Monday, September 7, 2020

Planning To Roll Out A New Feature On The Website!

            We are no longer going to be broadcasting our Podcasts on our Fan Page. No it's not cause of copyright or anything it's more we more then likely will be getting more listeners on our website as we will be getting a ton more traffic right here on our website and we have a good chance of success too. As you probably noticed that we have the chat and same rules apply as before.

              When I created this page I yet to add the actual rules to the page which more then likely be at the bottom which will be our playground area where you can find the rules. One thing we will do is lock the chat down when there is no podcasts live to ensure that there there is nobody spamming, insulting and disrespect will find you banned.  We are not going to tolerate it to be honest and we have learned from this in the past. The feature is starting to be tested by the hosts that are currently active and the shows that are currently active Live on the Website Live Feed are: 

Power Rangers Podcast (Larry and I)

Sports Hour W/ Bulldog (Billy)

(CBOTW Gamers Podcast (Jeff) When it returns. Podcast is in pre-production right now.

                 There is the just the beginning as we are rolling out new features and ideas to grow this website and this is just the most perfect time to take to our website as the numbers are insane. We are not rolling out the Live Stream Page yet as we need to test the other host on it aka Billy and just hope he's cool with the idea of us actually doing it on the website but it is my website, I am the boss, just wanna make sure the team are happy with my decisions as that wasn't the case once with my old team at one time. We will let you guys know when the Live Page actually is live on the website publicly. 


Sunday, September 6, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Updates [09-05-2020]

              Here we are with another week which has been busy for all of us here at ChrisBOnTheWeb. We have a few updates on projects and on our website that Chris has made to our website to improve things. Anyways here is the updates:

- Website: The website has been once again tweaked as Chris added to the CSS code so the banner you see on the top is now centered. Also you can notice the banner is a lot bigger then it was and honestly it looks good. 

- Chris: He is returning to blogs tomorrow, it has been long coming for him to spend 30 minutes to actually write a post on a regular basis. He shouldn't stop writing posts if he don't have to but he had to due to Power Rangers Podcast and it takes 30 - 40 mins to write a post tops. 

- Entertainment Man Podcast: Today is the big day and 2 hours or less from the time you are seeing this and he has been excited for you guys to see what he recorded which he was a little picky on the length but he is going to fix that for next week's podcast to the normal length that he wants but we hope you enjoy the episode. 

- Power Rangers Podcast: We are finally getting back into the podcast and typing up notes for the podcast and working countless hours to get it done and to actually have it sent to Larry hopefully before the end of this month.

                 There are the updates that I have for this week and I hope you all have wonderful week and I will be speaking to you guys next weekend with another weekly update on what is going on with ChrisBOnTheWeb.

- CBOTW Team

Saturday, September 5, 2020

We're a Bit Behind Schedule Right Now!

              Chris and I are kind of behind schedule right now but that's OK. I will explain why is because of other projects on the go and him getting out this weekend's podcast as it is his first one in a long time in the way of a series for a podcast and he's just excited it will be out tomorrow for the first time in 2 months as he's not committed to a new podcast series for 2 months now, he is finally getting back into the game once again. He needed that time and he's shown that he needed more time to get back into things but I'm sure he's committing to this fully and will be bringing out new episodes and he is ready to be doing those again. It will be a different experience and he has been trying to readjust to the scheduling but in time he will. Anyways to what the title of today's post we are behind schedule with Power Rangers Wild Force but that is OK as we have type up or he has to type up the notes well it is a split with those and I help him with the notes.

               Let me explain-- He has been working mainly on Entertainment Man Podcast mostly but Power Rangers Podcast has been on the side hence the title behind the post here that we're a little behind schedule and we wanna get Power Rangers Podcasts done so he can start recording episodes with Larry again and he can move on to Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder and then I guess he is done as he's not been talking about the future of the podcast as of yet nor him talking about the future. We are working this weekend to get things caught up and back on track with it all and hopefully we can get Power Rangers Podcast complete so he can take a week off from it before he actually gets back into the the next 2 seasons. Anyways we will get  caught up this weekend and it is a promise to catch up. 

- CBOTW Team

Friday, September 4, 2020

What Do I Think of The Sports So Far?

                So what do I think of the sports recently? Well let's start with Hockey, the NHL. Most of us here at CBOTW are happy that Boston is out and especially Chris who hates Boston Bruins. He likes the city but he hates the hockey and basketball teams as he is not an avid fan since he was in Boston Summer of 2019. He is not a Boston fan whatsoever minus Red Sox is the only team he doesn't dislike which is kind of odd as their competition to our Blue Jays up here in Toronto, Canada which we will get to on today's blog post. 4 teams I like are Islanders, Tampa Bay, Dallas, Vancouver since we're Canadian group and we tend to route for most of the Canadian teams minus Montreal as we're not Canadians fans at this time. We're hoping for Islanders to be in the next round as it is tied up at this point. Same with Vancouver. I guess Chris and I are sort fo on the same route for routing the same way but instead of Dallas I'm routing for Colorado and Philadelphia. The ones I mentioned above was Chris's picks so there is one series in difference  


                 Now onto Basketball we're clearly routing for Raptors to bounce on back and take this series against the Celtics and they won what I heard last night and we're excited!  Again obvious we're cheering Raptors cause 1 we're Canadian, 2 Chris does not like the Celtics. They look tough to beat though!  If the Raptors make it to the finals again, they will not be facing a different team since the team Golden State are not a very good team this year so it will be someone different. That is only if they make it but have to remain positive they bounce back on this series. Now finally Baseball Blue Jays are very surprising, they had a rocky start to their season but really done extremely well. They have been winning a lot more and winning 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 4 games in the series and really showing they wanna win. I know they split the games against Miami but that's OK they have been winning a ton so either way we should remain happy. There is my post and I will be speaking to you guys again tomorrow with another post.

Arianna, CBOTW Community Manager

Thursday, September 3, 2020

We've Gotten Complaints...

           In the last week, we have gotten complaints about why the heck Everything About Reality TV is listed under the podcasts. Let me explain, it is there under Archives so it is visible so you guys know which podcasts are archived from the network. I know it can eventually get a little overwhelming and I know Chris should of kept it Archives and if that is what you guys are insinuating you rather have it that way then maybe that is something Chris can definitely look into going back but he is very much happy with the way he has it right now but in the end he wants to make you guys happy. He does these things for a specific reason but I told him as I was typing this up and he has gone back to the old method but 10 times better then what he had it before as it has images but you guys can check it out for yourself by going here: I hope you guys continue to tell us what you would like to see and we will make it happen minus a chatroom as that proved to be a disaster in the past and we do not think it is the right idea but that could be up for debate with the rest of the team but just let us know.

             We had a troll issue where they were being bossy and disrespectful. We value your ideas to CBOTW and the website but don't boss us around. Chris has  a set timetable for Entertainment Man Podcast and no guests in the very near future not at least till January or early 2021 at this moment. Please if there is an issue with the website, a bug or something is out of place or not big enough, please let us know. Please send us a DM on any of the social medias that we have on here or email through our contact page here on the website or please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime if you got a question or concern with the website and we will be sure to get a fix to the website right away so that issue is fixed. 

- CBOTW Team

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

ChrisBOnThe Web 6th Anniversary Schedule

             Hey everyone, Chris gave me the OK as he's swamped with work right now for ChrisBOnTheWeb and to actually talk to you guys about the schedule for this event. We are 100% sure on this schedule and we are 100% sure on this schedule and we have already gotten majority of it done already for the anniversary minus the podcast, Chris & Larry are going to do which needs to be recorded. Anyways here is what is on the schedule for this years Anniversary: 


9 am EST: Good Morning and Anniversary Message (Facebook)
11 am EST: Daily Blog Post  (
2 pm EST: Collaboration Podcast W/ Larry (, Audio ONLY)
4 pm EST: IGTV Videos that never aired on Facebook before (Facebook)
6 pm EST: Anniversary Video (Facebook)
7 pm EST: Facebook Live With The Staff and Alumni (Facebook Live)


          Well there is our schedule and it is pretty much now set into stone what the plan is and I am excited to see what he has put up on the Fan Page celebrate this very special occasion as we are getting closer and closer to our 10th Anniversary which will be even bigger anniversary and it will be exciting and you never know what he (Chris) has in stored for that.  All of this will be happening on Saturday, November 14th, 2020 starting at 9 am EST. 

- CBOTW Team

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Neon Abyss and GTA 5 Fail and Rage Quit

                Well, I have become a rage machine when it comes to gaming I not only raged quit two games but deleted and got my money back on one of the games. I will start with that, I got my money back for what I spent on Neon Abyss as it was way too hard for me to play and it was me getting so pissed off at myself for sucking and yet the demo made it look not that hard to be honest and I went very far so I do not know what on earth that happened and maybe it wasn't meant. I really had a ton of high hopes when it came to this game but I tried a few runs and I went from normal to easy and that didn't even help whatsoever so I was so frustrated with that I just gave up and got my money back for what I spent on the game and I'm sure there will be other games I wanna play in the very nearby future.

                 Now to the part of me really raging. Grand Theft Auto 5. I was doing the Hillbillies mission and I just felt like 2 - 2.5 mins wasn't enough. I struggled with it and I was getting so mad I deleted the game and I own the game and I have it if I chose to ever play it but I think it is going to be on the shelf for now and I think there will not be a day where I play that again. To be honest there is other games I can play and I am really thinking about reinstalling Spelunky and it is easy to restore it as I did not get a refund on the game so it is very easy to reinstall and I am getting far with it and thinking smarter and it will take me some time to get further but that is for another post for another day. Anyways maybe I need to focus on other games and honestly I have played Grand Theft Auto 5 before and beaten it so it is time to move on.


Monday, August 31, 2020

We Have Reached 100K On!

               Over the weekend, we officially hit the 100k mark here on the website which is amazing to be honest and thought it wouldn't be till this week but you guys proved me wrong and we officially passed the 100k mark and making our way up to 200k and so forth! I'd love to see the site hit 1M views at one point of time. It will but right now, we continue to keep on growing this website and we have a ton of stuff happening and we recently and I cannot say exactly what but that is besides the point as this is about the viewership. Yet we are told oh you don't get the views when that is utterly false technically, we are happily getting a ton of views per day and every day is different and to be honest it fluctuates from day to day as it is a different story each and everyday. I was guessing that we would of hit 100k by the New Year which is months but you have to realize tho with the amount of views a day it adds up in the end to be honest. This all happened on Saturday afternoon while I was talking to Eric and that was when that happened all together and I was excited, I was so thrilled we hit 6 figures in the views and hopefully we can start earning again and that is a story for another day which more then likely I will not ever tell I don't think.

                 I want to thank you guys for your continuing support and it is because of you guys that we are still here to this almost 6 years later and we are getting and becoming a stronger group and we will continue to strive and get stronger as I said there is even more bigger plans in the works and I am excited to announce an additional thing on the website but it is currently in the works right now but with the amount of views we get daily, this is the right time to slowly continue to expand on the website. Now I am not talking about thousands of views a day, I am more talking about a few hundred at the most 100 - 300 a day which is a lot more then we had since we decided to go into the .com website in 2019 that is when things started to pick up in the views so it goes to show. The fact that we also built our own menu bar from scratch and customized it to our liking and that is another big breaking point which brought in more views. The more features we added to the website the better! 


Sunday, August 30, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Update [08-30-2020]

            This is our last Weekly blog post for the month of August as we are heading into the fall and September this week, I do have some updates for you guys that are great updates for this week. Again another busy week for Chris and the rest of us here at CBOTW and we have been so busy lately it is unreal. Here are the updates:

Power Rangers Podcast: Chris has officially finished Wild Force and the podcast has been put to the side at this moment as he is working on other projects that is more important but this week he's gonna hopefully get back into it and back into the groove of things for that so he can be ready for end of September when him and Larry record the next one via Skype. 

 Podcasts: He wanted me to make it clear to you guys that he is planning to record podcasts via Skype as he is not planning on opening the studio to his team at this moment as this pandemic isn't over yet and he is planning to keep it closed till start of January 2021 at this moment. So this means Entertainment Man Podcast episodes with the team or Power Rangers Podcast will be recorded through Skype or StreamYard. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Chris has completed episode # 6 notes and will be working on recording it this week and editing it as he will be returning to it this week and he is very excited to be returning to the podcast after a 5 month hiatus, he is getting back into it. 

6th Anniversary: We are in full steam ahead with Anniversary planning and we have to do one last thing and that is record an anniversary podcast for just the website alone, edit it and have it ready to post and for the most part we will be ready minus scheduling the Live Stream that day and we will have a full schedule out this week from Chris himself, not sure what day it will be on but it will be this week. 


         There is the updates for the week and we had a ton more to say this week as we have a lot ahead of us and looking forward to getting a ton more stuff done this week so we can start releasing this stuff to you guys in the very nearby future and we're on a very busy time of the year even without going to events, we are still very much busy with things. Till next week, have a great week and I will speak to you guys next week!


- CBOTW Team

Saturday, August 29, 2020

What Is This? A Weight Loss Update?!

               Yes, your eyes are not seeing things! Here is an weight loss update after a little over a month I guess but who knows how long it has been since I have thrown in an update but for those who are wonder, I have been struggling with losing weight. I was down to 229 again at some point but gained up to 234 but now I have actually lost 3 pounds and I find cutting back on food and sugary drinks has actually helped a ton and I am going to continue this journey and I know it's not gonna get easy especially when I get down to 222 again that is what got me was I was not losing anymore but I am going to work on it. My ultimate goal is 200 pounds for right now and that is as far as I wanna go for right now. However, first of all I have to get down to where I was originally and 3 pounds for the week is pretty darn good. I can say this, I will be happy when I am back in the 220's again. But focus is to get in there first and I think I am doing a pretty good job and maybe next week's update you guys will see me lose another 3 pounds and I will be in the 220's again. I am aiming for at least 1 or 2 pounds a week. However 1 pound a week is my ultimate goal, I do not wanna set a high goal at this moment. 

                  There is my update for the week and I am starting to feel a ton better abotu this weight loss journey and I am not letting myself getting anymore heavier then I am. I am heading downwards not upwards and I am ready to take the next step. This could be water weight this could just be weight coming off.  Either way I want to make a correction it was 3 pounds I have lost all together as I was 234 as I did the math incorrectly 234 - 3 is 231 which is where I was. I know my math has gone off recently but hey that's OK I wrote this at 4 am EST this morning so I was just waking up from my sleep as I passed out early last night. I hopefully will have another update next week for you guys with another update but you will still hear from me on Monday as tomorrow is my usual day off and my staff take over the blog with a weekly update for you guys. 


Friday, August 28, 2020

I Am Over 2020.. SMH!

            I am so over this year. This year has been the worse not just me, ChrisBOnTheWeb... I had a host for Big Brother Canada Recaps but things ended up going wrong and not just the start of things Big Brother Canada was shortened and of course the podcast you all knew and loved was cancelled entirely as we just did not know what was to happen in the way of Reality TV Shows minus Big Brother 22, Tough As Nails and Amazing Race. We found out there will be no Survivor and I was just getting so overwhelmed with it, I ended up turning the podcast loose and it has been archived. Don't get me wrong Reality Teas, Billy and Larry were great through all the things and they were right I had to do what makes me happy.  Anyways on top of that I had 2 people I knew, one from softball and the other person I knew from High School which she was a classmate of mine in Home Ech. So this year has had it's up's and down with depression and frustrations to mental health being really bad this year. 

           I am just over with 2020 and with this virus or pandemic, it's really made me to readjust my everyday schedule even for myself and the Staff of ChrisBOnTheWeb. As you know I put our studio on lock down  Anyways I am just ready for 2021 and a fresh start to a new year to be honest as I am just tired of all of this and it's been nothing but one thing after another to be honest. Another thing I would like to mention I have been on and off with the depression since being locked up in the house for the past but I am trying to hang in there to be honest but 2020 really stunk this year. I am just ready for Christmas and the New Year to come and bring in a new year for us. I just cannot wait till I have freedom to roam around the city again and I know that day is going to come. I already spoke about my parents taking me to the mall and I take the bus back but that's much later, I am not ready for that stage yet. I am only taking 5 - 12 minute bus trips for now as I am still very much uncomfortable right now. Anyways I cannot wait till the end of the year and wish it would HURRY UP! lol.


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Video Games Updates [08-27-2020]

                  This morning I want to update you guys on Video Games. I know I try and do this every week to every 2nd week at the most. So I made some changes and got rid of some of the games actually and let's start with that. I got rid of Spelunky as I just got too frustrated with it but it's easy to actually bring it back if I'd wish to play it again since I did buy it on Steam. Also got rid of a few other games that I just do not play anymore and I do not remember exactly. Now let's do some updates on the video games I do play:

- American Truck Simulator: I got DLC for Idaho, Washington, New Mexico, Utah, Oregon  which means I can actually go to other states now and deliver which is awesome. It is worth $12.99 each which is not too bad really and I have had a bit of time to play the game a bit and been to Oregon and New Mexico and was really cool to see something different.

- Grand Theft Auto 5: I have been playing Grand Theft Auto 5 redoing the entire story mode from scratch which technically I lost the saved file which I believe I killed Micheal at the end but this time I wanna keep all 3 of them and keep the 3 musketeers together. However I'd consider doing away with Trevor as I find him annoying but yes hilarious too!

- The Binding of Issac Rebirth: I admit the orbital tears that go in a circle is a very hard to go all the way to win that challenge and it is one of the toughest challenges I have done so far but I am going to keep on going with the game. 

- The Sims 4: Larry has his own sim again and honestly I have considered deleting all the sims which a ton of work as I have put hours into the game with house renovations and making new sims and what not but honestly it's become out of control again but they will die eventually I'm sure and houses will be become available eventually. What I should one day is fill every single house on the game with Sims, really make it chaotic.. lmao!

             Anyways there is my updates for this week and maybe in 2 weeks I will be back with another gaming update but for the most part I got a ton of work to do ChrisBOnTheWeb wise but I am sure I will make time for actually playing video games and probably will get an update out to you guys in a few weeks at the most. Hope you guys enjoyed this update and I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Update!

             Today marks the end of me watching Power Rangers Wild Force which means only one thing... I get to start to type up notes. I am hoping by next week to have em finished and I can send it off to Larry. He doesn't know I will be sending off the notes to him so he has them. It is nice to be done watching the episodes and able to start typing the notes. I and not going to be watching Ninja Storm for a while maybe till a week or 2 later due to the fact that I need a break from this. I do enjoy watching the series and getting important notes from it, but it is a very long and tiring process and I do need a break. However once Wild Force is fully complete, I can sit back think wow we are this far and trust me we have gotten very far with the show and I wanna continue if Larry wants to continue. I know I sent Larry a message saying I feel like I was ready to move on but it all depends on the views that we get from this podcast, it really depends on that.

              Don't think I will be thinking about the next step because I want to be ready to go as we are stepping back with 2 less episodes. Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder are at least 38 episodes long and we are now stepping down in the number of episodes and it will eventually be in the early 20's eventually but right now we remain in the later 30's in the way of episodes at this moment. So the length of the podcast will change eventually Mystic Force will be down in the early 30's and yeah while typing up these notes I looked it up and by the time we hit Samurai we will be down to 20 episodes. So we will be getting lower in the numbers but don't worry it will be still fun to do even if we end up continuing this for that long and honestly I am sure it will as long as you guys listen to the show  we will continue producing it all together! 
