Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb 6 Year Anniversary Plans?

             This media group is getting close to it's 6th Anniversary, to be exact, November 14th is our anniversary. Well, I have already worked on tweaking our current logo and banners for  this very website and social media platforms that we have. I am not going to make overall big deal but yeah 6 years is a long time for us but I just think it is a good idea to not make overall big deal however my staff gave me the idea to do a video about some of the different favorite moments that we have been through over the years and honestly since it was a split between YouTube and Podcasting but don't worry I have some ideas and it is on my list. As you know I am near finished with Wild Force and will be typing up the notes but soon as that is finished I am going to work on this Anniversary stuff as I plan to take a week off from Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast stuff and I think I wanna get this done. 

              Now when are the logo and banners going live on the website? I was set on October 1st, 2020 but I have decided to put the logos up everywhere on September 1st, 2020 and it will remain up till January 1st, 2021! Now video I did mention will be up on November 14th around 1 pm EST on Facebook Page and Instagram Pages and I cannot wait for you guys to see the video and I even do not know what is on it as it hasn't been recorded as of yet at this moment, however it will be soon recorded but I am planning to hopefully next week at the latest but we will see how far I get with the notes and I woke up during the night during a thunderstorm originally so decided to get some work done but it is on my long list of things to do before the Anniversary day arrives and we get to celebrating. Finally, I may do a premiere on Facebook for this video as well on top of a Live Stream with Staff in the evening if they want to but that is a discussion for us to have down the road but I would like us to do a FB Live and even if it was on my own that was fine too but again that is up to the staff and I but we will let you guys know the plan for that day soon on the line-up. I got a ton of ideas right now including airing an old classic episode of The Entertainment Man Talk Show! Also a collaboration podcast with Larry but again I will let you guys know soon on a schedule throughout the day. 


Monday, August 24, 2020

Something Is Up With Chris

              Chris is off today and he's not in a good frame of mine today. I will make it clear that I think he has made it clear that he is moving on after December. Part of what he's told myself and the staff of CBOTW that he's not thinking too far ahead and focusing on SPD and Mystic Force at this time but yet I remember him saying on FB Story and Instagram Stories that he was gonna start working on it but that seems to now be on the way side of things. He's been back and forth ever since he had it out with Larry with that technical issues. Yeah there has been drama between between the two of em which is ridiculous and I wish they'd get along as Chris has again in his stubborn ways told Larry that he's done, he's pretty sure there will be no renewal and the reason I am bringing up his actions is cause we all know Larry is away from the online life in August normally. I realize Chris is dealing with two friends passing away and Larry is going to somehow wonder but I know his email is in the CBOTW system and I can easily warn him ahead what's happening. However we are getting off topic aren't we? Well this all ties into what has been going on with him in his personal life and honestly Chris cracked yesterday and skipped his normal dinner time pills so his mood went really bad and I told him, he's gotta take it.

              Again, we're off topic again. I'm sure by January 2021 we will see a freakin renewal of our beloved collaboration podcast even if the numbers were bad for one episode and one episode only. It was a rough go for the two of them so I hope that he chooses to keep it going further as he is so close to his goal which is Samurai which he has time and time again talked to me about recently that being one of his ultimate goals to get with the big one to do ever single season eventually. This is a reason for why he should continue but it's his podcast and he can do what he wishes but don't forget Chris has a partner in this so should be a dual decision in the end.  Chris is stubborn and a lot of us have been saying this for years that he can be very stubborn person especially when it comes to something he is very passionate about, aka CBOTW. Let's just hope he changes his mind and I know he'd want you guys to know what's going on with him and maybe he will come out and say it one of these days. 


Sunday, August 23, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Updates [08-11-2020]

               It has been a hectic week for all of us, especially Chris who has been working hard on Power Rangers Wild Force but I will get into that today. Not much to really update you guys on but here are your updates for the week.

Website: The site continues to grow with views even without the chatroom no longer present on here anymore as you know we removed it anyways, we still continue to grow on the website and the numbers continue to grow which is a very positive thing. 

Power Rangers Podcast: Chris is finishing up watching Wild Force today and he will be typing up notes tomorrow morning which will be a lengthy process but he will get it done. Then he will probably take a small break for a week or few days at the most and start on Ninja Storm for the final podcast for 2020. 

Sports Talk With Bulldog: He also has recorded the raw intro but no introduction theme as he has to come up with ideas how to do it and he might have a cool idea but he wants to do them and get Billy's approval on it first as it is his podcast.

              There are a couple of small updates and I hope you enjoyed reading these updates. I will be back next weekend as Chris has the Monday - Saturday shift for the blogs which I honestly wish he'd give more opportunities to the staff to post up more like Billy and Larry who have access to this blog on ChrisBOnTheWeb but never know he might.  Hopefully next weekend I got news for you all with what I said above but we will see by next week's post. 


Have a great week!

- CBOTW Team

Saturday, August 22, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb.com Has Almost Reached 100k (100,000 Views)?!

            I can't believe it! I couldn't believe this. We're almost close to hitting 100k or 100,000 website views which goes to show with all the promoting of the website, the blog and the podcasts does. We have really have pushed the networking to the max the last few months and really getting our website out there and it really excited to be reaching this far with the website already! The website started getting 100, 200, 300 + views a day which all adds up in the end and that is what it is doing. We're continuing to grow on a daily basis and we just have to keep on building it up. 100K is a lot of visitors both returning and new visitors to the website which is incredible! Ever since we started tinkering with our site and changing the menu bar and what not is when the views started coming in so you guys have been keeping up with out craziness and changes that we have made here on the website recently. Either way, this really makes us happy and I posted a screenshot to prove to you guys we're almost there and honestly it will happen sooner then you think. 

               I am feeling like it will happen and it will actually happen before the year is done but if not before the year is done, then most definitely will happen within the new year but the way you guys are constaqntly returning to our website really makes me feel positively it will happen this year at some point. Don't forget we have September, October, November and December to happen still so those are 4 months to go technically so there is definitely a ton of time. Finally I want to thank you guys for your continuing to support us through all these changes especially as you know we ended a very long running podcast after nearly 5 years and almost 300 episodes and 13 seasons. No matter what we did, you guys continued to support us and have helped us get to this point that our website has been nothing but a success. We thank you for your continuing support and hope you will continue to support us throughout our next adventures with blogging and podcasting. 

Chris, Founder/Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb 

Friday, August 21, 2020

We're Still Learning With Power Rangers Collab Being Recorded Via Skype!

            Title doesn't lie, we're still learning with how we are doing the Power Rangers Podcast through Skype. I know these are rough waters for not just Larry and I but the entire team. We've been put into a position where we have had to record through Skype which was proven a disaster for us for the first time around and this is why I say that we're learning! We are still in the learning curve of fixing the problem. It will take a while for us to resolve the issues. Yeah, I blew my top off with Larry and it is just passion and really I have started to question in I will continue passed Dino Thunder at this point. However another post for another day and yeah, I just exposed how I really feel with the podcast and honestly I need to be more honest how I feel. We will get better as time goes on and I think we will be recording via Skype for a while at the least till the physical distancing and having masks are loosened up and I think it is best for not my safety but my family and also Larry and his Family. 

              We will come to full circle come September and I am sure him and I will end up recording the second podcast that was missing in June technically and let's just think that we have no problems anymore. However we have to remain positive and optimistic with the next section and I wanna surprise Larry with an email with the next podcast notes! We will get things corrected but it may take a few sessions. I know it's not the same with him being in the same room as I am but this is because of the pandemic going on. I rather not record with him in studio as you know we're in a pandemic right now and it is better safe then sorry to be honest that we record via Skype. To be honest I knew this was coming that we were going to end up recording via Skype since the start and honestly, we should of prepared a little better and that is my own fault we didn't test and figure it out first and that was entirely my own fault. We should of been more prepared but September we will test things out and get it working once again I promise you guys that. We've been testing some new software that I would like to use too. 


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Grand Theft Auto 5 Moments Recently (Throwback Thursday)

               I was playing Grand Theft Auto 5 and Trevor was at the club let's say and he got too close to one of the girls there and the bouncer LITERALLY threw him out, I'm saying the two bouncers picked up him and threw him out! It was very hilarious and typical Trevor as he is a bit of a douche on the game at times and I see it definitely fitting for a character such as Trevor. Part of me now are annoyed and want to eliminate Trevor at the end of the game but the other part wants me to keep the 3 of them together. They are the three musketeers of the game with the craziness. However back to what I was saying about Trevor. I've also noticed Trevor is always seems to be either drunk, raging or picking a fight with some random dude at the odd times and I wish you guys could see my reaction to Trevor's stupidity sometimes. Trust me I have my comments with him all the time. I always have to make an account to some of the crazy stuff he does. 

               Another moment is Trevor saying my name is Trevor moment and it was pretty funny. He can be a pain in the butt but also hilarious at certain times of the game. It is very hard now with him being a pain and hilarious how I wanna end the game this time around as this is my second go around with the game, I'm not totally sure. However those are the best moments on the game thus far and I had to share with you guys what has been going on in the game, game wise and hopefully I can do this again soon in the very near by future. Let me know which option you guys would like see me do, Do away with Micheal or do away with Trevor at the end of the game and most popular answer I will do for sure. I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Feeling Frustrated With YouTube...

              As you know, we had an issue with our former Channel hijacked and inappropriate videos uploaded to that channel. Now mind you we had the channel down and when it was Hijacked, it was reactivated apparently and someone uploaded inappropriate videos to it getting the channel permanently terminated which means, we cannot make a new channel now and we've not been active on the platform since deactivating the channel or scheduling it for deletion. So today, I've reached out to Team YouTube and they wanted to take this to DM and asked for me to follow and let em know it's done. It's now a little over an hour and nothing. Not a message back whatsoever. Starting to feel like they just do not care about their creators and really discouraged with the platform and that I have made the right move with no longer making videos on their platform. Me retiring was absolutely the right move that I made in 2016. I have no regrets whatsoever walking away from the platform. 

             This is why myself and the team decided to stick to our small but dedicated Facebook community where you guys have supported us non stop recently and we are thankful for your continuous support over the last almost year as we are reaching our 1 year anniversary with our Facebook page. So we can manage even without being on the platform. We have managed the last 4 years on our own and honestly we have done well. We continued to grow up to end of 2018 when we started to lose followers but the loyal followers stayed. We will manage without YouTube, we have and I am staying positive throughout this situation. As for the platform, I am very much happy where we are and I am sticking to my gut instinct on this. I enjoyed my time with the platform and still watch my favorite content creators on my spare time but as for us that chapter for us has now closed.

- Chris

Will I Get Neon Abyss Video Game?

              I know about a month ago I did a first look at the game Neon Abyss and I know I said I was gonna get it but haven't gotten it as of yet. I had to do upgrades to the studio which is a lot more important right now however this fall I will be getting it, just the matter of a money matter and the game actually is about 22 dollars Canadian which is not too bad to be honest and you know what as I type this post. Also the DLC looks really cool and I may as well just get that too as it is $2.29 so it is definitely sounding like its a go and I do still got a bit of money on my Steam account and I cannot wait to even dig into Neon Abyss. Actually I played the demo one last time and I got to the end of the demo as I had a really good build so that sold me to getting this game and I definitely want to play it. However, the issue is I have other games right now I am playing and trying to beat but I would like to play a new game. With the time I have, yea I could do it and mix things up. 

             I think it will come down to me saving up and I know it's not much but like I said, I'm trying to save up the money as much as possible especially when this pandemic is over, I will not have to worry about money but that is besides the point. However I am excited to actually dig right into the game and get into a new game and dig into it. I really meant what I said I really want to dig into neon Abyss as I said it is like Spelunky and also partially like The Binding of Isaac. Either way I will get it this fall, September but depends on the money situation as I am in a bit of a saving spree right now. I promise when I play many hours of the game, to do an in depth post on what I think and how I am progressing as that is what I have been doing with video games. I might start doing weekly gaming update posts on how I have done  so far as I do have updates and maybe Wednesdays I will make it my Gaming updates for the week which is good to have content. I will get this soon and stay tuned for more updates coming to the blog here!


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Communication is Key!

              We had an issue with this account recently and we assure you Chris has given me access to posting and answering emails and Twitter Messages for the day as this is the second day he is off, due to personal reasons. Now to the post: Chris has graciously asked me to do this post as things have gotten very serious with ChrisBOnTheWeb and communication is definitely key.  You have to keep on communicating with your team members and do feel free to ask for help at sometimes and he's actually asked for help so there is a good primary example. No communication ends up a total mess and trust me ChrisBOnTheWeb has been there before and we're stronger then ever. Also leadership in the team situation helps a ton too when it comes to communication and strong leadership to what has to be done or what  is to be done so to speak and I feel like that has been a key factor. Friendships and family communicating is also important when it comes to trying to communicate things with your family whatever it may be.

               Communication is so important, especially when it comes into the business sense especially however communication is the up most important and even boss man admits it too, it is very, very important! To wrap up this post I want to apologize but we are swamped with work but hope this helps a bit and Chris and I were talking about this a bit and not communicating is bad and he knows from experience with previous team he had at one point and most recently with Larry with the issue of the tech issues and definitely there was no communication that night but it is what it is. Communication issues are fixable if both sides of the party want to fix the communication issues. It takes more then one to tango or in this case more then one to fix the problem. Anyways this is my post, hope you liked it, it wasn't much let us know if you have anything else you would like us to cover on the blog in the comments or private message us on FB, Twitter and Instagram and let us know. 

Arianna, Senior Advisor for ChrisBOnTheWeb

Monday, August 17, 2020

We're Rebuilding Our Facebook Fan Page!

             The last few weeks has shown that some people do not wanna support us and just troll and be disrespectful and they know who they are. So we are doing a complete overhaul of our Facebook Fan Page and we need to start networking with people and get people over on our Facebook too besides Twitter and Instagram as it is. It is time to grow this community and if this means we have to move podcasts over to YouTube then so be it, we can definitely do that in the next few weeks we will. However we want to utilize the Facebook Page cause YouTube is not all that great anymore. It hasn't been good for years and this is why our podcasts are going to be on Facebook Fan Page and why we need to start networking and bringing more people on. Now we have just under 3100 followers thanks to people unfollowing us and re following so it does fluctuate however that's not the point I wanna make. The point is I can definitely bring people in from our Twitter and Instagram. We will get it fixed. I wanna eventually get over 100 likes at some point and it would really be nice and we use to have 80 something likes at one point but we had to remove people in the past for certain reasons but we will fix this. 


                 Give us some time to fix this and if we need to just record Audio ONLY till we fix the issue that could be something or even going live we could bring in new viewers and after all we will be using Streamyard for guests but for the most part they will be using the broadcaster or OBS to stream to the page. More information is to come very soon on that as things need to get fixed first before we do anything else. Social Media and Networking are the most important thing right now as we need to make sure we are troll free and it seems we have issues with this the last week or so. To those who are on there, thank you for continuing to support us and we will fix all of this eventually. There will be a time where we get new likes we just have to be patient through all of this. 


Sunday, August 16, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Updates (08-16-2020)

               Well hello there, you guys never thought I would be doing the weekly update did you? LOL. Well we have no website admin nor Community Manager as they're both left CBOTW so this leaves me to do the updates. Who else better to do updates then the boss man himself, ha-ha. Anyways, here is the updates:

- Website: Things has been happening faster then you know it. We took down the chat in the last week due to not enough Staff or Moderators on the chatroom to watch over as I I cannot always watch it and also the spam and inappropriate comments made warranted me to remove it off the page. Also you probably notice the podcasts tab was redone, that's right I re coded the menu bar so the podcasts tab has both current podcasts and the archives and we like the new look of the menu bar. Also you probably seen the "Social Media" buttons which takes you to our social media but it does take you off the site but remember it was coded together technically. Will look into and see if theres a way to send it to another page.

- Power Rangers Podcast: Today I hope to bring it out for you guys whether it is tonight or what not we will see. I am currently still working on it and hoping to work at least half a day to get it out for you guys then take the rest of the day off for myself. 

- Social Media: For one thing, we will not tolerate trolling on our social media platforms and we had to end up banning two former staff for spam and inappropriate language which I will not repeat on here but it really ticked me off and now we've lost two likes cause of a troll issue recently. I have tweaked the filters and added in words that weren't there and yeah I have that power to add those in.

               There is what I have to the say for this week, it was an interested past week and a ton of changes that has happened and we continue to change, no more like improve things with CBOTW and that is what we wanna do is continue to improve things with CBOTW and in the coming weeks and months we will be preparing for the 6th Anniversary of ChrisBOnTheWeb.  


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Bus Route Going In And Out of My Area Is Not Cancelled!

              Here is the update on my situation with the bus around my area. Well, it has been an interesting last couple of days and I did find out my bus is being temporarily suspended and not cancelled entirely where I would of been really screwed in the situation. So this is still good news and I know what your gonna say what about friends like Larry and Eric coming over once this virus is over? Well it will be some time till the this is done and I am really am not worried about it right now but I do have a plan in place and I have spoken to 1 of the 2 so far about this. Eric has an idea and if he has to, he will take a cab to my end if worse comes to worse and Larry, well we will have to meet him half way to pick him up at the mall. However bus may be back in service sooner then we expect but it isn't being cancelled I admit to overreacting to the news and I went a little overboard on the transit system but I am happy they cleared things up with me on the situation.

             I need to ask more questions before reacting and it is hard sometimes, because it took em a few hours to reply and their lines were completely tied up but I am sure there was a ton of customers unhappy with the changes but the changes they made it's good changes to be honest. I like the idea of the regional routes and in time the bus will be added back eventually but right now is not the time at this time and really I am not going anywhere too far at this time and I am staying home, staying safe and if I have to go out then I can go out with my parents if need be. I am in no rush really to get back on a bus at this moment I just do not feel comfortable right now going back on the bus as of it with this virus, I just do not wanna end up sick as I have managed very well with being healthy through all of this. 


Friday, August 14, 2020

Video Game Review & Spelunky Update!

               Today's post is about Fishing Planet and I can say this, I wasn't impressed with the game whatsoever.  I found this game boring and not entertaining. I think I am more into entertaining game like shooters and what not. I just found it hard to get specific fish throughout the time and people getting in the way of me fishing which was annoying really.  No matter how many times I tried I couldn't get the fish. I just didn't feel like that this was a fun game, I wasn't too pleased with it whatsoever but I can give it another shot as I just started it and maybe I didn't give it a shot enough. After all it is a game to relax and not much raging to do like I do with most of the games technically. Anyways I am not really feeling like trying it again at this point but maybe in the very near future I will give it another shot. I would give this game a 1 out of 5 rating

                 Next on my list is an Spelunky update. I know it's been a while since I have done one in a few weeks and I tend to do one every few weeks apart from one another. Anyways two big things happened on the game the first thing is I actually killed all the bees on the Forest Level of Spelunky and gained 8 lives which didn't last long but it was an achievement that I am very much proud of at this point and I am going to get to the Ice World eventually. It will happen at some point where I will get to that point. Just gotta keep trucking on it. Also I am getting smarter in the earlier part of the video game making moves but still making stupid mistakes I shouldn't be making like going after the shop keeper on the game but getting better at it. I should really get the items I want I have to earn the coins. However there is one item I like but then I pay the ultimate price later in the video game. However I am having fun and trying to 100% as I would like to play Spelunky 2 if it comes out for the PC at some point but I am taking my time on this game. Those are my updates for video games wise and I really do have some more updates with Issac but I wanna wait till the time is right to make em. I really wish I had a channel to do gaming on to be honest but I have said this before, I am done with YouTube as a whole now. 
