Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Hard To Predict But Not Thinking About Everything About Reality TV's 300th Episode

            It is really hard to tell when the 300th episode will be as right now we're at the 220th episode so it hard to predict as it could be sometime next year as usual, it could be sooner. I think I did the calculations, that's right I did the math and as much as I want it to happen right now I need to focus on the podcast with this season as right now things have not been as easy as I thought lately. I want to get threw this season first before things settle down with 1 podcast a week in the fall. I need to take it one season at a time and I think I am just thinking far ahead of myself so I need to slow down right now and with vacation coming up quite quickly as I am heading south east of the border for 6 days so I just gotta take things one day at a time. To think about 300 episodes right now, it is not the time right now. Also I have been thinking about Everything About Reality TV's Podcast 5th year on the air as of next year that has always been on my mind as well but right now I need to focus on this season first before anything else. 

               300 episodes is a lot to think about, however right now I shouldn't worry about it and honestly I know already that I will again not do anything special for the 300th episode or have guests on as I rather wait till the 500th episode and I honestly got a funny feeling it will happen down the road especially. 300 is a lot but I really rather stay focused right now and when the time comes closer then I can give you guys a schedule to when it happens but right now it is all about covering Big Brother 21 and The Amazing Race Canada 7 at the time and should be the only focus right now as I need to keep on the right track as I haven't been watching Big Brother 21 nor caught up with it recently but will work on it today before both episodes tonight. Anyways that is besides the point right now as EP # 300 will approach fast but I am just not thinking about it, as I am thinking about getting through the next week and a half and what not.


Monday, July 1, 2019

I Just Do Not Know Anymore...

               Friendships has been tested this year between 3 friendships which are now done, I am at a point, I just do not want to do Chris B On The Web for what I was doing before. I know I have become quite popular with Everything About Reality TV but honestly since the friendship I have made a decision maybe I need to step down from the Big Brother 21 and Amazing Race Canada 7 recaps for the summer, however I do not have anyone to replace me, so I am stuck with the recaps but I maybe I just need to get the heck away from here for 6 days and yes I am referring to the holiday I am taking. I just cannot be done with Everything About Reality TV like that, I have gained so many listeners over time and to quit now while I have a good momentum with viewership and now adding on to the list Twitch.TV as a video platform since I am refusing the heck out of YouTube as the platform is not like it use to honestly.  Right now it is hard for me to even think about the podcast even though I made a plan to continue on with the podcast but right now, I am starting to have second thoughts. I know this podcast has been running since September 2015 which this year marks the 4th year of it being on the air, I just do not wanna to let you guys down and I am made so many strides in the last year with being reached out by companies and of course network that reached out to me about covering Music City so there is reason why this podcast has stayed around such a long time.

               I honestly do not know what to do, I lost pretty much all my listeners on Twitch and have to start from scratch again, this is why I wanted to stay Audio ONLY and unsure if to go to YouTube or Twitch or where as my Twitch account is on it's last leg as it has been banned twice so I really have to be careful but I never really thought about doing video whatsoever with the podcast and even before getting more and more requests to do the podcast live, I just not sure if it is the right fit for it honestly but giving it a go indefinitely and I know I have people interested and maybe once I get the ball rolling with the podcast it will be a lot more busier in the chatroom but do not forget I am just started out. I should just try and go with the flow and maybe I am just over thinking things especially with going away this Friday and nervous for when I return home to catching back up with it. It will all work out in the end and I am sure I'll be just fine. I just gotta get through being down and depressed and being around a friend is what I just need tomorrow and I cannot wait to hangout with them.


Sunday, June 30, 2019

I Am Happier With What I Was Doing With Blogs and Podcasts....

               I was going to bring another podcast from a friend but they decided to quit on me which I was doing a lot of work behind the scenes and it feels like I wasted my time doing a ton of my time when I can be bringing out content to you guys technically. So right now I am thinking it is best for me to focus on the blogs on here, as this upcoming month Larry and I have ideas for the blog and I will reveal in this post to what him and I are planning but I have to be careful scheduling this idea. Also I want to focus on "Everything About Reality TV" and Power Rangers Collaboration Podcasts which are both doing well right now and changing things right now or adding on other things within the website probably the wrong move to make really at this point as things are doing very well for itself. Now the plan with the blog is both Larry and I from time to time will be doing food reviews and the most recent one coming up is of the Starr Burger over in Larry's hometown so he is going to take me up and were going to review their burgers.  Now I did mention it on stream yesterday that the plans for Power Rangers Podcast is in definitely in the plans and excited to be getting back into the swing of things in the fall but right now it is the planning stages for the next two podcasts. 

                 Anyways I think it is better and that I am happier with remaining a solo person but no I will not be quitting the Power Rangers Podcast that will be not going anywhere but I am totally happier with it and the content that I bring out to you guys. Also Everything About Reality TV I am really happy with, despite being a bit burnt out but it is an adrenaline rush that keeps me going and I do a heck of a lot for you guys and I think 2020 things will be changing for me honestly. I mean I wanna make some genuine changes and this has a lot to do with me looking for work and this could be a big impact on me but I need to think things through first. I was also inspired by a YouTuber and also an friend who streams too and Not only I am happy with blogs and podcasts but I want to actually do this more on a full time status but I am waiting for the right time to do this but 2020 will again prove to be a busy but fun year for CBOTW, I am sure and I know Larry is going to be a big part of 2020 I'm sure as both him and I will be celebrating Everything About Reality TV's 5th Year On-Air.


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Might Start Working On Power Rangers Podcast!

          Hoping this weekend to start working on the next Power Rangers Podcast, however was thinking about waiting till I get back actually. I will have a ton more time with it honestly when I am back from holidays. I think right now I am definitely in vacation/holiday mode right now but I can get the episodes knocked out within a week or two so I could be done so either way I will be done before even September starts or even at the start of September which I plan to transition into the next one right away as I am trying to see if I am able to schedule a January session as right now the question is open with a 3rd season of Celebrity Big Brother and a good friend of mine say its not going to happen. However I am still also waiting for the renewal of Music City, however I will be ready one way or another be ready for the next Collaboration podcast recording one way or another so it is good I want to be ahead of the game. Also if it is isn't in the New Year, it can be just after the Finale of Big Brother Canada 8 and maybe even a July recording but I cannot Jump too fast and expect 3 but only way 3 could happen if we do indeed be a 3 episode recording but I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet as it is still early and we still have to get through the October recording first.

          Either way I am excited to be working on the next Power Rangers Podcast and getting the ball rolling with the next one and I know Larry who is my Co-Host of this collaboration is eager for the next one. It is a long wait between the episodes but it is worth the wait with the episodes and Larry knows the schedule with "Everything About Reality TV" can be busy at times, especially when there is 3 podcasts a week which is very crazy at times especially this year was an experience and a half honestly and was a very stressful but interesting experiment honestly as you all know I did Big Brother Canada podcasts twice a week plus Survivor and adding on The Amazing Race that is why I was really tight for time when it came to the June 2nd recording with Larry but I got it done and ready for the next step on things and i have 3 months from now to get it done and done on time for once or even ahead a tad bit. Announcement for the recording session will be announced once it is booked and once the recording is done then I will also announce the release schedule as well.


Friday, June 28, 2019

Vacation Booked & Everything About Reality TV Podcast Schedule Week of Holidays!

            Obviously I am going off on holidays next week which means Everything About Reality TV Podcast is going to be on a hiatus for a week and a half but I have to figure out if it will take me a few days to catch up or how soon to get caught up. However when I get back I am going to already have a couple of days worth of blogs to go up so you guys are all set with some content while I plan to catch up but I will be covering that when I return you will see the post I did. Now I am leaving on Friday, July 5th and back on Thursday, July 11th, 2019 from Boston. I will indeed be covering what I did in Boston and on the trip after the posts I have schedule has been posted up. Now the question is what about Friday's podcast next week what is the schedule next week? This is what next week is looking like. Any bold means things are staying the same: 

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019: The Amazing Race Canada, Season 7  RECAP, 9 pm EST  (Things Will Remain the same)

Thursday, July 4th, 2019: Big Brother 21 RECAP, 9 pm EST (Temporary Schedule Change for this week)

            There is the schedule, it was so easy to do a re-schedule next week and I am actually looking forward to going away on holidays and I was able to cater to the change of the schedule and I have already gone ahead and re-scheduled for the next week and I am taking it one day at a time. I'm sure Friday that I am back I will be officially catching up on the Reality TV Shows during the day and by the weekend recording and maybe it will be an early post up so I am up to par to start a fresh week but either way by the end of that week I should be up to par but that is for another post for after I can get back from the holidays as that will be probably the ultimate test which I could of doubled up but I am not going to. I am going to make the effort to catch up when I get back. Either way there is the timetable for next week as that is the primary focus for right now is to focus on next week then the week after and so on. Any questions about the schedule change do not hesitate to contact me on Social Media or Contact Page at https://www.chrisbontheweb.com/p/contact-chris.html 


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Norms Deli Food Review

                Yesterday, I went to Norm's Deli with one of my friends and also former Staff from back in the days of YouTube era for me. Anyways we had to travel from the mall to the Bowmanville which was about 30 minute journey for us and we just made the bus in time, I had to run and I ended getting a really bad leg cramp and took a few minutes for me to actually get the cramp out of my leg and it was hard to deal with. I think it's because I have slowed down with the running unless I need to do it necessarily. Anyways we both got the bus and arrived in Bowmanville. Now to be honest I have been to the deli before so my review is so obvious what I am going to review, however I have never done a review but have had almost everything there. However I had yesterday, the Pierogies with Sausage and yes Sauerkraut which I had for the first time ever last year but had it again. Now their hot food and buns are all made fresh each and everyday so with saying that the meal was so good. The Sauerkraut tasted different then any other one I had last year. The Sausage was so tender and nice, I didn't have mustard with it or nothing but don't forget I put the Sauerkraut with it which was unbelievably good. Finally the Pierogies were so tender and juicy with the sauteed onions with Sour Cream was really good. 

                 Overall I usually give a review out of 5 but this time around, I am giving the food 10 all day out of 5. That is right I actually am giving 5 extra stars as it exceeded my expectations as the food was so good they sure deserve the extra 5 stars and I do not usually do that but making an exception as I actually know the owners as my family and I been there many times and we got Kielbassa from there but they only have that once a month, however I really always loved their Kielbassa as it is always fresh and really good as well. The day overall was a great day, we really enjoyed ourselves and Eric did not eat as he forgot to bring money but made a promise for him to come back in the fall for his birthday to celebrate it and he don't know this but I am going to treat him for lunch for his birthday. Been thinking about this since we departed ways after our fun day. He won't know as he hasn't seen my website and this post will be buried by September. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this mini review, I enjoyed writing it and about the day in general and I will be back with another post tomorrow. 


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Favorite Older Cars That I Like!

             This was inspired by a friend of mine and today's post, I am going to talk about my favorite old cars. Now the origin of me really loving the old cars was the Fabulous 50's Festival in Bowmanville when it was called this as it is under a completely different name every year which mind you, is now on Father's Day each and every year so that has been off the schedule for the past several years in the way of events as my dad is normally busy with my brother. However there is always the car festival weekend at the end of August. Now I currently volunteer my time with a group for the Kars on King but the weekend definitely be down at the lake looking at the cars again this year since when I volunteer on the Friday, I will not have time whatsoever to look around. Anyways here is my list of cars I really like and it isn't a huge list but here it is:

1) Edsel- Also known as the lemon car, my dad introduced me to this car as we saw and he had to explain to me why they call it the Lemon car do to the lemon shape on the front Grill of the car and I added a picture which is one of my pictures I took last years Car Show down at the lake. First time I saw an Edsel was at the Fabulous 50's Car Show which I mentioned above but my dad had to explain what the heck an Edsel is and what company made it etc.

2) Delorean- Yes the car that was in the movie Back to the Future. I never knew what a Delorean looked like till I got to see the actual movie and now I know what it looks like. It sure looks like a steel tank honestly but don't forget that is how they built those cars back in the day.

3) Trans Am- Another wicked car back then and was introduced to these in Smokey and The Bandit but that is besides the point, I love the power behind the car and it is an indeed a fast car and I honestly Love the fast cars.

4)  This is my last one on the list and the picture above shows you what it is and it is no other then the Chevy Belair which is one of my favorite classic 50's car from when I was younger and just love the two toned cars especially, I really like as well.

                There is my list and I know there is more and I could make this a series each and every week and if you guys would like to see that please let me know in the comments below if you would like to see 1 or 2 more of these please do let me know in the comment and be sure to follow the blog too so you know when a new post goes up! 
