and will. I can keep the channel for streaming only for right now. So any videos, I will just keep up there and starting this weekend, I am going to set sometime to stream for 2 - 3 hours.  However for video wise, nothing really planned. Right now there is only so much I can do but I am leaving the sporadic Tuesday videos in case a behind the scenes look comes afloat to the channel, I will be open to that but right now just the streams. I am kind of taking a step back just a tad. Anyways that is the updates for today, hope you guys enjoyed this and I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Power Rangers Collab Updates

               I know this is the talk of the community right now and I do not know what is going to happen. The next 2 weeks is crucial and there has to be 0 issues moving forward. I didn't work on the collab for 2 straight days and Sunday or Monday I started working on it again. So it all depends. However this is how I am doing things for right now:

Megaforce: Finishing up Megaforce then will be typing up the notes as if it is indeed the way I am thinking about it in the back of my mind right now, we will just record Megaforce with the next season recorded in the fall when we both come off vacation. There is so much going on right now at this moment. However I will get into that shortly but I hope to have it typed up by Thursday. I don't care if I lose sleep over this.

Super Megaforce: Now I hope to watch Super Megaforce, will be next weekend hopefully  and I can start typing this up and get it done and we are able to record both but it depends how hard I work I am sure I can get both done but I have two weeks to get it done and finished. It is a dire need to finish it up now.

               Now worst case scenerio and we just record the one episode, once it is finished and done and we do not record the second one, then what we will do is hold onto Megaforce and release it once Super Megaforce is done. I know it's ridiculous but that could change and let's see what Larry says on the 25th of the month as I should know more by then. Anyways that is the post for today, hope you guys enjoyed it, I will talk to you all tomorrow. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Internet Outage, Entertainment Man Podcast....

               I know things haven't been easy with the net issues and I had to start cutting out the platforms.... I honestly do not know how in the world I am going to promote it when I update the feed.  However as you guys saw I didn't promote all the links and nothing has been promoted yet as I am waiting till everything is cleared. I am pre writing this so things can change but at the most I will be updating this website and Mixcloud so it is ready for the weekend so expect a double upload. This gives my internet provider time to iron out any of the issues. This means Thursday's episode may follow the same guidelines as Sunday minus YouTube.  Episode is already uploaded to Castbox but I will try Mixcloud and getting it onto by Wednesday (tomorrow) see where we stand with that. 

              Update: Everything is back to normal now and everything is back on the right track, internet is back up to par but my position with the collab may not change as I am now 2 days behind and I went off at Larry over the weekend but all good now and I will talk more about how I feel tomorrow on the blog. Moving forward I will let you guys know the back up plan in case it doesn't go up and the only issue I had was I couldn't edit the post up as I had no way to do it via mobile and edit and fix that entire issue. Anyways that is what is going on with things and I will talk to you all tomorrow. 
