Monday, April 3, 2017

Favorite Video Games | 100th Blog Post!

              Well here we are, the 100th Blog Post and I cannot believe we are at my 100th blog post and I am not going to be making a big ass deal over it but it is 100 blog posts and in this blog today I am actually going to talk about some of my favorite video games I like to play and trust me I got a lot of favorite games that I have played over the years since I came online back in late 2003. Now here is my list of Video Games I really enjoyed thus far from 2003 to the present time of day and please note none of these are ranked just listed in particular order:

- Call of Duty: beaten the game so many times and mastered the game, never played any other game after the 1st one came out and finished the game but would start now definitely.

- Minecraft: I have become a master Minecraft Player, watching Dan Gheesling play his play through and learning on the fly and with the aid and help of Darkostridjer a former Twitch listener of mine, now I am very much a pro at Minecraft. Please note been taking a break for a while from it but I am planning on a return as I will be starting Minecraft Tekkit Classic and boy I am very excited to be doing it too!

- GTA 4 & 5: I love Grand Theft Auto, I started back when San Andreas came out but I never finished, however I finished 4 and 5 and love the characters from both 4, Niko and Roman, and one notable character Trevor.

- Battlefield 3/Battlefield Vietnam/Battlefield Vietnam: Again, I love the war games that's why this has made my list of favorite video games.

- The Sims 3/The Sim 4: Love the 3rd one the most, as the Sims broke everything very quickly which made hilarity at it's best! But when Sims 4 came around I found it OK until my sims were stupid enough to set the kitchen on fire and left the room and the rooms around the kitchen to burn, yet I couldn't get the fire department there, or the sims to put it out which kind of sucked.

- Starcraft/Starcraft Brood War: Loved this video games was one of the first ever games that was introduced to me way before 2003, before I came online officially and it sure is a classic game in my part and I got the 3rd installment.

- Metal of Honor: Loved this game, the Stuka Dive Bombers the gameplay, I never finished it but would love to go through the entire game again.

- The Binding of Isaac: Still on the first Isaac, but almost halfway there to the road to 100% achievement and getting better each and everytime. Hope to get to Rebirth very very soon then of course Afterbirth! 

Well that is my list it's not a big, big list but these are games I do really enjoy or enjoyed to play and would play again in the near future and hopefully I play some newer video games in the near future which I will do a post of games I'd like to play!

Have a great rest of our Monday!


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Feeling Good!

        With the recent events that has gone on, I am starting slowly come around and be a bit happier then I have been over the last 4 days.  However, I am still depressed on and off and my sleep has been completely derailed in the last few days, meaning someday's I sleep normal, some nights I sleep at 6 pm till midnight then up throughout the night. However I am more up and open to talking to my parents compare to the last few days I've been very quiet but today I am very talkative person and more open to talking to my friends, neighbors and family.  Today I also feel like podcasting, like getting the podcasts that are missing up on,, & TuneIn! Which surprised me entirely that I wanted to get caught up with the missing podcasts that were missing and as of tonight I will be caught up on last week but tomorrow I am doing my Amazing Race 29 Preview Podcast and of course my Survivor Game Changers Recap Podcast but I have to take one thing at a time and in time I will be entirely caught up with podcasts right to the end of the week and I can rest easy on the weekend. There will be no more preview podcasts to worry about till the summer time when BB19 and Amazing Canada comes out so it will not be a worry. Yea I am still depressed and stressed out but I cannot leave my site as it is with no content so right now I am playing catch up. But being back in the saddle of the podcast and I am finally getting back to normal slowly. I think I will end up going back onto FB Sunday, think a week will be good enough of a break for me and everything will go back to normal and I will not have to worry about the people causing me drama anymore.

Sorry for the short post but have a great night!


Monday, March 27, 2017

Not Been The Greatest...

This is the hardest blog I have ever written, so much rushing through my mind right now to what to say.... Since more friends wanna turn their backs on me, it has put me into a complete tail spin of a downward spiral, I had one heck of a meltdown and hurt myself pretty bad. Today my mood is kind of somber, I am very quiet, haven't had much to eat just toast and peanut butter and probably wont be eating anything else today. I threw my Contigo cup against the old TV and I'm surprised it didn't crack the freakin screen. I doubt it'd work over the abuse its had recently... Ha ha. I am trying to smile a lot more today but its hard to crack a smile with the recent situation. I've pretty well turned on a group of people who care so much about me and my well being, but at this point I feel like I can't trust certain people, feel like I am unable to trust anyone who is my friend because they will turn on me in a dime. Had that happened this year with 3 people and 2 last year being 2 long friendships that have it's best times and it's worst times. I've been avoiding Facebook this week so far but minimal communication with people, such as people who have IM'd me back to make sure I am ok and also my Staff (My Team) I am keeping direct contact with so I can make sure everything is still going to plan. YES! I am trying to keep things as normal as possible when it comes to the operating of Chris B On The Web. I may be dealing with my Mental Health right now but I still want to get stuff out too as well ON Time and not fall behind like last year. Even if I ended up in the hospital, I probably be behind a few podcasts if I stayed over night or a few days but glad I am home and resting and trying to deal with this on my own terms which I should give props for as I am giving it my will power to try and deal with this on my own and I know I do have the option to walk into the Emergency to the crisis unit to talk to someone if I felt like I am still out of control and I feel out of control in my head still, my head is all over the place right now dealing with this, just not sure where my head is at these days with all the friendships falling apart and I just do not know who my friends are anymore in my real life, I just don't feel like I am wanted on Facebook and close to 100% wanting to delete my Facebook account and give certain friends and family my email to keep in touch, that's it.  I got till Sunday as I am taking the week off from the site to decided whether I am returning to Facebook or not. Now mind you I got family on there and high school and college friends, however maybe I need to be careful who I add and trust around my email and Facebook friends list at this point. Yes this is real life friends too I am talking about. Anyways that is the update what is going on with me and why I have been a bit quiet on Twitter and behind the podcasts especially.

Have a great night!


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Chris B On The Web & Update!

           After an successful blog post Wednesday morning and talking to my team about things I would like to share our vision for rebuilding the "Chris B On The Web" brand so to speak.  I know last year was a very very rough year for us, both Justin and I trying to figure out a plan with the website and the plan for quite sometime from end of June last year to the start of this year. Anyways here is what is in stored for Chris B On The Web &


- Everything About Reality TV: The Podcast is doing well and at 20 episodes as of today since I spent time with the family yesterday and today will be #BBCAN5 RECAP Podcast. All is doing well with that podcast currently. 


- Now your question is what is your plan Chris to expand Chris B On The Web & Well below is a list of ideas I have that I will bring to the table to my team:

1) Interview With Jeff Livingstone about his sports, bowling, softball and of course his Durham Dragons Hockey.

2) I have an interview on the list, that I mentioned last year at the start of the year, yes the interview with #TheGreenTeam from The Amazing Race. Just waiting on an email when it will happen but I am very very excited to do it.

3) CBOTW Gamers Podcast- Talking About Video Games, Gaming News, Twitch,, YouTube Gaming and much more! Hopefully we are launching this early 2018 when Jeff gets himself a laptop and I need a program to record with such as Mixxcraft. 

                  Well that is the short list of Projects, Interviews or Podcasts so to speak. Trust me I am very very excited to be doing these and hopefully start doing these very very soon.

Have a Great Saturday!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Autism Story...

             First of all a few people has inspired me to write this and I have talked about it on YouTube which that video is no longer on that platform as I've deleted the channel almost a year ago. You guys probably can tell via Twitter, I sometimes am moody on Social Media quite often but for those who didn't know and I do not talk about it much online anymore as people have given me grief over it but I shouldn't been afraid to tell people and usually I get bitched at, saying I am making things up when I am not. I've had autism since 8 or 9 years of age which was like back in Grade 3 or 4 when my teachers noticed something off that wasn't normal to what they usually seen during class. So after I left my Catholic Elementary School I went into the Public School system from 1998 right till 2001. When I entered my 2nd elementary school, I was tested and I was diagnosed with Persuasive Development Disorder, also known as P.D.D. I finished Elementary School went into High School near home, which the school is now closed many years later after I finished High School. I got such a stupid suspension there and my parents pushed to get it lifted & they did. After Donovan High School, I went back to Duffin's Bay P.S. for the remainder of the year. They up'd my progress putting me into 2 different integration classes with the Grade 8's and met really nice friends, still connected with 2 of them to this day which is really amazing.  I even joined the Musical called the Highlight Zone and I really put myself out of my comfort Zone, I was very nervous at the first 2 performances for the school 

             After my Grade 8 graduation, yes I actually got a Grade 8 Graduation this time around compare the first time I left Duffin's Bay I was off to O'Neill and the rest the history, made tons of friends and connecting to a whole pile of them, still connected to my EA, and even Kellie who seemed to follow me from Duffin's! Just kidding! Was such a small world her and I ended up in High School and I almost had her as my first ever Girlfriend, too bad I didn't give her a chance. I met the most amazing teacher, Mr. Plishka, yes he was a pain in my ass but he got the best out of me and had such an amazing time with him in both Grade 10 Gym, Canadian History & Civics class and he also was my Homeroom Teacher. I still got so many memories of High School and my friends were ever so understanding with me having a disability. Also I got reward after reward and even a metal for having high marks for the semester and I still got the medal upstairs in my room to this day. After High School, I started The Video Projects Team up and obviously the rest is history which you can find on 

            So moving into 2010 I went into the Community Integration Throughout Cooperative Education for 2 years and studied Pre-Media with some General Studies like Creative Writing, Communication 1. But Media was my primary focus and I learned so much over the 2 years met so many friends in the CICE program. From there I continued on with my group till the end of it, then you guys know the remainder of the story. I have had a lot of hard times dealing with friendships ending, people turning their back on me but not only that putting me down, I got right back up on my feet and continued to strive myself on a daily basis. I had my very first job at a Book Store that lasted 4 weeks but was one of my most major challenges having a disability and even now I still have my challenges but manage through them one thing at a time.

Have a great Wednesday!


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Busy Week This Week So Far!

       It has been a crazy week with a lot of emotions towards the "Everything About Reality TV" Podcasts and the website we all know and love, It has been me fixing a tons of problems with the website and now technical issues with Stitcher, I have made many changes within the podcasts just tonight alone, you would not believe the many changes I have made. One of those changes being that I made the decision to pull my "Everything About Reality TV" Podcasts from Stitcher, even though I fixed the RSS feed and it didn't make a difference  however it's now can be found on Player.FM another website for podcasts which is good. One door close and another one opens and that is exactly what has happened. I have been looking into getting my podcast added to that site for a while since the start of my podcasts. 

        Another problem this week was getting the notes ready for the Big Brother Canada Preview. I was suppose to have it up a week ago and ended up having it up Wednesday, the night of the start of Big Brother Canada.  However I got it up minus stitcher as that was the start of issues with Stitcher and I made it clear with Stitcher Staff I was pulling out of as Thursday morning, I started to think, hmm maybe it is time to call it quits and move on. I am not making a big deal over it and if I chose to I could talk to to the Stitcher Staff and trust me I sent them a nice email and being calm and cool over the situation, lets hope I hear something in the next few days what is going on. But as of right now I am not with Stitcher until I know further, the stitcher button is off at this point. The more partners the better my podcasts get out there, if I do not hear anything in a week then I am moving on from there, I am not going to bother. I just do not want to re upload everything again and rebuild the entire followers I have which I think I got 5. We'll see what happens. Justin said Player.FM is probably a better choice for my podcasts. I trust my Staff's opinion trust me, I've learned to listen to my team and they know best. The next crazy thing that happened was my website buttons malfunctioning and I ended up resetting my entire website to the point I had to rebuild it from scratch.

         So this week has not been a very smooth week and it has been a rollercoaster of problems but also emotions as well. I am turning the negatives into a positives and I working on Big Brother Canada Recap today post that up so it's up to date then move on to next week with a fresh start and try and improve on things. 

Have a Great Saturday!


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Favorite TV Shows!

I wasn't going to do a post today at all due to my hectic schedule of prepping for Big Brother Canada Preview Podcast on "Everything About Reality TV" however it is late and I decided just before I go upstairs to bed, I will post up something up on the blog. Please note I am now 6 posts away from my 100th post which is crazy to think I am posted up tons of blog posts either daily or every second day, or a few days apart. So today's, tonight's blog post I would like to talk about my favorite TV Shows and trust me I got sooo many different TV shows on my list, I may miss some of them. 

1) The Honeymooners (OOOOH Bang! Zoom!) from 1955 and 1956 but originally started in 1951, I love the character of Ralph and his crazy schemes he always get himself into!

2) I Love Lucy- I like her schemes and mishaps that go on in each other, such as her and Ethel working in the chocolate factory, to her in a Vitavegamin commerical, ending up getting up drunk from the product.

3) Home Improvement, Tim getting into accidents on his TV Show Tool Time to the insults and stupid middle names for Al, makes for a hilarious comedy show.

4) Full House and Fuller House

5) Degrassi (Junior High, Degrassi High, The Next Generation and I've peaked at the New Class a tad bit)

6) CSI, CSI NY, CSI Miami

7) Criminal Minds: Beyond The Border

8) Mcgyver (Current New Series on TV)
9) Hawaii 5-0 (Since 2010)

10) Reality TV Shows, such as Big Brother, Big Brother Canada, The Amazing Race, The Amazing Race Canada, Survivor, Celebrity Apprentice, Masterchef, Masterchef Canada, Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef Junior

11) Married With Children

The list is endless and I cannot name them all at this point, but those are the most basic out of the shows I like to watch on TV old, new and current! Most of these days it is reality TV I watch however I watch McGyver and Hawaii 5-O I watch that is non Reality TV I watch currently, but also there are game shows I like to watch but that is for another day and another blog post. Thank you guys so much for reading today's blog and I will talk to you on tomorrow's blog post.

Have a great night!
