Friday, July 31, 2020

And Weeee're Back To Blogging!

               After a 1 day absence from the blog we are back to normal. Myself and Chris apologize... Wait we do not need to apologize as it was an Google issue really. Anyways any posts that were suppose to be done are scheduled for today and tomorrow. The regular update will be up on Sunday as usual. Things are back to normal and Chris had his panties in a knot over all of this yesterday and was really peeved off so to speak. On top of that we had a troll think they run the place on our chat when I was absent as I passed the heck out which we work 9 - 5 days Monday through Fridays and I even work on weekends on the email and Social Media outside the website but I cannot always be on the chatroom all the time really when we have work to do to get things ready to go for podcasts. Yesterday both Chris and I worked until 2 pm then had the rest of the day off so we had a half day working which is nice of him from this end to give a day off. There is plenty of work to do to get ready for Monday as you know from Chris's post on social that Power Rangers Podcast is coming back and that was one of the posts this weekend but we couldn't cause of the issues we were experiencing on our back end of the website.

               Let me let you guys know what the posts are for the weekend, today is this post and tomorrow is about a podcasts coming back and new podcasts to our network that we are bringing and let me hint with this, you will recognize one of the projects from back in March and no it isn't Everything About Reality TV as Chris made it clear he's retired from Reality TV Podcasts after nearly 5 years doing that podcasts and really the team and I are kind of just doing more prep work right now to prepare for Monday's recording sess. Like he said on social this beginning of September, we go back to full throttle on Podcasts and content. I think he's gotten something else in the back of his mind too and he may be streaming on and off from time to time. Not sure if it would be YouTube or just on our Facebook Fan page that he would do it that I could not tell you. Time will tell what he has in stored really and you never know what he has up his sleeve.

Sophie, Community Manager

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Who's Who On The Staff?

         There has been so many questions and I am making this very quick post as we are swamped with work right now, but the question you guys have is who is who when it comes to our Staff right now as so much has changed since Everything About Reality TV ended:

ChrisBOnTheWeb Staff:

Chris (Founder/Owner)- Founded and Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb.
Sophie- Me (Community Manager)- In charge of our Facebook and Twitter and overall helps the community if they have any questions and you can find me in the chat Monday - Fridays, 9 am - 5 pm EST I am always in there.
Larry (Co-FounderSenior Advisor)- Been with ChrisBOnTheWeb since the beginning and is the Co-Founder of ChrisBOnTheWeb and isn't really staff but is in conversations for everything ChrisBOnTheWeb.
Billy (Senior Advisor)- One of the 2 advisors for Programming to help Chris make the tough decision for everything around going on around the website and ChrisBOnTheWeb.

Billy (Senior Advisor)- Advises Chris along with Larry with everything Chris B On The Web, that involves decisions to make within the website.

Entertainment Man Podcast (2020 - PRESENT):

Chris (Executive Producer/Host)- Title says it all, Executive Producer/Host of his own personal podcast.

Power Rangers Podcast Collab (2018 - PRESENT):

Chris (Executive Producer/Host)-
Executive Producer/Host and oversees the operation and planning of the podcast.
Larry (Senior Producer/Co-Host)-
Senior Producer and helps with the decisions and Chris's right hand on projects as well. He is also is the Co-Host of the podcasts.

Sports Talk With The Bulldog (TBA):

Billy (Executive Producer/Host)- Executive Producer and Host of this future podcast.
Chris (Senior Advisor)- Senior Advisor and helps behind the scenes and can fulfill fill in host if Billy is unable to come on.

              There will be more information coming to the projects below and once we know what is up then we will be sure to update but exciting things happening and excited to be adding into the website and Chris is very excited on all of this and wishes he can post this personally but as I said he is very busy person. He hopes to return soon and he will know by Friday night when he is returning to the daily posts.

Sophie, Community Manager

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Addressing A Few Things That's Going On...

                 There has been so many issues recently across the board. I never thought in all the short time I have been with Chris and his team there would be so many issues. I will address them on this post and like Chris said if they remove this post so be it but it has to be addressed.

Facebook: The biggest headache for the last week or so as not once but twice we have had issues with our Facebook Community Fan Page as we have had issues with our scheduled posts actually posting. Now everything was on schedule technically didn't go up and remained in our scheduled section in the back end of the website which honestly has really put Chris in a bad mood again not once but twice. Chris has even thought about just focusing on Twitter and Instagram but he hasn't come to a decision on that at this point.

Ad Revenue: As you know we have ad revenue and recently we started to move with earning then Google goes and removes half the money we have earned and continue to remove money from our adsense. Chris is definitely keeping an eye on all of these issues and he's been going off on Google in the last 24 hours really not happy and he's been going off on social media yesterday ranting and threatening especially threatening to pull the CBOTW Fan Page all together.

                  He's not been a very happy camper from people threatening to report his social media to ratting him out to all this stuff going on with the two core things that evolves CBOTW and it's website and community. It is being monitored but he has actually spoken about sponsorships for the website or advertising on the website that could actually be a possibility that he could look into and he could actually remove the site from the Google Ad revenue all together and do something different? He has even said on Twitter he's considering Wordpress for a website or something similar that he has had at one point and no he won't be returning to 000webhost as that was a disaster. However this means he would be doing away with Google all together and he would have to re-create under another email switch over emails for podcasts etc which really isn't hard but we are locked with blogspot for another 3.5 years. So that is what is going on and I thought I'd let you know and hopefully the issues are resolved very soon.

Sophie, Community Manager

Monday, July 27, 2020

Power Rangers Is Returning To Recording Thursday!

                  Who would think that I would be sitting here making the announcement after a rough summer with preparing this but alas here it is! The biggest announcement that we have done yet! I wanna break this all down actually. First I wanna say is we were gonna hold off but Tuesday, made the decision to focus on Time Force Notes then Wild Force which I have already started and almost halfway there at this point. However Time Force is the upmost importance first as I want to record an episode and get that done so I can start editing it and getting things rolling. Taking baby steps and once Time Force is finished then we move into Wild Force. I guess what I am trying to say is with these really hard times, we gotta do with what we have and with the studio on lock down and if we have to we will break it down if so but we are still going to be recording 3 times a year and we are trying to stay on the schedule we set out to do. However the title isn't lying, we are indeed returning next week to recording and your wondering how? How are we going to do it with the studio in lock down still? Well we will be recording via Skype as this was the original plan back in May. We're so excited and when I made the decision to record the podcast this upcoming Monday, I messaged Larry at 330 in the morning. That's right I message him so early as I couldn't wait on Tuesday to tell him let's do this, let's make it happen. 

                   Now with the state of our YouTube channel with it now pretty much screwed up as that we have a strike on our account and warning we will be doing it live but it will be over our Facebook Fan Page which is probably more then better then YouTube or any other platform. The entire YouTube thing is another story and Larry is pretty much right on the YouTube thing but hey we got the Facebook Page and we wanna go live to show you guys how it's done and maybe these podcasts can be live here and there but not always. So Monday at 7 pm EST, both Larry and I will be live on Facebook and we cannot wait to talk about this season. Now should be by end of the week when we get the actual episode up but stay tuned for an announcement to come in the release by mid week. 


Saturday, July 25, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb-- Weekly Update [07-25-2020]

               Here is another weekly update and boy what an week for us. Now we made some changes within ChrisBOnTheWeb that probably is now permanent now. Things are constantly evolving and Chris admits to making the mistake of ever bringing back his Reality TV. He went out with a bang as he did his Survivor Brant Steele so it was indeed a great way to finish off the podcast series. Also we have seen staff leaving like a revolving door.  However Chris (Reality Teas) is no longer part of the team and still a big supporter of the podcasts and CBOTW. We thank him for his contributions and we are happy to have him support us still. Anyways here are the updates we have:

- Website: Chat does not have it's own dedicated chat and it has been moved to the right hand side of the side and can be seen all across the website pages as you go through all the pages it is there on every single page on our website. This way it's all across the site. We are excited for this new feature. Now I know what about the social media buttons that we once had? Well that is on the back burner as Chris is in high gear in collaborations which you will hear about this week, actually tomorrow as I checked with him and he told me its on the whiteboard schedule for this week. We will announce once we move into that phase of adding. It is more like we have to find a spot for the buttons on the website to put this feature.

- Podcasts (In General): CBOTW and Chris has indeed departed ways with the TV/Reality TV Podcasts and obviously you know Power Rangers are reverted back to the collab page again and will tend to remain on there. Also you probably wondering what the heck is going on with Chris and other podcasts, well he has something in mind that once saw production and went on hiatus and the clue it's actually on the website under podcasts right now. However announcement is coming this week from me and excited to tell you the plans with that, There is a second podcast from another Staff member that is in Pre-Production and he is working on preparing it for September and we got a start date for it but we will not announce it quite yet but we will soon hopefully.

                   So you can see we have a ton of stuff of amazing new stuff going to happen and we are happy that offers have been given and we are just excited to be doing this actually.  We have a ton of stuff going for this website and a lot more and we cannot wait to tell you guys the plans on what we have planned. Also you probably noticed Chris has not been on social media much lately and has been relatively quiet across social media but mind you he is busy getting content ready for you guys so this is why the staff is trying to cover for him on a daily basis. That is our weekly updates for us and I will be be chatting with you guys throughout the week, tomorrow his important post will be going up and I will be back on Tuesday with another post for you guys.

Sophie, Community Manager

Chris Has Sequestered Himself In His Studio

                   Well, Chris has sequestered himself in his studio to get times of work done. So probably the next week or so, you will not be hearing from him for a while and he apologizes but he needs to get this done if there is to be podcasts. However you will be seeing him Live which yeah it is strange in a way he will be active on the platforms but yet he's not gonna be active on Social Media. He's already let me know but has not yet informed his Staff of the changes and maybe what I can do is get Billy to do posts on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but again we will have to see. We really do not know how long he is gonna be locked in his studio for and we will see how long this lasts. I kind of know why he's sequestering himself but you guys will tell as the week or weeks go on. He's definitely on a very tight schedule right now. I wouldn't know what he is up to as I am not in the same house as him, we're in our own studios or ends during this crazy time the pandemic. I am pretty sure you guys know a certain podcast was suppose to be done a month ago and he is behind schedule as it is right now. I'm sure it will be all self explanatory and I promised to not say anything and apparently he made me sign this NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) so this means I cannot open my mouth on things.

                There will be information from Chris, himself this upcoming week as one of his posts are actually from him under his username however he wrote this days ago actually. So before you actually grill us hey Chris isn't off social media he already pre-wrote it and he's told me to re-schedule it. Anyways the boss is totally focused on the project at hand and I cannot wait to see what he is up to. So you will see the Staff fill him for him and I will discuss it with Chris and Billy to what days who wants to do what with the posts but for the most part, we're good up to Monday in the way of posts for this moment. Please do check the socials for updates and what not to who is doing what for Blog posts while Chris is away from Social Media while working on major projects. I will speak to you guys tomorrow!

- Mark, Site Admin

Friday, July 24, 2020

I Am Stuck On The Forest Level on Spelunky!

                  I have been wanting to do a post for the last little while to be honest. So today I am going to be doing a post update on Spelunky. So I have gotten to the Forest and so far I have been stuck. Now the good news is I can go back to the forest and try to beat it if I wish without going through the first 3 or 4 levels which is great. No matter what I do, I seem to struggle on the spikes, the exploding frog or the guy with the boomerang is my issue right now and I am pretty much on stuck on this. However I am not giving up on this game, I am getting a ton stronger at this game and there is no looking back on this whatsoever. I really am enjoying this game and it is a learning curve really. I still make stupid mistakes like dropping from a very high spot or even dropping on spikes and ending up dying. Yea I still make those very stupid mistakes on the game but hey it's part of the learning process honestly. I do play the game between working on stuff and I play sometimes half an hour a day if I get the actual chance to play the video games but recently it seems like that hasn't really happened much lately. 

                    Anyways that is my little update on the game and I try to play when I can and if I got the time and right now is not an option and you can tell I have been very quiet all week on social media but right now I do not think I will have time for the next week or so on video games but that's OK because it is really not going anywhere, anytime soon as it will be there when I am ready and able to play video games. The website comes first in my books first before being able to do any leisure time. When I get time then I can continue to improve the game and get a good run going but that is on the back burner for now but it will not be long till I start playing it again. Oh one more side note on the list is the darn piranhas in the pond of water but probably my own fault for jumping in so I gotta be more cautious but again it all goes back to it being a learning curve as its a level I am not too familiar with.  
