Monday, March 25, 2019

If I Stayed on YouTube, I Probably Would of Still Walked Away Anyways...

          This question always crossed my mind over the years of me transitioning into the Podcaster and Blogger life. However, If I stayed on and created a separate channel for Everything About Reality TV Podcast on top of the channel I had in June of 2016, then I probably wouldn't last very long on the platform. What do I mean by that? Well, I probably last about an additional year on the platform, due to the fact of the Adpocolypse and Family Friendly content, so my stay on YouTube would of been a short additional time from me going from having an actual team to being on my very own. But I would of definitely separate from the vlogging channel to the channel for the podcast as well. I would of separate from the two indefinitely!  I feel stupid that I never separated the podcast to a separate channel from the main video with pranks and vlogs but it is what it is now and that channel does not even remotely exist now anyways. Would I posted to both of the channels? Of course I would of! I would of done the occasional vlog from time to time when I was out or something major that happened around the studio, especially the changes with the space as my series was really, really over for me as the interest level in continuing the series wasn't doable at the time and we just couldn't do it anymore as also the ideas were not there anymore.

             Did I make the right decision to leave when I did yes. Would staying being there for an additional year as 2017 was not the greatest year? It would be a greatly difficult transition to making a podcast on there I probably would end up being demonetized and also flagged as sometimes there is a curse word that comes out on the podcast but with Audio ONLY I can get away with it not like YouTube's algorithm, clickbait titles. I know I sound like another YouTuber who said this but I agree! He uses his app now which he can curse all he wants. This is what I am doing with Everything About Reality TV and of course I cannot forget The Power Rangers Podcast as well. I am utilizing my website, a ton more then I did before which is good. It is good I am doing that. But the answer to the question how long would I lasted on the platform? Probably 1 more year more, then I would of been gone again to focus on my website more and Audio ONLY Podcasts, I just couldn't see myself lasting very long, it would of short lived honestly. In the end of the day thinking about it almost 3 years later, I made the right choice to what I am doing to this very day and I have no regrets whatsoever and YouTube is now a part of my past as I am focusing on the present day.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

Today Marks 3.5 Years Since Everything About Reality TV Went On The Air!

             Wow 3.5 years ago tonight, Everything About Reality TV Podcast went on the air. Which is crazy to think it's been on for this long without any problems at all. When it first started, it was on YouTube at the very start and had 2 seasons on there before I moved onto the Audio ONLY and the rest is history. It has been quite an incredible journey I have been on and really have enjoyed recapping Reality TV each and every week. I know there has been times where I have off schedule but I still put it up. There was the one week (last week) mind you that I had to cancel the post and ended up losing a subscriber. But that is why I say it is best to subscribe to the podcast and also follow me on social media just in case something like that happens again which it will not, I am ensuring you that now. Either way I always look forward to recording days where I get to sit down and dissect the game or talk about the episode to what went on. I think starting this podcast really gave me something to look forward to when it gets to the day of recording which normally is the next day I record in the morning. 

              I also may as well say this, the other thing I have enjoyed is the milestones and have made quite some milestones, breaking 100, breaking my web series milestone and you probably know where I am going with this but also will soon be at the podcast's 200th episode. So mark you're calendars: Tuesday, April 30th will be the 200th episode coming out and yes I am not making a big deal over it but it will be mentioned at the start but that is pretty much it. I honestly think its insane this podcast has been recording this long and I thought, meh 100 episodes it'll be over but like I have said before, I'll say it again: "As long there is Reality TV to cover, this podcast is going nowhere anytime soon." It may been on for 3.5 years but this podcast is not done yet. There is plenty more Reality TV Shows to cover, new Reality TV Shows to cover. I can see Everything About Reality TV hitting 500 Episodes but I am getting a little ahead of myself honestly. Either way the more platforms my podcast gets on the more it has been getting noticed and I am very proud how far this podcast has gone over the 3.5 years it has been on the air!


Saturday, March 23, 2019

I Am Glad It Is Spring Finally!

           I am darn well am happy that spring is officially here despite the really weird still winter esk kind of weather we had yesterday with a snowfall for an hour or two which mind you made no sense whatsoever. Typical Canadian Weather here honestly. So this also means my knees will be more at ease minus the Thunderstorms that come with the nicer weather. But I have noticed in the warmer weather my knees are not affected as much so the colder weather sure does have something to do with the weather with my knees. Also I can definitely can get out more and end of April I will be out as much as I can minus the days I am in the house looking after my mom as she will be recovering from surgery which is this Monday coming up, in 2 days from now. After she is recovered tho, I will be able to get out and I already have plans to travel again at the end of April for an eviction for Big Brother Canada again which will be my last for the season. Also on May 2nd, I will be off to Owen Sound for the Spring Cruise back up to Tobermory so I will be gone all day and it will be indeed a very long day for me with the next morning being a major podcast day for me. 

          I am sure I will be out and about in the start of May too and I am sure the day of the Big Brother Canada Finale, I will be very busy and out and about that day too I am pretty sure of it as I will be running around like crazy  I definitely wanna take the advantage and throw the ball around with friends and hit balls out as I rarely get to do that but at least once a year now. I know both Eric and I will go out and about to hangout and spend time with me and we already plan on a trip down to the lake where we use to film back in the old days of us being on YouTube as a team. It will indeed be a trip down memory lane for sure for not just me but the both of us.  I plan on some trips to Toronto with my dad and I am sure my niece and nephew which I haven't really mentioned them in quite some time but I am planning to get out. There is two local events I want to go to: Maple Festival in Bowmanville and also Food Truck Friday are on the list and it is an excuse to get out locally and attend the events.  Either way I am looking forward to the warmer weather and getting out and getting more exercise and more steps in now then I have been getting recently.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Watching a Few Different Shows

            This weekend, I am going to be watching a show that is different and I have never seen before. It was recommended by my friend here and I will definitely give it a shot but of course if I do not like it or it is not my cup of tea, then I will not be watching it anymore but the show I am talking about is the show called Schooled. I do not really know what it is about honestly but it is always worth giving a shot. I am always good in that way to trying out new TV Shows, I may like it, I may not. I will have to wait and see what it is like. I am also started watching since last year Last Man Standing and so far I am liking it. Of course it is because Tim Allen is in it and there has been appearances in the past seasons with Patrica Richardson and one or two other cast member from the TV Show, Home Improvement from the 1990's sitcom. I think comedy's and some drama shows  are really more my type, not all. However I am excited to see Schooled when I have the time to watch it which more then likely tomorrow night as the Live feeds are going to be down tomorrow in the late afternoon into the evening so I will have time to see what it is like. I need to catch up on Last Man Standing as well but probably tomorrow I will have time for it. 

             Either way those are the two shows that I am currently am watching currently and I am enjoying at the moment and oh I almost forgot, I am also watching Live PD and really getting into the show now and boy I tell ya some people are not smart on that show. Really shows some of the people that do the craziest things. It is nice to have a couple of shows on the list for this season and never know I may add more down the road and I have one with Kevin Hart that I am planning to watch this summer called TKO with Kevin Hart so I am really am excited as I am starting to question the future of Big Brother US which I will be announcing something soon as I know if it is coming back or not but right now I cannot say much but another blog post for another day. I am sorry this is cutting it close to midnight but here is a late post. Tomorrow I will be back on track once again.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

We Will Prevail! Nothing Will Stop Us!

           I am writing this ahead of time to last night's craziness before one of my members of Staff wrote the post to inform you of the changes for this week and this week only. My computer has been acting like a fruit loop dingus this week and I kind of went down the deep end tonight and taking the day to try and collect myself together. Do not worry the podcast is going up tonight and making sure it goes up one way or another tonight. Like the title of today's blog is we will prevail and will work through the on going problems with the technical side of things. This week there is only going to be 2 podcasts obviously and next week fingers crossed, we will be back on a regular scheduled programming even if this PC needs  a swift kick of a clean up. I plan on the weekend taking some time to run the anti virus again and other programs to ensure the computer is running smoothly but I think it had to do with the recent update my computer had and it needed to be rebooted. It takes a while for the darn thing to reboot too and get back up and running again. My computer is getting older and I have had it about 3 years now at the most or around that and it is aging. But I would like to build my next PC super fast and really good too. I have officially cleaned up some of the programs on my computer and games I honestly do not play anymore so I think that honestly helped the computer issues.

            We have been working non stop getting ready for things to get back to recording this morning and hope there is no issues. I really couldn't care less if I slept as I am stressed and right now wide awake but a nap this afternoon will be nice if I can make the time. We are praying that there is no problems today but over the next couple of days will be a test to see where the computer is at. We will get through all of this, just give me a few days to sort things out and I am glad I got a team behind me through all the technical mumbo jumbo that has gone on in the last 12 + hours of very stress. I definitely think I have grown a couple more of grey hairs on the top of my head honestly.... lol... In all seriousness, I need to learn to handle my stress but I am starting to get better each and everyday but last night, I honestly snapped my twig, like literally.... But we took it to Twitter to inform you guys something had happened and there would be no podcast whatsoever due me losing the entire recording. I have learned from this, I am from here on out will be saving my work constantly which they taught me this in school to always save your work on the computer. Why you think I have a USB Stick and also external hard drive with all the podcasts save to that. However if I save it before it gets exported then it would help me out but we live and learn from our mistakes.


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Few Changes For Everything About Reality TV This Week....

       Well this week has been the week from hell.... Like literally the week from hell. It has been nothing but computer issues all week from computer running slow to internet issues to internet browser issues, I have seen em all this week. Unfortunately tonight the computer crashed which put the icing on the cake. The podcast that was on the desk top was lost, all the 45 - 50 minute podcast that was going to go up tonight, completely lost. So which brings me to this damn post and I didn't want to make this announcement but it has to come the heck out as things are not great right now and literally the studio got trashed in frustration.... 

              1)  Tuesday's episode is obviously scrapped and there is no Tuesday episode for this week. We just do not want to fall completely behind so what we are doing with Tuesday's notes is take that and add it into Friday's episode so adding in a bit more content like we use to have and put it into Friday's freakin episode. Yes he thought about my future with this podcast. Having other thoughts too but rather keep my comments to myself honestly. 

             2) The second part to this post is tomorrow's Survivor Edge of Extinction Episode will still be up at 9 pm EST as I want to make sure it goes up on time this time around and we hope by end of the week, we can take a breather and try and learn from this problems and know what to do in the nearby future.

               I am sorry this is happening but this is way beyond our control. We had to do damage control on this situation and try and salvage what is to happened and I speak for all of the team, we apologize for this situation and hope you will continue to tune in. I know this is sudden with it happening but we have to let you guys know what is going on one way or another. Hope you will all continue to listen and support CBOTW and will be making it up to you guys as we are spending all night fixing the issues we are currently experiencing at this moment.

- The CBOTW Team

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Things Have Changed So Much Since December...

              Things have indeed changed so much since December where I wanted to just walk away from all of this. Today I am having a different attitude from all that I was going on at the end of last year when I just wanted to give up as the site problems kept on piling up and i just had enough to the point with it, I just wanted CBOTW to end so I can just live a regular life but now I have a lot to be thankful as there is things you guys do not know yet and only my 2 staff and alumni the craziness is about to begin. Yes I said 2 staff, Dave and Billy and Billy has been with me since the New Year in a different position but there is more to talk about in a later time when it is time to make that huge announcement to the public eye and I plan on making a huge announcement at a later time when the time is right or as the tv show name when the Price is Right! Hahahaha. Anyways there is a lot of excitement for CBOTW coming and in time you guys will know what is going on. No I am not starting a second Podcast as of right now, I am primarily focusing on "Everything About Reality TV" Podcast but I am giving too much information away to what is instored for this very website. To change the subject to me hinting about the future which were working on things and eventually I will explain the roles of my 2 other staff eventually as well. 

                Also this year, I took a hiatus from the Power Rangers Podcast but mind you both Larry and I are very much highly interested in continuing the collaboration podcast but at this time, my schedule does not permit it and I will be on a busy schedule as of next Monday as my mom is going in for surgery on her knee I will be extremely busy taking care of her for the next 5 - 6 weeks but will be around the studio a bit more then usual but will not be going very very far.  I need to have the open time to work on the preparation side of things which right now I do not have at this moment. My eyes are right on the feeds almost 24 hours a day. So it is hard. Anyways I am happier now as big things are coming and the fact I do have a team now behind me helping me out in different departments on the team and I should of let people help me sooner then I expected but I let people reach out to me and I am making sure I have the right staff who will be willing to help me out.  I can say Dave is now active since the fall last year who is now camera for the events I go to well some of the events, not all of em. Again I will explain soon enough.
