Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Weight Loss Update....

         Well, my weight went up again as I was at 222.8 pounds and now I am at 224.4 pounds, I may of over my calories count but yet I should of not gained 2 pounds if I went just over but never know what happened but moving forward I am going to be watching my calorie count which is the main focus on my diet is to have 1800 calories or less each and everyday. I mean it could be water weight from yesterday but we do not really know what caused me to go up. I could of gained a pound and the other pound is just water weight. I really gotta start trying harder with the weight loss and getting below 220 pounds and I am going to start taking some action with this. Today is a new day so I am going to take action and work hard to getting the weight back down. The calories is the major factor with my weight loss journey. I think when I do watch my calorie count that is when I end up losing the weight so I am working my $#@! off. 

          I am updating my goal as I do not wanna over push myself too hard with losing weight so my first goal for 2019 is to get myself to 215 pounds which is like 9 pounds from now. I have said this before, I want to actually go with small goals at a time and I want to even go 10 pounds at a time which isn't overly a large number at all so I can work with that and it is easier and I am not pressuring myself to work so hard to a point of me not eating. I am eating but not as much, the portion size is not as much and I have noticed I do not eat as much at meals which is good. Also I have been watching the bread and have 2 pieces of bread a week then just 1 on other days of the week. Amount of sugar is now limited per day which is good too.

               Either way once I lose the weight I am sure my knees will be feeling much better as I am in pain with my knees and I am sure I have done some damage to the knees with my weight and I am unsure if it will get better or I will need to do even more physio or something else, I just do not sure what the status of my knees will be once I am eventually at 200 pounds or my entire weigh goal down the road which is still the same goal as before, around 175 - 180 pounds which I know is a lot but in time I will be there. I have no timeline to losing the weight, like I said I am taking my time. Finally I have decided to go on a weight loss every 2 weeks instead of weekly as I feel like it is just better to do an update every second week.


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Weight Loss Update (Sat. Jan 12th, 2019)

            After being sick with the Flu around Christmas, I lost 4 pounds within the couple of days that I was sick so it wasn't the way I wanted to lose the weight but since there I have maintained around 223 to 222 pounds and this morning I weighed exactly 223 pounds at this point of time which is amazing I am able to maintain. Mind you just 2 days ago I weighed 223.8 pounds but have since lost those ounces in my weight so I am officially down 0.8 ounces at this point. Like I said before, I was up a bit from the amount of weight. Now day or so after I was feeling better I was down to 221 pounds which I haven't been down there for a very long time and I mean a long time I haven't been down there for the longest time in months and I kind of stopped at 221 pounds and ended up gaining a tad bit back which isn't a good thing. 

            Moving forward, I am planning to definitely on working had to losing more weight getting below 220 pounds. My first goal is to get myself down to 210 pounds as is my next weight goal then I move on to the next goal, then the next goal but one step at a time and I plan on not rushing losing the weight fast whatsoever. I need to take it one step at a time but I like the fact that my pants now fit me but some shirts do not fit me right now but soon enough I will be able to fit into shirts that never fit me before which will definitely be nice. 

              How the heck do I lose the weight? I lower the amount of sugar I have everyday, I also am eating much healthier and lowering down the calorie count to 1800 calories per day and not everyday I have bread I usually have bread every second day as of right now. I just don't even think about having even a slice of bread a day which I allow myself 2 slices once a week but I just do not think about it for some bizarre reason.  Either way I am going to work extremely hard to lose the weight and get at a healthy weight not being obese anymore and I mean every word of it, I will lose this weight. I am not going to give up whatsoever on this weight loss journey. 


Monday, December 17, 2018

Weight Loss Update....

             As of today, I officially went back on my diet between now and Christmas as there is no way in heck I will be keeping up with it over the holidays and that is fine but I plan on eating in portion size and not over eat this year like I normally do at this time of the year so I do on planning on eating less at holidays but again it is the holidays and really I should be waiting but I am trying to lose a few pounds before the holidays do hit but if not definitely working on it in the new year when 2019 hits I plan on it. Right now I have maintained 226.4 pounds right now which is good. Another goal I could hit is 224 then stay put which is only 2 more pounds technically and then I could remain there till January then lose the rest slowly but surely. I know I said on twitter today that I want to lose the weight and it will be a slow process honestly as it is not healthy to lose the weight too fast and definitely want to slowly bring it down to my weight goal which is 170 pounds is my ultimate goal but 175 at the most in my weight goal which was my original weight when I went through all the surgeries on my stomach back in 2003 and 2006. 

                I think with the Christmas holidays coming up, I am going to go with the 224 pounds mark and try and stay there from here on out between now and the new years and then make the strive to start losing more weight after all the holidays are done and we are officially in 2019. I kind of know it is pointless with my dad's birthday, Christmas and New Years there is tons of celebrating to happen so I just do not know if I can get to 224 before Christmas. However I have to remain positive on things and try the best I can do from now till then and take one step at a time during this and I know I can do it. If there is a way, there is a will. I have been down to 222, at 221 at one point and I know I can get back down there but it will be a slow process and it will happen in time.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Weight Loss Update....

                 I have gotten back on the right track and I know I can lose another 4.4 pounds to get back down to the weight I was before I put some of it back on again which was a dumb move honestly but I'm really trying my hardest to lose weight. I need to lose another 11.4 pounds before my goal weight for the doctor in December. The next goal after that is 200 pounds on the dot. Then of course the last 30 pounds then I will be in fit shape and maybe, just maybe my knee will not be a problem anymore and I will be fine. Think that is part of my knee problems is me being over weight and I am just tired of being FAT.... That has been changed now and I look really good but I mean I fit into pants that I never fit into before so it is really nice change to wear clothes that actually didn't fit but now fit me now. I still got a ton of weight to lose and I know I can do it. Today I started a very strict diet of less sugar, less fatty foods, eating healthy food like fruits and vegetables more. Also for a snack I eat sunflower seeds slightly salted, I am watching my salt intake as well but a tiny of salt will be fine. I plan on going out more during the day minus the days that I have to record a podcast but again I am also trying to fix up my sleep situation as well so this way I'm up early enough to get the podcasts done on time this way I can get out and about and get the exercise I need as I set a certain amount of steps per day which I have achieved but I may have to take a step back with the amount of steps I take. 

                  This will be a long process getting back on my diet and losing the weight but at the end of the day I know I will feel better about myself and I already know I am feeling better already and I got this. I am doing this to improve the way I feel about myself and also with my knees which I think that is one of the on going problem is my weight is putting a ton of pressure on my knee which probably more then likely the issue I have been dealing with lately. All I know is that I need to lose weight so I do not have any other healthy or physical problems but it is more the physical problems I am having with my knee especially but the weight loss will sure do me some good. That is my update what I am planning on doing from here on out and I am sticking to the plan and moving forward I will get down to 215 pounds by my annual physical. 


Monday, September 17, 2018

Weight Loss Update (My New Plan Moving Forward) [EDITED]

             I have sure derailed my diet and gained and lost weight on and off and i need to start losing weight and get myself down to 180 - 185 pounds again which is my goal weight at this point. I am going to be cutting down on things but not entirely but I have to have it in my diet but not in a big quantity. So what am I going to be cutting down on? Well here is my list of what I would like to give up for the duration of this diet as I wanna get this diet done soon as I have been on it for nearly 2 years. Anyways here is my list of what I would like to cut down on:

1) Sugar, the amount of sugar intake I have during the daytime.

2) Bread, I think that is part of the reason why I ended up going up in the weight as bread is one of the reason. However, I will not cut it out completely, I will have 2 pieces of bread once a week, then 1 piece of a bread during the week. 

3) Kielbassa as I do not think it helps the weight loss situation but even once a week is fine for a treat so I will not be cutting it out completely but down by quite a bit now.

4) Chocolate which is a weakness for me and I am not tempted by it and yes I have had chocolate once a week during this diet which is fine but I am not making it a habit of always having it everyday but weekly or once and a while is fine.

5) Cookies, Chips, any junk food in general. I am trying to stay away from all of this as it was another weakness of mine as well but I think I have been doing well.

               Now one thing I want to continue is exercising which I have been doing lately and it has helped and Saturday, alone I was over 13000 steps which is amazing and I did well so exercise is going to be one of my # 1 things to do is exercise, go out for a walk for 45 minutes to an hour. Also I plan on busing it to my appointments as the exercise will be good for me to get to my appointments there and back but if it rains then I can always get a ride or just dress up appropriately for the weather. However, this is my plan and I am going to stick to my diet this time around as well.


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Back On My Diet....

                After a 4 day holiday away, I need to get back on my diet as my weight has gone up so I am currently working on fixing that right away as I need to get back on the right track with losing weight and my goal is get back to 222 pounds before this gets way out of control again and I plan on not letting it getting this out of control, I want to continue on with my weight loss journey as I plan to still get below 200 pounds again as I haven't been that for years now. I am only 3 pounds away from 230 again and trust me I don't want to be back at that point where I have to start my diet all over again from the start.

                We ate too good on the Grand Bend trip, I think the portion size was too much honestly, however I still got the food and I had smaller lunches. I guess vacations you eat like crazy but yet I swam a lot and I also hiked quite a lot too so that had a factor that I didn't go up by much in weight actually, I went up a pound but I am slowly going down. Now, I am not going to not eat, I have to eat but I need to portion size the amount I eat per meal and also eat the non fatty food and eating healthier is one of the bigger goals. My goal is to be above 1800 calories per day which has actually helped me lose the weight I need to lose. 

                 Finally I will continue on with my diet and I will work on continue on losing the weight and I want to get down below 200 and get a little smaller in my waist to fit some of my clothes that I cannot fit into now. This is a long winding journey but I am definitely on the way to losing the weight and I will not give up on it whatsoever. I will press forward with this but I should of not let it go this far up especially with eating out so often during the kitchen renovations but it is what it is and I will deal with it regardless!


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My Favorite Kind of Smoothie I Like To Make

             First of all I apologize for the 2 rant posts back to back but today's blog post is more in the positive side of things, I will be talking about some of my favorite smoothies I like to make and trust me I like a lot of recipes I have done in the past year and I will share them with you today on this post, so without further ado, here is my favorite smoothie recipes:

1) Banana, Orange & Pineapple: The was the first recipe I used for my smoothies and found it really, really good but I got sick of the same recipe that is why I eventually changed the recipe around, but this is a good recipe if you enjoy the tropically kind of drinks. 

2) Banana, Orange, Pineapple & Strawberry: Decided to add strawberry to the recipe and I am a big strawberry fan and always eat it when we buy it at the store or from the local farm.

3) Banana, Orange, Strawberry & Blueberry: Ok on this recipe I felt really uneasy about adding blueberries and the outer part but I consider it as roughage and just deal with it. 

                Those are the 3 favorite recipes I like to make here at home or picking one up at the local smoothie stand at the mall if I am out and about for the day. But if I make it at home, I add to the recipe vanilla yogurt and also ice cubes to it, but if I do not have yogurt here in the house, I add some milk as the base to the smoothie and it works out really well. I know yogurt has good things in it and also gets rid of the nasty bacteria in your body, plus good when you are on a diet, like I am doing right now trying to lose the weight I wanna lose. Also it is very tasty in a smoothie or on it's own. 


Monday, January 22, 2018

Weight Loss Update (01-22-2018)

                   Not much to report on with the weight loss, I am between 221 and 223 pounds, which mind you it is better then 239 pounds like I was before, but it is hard to surpass this number but I am trying my hardest and one goal I made is to have one fat day where I can eat whatever I want that is usually on Sundays as sometimes Larry pops over from time to time, depending on his schedule. 

                    I haven't really changed what is in my diet is with the amount of calories I intake everyday, trying to stay at 1800 as much as possible over the last little while but minus the one day a week I have for a fatty day but other then that I make sure I follow it to a tee and make sure I do not cheat on my diet whatsoever. My thoughts is, the faster I can get to my weight goal which is 170 pounds, the faster I do not have to worry about following my diet anymore. Trust me losing this weight has helped my right knee out quite drastically and I am not in as much pain as I use to be and sometimes I go weeks without problems which is a good thing honestly! Now I honestly try and avoid having bread as much as possible, but I do not cut it completely, I have my 2 piece of bread once a week, then usually down to the one piece, especially when or if it is toast I am having. One other thing I try and do is not eat after dinner unless its my lightly salted sunflower seeds or a fruit like a banana that I just finished up while typing today's blog post. 

                   One thing I could be better at is being out and being active and going for more walks and getting the exercise I need but I am always out and about almost everyday lately as things gotta get done, whether I need to run to Staples or go to an appointment or two depending on the day or what is on tap for the day. Yes I try to avoid eating out but if worse comes to worse, I at least grab half a sub from Subway but that is very rare of the time it happens. Sub isn't too bad anyways, as long its like a ham or turkey sub but other then that, that would be what I usually have but I am not a big Turkey fan so it would be a ham with mustard lettuce and cheese on it, sometimes red onions but again that is in the rare circumstances if I forget to eat and I am really starving. But other then that, the diet is doing well, slow but slow is better then losing the weight fast as it is not very healthy thing to do. Please note I am going to do these weight loss updates at the start of the month instead of weekly as things can fluctuate each and every week.  


Friday, April 7, 2017

Weight Loss Update #1

               After almost 4 and a half months of being on this diet, I have officially lost 21 pounds which I think is amazing! I worked really hard to lose the weight over the course of the 4 months and I got more to come to get to my goal which hopefully around 175 maybe 170 pounds is the weight I would like to be at as a final goal. However right now I would like to be at 200 pounds by Big Brother Canada Finale, I know that's quite a tough goal to get to in such a short time because with next week being Week 5 of Big Brother Canada, I got 5 weeks to reach that goal, lets just aim for 210 for May 18th, 2017 which is possibly the Finale date for Big Brother Canada. You never know what will happen between now and that day, all I know I will work hard to get to that 200 marker so I can aim further to my goal of 170 pounds. If you wonder that is the weight I dropped to when I was in the hospital almost 14 years ago when I had the ruptured appendix which I was in the hospital for 3 week, you can imagine how much I lost, my stomach was very bloated from the poison in my body but the aftermath I lost like 30 pounds, I probably weighed around 200 - 210 pounds before the strange illness came in. But I want to aim for 170 at the most and lose that much weight and try and stay at that weight for now on but it will be a tough road to do but I think I am up to the challenge of getting to that weight and maintaining it right now. Hopefully losing weight will fix my fatty liver problem but we will see later on this morning when I go see my family doctor says and hopefully it is just more weight loss that will get the fatty liver down to it's normal size, no specialist or anything as I am already seeing another specialist out in Ajax in July. Another reason I wanted to lose weight was to get my butt back in gear for baseball in 2018 as I will be officially making my return to baseball but kind of scared to because of me possibly blowing out my knee once again like I did in 2013 or 2014.

        But Finally I am very happy with the progress that has happened with me losing that tremendous amount of weight and I want to continue on with losing the weight because when I weighed 239 pounds I wasn't one bit happy with the weight but now weighing at 218 pounds I feel much, much happier then I have been in the past.

Have a great night/morning everyone!
