Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year! Plans For 2020!

               So for those who wonder I had to write this for a second time. The app on the site to blog decided to erase this entire post but yet this is done weeks ago as I have a lot to update you guys with the plan is for 2020. So there is 4 big things going on for Chris B On The Web, moving into 2020 and here are they are:

1) Blog- One of the biggest things on this site besides the 3 podcasts which I will be getting to shortly is the blog. Where all the information comes from with updates, food reviews, events and much much more. Well come 2020, will have Larry even write a food review for the blog as him and I have a pile of places to go to, Popeyes, Mr. Burger, Five Guys Burger, Starr Burger and much more I am sure when it comes to reviews. Also events I will be doing once again and pretty much the same ones as I did this year.

2) Everything About Reality TV- The Podcast is indeed coming back for an astonishing 13th season in the New Year and we are bringing on someone new and they will be covering Big Brother Canada sometime February into March which is exciting and happened just before Christmas happened.  Also Feb 13th is the premiere of the 13th season with Survivor: Winners At War followed by Big Brother Canada and Amazing Race 32 (hopefully soon) Schedule for the podcast is coming out tomorrow with the official reveal!

3)The Sports Hour W/ Billy- The Sports Hour was brought pretty much half way through last year and by last fall it became to be and just started towards the end of last year and this year will be indeed a really, really big year for his podcast moving forward and excited to see where this podcast goes in the future!

4)  The Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast & Other Collabs- For other collabs nothing really planned as nobody has approached me about anything but definitely up to offers and we can definitely do something I am sure! Also for those are wondering yes this Year we will be bringing Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast back but we are waiting till the studio is back to normal and it's getting there and been trying to keep you guys updated but it is on hold and it is just a waiting game for Larry and I. I can say the current Podcast is done and awaiting recording and excited top get recording for sure!

                There is the 4 big things going for The Podcasts and what is going on around Chris B On The Web in 2020 and you noticed I am not on the other one and I am OK with my decision and really gives me the chance to focus on CBOTW and 2020 is going to be definitely a big and busy year for me as this year I find out the future of Everything About Reality TV after the Winter/Spring Season is finished if Survivor is returning and if there will be a 15th season or not that will be determined. Also the food reviews and events and all that I have said above as well. Finally I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year and wish you all the best for 2020!


Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Year In Review!

            I admit this year has had it's highs and low from ex staff drama to struggling with my own podcast after 4 years to what has ended on a really high note. I will explain. January saw the final season I covered Music City CMT which I have had mixed emotions for the entire year with no renewal nothing. As for Celebrity Big Brother it was a fun season to cover honestly. Anyways next on my list was the announcement of the studio renovations which is still on going right now and business as usual during the renovations which honestly it's looking good and envisioning what it will look like when it is completely finished and even with a desk rebuilt as you have seen on the post about the one nail holding the damn infernal thing together the entire time which I was unaware of honestly.... LOL! Now the entire drama with my ex staff made me realize I do not need to call em alumni anymore they are considered former staff even the ones I still am connected with they have always been up to speed that goes on here and even Larry who has been very active since 2018 with the Power Rangers Podcast. Which brings me to the next point the low of this year the lack of that podcast as you know we normally produce 4 episodes twice a year which wasn't the case this year and come 2020 which is 12 hours or less away that is about to all change and excited to say honestly as you will have seen in the previous post on here.

              The biggest excitement was me doing this for a living, making money from both the podcast and also the website itself which is what I have been building this website up to be eventually but it was just the matter of time and this month (December) it finally did happen and excited for what 2020 brings. With saying that I would like to wish you all a very happy and safe New Years and please to remember if you are going out to use public transit, cab or Uber to get home safely and to not drink and drive as there has been a ton of that during the holiday season here this year which isn't right whatsoever. I will talk to you tomorrow for the big 2 day reveal for CBOTW and trust me you do not want to miss it as it will be definitely an amazing announcement that is coming up for 2020! It has indeed been hard to contain the excitement and hard to keep my mouth shut what is coming up but the wait is indeed almost over and excited to hear your feedback for 2020 and please let me know what you think when you read it tomorrow what you think and if you are excited for 2020 and what is to come! Again Happy New Year and see YOU ALL in 2020!


Monday, December 30, 2019

CBOTW Upcoming Schedule Late December 2019/Early 2020

              I know I have been hyping it up on social media recently and it is time to remind you guys on some changes made recently in the last 12 hours or longer to CBOTW. As you know I have been struggling with getting back into the swing of things but I have tweaked my schedule and yesterday I am guilty of not following my damn schedule (LOL). Oh well, I'm da boss I can take time off when I want but like I said there is no time for rest as we're close to the re-launch of one of the Podcasts soon and you will know as you read further into this post. Here are the changes:


As you know we are in the holiday season and the studio here which is currently very quiet here right now but it is about to become 10x busier soon. Below this is the schedule between now and the new Year which has been posted also to social media a few days ago as well:

Mon, Dec 30th, 2019- All Day
Tues, Dec 31st, 2019- Half a Day
Wed. Jan 1st, 2020- Studio Closed
Thurs. Jan 2nd, 2020- Regular Schedule


January 14th, 2020: Everything About Reality TV- Off Season Podcast will be posted up. Not sure if it will be me or my other host that is not confirmed yet but once I have an idea if their going to post anything up, you will definitely be first to know!

February 2020: No OFFICIAL Date yet for Power Rangers Podcast but yes it is on the timetable in the New Year to be recorded and if I have to I will do it at this tiny desk we will but it will be done and posted up for you guys. This is the OFFICIAL word it is coming back and it is in the plans and it has been a long wait but it is returning and both Larry and I apologize for any delays.

February 4th, 2020: Will be the official Start for our 13th Season of Everything About Reality TV with Survivor: Winners At War Preview Podcast a week and 2 days before we air the first recap of the season.

               There is the list of when projects/podcasts are returning to it's normal regular schedule programming in 2020. Right now we're on a bit of a hiatus but blog posts will continue to be a regular thing around the website and we appreciate your understanding during this holiday season and hope you all are having a wonderful holiday as I sure am and enjoying the time with my family as well. I will see you all tomorrow for the final post of 2019 as we ring in the New Year, 2020!


Sunday, December 29, 2019

Struggling To Figure Out When I Want To Return Or Trying To Get Work Done..

            I was suppose to be back in the studio Friday to get the Collaboration Podcast done and I realize that the collab has to be finished up if we are indeed to actually record which I will be announcing some of that come New Years.  However I need to get back into the saddle and if I can today I will be in some O/T (Overtime) today and get some of it done but we will see how I feel and what is on tap as I am honestly not sure what is happening today and all I know is I have to get the bus pass for the month of January which I totally forgotten about yesterday but yet again I slept in very, very late and in bed very, very early last night and up early to try and get some things done. I need to stay on schedule if I can but I haven't. I've been re-addicted to Minecraft again and built a new community on there with my niece and nephew but I need to realize I can play with them when their here and I haven't done much and been playing games lately. However a break for me is good thing as I have been going non stop this year and I think a break is good, not too long but a small break here and there. You know me I have to be doing something with my time and sitting around going nothing, I am not one to be sitting around not doing anything and by the time you see this I probably ended up having a bunch of them done and ready to go over the next couple of days.

             However today is going to be definitely a test for me to see if I can start working on things and I think I will definitely be getting things done for CBOTW today. I need to just stop diddly daddling around playing video games and just get back to the task at hand. Honestly the work will not get finished on it's own and takes a lot of man power and man hours to get the notes done especially on a one 44 - 45 episode season and a 40 episode season so that is like 84 - 85 episodes to watch and a lot of hours of watching and trust me it is worth it in the end. The actual end goal is to try and be done the remainder of the seasons between January and end of August 2020 so all we really have to do moving forward is record and trust me I will be ahead for 2021 too, I just want to get ahead a little bit and what the heck am I saying?! I wanna get way ahead so non of this garbage of "oh I am not ready to record yet, Larry crap" happens again. Too much has happened in the last almost 3 months now where things kept being delayed. This is a good stride I am making and just wanna keep going with it and get it recorded on schedule. It is a big goal for me in 2020 that's for sure!


Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Do I Expect in 2020?

             There is a bunch of things I hope for in 2020 and the New Year is only days away now and I have sometime to start to think about things through and I have honestly have been hiding a lot of things with what is upcoming for CBOTW and been a very sneaky person behind the scenes of one of the 3 podcasts on Chris B On The Web. I will get into some details on January 1st but now is not the time. With the recent staff changes in the recent week and a half, I feel a lot happier with who is on the team right now with the 4 of us involved. So without further ado here is what I expect in 2020:

1) Positivity-  This year has been a year of ups and downs, from two of my former staff turning their back on me which is fine with me. Also problems on the forefront of CBOTW from a Gaming Podcast that was in the plan was once again gone into turmoil and I promise you it is nowhere near in the plans for 2020, I already know what is on the list for 2020 and again you will have to wait till January 1st, 2020 @ 12 pm EST.

2) New Content and Team Members- One amazing thing I look forward to and again will be announcing it all and I really need to revamp that post before but not that only that but I will be adding in, well they already are a part of the CBOTW Family and both days I will be talking about it Jan 1st & Jan 2nd, 2020.

3) Friendships- With losing some friendships this year I want to hopefully find a new friends in 2020 and ones that will not turn on me but also work on the friends I got and I know I can definitely count on them to be there for me moving into the New Year.

4) Self Employment- As you know this month I started self employment for myself and this is officially start to year 0 as I have yet to reach one full year right now but that will come in December 2020 when I hit the full year mark. Either way it is exciting to be self employed and earning money on the website or even on the podcast and honestly I have been anticipating this moment for a very long time now and it has come to full circle and soon we will have a studio that will be suitable to the needs of the team.

5) Studio Renovations- Which brings me into the second last point I would like make on this blog today is the Studio Reno which is getting there and 3 more panels and the walls are fixed finally, then comes the ceiling work where the actual studio recording is going to be to put in the sound proofing and a cover over it so it is not visible but that will be in January sometime and in the New Year I have to get Larry to help me move the rolling desk and the boxes for the space out of here so this way we have more room to work on the end of the room. I hope to be done in February but no guarantees whatsoever. It will be done when it will be done.

6) Keeping My Power Rangers Podcast Return Promise- I know this year hasn't been a great year for this podcast but I am making my promise to you guys there will be 3 of them next year or the New Year coming in a few days from now. Even if we aim for a March record that is fine because I will be ready to go by then by a mile and a half, ha-ha.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Finished Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue!

           The title certainly doesn't lie, I am finished Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue! Which means I am on the next phase of the plan which is actually typing up the notes for the podcast. Now this doesn't guarantee a date when we will be recording and do not forget that this studio is pretty much still a mess and still in renovations and there is no date to being finished so the notes will be on standby till I know the studio is completed. However there is no excuse to delay typing up these notes starting today by the time you read this I will already working on it and hope it is done in a few days if I do work hard on it, it will be done quite quickly. However my end goal is to have this done by the end of this year so this way it will be ready whenever we chose to record the podcast technically. I am excited for next podcast as it will be quite interesting when it comes time to record the podcast with Larry. So when did I finish Lightspeed Rescue? December 24th in the middle of the night I worked hard, I mean really hard on finishing it and honestly it feels good to be at the point of being finished the first half but there is a second half that I have to do and that is like I said the typing phase. 

            I am doing half day today but do mean I will be trying and get the stuff done and see how far I can get in the notes. Starting in January 2020 I will be starting on the next Collaboration which will be Power Rangers Time Force and Power Wild Force seasons for June. I am just on a roll with the collabs and just want to get a bunch of them done for June and then October as you know the upcoming year there will be 3 recording sessions this year so it will be an insane and I made a promise to you guys to make it up for the 1 session this year which was the Turbo and In Space seasons that was covered this year. This year wasn't on our side this year with so much happening so fast so it was definitely not easy. I have had our share of disagreements with my Co-Host but having second thoughts about the collaboration podcasts but we worked things out and my gut is telling me to keep this going. Not only this podcast but even Everything About Reality TV was on that list too but I am still happy to be a part of both of the podcasts and watch it grow. Honestly the views are between 22 to almost the 50 views an episode range which is really good that we are pulling in the views and like Larry said in the end it is all about the views and he is right. You guys do not know how thrilled, excited and eager to get back to recording the podcast! It has been long coming for the next episode and if the views indeed hold up as usual this upcoming year, we may just start doing em 3 times a year! This is a real test for us and excited for it and even if we have to do we can set it up at this temporary desk in *cough, cough, January* but we will see and him and I will have a conversation in the coming weeks to when we wanna record and we will let you know dates when we have more information. 


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019!

           First all Merry Christmas and I know I am a day late but between me trying to sleep properly to traveling. One of the real reasons I have been away from social media recently is because I have been spending a ton of time with the family and was my entire intention during the holidays. My holidays so far since I have today off which I know there will be a ton of TV, YouTube and gaming today so I do not plan to do anything. Right now I am enjoying what I have left of my final day before holidays are up and I am back to work tomorrow and I know what I need to do tomorrow and that is typing up the notes for Power Rangers Podcast and I hope to get it all done before Jan 1st so there will be a ton of long nights for me and lots of YouTube videos, Big Brother Canada and what not but worth it as I hope to end up recording sometime in January/Hopefully. So with Christmas we celebrated my sister in law's birthday then we came back over the next day for Christmas Eve dinner and we had perogies with onions. Also had Smoked Salmon but I had breaded fish as I am not a big fan of Salmon but I tried it one way or another and it was really good! 

            Now Christmas Day, yesterday which I should of still written a post for you guys but I did not due to me feeling tired but yet I wrote this at 4 am this morning, never a dull moment around here even when I am off. Anyways my brother, sister in law, niece and nephew, aunt and uncle my parents and I had dinner. Had turkey, mash taters as I always call it, Corn, stuffing, buns, all good stuff honestly. Gift wise I got the missing Star Wars movies I got, pair of pants, more socks (meh). Also I got Futurama which is a cartoon series but hope to collect every volume from the start to finish. Also a gift card for Best Buy for 40 dollars which is really cool and plan on going after the New Year to see what I can get with it! It was another amazing Christmas and I really enjoyed my time with my family and look forward to getting back to sort of a normal schedule but remember with the New Years coming the studio will be empty once again for December 31st, 2019 & January 1st, 2020 for the New Years Eve and Day,
