Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020, Year In Review!

                This year has been terrible for ChrisBOnTheWeb. So much went wrong for me as a content creator from losing Staff to losing a Podcast, that I loved dearly and not being able to go to events was another big problem but I am going to break it down on this post:

Everything About Reality TV: I loved this podcast with every fiber in my body and I would of continued on with it if I had hosts who could commit to their weekly podcast. Also my head wasn't in it anymore with this podcast to be honest. I left my own podcast not on the best of terms and I know there was a ton of disappointed people and lost a pile of followers because I wasn't doing the Reality TV Podcast but those who stayed, I thank you for your continuous support of the projects I am still doing to this day. I really regret the way I went out of this podcast in bad terms, but least I ended it with the Back To Basics Amazing Race episode.

Staff: I think this is the year that I had to let go staff for not doing their part and there has been some who I have blocked or I've been blocked by but that is their choice. You have to remember this is my website, I am the content creator here and I call the shots whether I wanna end a project or whatever I wanna do with it. Also for me to be on my own now is the best decision I can have. I know that I am pretty much on my own with some help, not much help right now but I really do not need much help at this moment. Those who have contributed in the last couple of months, Larry, Kelsie and Billy, I thank you for everything.

Events: I am disappointed the fact that I wasn't able to do events and very little photography was done as I normally do in a year but hopefully soon I will be able to get back into a regular routine once this COVID-19 passes but may not be till 2022 but we will have to wait and see really. 

Entertainment Man Podcast & Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: I am blessed to actually have both of these podcasts in my routine on a weekly basis and 3 times a year and has become my main two projects at this moment and I am honestly having a ton more fun with these and I have gotten into em both of them.

                This year has been full of up's and downs this year and hopefully New Years and 2021 will be full of more positivity and exciting new opportunities for the website and podcasts and never know what will happen. I have a plan that I will tell you guys tomorrow, either way have a fantastic New Years Eve and Happy New Year to you all!


Change of Plans! Chat Is Gone Permanently and We've Got A Discord Server Now!

          Chris has allowed me to slip in this bonus blog post this morning before the normal post from him goes up. As you probably have noticed with the website that the Community Lounge has disappeared and it was a decision by the entire Management Team and Chris to remove it once and for all for several reasons why really and here are the reasons behind our decision:

1) Chat was inactive: I was the only one in there recently despite the views have been extremely well but just not activity minus the occasional time Chris is in the Lounge from time to time.

2) Trolls: We have had our share of trolls recently spamming the chatroom with VPN's after we banned VPN's and we frown upon the use of them as it makes it easy to troll the chat.

           So with the Discord Server, it already has become an active community on there and also the Management Team of myself, Chris and hopefully Billy and Tiala on there today. A week Monday we hope to get Larry on there under the Alum title as well. The link can be found under the Discord logo to the right hand side next to our our Social Media's or by going to to join our wonderful community. This will prevent trolling because one ban and not just your account but your IP is banned since the server is based by IP and not just your username and there is no way to come back unless Management or Moderation (Moderators) unban you. I think this is the better decision to have a server and even Billy is getting people to join this community. I know a chat on the website brings in views but this also clears up room for what we have planned in February with the reconfiguration with the website. I wanna say we had concern we wouldn't be able to fit it in but now we can. Please feel free to sign up with Discord, it's free and join our Community. We will post up the link on Social Media so you can join and pin it to the top of our posts.

Anyways have a Happy New Year,

Matt, Site Admin

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

600 Views On The Community Lounge!


Hey! I decided to take over the blog today and give him a break from blogging. Trust me he's been working long hours with the site plans, Collaboration Podcast and also Entertainment Man Podcast so he's got 3 things going on right now and honestly he's stated he will be working on January 1st, 2021 hoping to take time off on the weekend on the Sunday. Anyways the reason why I am posting today is to bring amazing news with this website. The Community Lounge continues to grows with the website and within a month of this site having the Community Lounge back on we have hit 600 + views (602 Views to be exact.) Which is incredible to be honest. That was a screenshot of the page stats from the back end of the website. I know, the chat isn't active with ton of users but the fact people are popping on that exact page is amazing and I am always hiding out in chat and I always keep my name in there even when I sleep. 


                The One thing that needs to be done is get the chat moving is promoting the Community Lounge and getting people in there. Now we continue to commit to having it open to guest chat even with the past history of guest trolls but that seems to be fine. We have had some issues even with the VPN not allowed on the website that seems to be a problem as we had a bunch of trolls and we did a lookup as both of us can see who is who on the website. It says it's a VPN or Proxy and yet we banned that so the trolling would be limited. We may have to reach out to Chatango about that but the trolling has limited down. I wanna thank you all for the continued support on behalf of myself, Larry, Billy and Chris and it's because of you guys you make ChrisBOnTheWeb a success on a daily basis.


Matt, CBOTW Site Admin

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

My Favorite Rock Songs

                There is a ton of Rock Songs I can even mention from the top of my head that I can even bring up but in today's post I will mention a few and I know already a few but anyways I will quit stalling and here are some of my favorite songs which mostly are old school songs but nothing wrong with that:

Turn Up The Radio by Autograph: Heard this on a live show the Raunchfoxxx Foxxxcast which he has passed away 5 years ago. Either way one of my favorite songs regardless and still am listening to it to this day when I am not listening to Christmas music as I am doing right now but it will be one of the first songs I will play.

Thunderstruck by AC/DC: I admit it is one of my favorite songs and also my nephew's fave and I think I got him into it as they heard some of the classic rock I was playing in my studio when he came down to see me. 

Knockin on Heaven's Door by Guns N Roses: One of two G n' R short for Guns N Roses and I know that isn't the original song and I have the original song by Bob Dylan on my ITunes so I got both versions. Also this is NOT and yes I put NOT in bold and caps because this is one of two songs from the band which is my 4th song that is my favorite.

Sweet Child O' Mine: Was one of my Staff Sue's favorite song and every time I listen to it, I think of her and remember the good times my team and I had with her when she was still alive. 

Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi: Honestly first time I heard this song was in a show by a fellow Podcaster friend of mine, Jimi which he has an awesome podcast. Anyways soon as I heard this I requested this on his show. I like any of the Bon Jovi songs really.

                      There are more songs that I could add into my list but again this blog post would be endless post like usual but hope you guys enjoyed this post and it is good to get back on track with posts and I'm sorry about yesterday being late but today it's back on track.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Plans After This Pandemic?

              The plans moving forward after this pandemic well I am not planning too far ahead as right now, we are in currently in lockdown and I am not even thinking about this and this has been requested yet this is why I am making my post. I'm sorry, I just cannot think clearly right now, processing things right now and I know I sound annoyed and I assure you I am not, just frustrated with the fact that I am stuck in this damn lockdown in the house not able to go far minus the corner store here and there and this pandemic has really taken a toll on me mentally especially sleep wise. Anyways I am off topic right now the one big thing I look forward is seeing my friends and family again and able to see them physically in person again and this is why I have started to show my frustration on here and I just cannot bottle it in and I know it isn't easy to write this post. Anyways, off topic once again, the next thing I am looking forward to is being able to record with Larry and my alum in this studio again as it has been awful quiet around here not being able to have them in the studio to actually record and maybe it's one of the reasons for the Collaboration Podcast going on hiatus? Yes I put a question mark as I am not sure really but I am trying to be optimistic to having him back in studio physically soon but we will see how things go with this vaccine this upcoming year.


                So really I have 2 big plans to see friends and have my Co-Host over but again like I have been rambling on in this posts I am not thinking too far ahead right now till we are out of  this lockdown and down to Red or even the yellow level once again but that will come in time right now I am focusing on now and what is happening but I plan on not rushing myself after this pandemic is over because we do not know how much longer this pandemic will be lasting and we do not know know how long it will take for the vaccine to be distributed.  So I just do not wanna promise or make plans because soon as things hopefully get back to normal, first thing I have to figure out is my bus situation as right now, I got no regular bus service but more about that in the New Year as that is a post alone itself but I am planning on actually taking my time with going out once this is over.


Sunday, December 27, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates [12-27-2020]

         This is the final updates for 2020 as this is the last Sunday of 2020. I have replaced the other Management Team/Site Admin once again 4th or 5th replacement and the site cannot update itself and Chris hired me to take care of the website and already made a couple of adjustments more with the chat but that will come later in this post. Anyways here is the updates:

Website: Chat continues to be running 24-7 and has been very quiet lately and not used but the views still seem to climb on on the "Community Lounge" which means people are popping in and out of the page and nearing 600 views for the past few weeks. Please feel free to pop in and chat, I am in there most of the day and sometimes up to 6 or 7 pm in the evening but usually in there between 9 am and 6 or 7 pm depending on the day and what Chris has or needs me to do. 

ChrisBOnTheWeb Management Team: The Management team consists of myself, Matt as the Site Admin, Billy Assistant and Senior Advisor to Chris. We are keeping the team small and not expand the team as there has been questions about joining the team and right now we wanna keep the team small as Chris's wish for right now.

Collaboration & Interviews for Entertainment Man Podcast Opportunities: However Chris is looking into Collaborating with others in the New Year and am looking into it and it would go under it's own Collaboration Page and also he is open to Interviews and swamping guest spots on his own podcast Entertainment Man Podcast so if interested. please email him if you wish to collaborate with him or be a guest on his podcast.

            Chris has returned for 4 days before off for 2 days during New Years Eve and New Years Days before his BIG return in 2021 with NEW content and bringing some great content that he has in mind. He will be blogging which means he will be typing a post up tomorrow on the day of instead of pre-written which he has 2 more pre-written and ready for the 31st and 1st of the year. If I do not post at all this week, I want to wish you all a VERY Happy New Year and I will speak to you all in the New Year.

Matt, Website Admin/Management Team

Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Sims 4 Got Corrupted.... Wonder Why With The Shenigans I Have Done In Game!

               Well R.I.P. Sims 4 Game of mine, game officially stopped working and maybe I went way overboard with the craziness and stupid things I did with the sims whether they were outside while a thunderstorm happened and they got electrocuted or the house went up on flames I can see why the game randomly got corrupted, I corrupted my poor sims and abused them way too much that the game just completely stopped working. I uninstalled the game and re installed and I haven't been in the game as of yet and I am afraid to try and load it up see if a fresh reboot but if I have to actually erase the file from App Data which erases all the houses I built and all the Sims files would be completely erased which means I would have to start from scratch but maybe that is something I need to do and it might fix the issue. However I got some free content and I bought another additional to the list which I do not remember which one I got as I have a lot of extra content and expansions to the Sims 4. However this one only costed me $6.99 which was on sale due to Christmas.


                Either way I will keep you guys in the loop on things when I start to play the game and anything that has changed and whether I actually have  to rebuild my files from scratch again and if I do I may just re-create the Sims 4 Big Brother House and start playing the game again. I actually enjoyed watching them get under each others nails and fighting and arguing and overall drama happened. Was very entertaining for me to watch and sometimes I didn't have to press anything just follow em around and see their interactions and that one time everyone died cause the stairs to the lower half of the house was missing was the most weirdest thing that I have ever seen. I hope to have an update just after Christmas as I plan to play over my time off from things and hope to have some kind of updates on the game as I have OFFICIALLY quit playing PGATour2k21 due to them resetting my character all together and messing up my current career.
