Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Happy Easter! | Changes With Chris B On The Web

               First of all Happy Belated Easter to you all! Hope you had a wonderful Easter, I sure as heck did! Between family, podcasts, blogs, cooking and fixing the bloody website, I pretty well wore myself out within that entire week and even after Easter I am still trying to catch up on stuff to this very day. But tomorrow will be a joyous day as ChrisBOnTheWeb.com will be reopening after a full week closed due to server issues and problems for about 40 hours late of last week. But at last that can be put behind me and everything is going to go back to normal and all podcasts this week should be out on the day of, no doubt about it now! 

              Update: Website is re-opening today at some point during the daytime. It was decided to take an extra day or so to work out any bugs that there was on the website everything should be ready to go this morning for the return of the website! 

Have a great Night!


Friday, April 14, 2017

Website & Podcast Updates!

Good morning everyone,

             Yes I have been lacking blog posts lately as shit hit the fence this week in the Chris B On The Web universe so to speak and yes I know it's the middle of the night right now when I am typing this up. First the server the site that you know and love, chrisbontheweb.com is on went all fucky, wait is that even a word?! LOL!  I took that line from Family Feud that was said by one of the contestants of one of the two family's. Anyways, I am way off track aren't I? So what the server ended up doing and I got solid proof evidence what happen too but the images on the website went down, the background went from black background with ChrisBOnTheWeb.com on the right side to an awful bright white background. That just pissed me right the heck off and I pretty well reset the site on the server to see if that helped? Nope, still had that same b.s. as before. I just had enough I pretty well ripped the entire site apart trying to fixing it and also we were getting 403 and 500 Errors on the website. Took about 40 hours for everything to clear up as it was the bloody server decided to go wonky once again but now I gotta fix all my screw ups from messing around with the blasted website which is on hold till Monday, after the Easter Holidays, I gotta get Big Brother Canada done today and Amazing Race 29 recorded as well this way I am on the right track for the rest of the week. Then later on today I need to get baking for Easter dessert, and tomorrow start prepping for Easter dinner tomorrow! It never ends, then Easter Dinner Sunday then Monday back to the grind of things and get the website back up and running Monday with no time for myself but hopefully by Tuesday I will take a personal day for myself this way I can decompress after a busy week this week but I doubt it would happen, ha ha! Knowing me being the workaholic I am, I'll be working on my website until it is up and running fully. 

               Now last night, Stitcher whom The "Everything About Reality TV" Podcast is with in the way of partnership, problem that has happened before in the past and I am pretty well have had it with their issues, I even checked the RSS Feed and all is well on that end so it has to be them being slammed with new shows again? Possibly, I have already making new plans to go to Player.FM for my podcasts along with podcasts.com and TuneIn.com but also I am making plans to get my podcast out on ITunes in the very near future once I fix the logo so it looks nicer then it is currently! So that is where I am at with the status of the site and podcast and hope to have more updates by Monday where everything stands.

Have a Great Friday/TGIF!


Friday, April 7, 2017

Weight Loss Update #1

               After almost 4 and a half months of being on this diet, I have officially lost 21 pounds which I think is amazing! I worked really hard to lose the weight over the course of the 4 months and I got more to come to get to my goal which hopefully around 175 maybe 170 pounds is the weight I would like to be at as a final goal. However right now I would like to be at 200 pounds by Big Brother Canada Finale, I know that's quite a tough goal to get to in such a short time because with next week being Week 5 of Big Brother Canada, I got 5 weeks to reach that goal, lets just aim for 210 for May 18th, 2017 which is possibly the Finale date for Big Brother Canada. You never know what will happen between now and that day, all I know I will work hard to get to that 200 marker so I can aim further to my goal of 170 pounds. If you wonder that is the weight I dropped to when I was in the hospital almost 14 years ago when I had the ruptured appendix which I was in the hospital for 3 week, you can imagine how much I lost, my stomach was very bloated from the poison in my body but the aftermath I lost like 30 pounds, I probably weighed around 200 - 210 pounds before the strange illness came in. But I want to aim for 170 at the most and lose that much weight and try and stay at that weight for now on but it will be a tough road to do but I think I am up to the challenge of getting to that weight and maintaining it right now. Hopefully losing weight will fix my fatty liver problem but we will see later on this morning when I go see my family doctor says and hopefully it is just more weight loss that will get the fatty liver down to it's normal size, no specialist or anything as I am already seeing another specialist out in Ajax in July. Another reason I wanted to lose weight was to get my butt back in gear for baseball in 2018 as I will be officially making my return to baseball but kind of scared to because of me possibly blowing out my knee once again like I did in 2013 or 2014.

        But Finally I am very happy with the progress that has happened with me losing that tremendous amount of weight and I want to continue on with losing the weight because when I weighed 239 pounds I wasn't one bit happy with the weight but now weighing at 218 pounds I feel much, much happier then I have been in the past.

Have a great night/morning everyone!


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Best Moments As a YouTuber and During The Entertainment Man Talk Show Run!

           First of all I do not, nor have ever spoke about my favorite moments a an YouTuber. Trust me there is so many favorite moments I've had might be hard to list them all here but here are at least maybe my ten most favorite moments & please note I have linked the YouTube Video:

1) Me going off at my Staff at the Season 2 Finale, just before the shoot when stressed out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7D0oMvhkgdo 

2) I called Justin, JUSTINA! for the first time on Camera! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka5HDYP6Qhg

3) The running joke on set with Gordie, Eric, Missy and Dave every time the word sh*t was said on set.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l539FxjgXU 

4) Making jokes on camera during the filming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzAtGmR_NVw

6) The war with the Lawn Mower, me cursing at the lawn mower because it wouldnt start which hilarity ensued!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOBb6gf-esw

7)   The new camera girl Krissy came out to help and was her only episode to date that was shown! No video due to the video had no sound whatsoever.

8) The Townhall of 1873, the first time I ever went to a location to get permission to film at! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRedJud_HX0 

9) The 50th Episode of The Entertainment Man Talk Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRedJud_HX0 

10) Finally the renovation vlog at the Oshawa Centre when they were starting their long renovation project! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5hALgDGyv0

That is my list of favorite moments, not all of them  made the list but this is at least the 10 moments that I have had on YouTube or during The Entertainment Man Talk Show, hope you enjoyed reading this top 10 list and have a great rest of your Wednesday!


Monday, April 3, 2017

Favorite Video Games | 100th Blog Post!

              Well here we are, the 100th Blog Post and I cannot believe we are at my 100th blog post and I am not going to be making a big ass deal over it but it is 100 blog posts and in this blog today I am actually going to talk about some of my favorite video games I like to play and trust me I got a lot of favorite games that I have played over the years since I came online back in late 2003. Now here is my list of Video Games I really enjoyed thus far from 2003 to the present time of day and please note none of these are ranked just listed in particular order:

- Call of Duty: beaten the game so many times and mastered the game, never played any other game after the 1st one came out and finished the game but would start now definitely.

- Minecraft: I have become a master Minecraft Player, watching Dan Gheesling play his play through and learning on the fly and with the aid and help of Darkostridjer a former Twitch listener of mine, now I am very much a pro at Minecraft. Please note been taking a break for a while from it but I am planning on a return as I will be starting Minecraft Tekkit Classic and boy I am very excited to be doing it too!

- GTA 4 & 5: I love Grand Theft Auto, I started back when San Andreas came out but I never finished, however I finished 4 and 5 and love the characters from both 4, Niko and Roman, and one notable character Trevor.

- Battlefield 3/Battlefield Vietnam/Battlefield Vietnam: Again, I love the war games that's why this has made my list of favorite video games.

- The Sims 3/The Sim 4: Love the 3rd one the most, as the Sims broke everything very quickly which made hilarity at it's best! But when Sims 4 came around I found it OK until my sims were stupid enough to set the kitchen on fire and left the room and the rooms around the kitchen to burn, yet I couldn't get the fire department there, or the sims to put it out which kind of sucked.

- Starcraft/Starcraft Brood War: Loved this video games was one of the first ever games that was introduced to me way before 2003, before I came online officially and it sure is a classic game in my part and I got the 3rd installment.

- Metal of Honor: Loved this game, the Stuka Dive Bombers the gameplay, I never finished it but would love to go through the entire game again.

- The Binding of Isaac: Still on the first Isaac, but almost halfway there to the road to 100% achievement and getting better each and everytime. Hope to get to Rebirth very very soon then of course Afterbirth! 

Well that is my list it's not a big, big list but these are games I do really enjoy or enjoyed to play and would play again in the near future and hopefully I play some newer video games in the near future which I will do a post of games I'd like to play!

Have a great rest of our Monday!


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Feeling Good!

        With the recent events that has gone on, I am starting slowly come around and be a bit happier then I have been over the last 4 days.  However, I am still depressed on and off and my sleep has been completely derailed in the last few days, meaning someday's I sleep normal, some nights I sleep at 6 pm till midnight then up throughout the night. However I am more up and open to talking to my parents compare to the last few days I've been very quiet but today I am very talkative person and more open to talking to my friends, neighbors and family.  Today I also feel like podcasting, like getting the podcasts that are missing up on chrisbontheweb.com, podcasts.com, stitcher.com & TuneIn! Which surprised me entirely that I wanted to get caught up with the missing podcasts that were missing and as of tonight I will be caught up on last week but tomorrow I am doing my Amazing Race 29 Preview Podcast and of course my Survivor Game Changers Recap Podcast but I have to take one thing at a time and in time I will be entirely caught up with podcasts right to the end of the week and I can rest easy on the weekend. There will be no more preview podcasts to worry about till the summer time when BB19 and Amazing Canada comes out so it will not be a worry. Yea I am still depressed and stressed out but I cannot leave my site as it is with no content so right now I am playing catch up. But being back in the saddle of the podcast and I am finally getting back to normal slowly. I think I will end up going back onto FB Sunday, think a week will be good enough of a break for me and everything will go back to normal and I will not have to worry about the people causing me drama anymore.

Sorry for the short post but have a great night!


Monday, March 27, 2017

Not Been The Greatest...

This is the hardest blog I have ever written, so much rushing through my mind right now to what to say.... Since more friends wanna turn their backs on me, it has put me into a complete tail spin of a downward spiral, I had one heck of a meltdown and hurt myself pretty bad. Today my mood is kind of somber, I am very quiet, haven't had much to eat just toast and peanut butter and probably wont be eating anything else today. I threw my Contigo cup against the old TV and I'm surprised it didn't crack the freakin screen. I doubt it'd work over the abuse its had recently... Ha ha. I am trying to smile a lot more today but its hard to crack a smile with the recent situation. I've pretty well turned on a group of people who care so much about me and my well being, but at this point I feel like I can't trust certain people, feel like I am unable to trust anyone who is my friend because they will turn on me in a dime. Had that happened this year with 3 people and 2 last year being 2 long friendships that have it's best times and it's worst times. I've been avoiding Facebook this week so far but minimal communication with people, such as people who have IM'd me back to make sure I am ok and also my Staff (My Team) I am keeping direct contact with so I can make sure everything is still going to plan. YES! I am trying to keep things as normal as possible when it comes to the operating of Chris B On The Web. I may be dealing with my Mental Health right now but I still want to get stuff out too as well ON Time and not fall behind like last year. Even if I ended up in the hospital, I probably be behind a few podcasts if I stayed over night or a few days but glad I am home and resting and trying to deal with this on my own terms which I should give props for as I am giving it my will power to try and deal with this on my own and I know I do have the option to walk into the Emergency to the crisis unit to talk to someone if I felt like I am still out of control and I feel out of control in my head still, my head is all over the place right now dealing with this, just not sure where my head is at these days with all the friendships falling apart and I just do not know who my friends are anymore in my real life, I just don't feel like I am wanted on Facebook and close to 100% wanting to delete my Facebook account and give certain friends and family my email to keep in touch, that's it.  I got till Sunday as I am taking the week off from the site to decided whether I am returning to Facebook or not. Now mind you I got family on there and high school and college friends, however maybe I need to be careful who I add and trust around my email and Facebook friends list at this point. Yes this is real life friends too I am talking about. Anyways that is the update what is going on with me and why I have been a bit quiet on Twitter and behind the podcasts especially.

Have a great night!
