Saturday, September 21, 2019

Weight Loss Update [09-21-2019]

            I am now officially at 222.3 pounds which honestly surprised the heck out of me which I didn't think that I would get this far and back down to 222. Now the goal from here on out is to continue on and get myself below 220 that is my first goal before heading all the way to 210 pounds. I know I can do this and been watching the calorie count each and every day which is good.  Now my worry is that I will gain weight again tomorrow and it will be all thrown away but I am staying positive that it is possible. I can honestly say I really hope to start losing the weight as this has been on going for a very long time now I have been doing this weight loss and it is honestly difficult. Try going on 2 years to be exact and I have had it with this weight loss. However I wanna get down to 210 by end of the year is the first initial goal then from there I am planning to start getting below 210 but if I get down there before then I can start losing the weight before but I have to walk before I run technically. I honestly think now at 222.3 pounds it will not be as hard then I thought. I am just going to be fighting it till I am below the 220 mark and this could possibly happened this week coming up.

              All I really have to do from here on out is keep on watching my calories and that has been the big point I have made to watching out on my calorie count which is definite a plus with losing the weight and seems to be working so I need to continue with this method and as long as I stay in this point and if i gain a pound which has happened, no biggie with me as it will happen from time to time. Now I have started to cut back on stuff too and pretty much I have continued to portion size things for myself and that was the biggest issue I really have had in the past but it is not that hard to get it back under control. Best advice is to not let the weight gain bother me as it is normally just water retention. Also I have noticed I have made a ton more smoothies which is completely healthy. Now final point on this update is I do have my days where I still have a fat day which is fine which is a good thing to do every week, however, I think I want to cut back on the fat days however I can have a treat once a week or especially when my niece and nephew are over that is something I can do once and a while but not regularly.  Like I said I need to focus on the calories and something I have been paying a ton more to lately honestly. There is my update and I will do another one in 2 weeks time since I do not think it will be a good idea for a weekly update this way I can even focus on other posts on the Saturday on the opposite weeks.


Friday, September 20, 2019

Being Consistent With Podcasts Is Key!

           I honestly cannot stress this enough with the lack of putting up my podcasts on time has hindered some of the viewership, especially when it comes to Everything About Reality TV. However I need to fix a few things and I am going to list it here on the blog:

1)   Staying on track for recording- After the disaster with Big Brother 21 and I would of continued if it wasn't for it being off kilter in the scheduling but definitely need to stay on track for recording whether it is the day of you are recording to edit and post up on the platform of your choice.

2) Have a schedule- Now I know with my Podcast it is hard as normally I record the day of but if you are not on as strict as a schedule as I am from 1 to a few times a week, I recommend to record a day or two in advance so this gives you some leeway with editing the podcast. Why you think I normally will record then edit then tell you guys with the collaboration podcasts.

3) Posting up on time is IMPORTANT!- Now I know at the start it is tough to stay on schedule at the start as that was a big key issue I have had over the last nearly 4 years of my podcast running but starting to get better and better but still have the occasional issues but sometimes you guys cannot control the tech issues with whether it is the mic, mixer, sound issues or the platform goes down on technical issues which I will address those on tomorrow's post actually as a bit of a Saturday throwback to the early days of Everything About Reality TV. However it is important to stay on the right schedule if you want to keep your current and earning more subscribers to the podcast. 

4) Good Quality- Whether it is audio only or video and audio only, quality is the up most importance. Good video quality is always the best 1080p if you do both video and audio. Finally the last point I want to make is a good quality especially with the Audio ONLY side of things and I had that issue at the start myself and also recently but that is fixed now so you guys can hear me a ton clearer but the point I am making, it is is imperative that you have good quality, meaning no distortion, or very low mic. I am very slim picky when it comes into quality these days and this is why I am making the post today for you guys.

              There is my list and I want to give back to the podcasting community now that I have been in this community for the last 4 years non stop so this is my way of giving back to the community. Like I said in one of my points, I will be doing an additional podcasting related post tomorrow talking about the first season I ever did for the podcast. Let's just say this is going to be a throwback but on a Saturday technically. I hope you guys enjoyed today's post as I enjoyed making this amazing post and like I said I am giving back to the community doing these kind of posts.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Entertainment Man Talk Show: The Beginning (Throwback Thursday Story)

              I never really talked about this but in today's Throwback Thursday I want to talk about this. What do I mean? I am talking about Season 1, Episode 1 of The Entertainment Man Talk Show as the title above is titled for today's blog. Now the very first episode took place on May 23rd, 2008 is when the show, the web series you guys all knew and loved for many years that it was on the air which was 11 years ago back in May this year. I knew this was like one of the second series that hit YouTube as you know Durham Entertainment Today also known as DET never made it to YouTube whatsoever even after it was cancelled due to the fact of staff drama going on. Anyways someone and their name will not be mentioned as this is now in the past and him and I are on good terms but they were not involved with the series till the 2nd season into the late 3rd season when he walked out with 3 other staff. So basically I had some help but mostly I was on my own for the most part of the season till the season 1 finale came around. The first episode I was extremely nervous compare to now being in front of a camera now, it is no biggie for me being nervous. However the first real series I had to get the jitters out pretty fast but as the series progressed I was getting really good and comfortable. Mind you the first ever episode that I did was a introduction to the series, who I was, why the series is on the channel now.

                  Now if you were to ask me, if I was to do the series all over again would I be as nervous as I was before? The answer would be no as I have streamed a ton and now guested on Punk Rock Cheeseburger numerous times I feel very comfortable. However we are talking about The Entertainment Man Talk Show. It took me up to the 7th or 8th episode to warm up to you guys as a host and really get into the role as host. However once the second season rolled in, I was a pro at it already. I think the first episode for anyone whether it is a web series or a podcast which that will be another Throwback Thursday Story for next week for you guys but either way first episode is always nerve wracking for anyone that is in the entertainment industry like I have. However I have been part of this online media world for almost 14 years now and I should be more comfortable on the camera by now as I have been doing this a very long time now. Either way this was the beginning of what became a 7 year journey and I am still to this day forever grateful for the time I spend on that series for the length it ran from 2008 - 2016.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I Have Had a Bunch of Questions Lately!

            Throughout social media DM's (direct or private messages) about the future of Everything About Reality TV and yes I know exactly what is going to happen but addressing the future so here is a couple of the questions I will address:

1) Will Big Brother be back in 2020? Yes, I already mentioned it on a post on here and on social media that I will be bringing it back in 2020 and that plan to bring someone on to cover the show will be there. So yes it will be back.

2) What will happen when Everything About Reality TV Podcast slows down in episodes if a show that is cover ends? Well I am already thinking that has already happened as I do not think there will be a 3rd season of Music City CMT as I have not heard anything to what is going on which is sad as you guys know I have enjoyed doing those recaps for quite some time now. However do not forget I still got Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast that I can work on and also Punk Rock Cheeseburger.

3) What Will Happen when Everything About Reality TV Podcast ends? Now I have thought about this in the last couple of days as I was really thinking about the future after this podcast ends but I do have a plan but will not yet announce anything as of yet. I wanna ensure that I want to do this after my own podcast is done.

4) When is The Sports Hour W/ Billy starting?  Like I said before Mid October/Early November is when he projects for it to start and will be remaining on Audio ONLY unless that changes down the road.

5) Is there an timeline for CBOTW Gamers Podcast with Lieberman starting? Not yet, he needs to get a few things before he starts so it is in the planning mode and if something did happen to where he couldn't do it or when it starts I will make the announcement to you guys no strings attached.

                 I know this is kind of a continuation of this podcast post yesterday but a bunch of them were added and I had to re-iterate the first question as I said Big Brother will be back for 2020 but also other questions involving the other two podcasts on the list including mine as well. I hope this clears things up and please keep this in mine when asking me questions as I will be pointing this to you guys to this post but ask any new questions and I may just do this post in the very nearby future again. I clearly did enjoy do a small Q & A  on here so ask away!


Monday, September 16, 2019

Little Toronto Transit Issue Saturday.... We Didn't Know!

              So as I said yesterday's blog we had a mishap with the Toronto Transit Commission but I wouldn't call it a mishap, more like we didn't plan ahead or look ahead of ourselves to make sure there was no inconveniences but nope we  didn't and that is honestly our own fault and we should of not waited to find out when we were about a kilometer away when I looked and realized that there is no subway service between certain stations so we had to re route all the way into West Toronto which I am very familiar with as you guys know I go to evictions twice a last year with the first one being the premiere of Big Brother Canada which was the second time I had the honors to do that so it was easy to know my way around as we were in the Etobicoke area again and it sure has my imprint. We parked at Islington Station which mind you yes that is ways away but yet it is indeed closer into the two festivals, Ukrainian and Polish Festival. So either way we were close to the festivals and not much traveling to do honestly. However that did affect to where we were going to church for Sunday however but we managed to get a different parish to go to which that was figured out very quickly. 

                  So either way we figured out how to get ourselves to the festival and with even the subway service limited between certain stations, we still managed to get to two festivals and we had a great time and we did make up the time from the Ukrainian Festival to the Polish we sure did make up time between the events and everything was back on track by the time we were down in Roncesvalle for the Polish Fest so we managed to somehow make up time for this little transit issue. It is a good thing my dad knows Toronto very well because I would never know where the heck I was going minus for Big Brother Canada which I now know the route very, very well now but I am learning and I do remember routes very easily but still wanna learn to get my way around Toronto and figure out routes as my dad will not be around forever to do events in Toronto such as the Royal Winter Fair which I do plan on continuing on the tradition whether if I even bring a guest to it we will eventually see. Either way still a good day and we got to the event one way or another.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Ukrainian and Polish Festival 2019!

          Obviously there was no blog but I had no time when I woke up to write something small and when I got home I was so tired, I cleaned up and was in bed pretty fast and up bright and early this morning. Anyways this morning I want to talk about the Ukrainian and Polish Festival. I want to start off with the Ukrainian Festival which we went to after the disaster of transit issues which I will talk about on a separate post tomorrow which is a post on itself technically. Anyways we got there safely and we actually did make it a little later then we wanted technically but we did miss the parade this year which was definitely a disappointment however we saw a preview of some of the entertainment that we were going to see and we did see some entertainment on the other side of the event over at Runnymede Street in Toronto. Anyways there was tons of options for food, there was rides there for the kids, they had hats from all the different countries including Ukraine, Poland and so forth. Now food wise we had the 8 Perogi, I had the cheddar and potato and my dad had the Cottage Cheese and Potato. However next year I want to split things so this way I can try the other one. The perogies were good, super soft, delicious and the onions very nicely caramelized. However 2 issues with the Perogi Pavilion. First issue they forgot my water we had to remind them and the second part was they forgot the sour cream which we paid for so I was not pleased and I think next year we will go elsewhere for our food and I wasn't pleased with the mistakes made.

 Now we traveled onto the Polish Festival and we actually were back on schedule which again I will talk about it tomorrow on the blog post about the mishap with the transit system as I said it is for a separate post tomorrow. So we got there and we walked down Roncesvalle which both Ukrainian and Polish were busy and I am happy to see quite the crowd and it is definitely getting busier each and every year that we are there. Always nice to see people indulging in the multi culture of the city of Toronto. So we walked around and we saw the donut place that we had dessert the one year yet we forgot to stop and get one again this year but always next year we will. I wanna have at least one dessert when it comes towards these festivals. We saw one stage with some Polka music playing and yes I almost wanted to dance but I didn't. Think I was in a bit of pain with my knee but the first real pain I've had in a while. Anyways we saw some more musicians under a tent followed by some dancing at the main stage. After that we had a beer at the beer tent which was a Polish Beer and my very first one ever. It was very smooth and it did leave an after taste but still good in the end. We continued to walk all the way down Roncesvalle to almost the end of the festival and headed back up. Finally we grabbed the first part of dinner which we split a Potato Pancake also known as Latke. We continued up further and we grabbed polish sausage on a bun which the bun was massive and funny fact that is the same place as last year so kind of funny in a way but worth it and we will be back in the very nearby future again as I took a picture of it to remind me where we were for the food. Overall the two festivals were really good minus those two issues at the Perogi Pavilion at the Ukrainian but overall still a fun filled day.



Friday, September 13, 2019

Shoeless Joes- Buffalo Chicken on A Wrap Food Review

            Now I admit I wasn't planning a food review honestly as you all know I was in Toronto for the Jays game and I rather squash that part of the night as I wasn't overly thrilled how the game ended and yes we left early as the game got out of control. That is all I wanna say but it was nice to see all the young guys play honestly. Now to the food review side of things which we went to Shoeless Joe's for dinner which is right along the harborfront in Toronto. So what did I have besides a glass of milk which didn't really taste too good but that's definitely not the point of this post of me complaining about milk. More then likely it was 2% which is not the one that I normally have which is 1% most of the time. So besides the milk, I had Buffalo Chicken on a wrap with fries on the side. Now you probably think hey Chris that is sort of healthy? Yes it was minus I think the chicken was breaded tho so that part wasn't so much but the rest of it was healthy. However it was a very good dish and I really did enjoy it and it was a little hotter then I thought really but still it was very delicious one way or another so it was worth having. Now the fries reminded me of the McDonald's french fries which were thin and long but they were really good as well. Little on the salty side for me as I just like a little bit of salt not too much. I also think they added a little of pepper but there was nothing wrong with it honestly but it was just a little excessive on the salt but overall still a great experience. Now my mom gave my dad and I her deep fried pickle which was really good and I have had this before at the Campus Pub when I was a college student between 2010 and 2012. 

              The rating for the wrap is a definite 10 out 10, not a 5 out of 5 as it exceeded expectations and I really wasn't expecting a spiciness to the Buffalo Chicken. Now for the french fries I wasn't overly happy due to the fact I felt like it was a little over salted so unfortunately I am giving it 3 out of 5 but still tasted good but it was a little over salted. Now the deep fried pickle was the best and like I said I have had this before so it is not my first rodeo when I first had it so it was worth a 10 out of 10 not my usual 5 out of 5 rating like I normally do on these food reviews. Overall experience was a 5 out of 5 as the server, she was really great to us and always helpful especially with out meals being a bit on the messy side but we had enough napkins and wet ones too to get our hands cleaned once we were finished. Was a great start to a very not so good ball game  as I thought the Jays would of won this and sweeping the Red Sox but it is what it is and hey the Jays still won the series 2 - 1 one way or another.
