Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Having Trouble Re-Adjusting To A Lighter Schedule

                 As it has been 2.5 weeks since Big Brother Canada ended, i have not gotten out of game mode since the season finished...  My mind is still is in game mode where I have to get podcasts out Thursday and Friday's but that's not the case now, I should be in Survivor mode up to the end of the week as the finale is this week and Season 6 is a wrap for my podcast and I am Officially off the clock for actual scheduled Podcasts. I will be starting off season podcasts and there will be plenty of em to come during the off season, one of em with Larry as you probably can hint from my Instagram posts from time to time. 

                Now back to the fact it has been almost 3 weeks now since BB Canada has ended and I am still an appalling mess trying to figure out what the heck to do with my extra time and I think I have found things to do. The ChrisBOnTheWeb.com website which was put on hiatus due to the podcasting schedule getting in the way of things. However I have to try and stay productive with Chris B On The Web and I have. The website has been completed, the first round of BETA Testing is done, waiting on the final round of testing to come. But in the way of podcast content, I am just feeling bored without doing 2 or 3 podcasts a week. I need my podcast fix, you know what I mean? I am just not use to having free time on my hands anymore as TV Show's are now slowly wrapping up, I will have tons of time on my hands and have to use my time wisely!

                Finally I have to be patient during this time of transition and change for me and I think I am doing OK, but I could really do a bit better at the level of transition from 3 podcasts to 2 then to 1 then down to 1 maybe every second week, maybe every week at the most for the off season podcast but transition is something I have to learn to get better at and that is for tomorrow's blog post as this one has inspired another post for tomorrow. 

Have a great day!


Monday, May 21, 2018

Do I Listen To My Own Podcasts After Being Record?

             This topic really hasn't been brought up by anyone, this is my own idea to talk about it in the blog post as I really didn't think about it much lately till I was on my own Audio ONLY Feed on Friday morning when this idea came to my mind and I thought it is a good topic to actually talk about for once as it has never been brought up on here before.  So today's question on the blog is do I listen to my own podcasts after they go up? 

             The answer to that is NO. I do not have much time during this season to listen to my own content but also I don't need to hear what I said during the time I recorded the episode and it is not hard to remember what I said, however I'd love to listen back to one with Larry in particular as we have a good conversation during the podcast but yes I would like to look back at an episode and see what I did and I got plenty of episodes to listen to... Actually 124 episodes at this point of time to be actually politically correct. However I would like to actually listen to an episode and this week I want to aim at actually sitting down and listening to the podcast for once. 

               There is a reason behind why I would listen to it, is to hear and write down what I could do better and I am always tweaking things with the podcast and the Audio is getting better just need to work on the beginning of the podcast and I am going to work on it when the season is up and get that one little tweak so that is one of the reason why I would listen to the podcast, just to help me figure out what do I need to do to improve the podcasts and honestly, I there is no much to improve on the podcast and only one thing, so I will definitely do that. Also the quality of the content is another reason as well. Plus I would like to hear what I did but again my schedule can get very busy most of the time but I want to try and listen to one of my podcasts in the nearby future. 


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Behind The Scenes of Being a Podcaster

              Today's blog post is the conclusion of the behind the scenes in the Entertainment industry and obviously I am talking about the behind the scenes of being a podcaster and what happens the day before, the day just before recording happens and after the podcast is recorded. Again this is definitely a lengthy process but there is definitely some time off between more then I had when I was still on YouTube at the time. 

               Obviously the day of the TV Show is on air I will watch the TV Show, take notes about the Reality TV Show, and pretty much from there I take the notes I have and use them in the actual episode of Everything About Reality TV. The next phase is the day of recording, now the prep before a recording is adding in the introduction which I run the introduction while talking over the intro at a specific part which if you are an avid listener of my podcast you know what I mean by that. Just before I record, I tend to play some tunes in the studio while I do the final prep before actually recording an episode. Of course the next phase is to actually record the podcast which can take up to 20 - 30 minutes, sometimes 50 minutes to an hour, depends on the show I am covering and mind you I do not mind doing a 50 minute to an hour. It's actually ton of fun to do. 

               The second last step in behind the scenes which I sometimes talk about over on Instagram is the editing process which can take up to an hour up to a few hours depending on the length but I don't mind, I get to hear bits and piece and I will talk about it if I listen to the podcast or not on the next blog post but the editing process can take some quite time but in the end it is a very good quality podcast in the long run and it gets a good number of people listening to it. The final step is posting it up on podcasts.com and chrisbontheweb.com (when the site is operational) and doing the PR work behind it to promote the podcast. Finally it is a lot of steps but in the end it is worth all the hard work that goes into every single episode each and every week or few times a week.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Would of Been 10 Years On YouTube This Year!

               This year would of marked 10 years on YouTube platform but I was short by 2.5 years short from celebrating 10 years on the platform. Yes I realize I have been making videos before January 31st, 2008. I was active making videos outside the platform from December 9th, 2005 till that date. But 10 years is a long time and I wish I stayed on to celebrate the 10 years but I didn't.  I made so much content made over the 8 years but I could of continue with Everything About Reality TV, but again I went with my gut instinct and listened to my heart. But to create so much content, it was rewarding within itself to go back and look back at the videos I have made. 

                If I can remember, my first ever video that I put up that I took down was the 2nd episode of Durham Entertainment Today's first season which I got NO clue why I took it down. Maybe the fact the drama behind the scenes, I felt ashamed, I was trying to hide the fact not all was peachy on set. But after that the fun began with The Entertainment Man Talk Show and I will never forget how much fun. The laughter that happened on set, the fun. I can picture everything in my head as I am typing this post up. I can say, taping that series there was so much joking around, laughing and yes Cursing! LOL. It was such a pleasure  to meet so many different people, talking with my regulars who commented on my videos regularly. 

               Where would I be if still on YouTube? Probably Everything About Reality TV would have a place on the platform. I probably have to keep it family friendly as the facts of the family friendly content and the adpocolypse so it would still be hard. I would actually still record the podcast on Audio ONLY in case YouTube decided they had enough of me and boot me off the platform. I would make sure to have all the copies of the video. But 10 year down the line, I probably end up continuing on with the podcast or making a total separate account for the podcasts at least but would of loved to stay on to see the 10 year mark actually happen. 10 years is amazing journey but it wasn't for YouTube, Everything About Reality TV wouldn't be going so strong I am proud how things have gone and I have YouTube to thank for my podcast's beginning back on September 24th, 2015.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Behind The Scenes In The Entertainment Industry! (YouTube)

                   Today I want to talk about Behind The Scenes in the entertainment industry. I am doing a 2 part blog post as I have been through different types of the entertainment industry online, YouTube which I will be talking about today and of course what I am doing in this current day, podcasting. Two different industries but excited to talk about both in this post and tomorrow's post as well. 

                    YouTube, seems like something I haven't done in ages now. It has been almost 2 years since my last ever video I ever made. It was fun days to make videos and see the reaction from you guys was so amazing. For those who don't know, The Entertainment Man Talk Show ran a long time, about 6 years not including the hiatus that took place between Fall 2010 and Summer 2012. It was a very successful series but it got a little stale after a while as it the ideas started to go downhill and the views went downhill, it was clearly time for change and with the way YouTube was heading, it was a good move to get off the platform. However behind the scenes there are different parts, planning, getting ideas together, get a script or discussion topics to talk about and I introduced myself to cue cards and it became very effective. The next part was the filming. It could take up to 45 minutes to record depending on the episode and how long breaks were when I added in the chimerical breaks between segments. Now between the filming, I am putting fluids in my body to make sure my throat doesn't get dry and trust me I drink enough water during the shoot of a video. The way we had it setup we had the intro track which I can hear the theme in my head from time to time.  Now also between the filming I also gave, Eric, Dave, Brent, Larry instructions for the next segment, so I played the director role as well as the Exec Producer and Host I had tons of roles on the show besides the host. I pretty well did everything on the series. But the other team I had were my dream team back in the day, I had to also rely on them as well. Usually on set there was about 2 - 3 of us that did on the set related stuff. Now behind the scenes, it takes me hours to edit an episode of The Entertainment Man Talk Show I will usually wait till the next day to start editing but sometimes I start to edit right off the bat. But usually the next day when I was in the world of vlogging my life every single day.

                      That is what typically happens behind the scenes for the prep of an episode, on the day of filming and behind the scenes of the editing of an video. It was truly a lot of work to do behind the scenes but in the end it was worth all the hard work for people to see what think of the episode once it is posted up on YouTube. I truly did enjoy my time as a YouTube but I am now much happier as a Podcaster and I will be talking about it on Sunday's blog post. 


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Bus Malfunctioning On The Way Back Home (Throwback Thursday Story)

             Last week, on Tuesday, May 8th, 2018, I was on my way home from running errands for Chris B On The Web (CBOTW) and we got half way to where I get off to walk back to the studio or the house and the bus kneeling wouldn't un-kneel if that's even a word? LOL.... Anyways it wouldn't go back after kneeling down. So the driver tried everything, the dispatch told him to manual reboot the battery then it worked apparently but then another problem occurred the stupid middle door wouldn't close... I started to get pissed off as I had to take a very important call from Larry on Discord pertaining to the Big Brother Canada Finale which was 2 days away from the time we had the discussion.  Then I started to laugh at the situation, so I went from pissed off to in a goofy mood. The bus driver said "This bus makes no frickin sense" I can notice the sarcasm from him and sense of humor as well. 

             On the way home the middle doors was still being a pain in the butt with it taking it's sweet bugger all time closing which got better. However we got closer back to this end and the door wouldn't open at all. People started using the front door instead and I started to think hmmm... Should I do the same? So I said screw it! I went to the front when I got off I told the driver, I am not taking a damn risk with the middle door. He laughed. I wished him luck with dealing with 8169 the rest of his wish. He said people will make fun of him the rest of the day, I just laughed. He made the situation just funnier then it really seems. Yes it was a frustrating situation, but the driver made it into a funny situation. Hope you guys enjoyed this little story and I figured I had to tell you guys this story on the blog and I like doing throwback Thursday stories on the blog and plan on doing more in the nearby future! 


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

How Do You Trust Someone?

            Trust is hard sometimes, you think you can trust someone but they screw you over so many times, you have to start thinking are they truly your friend at this point? I have been thinking about this for quite sometime with friendships being tested and really makes me think, maybe it is time to move on? I am a very good and dedicated friend but sometimes I feel like I am always the one that calls or texts. Also the fact I haven't hung out with them since January/February really is making me think, maybe they are not truly my friend? Trust is really hard to come by with me and the reason is because of my past of having a team from 2005 - 2017 trust is hard to come by with me these days but if you can have my trust it is a good thing. I am very Leary of trusting people especially someone who keeps on messing up.  

            I can trust people but to a certain point where I have to put my foot down and make a decision if their really my friend or not and trust me the decision is no easy at times but I have to make the right one, not the wrong one. Sometimes the right choice is the right decision and you have to trust your gut instinct. There a few things you should do to trust someone. One is will they always be there for you? Will they wanna hangout with you? Spend time with you? I haven't felt that kind of vibe with one of my friends and unsure what my next move right now. I am kind of playing it by ear right now see what happens in the next 11 hours but I am NOT playing games especially this happening non stop with the bickering that is another piece of advice to not always give em chances after chances, because it will just become a problem and that is what I am going through at the moment and it sucks to go through trust issues with someone. Yes I may be stubborn as a mule from time to time but I am trying to make the right decisions these days not the wrong decisions.

               I hope this helps you guys with trying to trust someone or anyone in general, it isn't easy but you just have to go with your gut feelings and try and listen to what is in your mind and hope it is the right decision.  As an adult it is still difficult but yes I am in my early 30's but don't forget I have autism it can be quite harder to make the decision. However I am trying my best to make the right choices in my life. Anymore question please feel free to ask or send me an email chris@chrisbontheweb.com.
