Friday, August 7, 2020

Our Former YouTube Channel Updates and Deletion...

               As you know one of our former Staff hijacked the account that I am in actually and uploaded inappropriate videos to our YouTube and gave us a warning and then a strike since that person kept on doing it so now only Chris and I have access and only the two of us have access to the account which we currently do not have a YouTube channel and our focus on the website and our social media platforms as well. We've established our community very well on here and we wanna continue it. The biggest goal is to get those likes back up on our Facebook Page is the upmost important thing. However back to what I was saying with that YouTube channel we have officially dismantled it and scheduled it for deletion as it is a brand account and will take some time for it to actually be deleted. The damage has been done and it cannot be fixed at this point. I believe we are on the right track and focusing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is probably the best move for us.

               Chris obviously has to get the OK and green light from the rest of the team on this and I am fine with whatever the team decides, I'm just the Community Manager of this website and ChrisBOnTheWeb so I am cool with anything. Hopefully Sunday, we will know what the status of podcasts in general are and I will have an answer for you guys on what we have planned. As for YouTube we're more then likely done with YouTube but again you never know what the team has planned with us but we're always looking into new things and honestly we're doing what's best for us in the end. So YouTube is not in the very near future for us, Chris is sticking to what he said about being retired from YouTube, he's meant every word of it.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Website Continues To Grow!

           Everyday our website continues to grow more and more everyday we get between 200 and 300 views on a regular basis which is incredible and it has continued to be consistent on a day to day basis and at this rate we will end up breaking 100k this month at some point, it is just the matter of time of it happening and don't worry and at least our site is very stable and with the flex of traffic on our website, the site hasn't crashed whatsoever which is good. Things are going great for us and we're not stopping at anytime soon. I think it all started at 100 views then 200 now 300 views a day on the website which is crazy. The numbers continue to go up on a regular basis. The move to add social media buttons and also the chat having it's own dedicated page was the best move to make honestly. It has really grown our website in views and never this could bring in views, more fans to our fan page and Twitter and his Instagram. This will be definitely a good thing for us.

            I know we had a day where we dipped down into the 100's but cannot always be over 200 to 300 every single day but 160 is still pretty good if you ask me it's better then nothing. However Chris and the rest of us here are excited that we are getting the views and this website is continually growing on a regular basis. I think part of it is with everyone home due to CoVid-19 everyone is online most of the time probably has a lot to do with the website but we do not know really. We should be happy with the way things have progressed well and the actual chat page which is there and it's not used too often minus the Staff and Mods on our chatroom, but the views are definitely there and I'm sure we will get people chatting eventually because people are checking out the chatroom one way or another.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Power Rangers Podcast Re-Scheduled Till Tomorrow

               So I got the word that Chris and Larry has re-scheduled till tomorrow night due to some technical issues on Larry's side with his Tablet or IPad having to do with his charger which is why they dropped the feed the other night on Monday. He was at a point didn't say a word to Larry till later in the afternoon when the two of them spoke and he wanted to get this finished yet Chris said he was done with the podcasts but hey they want to make it right and get it done. Like I've said and if he decides to end it then they would having to finish it but the two of them wanna make it right and Thursday evening the two of them will be back on Skype around 630 pm EST. We know they were live and they have decided to not go live for the rest of the recording due to it may throw people off. Also Chris and Larry have to re do the intro for the podcast as Chris isn't happy with it and they wanna add in that he is honoring the memory of his friend Kevin that passed away recently and he forgot to add it into the podcast. Then the two of them will jump all the way into where they left off with the podcast and go for it.

              Now hopefully the new charger will help as it does look like they will be doing it by remote till at least January as the Social Circle is still going to be at 10 till at least January 2021 so they will be doing it remotely not in the same studio as one another. Chris will be in the main studio and Larry will be in his. He decided to to throw away the video version and don't worry they have the Audio ONLY saved as they converted the video into Audio and we're working on the edit the podcast and hopefully we will get it edited and an announcement will come probably Sunday or Monday and I have no clue when he's returning to blogging, he's been MIA for a very long time now going on about 2 weeks now that he's not been there but you guys know the reason behind it now is this podcast but that is what is going on and the two guys are recording and I'm excited to see the final product. I give em credit they are working tirelessly on fixing and they will get it down and they always prevail no matter how much they fight and argue they still get the job and this is why this team is so amazing we work so hard on the website.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Addessing Last Night...

               Last night, Chris doesn't want to remember. Actually this morning he's been very quiet and stayed his distance away from Social Media and avoiding everything right now. I think it has to do with last night's live podcast which went great up to the technical issues and him yelling and screaming live which to a point he cut the feed and more arguing happened and the two of them are not on speaking terms now. Let's leave it at that as that is between the two of them but I hate seeing friends fight like this and honestly. Anyways Chris is feeling down today and I think he's just going to remain offline today for the day and take a personal day or two off for himself. Maybe this will clear things and maybe the decision to continue will be a thing. All we know they have a 3/4 of a podcast recorded and not sure if it will be kept or not for editing that I couldn't tell you but hopefully Sunday I will have something for you guys on the weekly update blog.

                Chris does feel bad on what happened and hopefully he'll make it up to you guys when the time is right. Right now he just needs to cool down, take time for himself. I understand why he's so fired up right now. He worked 3 weeks to months to a point he's just not happy after the long hours he puts into this, not sleeping during the night or no sleep at all to just get this finished and done for this to happen on the most important night of their lives. Now the thing I can say Facebook Page views were really good too and to end it after it was going really good and was overwhelming to look at the analytics for it.  Anyways I am not sure what is going on or what he has planned now with that and if it will be finished up at a later date or if he's just done with it in it's entirety that I cannot really tell you right now. So he is sorry about last night ending the cast early but there was issues and I wish I had more information but Chris ain't speaking to anyone. He needs to have his space right now.

Sophie, Community Manager

Monday, August 3, 2020

Would Chris Really Move Website Providers?

               With the recent issues with the back side of the website which is fixed now and things seem to be fine with the website now but I know he went off on the Social's about the issues. I think more then likely it was to address the issues with the website and trust me he wasn't happy about the on going issues with the website. These are the two things that really ticked him off and kind of made him think about a free website again:

- Keywords not sticking: There was a problem when you entered the keywords it wouldn't remain in there. Not anymore anytime we put in keywords it seems to be fixed. For the last I don't know month or two or so that issue seemed to be the # 1 problem where we had to enter it not once, not twice but a few times.

- Blog posts Getting erased at the half way mark of the post: Every time we put in a post, we ended up losing half of the post so our posts were partially dumped as Chris put it technically which is why end of last week we ended up not posting on Friday and almost ended up not posting all weekend long but Google and Blogger seemed to fix the issue very quickly.

- Google Adsense suspending us: Apparently we were suspended for self clicking ads when all the staff and myself have ad blocker on 24-7 so we did not do that so we have ended up being suspended for 30 days which is fine because Chris has removed the ads code for now and he may just delete his adsense and find another way to earn money off the website but we'll see.

                 With all that being said, every thing is fixed and we are good to go again with posting and all the two issues we have been experiencing is fixed now on. When they updated the layout of the blogger interface it was very buggy and the recent fix has helped and every thing seems very normal again. So Chris is not moving websites. He has put in the long hours to the menu bar and working on perfecting the CSS code to the website and building numerous pages on the website and also building up on the viewership which is like 200 - 300 a day now which is crazy to be honest. Plus he is locked in with his domain for little over 3 more years so he cannot really make a move at this point and I think he will probably renew with blogger as it has been a reasonable price for the .com domain.

Sophie, CBOTW Community Manager

Sunday, August 2, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Update! [08-02-2020]

             It is that time of the week again where we update you guys on everything ChrisBOnTheWeb. As you know it was another productive week for us and boy we have been very busy with adding features to the website and of course Chris working constantly hard to get the notes done for tomorrow as tomorrow is a big day but let's break down what has been happening:

Website: We've done two things, well Chris did since our website admin went rogue on us but that is besides the point. First thing was chat. Chris added the chat back and it has had both negative and positive response as we had a troll issue threatening to report me when it was one miscommunication we had which that post has been updated. Since then the chat has been moved as it got buried down on the right hand side and it was time to move it to it's own dedicated page on the website called Community Chat which has the times Staff are typcially around during the day time unless we have been up all night working hard on content for you guys. Also the color scheme of the website has been updated to blue outer edge with where you type a message and the messages area grey which really looks sleek and cool and we're very impressed with the look of it. Finally we have also have added social media buttons on the right hand side now and he's been playing around with it last night and we will get it fixed and to the right size. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Chris has recorded a new episode of the podcast and this morning he actually had to update the website early this morning but this episode he posted up was about what is to come with the podcast in the fall.

Power Rangers Podcast: Tomorrow is the big day and Chris was up all night working hard on getting ready to record with the notes and the most part he's gotten very far and hopes to be close to finished today at some point hopefully done so he can email it over to Larry to print off so at 7 pm EST we can record and hopefully live.

               There are our updates for the week and the usual stuff happening and it has been a huge week for us. Our website has grown massively! Over 200 views a day now and ever since we've added the new features this website has gotten big amount of views which is amazing to be honest it has been an amazing week for us and we hope this week continues to grow and it will as we got all these amazing features and we're all excited for the future of this website.

Sophie, Community Manager

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Podcasts-- Fall 2020-- What's New and What's Returning?

              This post was suppose to be up the other day but due to the issues of the interface with the blog this got delayed. There is a new podcast coming and there is projects that are going to be returning to the lineup and this is to announce what Chris and the rest of the team has in stored for 2020 - 2021 season.

Entertainment Man Podcast: It is finally returning after almost a 5 month Hiatus, Chris's personal podcast which will be recorded and posted up each and every week on the Audio ONLY Platforms. He already did an episode or mini episode since it was only 14 mins long not the full 20 - 30 min episode he usually produces and puts up. He has already confirmed that Sunday, September 6th, 2020 @ 1 pm EST the first episode will be put up.

Sports Talk With Bulldog: A New Podcast that is joining the lineup of the 3 podcasts and will be also starting towards the middle of September. What I know of it will be both Video (YouTube) and Audio ONLY Platforms. Chris will also be active as Senior Advisor for Billy's podcast and if Billy cannot make it one week then Chris has been willing to step in if worse comes to worse but you will see Chris behind the scenes for the most part.

Power Rangers Collab Podcast: The Podcast you all know and Love will be returning this fall with a bit of a make up schedule for the podcasts. At the end of September he will be making up the Wild Force season then they two guys will be back in December for Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder as well then the two of them will decide what the next timetable is for the next set of podcasts that are gonna be done if Chris decides to continue as he's already put no interest in continuing but we will see how he feels in December.

                 There is our amazing lineup. Not all schedules are confirmed as we are just in the month of August but in time we will be announcing schedule wise soon hopefully. Some platforms still need to be created and put together and soon as Chris is finished with Time Force, it is on his priority list while he watches Wild Force and gets ready to record in September for his next collab and that also goes for the Video side of some of the projects but not all of them.

Sophie, Community Manager