Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chris B On The Web Is Growing Once Again!

             It has been almost a day since the news broke out but thought I would do the official announcement for Chris B On The Web and it is good news, not bad news whatsoever, it is an addition to the podcasts actually. After talking to a old high school which we're very close friends now. He suggested I do a TV Show RECAP, not Reality TV related but regular everyday TV Shows from comedies to drama and much more if it wasn't for Billy I would of been only doing Everything About Reality TV Podcast but having 2 different podcasts it is going to expand my horizon to do other podcasts. I think it would be a great idea in case Everything About Reality TV went downhill, not in views, I mean if shows started to you know stop bringing out new seasons of any of the Reality TV Shows I cover then there will be gaps but I am hopefully Survivor, Big Brother, Big Brother Canada & Amazing Race Canada. 

             I am finally listening to you guys to what you guys want to see on and keep up the great suggestions and help, I will listen to you guys to what you would like to see. I know Everything About Reality TV will continue to be on the good path of success. You guys have suggested things that will work for me and I listened. You guys do want podcasts to go live eventually but right now isn't the right time nor the time for it to be live on the air compare to the pre-recording sessions I do during the daytime. But I do put all your suggestions into great consideration, not everything can be done right away. 

              I am however proud on how well Chris B On The Web and has done in growth, the numbers have been to the 600 - 700 range each and every month and stayed at that rate for a while now, awaiting for it for growth to continue on. I have in the last few months been very patient and taken action on things, like actually going entirely solo without a team for now, could find someone to help here and there but that is later on. I think The CBOTW Show will be a huge success, just like Everything About Reality TV Podcast has and will generate some great viewership. I am planning on putting this new podcast onto the same networks as EAR TV is on which are (My Website), (As The RSS Feed where it's located.), & of course ITunes as well.  The CBOTW Show is currently on hold as I am currently making a format for the podcast. It will be a weekly Podcast compare to Everything About Reality TV is 2 - 3 times a week depending on what the schedule for Reality TV is. 

Have a Great Day!


My 10.5 Years As A Content Creator On YouTube!

Well I have been waiting for a long time to talk about my YouTube Career. This was a period of my life that spanned 10 and a half years and involved grinding out video and content.

The Early Years (2005 – 2008)

The journey began back on December 9th, 2005. I remember the date as I commemorate the auspicious occasion yearly. It started as I needed to do a project for High School. I was in my last semester in in school and I needed 40 credits to graduate with my High School Diploma. As someone with Autism I wasn’t suppose to but that is a different blog post for a different day. My teachers gave me an option to get the credits. I could either create a pitch for a new TV show or make a sample episode of a show. Deciding on the sample episode, I decided to try make a pardoy of The Amazing Race. But, as things tend to do in life, nothing went according to plan.
During my team’s production meetings, the we found some aspects to difficult so the plan changed to an entertainment show highlighting local events in Durham Region, Ontario.  So after the presentation in the class (which went amazingly well), my team and myself continued production on February 13th, 2006. At the time I was not on YouTube yet. March 19th, the project was on hold again. I ended up getting really ill and found myself in hospital for 4 days. The doctors had to perform a surgery to remove a blockage. I almost died for the second time in my life. This health blip put the production on hold until mid April.
Once things got rolling we recorded the 2nd episode and continuing on right through to the 16th episode the following year. As time went on, drama ensued amung the production team and our show, Durham Entertainment Today, only saw one full season filmed. Our second season was left with only 3 episodes recorded. The series stopped on January 10th, 2008. After more production team issues, I started up ‘The Entertainment Man Talk Show’. This was the start of my first ever YouTube channel, which still is online!

The Longest Web Series I Have Ever Done! (2008 – 2010)

The Entertainment Man Talk Show had a very successful 8 episodes. From the feedback, everyone loved the first season of the series on YouTube. That following fall, I renewed the series for a second season which had the longest running number of episodes at 42.  In Season 2, saw the expansion of the team and the return of the co-founder Eric of The Video Projects Team. We also grew the team by 3 additional staff members. The series saw another renewal for a third season.
For the first time in the show’s history, we got permission to film in a old firehall, a jail and live on stage for a theater performances. Season 3 saw a lot of on location filming during good weather. When the weather turned, we decided to stay put in the studio. Once the Season 3 finale a live broadcast finale on, ended I made the announcement that the series would go on Hiatus.
The Hiatus:
I took the hiatus to attend college and study pre-media. I was hoping it would help me advance my YouTube career. During the hiatus I lost the majority of my original team and gained 3 news people. Brent would replace the other camera crew that left the team and Justin would help me build the studio sets. I did a Bringing Back The Entertainment Man Talk Show at the Toronto Islands to get ready for my triumphed return. Also during the hiatus I did random updates and blogs and interviews to fill the void.

My Return & Final Years on YouTube (2012 – 2016):

I return to YouTube and The Entertainment Man Talk Show with really high hopes. A big stumbling blog was getting my audience back after being off the air for a 2 year period. During my time at college, I was introduced to better editing programs. This made the projects look better then they were before. We also introduced a full theme to the show at the end of Season 4. Season 5 and 6, Larry took over and did an amazing job until him and Eric quit and another staff member was let go. During June 2015, the last ever episode was filmed. There was plans for a 7th season but due to the team departing I decided to shut down production on June 21st, 2016.
It was at this time that I started to vlog. At one point, I managed to upload 600, maybe 700 days  worth of vlogging in a row. Why did I leave Youtube? There were a few. Mainly because after my staff left I just didn’t have the help I needed. It wasn’t because of hate or negative comments. I had very minimal hate but my departure from Youtube wasn’t because people made fun of me for being Autistic. I really didn’t care what people thought. My theory was that haters will hate. I am very grateful for my time with YouTube and learned so much about myself. Looking back, I have no regrets after leaving the platform.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

So Many Problems I Can Take Right Now!

       Right now I am showing my frustration of waiting almost 2 hours for a post to come up on Stitcher and this has happened today once again after I posted the BB19 the other day and it never showed and I started to feel discouraged that I am not going very far even though the stats on Stitcher have been better then usual and been getting views from the Stitcher platform but what bothers me the length of it what it takes for the podcast to show up, usually the longest is an hour, an hour and a half which is fine with me but 2 hours or more or for it to not show up. This is not the first time I have had this issue and this time I had to really think about the future of Everything About Reality TV and I know Justin Milner my former Staff member kind of mentioned to me about leaving Stitcher few months back and with great sadness I am announcing in this blog post I am leaving Stitcher after 9 months of being with their amazing platform and it was the toughest decision I have yet to made within the last year well 2nd toughest decision to me letting go my entire team so I can go more on a solo project but sometimes you gotta let go and that is what I did in this instance. 

         I am not saying I am not happy, I was kind of more frustrated by the situation, however I am humble to be a part of the platform for the length that I have lasted with them. I am not only Humble but proud to be part of the platform and was a great starter for me and my podcast. It does stinks I am leaving when I started to get more traffic on it but I will try and explain it on the next podcast as best as I can. Like the saying goes, one door closes and not being on Stitcher doesn't mean Everything About Reality TV isn't done, because it isn't, the podcast is still on,, & of course on ITunes. So the podcast is still out there and losing out on a partnership isn't the end of the world, these small setbacks happens and I know I will continue to succeed in the podcast even on my own website,, TuneIn & ITunes. Getting onto ITunes came at the right time to help the podcast out even with the recent departure on one platform, I am on another one. Stitcher was a great start for me and I will never forget this experience and cannot thank Stitcher Staff enough for everything, their love and support throughout the last 9 months. I may be a bit a pain in emails but they know I want nothing but the best for Everything About Reality TV and for it to be successful. In conclusion of tonight's rather late blog post, change sometimes is good and I think this change will be really good for the podcast and if I ever want to return to Stitcher I can in the near future and let em know I would like my feed back I can always request it in the nearby future.

Have a Great Night!


Monday, July 10, 2017

Places I Would Like To Visit Around Canada and The USA!

             There are tons of places I would like to visit around Canada and the US, which is kind of the reason why I decided to write this blog this afternoon and share places, states or locations that I would like to visit here in Canada and down in the States.


- I would like to visit Prince Edward Island and tour the entire island if possible and see the sights and the views that the island has to offer. I would also once again would get PEI Potatoes as they were awesome the last time we brought em home back in 2007 which was the last time I visited Prince Edward Island. 

- Calgary/Alberta again- I would visit Calgary, obviously because I do got family out there and I would want to return to Banff Mountain and also I would like to see the Edmonton Mall which is huge and never know I may run into Talla from Big Brother Canada! Ha ha! It would be funny if I actually saw her in person. Definitely get a selfie done with her if she does't mind! Also maybe run into some other houseguests from Big Brother Canada too!

- Also visit my aunt and uncle in British Columbia, also see Vancouver and Vancouver Island as well, I have never been to the west coast before in my entire lifetime but have been to Alberta before just not right to the coast in my lifetime which will be changing soon when I am out there. 


- First place I would like to visit in the US would be to return to Chicago and do more tourism, see the Museum of Natural History, also make my way back to Minnesota to see the family. On my way home I would like to stop at the Memorial for the Edmund Fitzgerald. 

- The next place to visit in the states Florida, I have never been down south before and would love to see the south and the southern hospitality. On the way down I would like to visit South Carolina on my way down, as I really would like to see what South Carolina looks like.

- Next on my endless list in this blog is California. Several reasons why I would like to visit, Hollywood, San Diego Zoo, Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and of course see LA.

- Arizona, I would love to visit my Aunt Dini and Uncle Rob down there and plus it is warmer there then up here in Ontario... LOL. Never seen what a desert looks like. 

- New York City, would like to see Trump Tower, also visit the 9/11 Memorial and the new buildings around where the towers use to be. Also of course the Statue of Liberty which I always wanted to see.

- Finally I want to and I know my parents are planning this to take a trip out of Boston and I of course added in that I wanted to see the state of Maine even though Cabet Cove was fictional in Murder She Wrote  still would love to see the beautiful state regardless and back through New Brunswick, through Quebec and home. 

          Well that is my list, so sorry it is a bit long and I know I wont get to see all those states but hopefully some in my lifetime and I know Boston and west Coast Canada will be a thing for me to see, as for the Florida, Arizona and Cali that is a bit far fetched for me to see and more the likely will not happen, but never say never!

Have a great night!


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Walking Away From An Argument

         Almost a week ago I did the unthinkable, something I have rarely done over in a very, very long time and that is walk away from an petty argument that was over the patio stone project. Now it isn't the first argument I have had over the patio project, but I consider it creative differences but that's OK, we all have our own opinions on things and we are entitled to have our own opinions. But I felt so frustrated with the arguing that was going on, I just needed to get away for 15 - 20 minutes or as long as I need and I felt walking away going inside in this instance was what was best for me at the time and I need to cool off and calm the heck down before I say something I regret. Same with July 1st I got pissed off at my brother and my dad when I said I was going to cook yet they took it over and not tell me they already have started and I said something I should of not said. However I came down to my room and laid down for a minute to cool down then went to continuing playing Rocket League with my niece and nephew and moved on with the rest of the day and everything was fine for the remainder of the evening.

        So you can see there if you cannot come to consensus and not agree on anything or someone is continuing to argue then it is the best idea to walk away from the situation and just cool off for a few minutes and if you need extra time do take the extra time to cool down then if you are clearly ready to go back and try talk things out or go back to the task at hand that you were doing at the time of the conflict/argument occurred. But sometimes it is OK to stop for the day and maybe start tomorrow or if it is the weekend as you guys know I do not work on the patio on the weekend not even a Saturday or on a Sunday, it is usually during the weekdays when there is working being done on the patio. 

       However in conclusion walking away is the best thing to do and staying in the same room or in my instance go inside from the patio or wherever you are it is the best thing to do and arguing is just not worth it. Walk away and cool down before you regret saying something that you do not want to say and will have major regrets in the end and if you say something to friends, then you will lose a friend or friends in the process and you don't want that to happen. 

Have a Great Sunday!


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Chris B On The Web Plans (REVISED)

       So I did this post before but things are changing and rapidly fast and things move fast around the Chris B On The Web Studios and I been thinking things out very clearly lately and I think this is the best plan yet to wait on a few things with the site and Chris B On The Web and I am finally thinking for the future not worried about the past on the platforms and I should of took just retired from casting after so many years of broadcasting on the internet, the trolls got to me, yes! And casting isn't worth the stress at all! So without further ado, here is the update and again please note nothing is in cast iron can change down the road at anytime!: 

July 2017:

July 10th: Start working on getting Everything About Reality TV Podcast onto ITunes to help it even grow even more and will be the last network  I am extended the podcast onto for now, but could be on other networks in the near future at a later time and date!  

September 2017:

- Plans to collab with long time friend Jeff Livingstone to do an interview with him about his sports, bowling, softball, hockey. 

On Going:

- Also ongoing right now is an experimental stage of having one of my Alumni be an author for this very blog, I will not say who but in time you will know who it is. Even if you went to the blog on the website it is a total giveaway! LOL Let me helps you guys on this one Yes I am being quite sarcastic with that statement!  

In The Plans But Cancelled The Plans:

- I was aiming to bring Everything About Reality TV LIVE on the airwaves of via UStream and a chat however, I said I am retired from casting and I need to stick to my word and never ever cast again. I am happier not casting, but had fun while it lasted and will always remember the good memories I have had broadcasting over the years.

           There is my timetable for right now, it can change with new plans or plans can be dropped if need be if something happens or unable to go through with the plan but hopefully this will all go into plan step by step and taking one step at a time, I know the plans for this year are going to go through as for the cancelled, I am not changing my mind whatsoever on it, it is what it is and I am going to deal with it!

Have a great night!


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Chris B On The Web & is Evolving!

             So far my gut instincts have been right about a lot of things and I am loving every moment of the "Podcasts" as I finally gotten right into the podcast and it the quality of the podcast is so much better then it was before, so over my break I improved on the sound and quality of the podcasts and now a better intro without that pain in the neck distortion in my voice. Once I get my Audio Technica 2020 Mic, the quality will be even better then this mic, however I am keeping the Audio Technica PRO 31 microphone as I am planning on using it for guests that do visit the studio for podcast recordings, they can actually be a guest on my podcast while I use the condenser Microphone for myself. So the podcasts are growing and I love being on, Stitcher & and soon and hopefully by the fall also onto ITunes as well as the final step to getting my podcast out there. 

              There was original plans to eventually bring the podcasts to video platform, but not sure now with my busy, busy schedule with the family and spending time with them, working on the patio. So it is totally up in the air right now with my time I have to record them live and I really do prefer to record them early morning or in the afternoon, this way I can  move forward with my day, work on other projects that need to be done for Chris B On The Web or family wise or if I have to run errands of any sort, I do have the time. Also I will have time to spend with friends as well. Majority of my alumni agree that pre-recording the podcast is probably the best thing for me. Plus I am pretty well done with going live, I am retired from broadcasting too and got no plans to go live unless I free up a hour a few times a week. But do not count podcasts NOT going live, because it is being explored, getting a chat together, a video broadcast platform such as UStream.TV so I am exploring the options to doing it. Only reason I am holding back is I need to get the studio fixed up and my setup being changed over, setting up the green screen, OBS, the design on OBS and much more and having enough of a built fan base to tune in each and every recording but we will certainly see in due time! 

            With being with both Soapbox & blogs, I love doing both as I really enjoy writing what is on my mind, locally, this crazy weather Ontario has been, Reality TV, advice, rants which is on my blog only. I just love the freedom to express my opinions as I got more of a freedom of speech compare to when I was with YouTube. Also I am in test and experimental stages with this blog especially as you probably can see on the side of the blog you can see Larry Rieck is involved with the blog as an Alumni blogger and he hasn't posted yet but he will when he is good and ready to go. I love my current situation with Chris B On The Web, I am quite happy the way things are right now and I wouldn't change it for anything!

Have a great Rest of Your Afternoon!



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Monday, July 3, 2017

Canada Celebrations 2017 & Canada 150th Birthday

              Wow what a great day to celebrate Canada Day and this nation's 150th birthday! This will be a day I will remember the rest of my life. First spending time with my niece and nephew even though I didn't go down to the lake did spend time with my niece and nephew and the family that came over and it was fun, I was suppose to cook but my brother and father took over like I figured out so that had a bit of family drama that has gone on. The dinner however was great, tons of food and a great conversation went on. Spent tons of time with my niece and nephew, we played The Binding of Isaac and they got to witness another achievement reached which I am now almost at 50% to being at the full 100% Platinum God which means I will be ready to go to The Binding of Isaac Rebirth which if you ask me I am very very excited and I am sure my niece and nephew are excited to see the next installment and they know a mass majority of the items on the game as I have gone through each challenge or character on the game whether it is Isaac, Samson, Judas, Eve or Maggy, they know almost every item that I have gotten and the new items and we have even looked it up on Canada Day what that specific item does within the game and we, I also mean myself love the lucky toe item.

               The final part of the day would be the spectacular fireworks display that I saw and it wasn't by the lake it was out in Bowmanville which is one town East of me so wasn't far from home so it would do. The downfall of going down to Lakeview is you have to take a city bus shuttle down as you are not allowed to park down there during the Canada Day events so after the fireworks of course it would be quite the crowd and a wait to get onto the bus and go back to the main terminal which I believe was the Oshawa Center if I am correct for this year. But anyways the fireworks so really awesome, it was a very entertaining fireworks and lasted a little over 30 minutes which is amazing, what a great way to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday. I thought it was going to stop after 20 minutes as it looked like it was ending but it didn't another fireworks and more which made the fireworks display. It was an amazing fireworks and would go back to the Garnet B Rickard Arena.


P.S. here are a few pics from the other night.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Future Plans For Chris B On The Web

               Since I did a post about the event's, I figured this is a good time to announce the plans for the future of Chris B On The Web & and here is the plan for the very near future:

July 2017:

July 1st: Make-Up Schedule for #EverythingAboutRealityTV #podcasts, Sat. Jul 1st, 2017:

12 pm EST- #amazingracecanada Preview
1 pm EST- #BB19 Recap

- From Monday, July 3rd - Wednesday, July 5th, 2017 I will be completing the Archives entirely and will have a working Archives and built for Everything About Reality TV by Wednesday evening. Website will not be affected at all, all pages minutes the podcasts page will be functional.

September 2017:

- Plans to collab with long time friend Jeff Livingstone to do an interview with him about his sports, bowling, softball, hockey. 

November 2017:

- Plans to expand the podcast to ITunes hopefully by September/October 2017.

On Going:

- Also ongoing right now is an experimental stage of having one of my Alumni be an author for this very blog, I will not say who but in time you will know who it is.

- Also aiming to bring Everything About Reality TV LIVE on the airwaves of via UStream and a chat which I still gotta work on in the upcoming months. Also I am planning on getting a Green Screen which I will use for cool effects and backgrounds as well. Currently setting up and testing the platform out.

                      There is my timetable for right now, it can change with new plans or plans can be dropped if need be if something happens or unable to go through with the plan but hopefully this will all go into plan step by step and taking one step at a time.

Have a great night and Happy Canada Day and Happy 150th Birthday Canada tomorrow! 


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Chris B On The Web Events For 2017 - 2018

                 I am going to make it clear in this blog post that there are certain events I am attending for Chris B On The Web and ones that I am not. I have been hounding this in my head over the last few weeks and thinking of what events most definitely benefits Chris B On The Web and which ones have not been beneficial to "CBOTW" Also I will be mentioning the reason behind why I do not or I am going back to the event this year and to the list that I am uneasy to wanting to attend the event that is listed below. So without further ado, here is my list:

Events I Am Not Going To This Year:

Taste of The Danforth (Greek Festival): Not going to be going after last years debauchery of being shoved around and being told off by a lady, uhh, I will pass this year and probably will never go back if this is the way people are going to treat me. Nothing to do with the event organizers its just the other visitors giving me crap for no apparent reason when I wasn't doing anything but walking with my dad. 

Possibly Event's I Am Going To:

Polish/Ukrainian Festival (Roncesvalles & Bloor Street, Toronto): Depending how the weather is over the course of the month of September and in the past years it has rained on the weekend for the festival and my dad and I been unable to attend due to the fact of the weather for the last several years have put going to this festival in doubt year after year, so It is on the maybe list and it is scheduled on just it will depend on the weather and I hope this non stop rain stops soon or it will be a no go once again. 

Autism Celebration: I had a few mixed emotions with going to Autism Celebration last year, one being the booth sign I had said I was an YouTuber and Blogger and it was completely a disaster as I had a lot of questions about YouTube and people hassling me to go back, I am totally unsure on my decision to return this year, unless Kerry's Place talks me into coming back or my friends talk me back into it.

Events I Am Going To:

Apple Festival: I had fun and was a fun blog to blog about each and every year that I have covered over the times I attended it.

The Royal Winter Fair: I love going to the Fair each and every year, it is a privilege back in 2015 to be vlogging for my old YouTube channel that one year and I was under cover last year with my camera for the blog and hopefully I will be more open to taking more pictures this year if I can get the Media Pass.

Oshawa Santa Claus Parade: Always have a good time at the parade and haven't missed a Santa Claus Parade in many years. 

Tyrone Parade of Lights: Since probably my college years or even before that I attended the Farm Parade of Lights and rarely missed one minus 1 or 2 years in a row but could of been due to rain or weather.

             So there you go, that is my list and things could be change and I will let you guys know one way or the other if I decide to move a Possible events to the going to the event and will let you guys know right away. Have a great night.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sore Back From Working Hard On The Patio Outside!

              So you have probably noticed I haven't been as active on social media as I have been in the past weeks. Well I have been working hard on the patio with my dad and getting closer and close to finishing the project out on the side of the house by the deck. It is looking really good so far and getting stones in and the other day on Monday we managed to get 2 rows put in to have 3 rows completed. It looks really good and looks like an actual looks like a backyard patio so far but we are right now far from done.I am working on the project again since I dropped out of the Wednesday group as I was not being challenged enough, I got enough experience as a individual so this opens a bit more time and my dad cannot work hours on end on the stones as it is a heavy as heck! We are talking about 110 pounds a stone and you can times that by 52 stones, which equals 5720 pounds in total which is quite heavy as you can probably figure out. 

               With working really hard, my back has had it's share of soreness in the mornings but as I wake up and move around I feel great and I believe it is from the hard work I have put in each and everyday of the week but again it makes my body strong and the muscles I never used before are stronger then ever and my upper arm strength is extremely big and bulky and that is what I wanted to do is build up my upper core of my body as I hope to audition for Amazing Race with Justin Milner who use to be a part of my team from The Video Projects Team days and the first 2 and a half years with Chris B On The Web as well. Was also hoping to audition for Big Brother hence the weight loss and building my muscle strength for being on Reality TV. 

                One thing I am totally looking forward to finishing this project is sitting out there and reading my book or the news paper or just enjoying the nice weather out there on the patio, this project was worth all the hours and hard work that has been put in with my dad and my brother that had help us a bit with advice or bringing the stones out to the area where the patio is going to be. I am looking forward to the end of this project but enjoying the use of the patio once it it completed.
