Monday, October 7, 2019

Sauter's Inn Food Review

               So last Thursday night, my parents and I went out for dinner to celebrate my mom's 71st birthday and I think its a great idea to do actually and I do enjoy doing this with family and we have not done this before the 3 of us. Anyways we went to Sauters Inn in Pickering which is all German Food. I had 2 glasses of wine which is very unusual of me majority of the time. Now the menu side of things, it was not an easy choice to make when it comes to the food side of things and I just wasn't really sure what to get honestly but the decision was made to get the Veal Cordon Bleu which was very tasty and the breading practically fell off as it was very well cooked. For those who do not know Cordon Bleu can be used with Chicken as well but we always have Chicken every week here in the house so it was time for something completely different this time around. Also I had a choice of potatoes and veggies but decided to go with just the potatoes as I didn't wanna over do things. Funny thing I finished everything on the plate so I was sure as heck hungry when it came to dinner. So overall the Cordon Bleu was good, I would give that a 5 out of 5 all day long. Same with the potatoes as they were nice and crunchy as I like my potatoes from time to time.

               Finally we indeed had dessert and I wasn't going to as I was pretty much full but managed to slip it in. Anyways I had Apple Strudel with powdered sugar on it with a scoop of Ice Cream. Ice cream was so nice and creamy like it should be and the strudel was nice and hot as a piece of pie or strudel is. It is always good warmed up and that extra touch of powered sugar was nice touch to it. So the strudel itself is definitely a 5 out of 5 as I enjoyed it. I would go back in the very nearby future with my parents are occasion like birthdays for prime example. However this isn't the first time having it as my mom has brought home leftovers so I know what it tastes like, however this is the first time that I have been to the actual restaurant itself if that does make any sense to you guys whatsoever so there is a slight difference but I have had food from there and enjoyed every moment of it as it is a very delicious food. My favorite dishes are the Cordon Bleu, schnitzel and so forth. It was expensive but always nice to go do once and a while from time to time.


Sunday, October 6, 2019

York Durham Railway 2019!

               I know the posts are out of sync in the last couple of days with my very busy schedule recently but here is the post for today. I went to York Durham Railway and this is the first time I have been there in 3 years as 3 years ago I filmed with Larry up there for the what was the series finale and also I took a trip on it with my dad that summer as well so it was definitely time to hop back on the train, even if it is partially down the line to Goodwood and back which is what we did. I am not going to talk about the difficult time we had getting tickets as things all worked out in the end but I am so happy they are getting more and more popular to this day and I'm sure when I filmed up there it helped them as well. Anyways we went to Goodwood and back and we were on Car # 101 which is a Budd car from Boise Idaho which yes is the potato state in the U.S. Anyways we were pushed and pulled by diesel 22 which ran in the province of Quebec. So we went on our way and now we were like in the dining car where it had a table and chairs so it was comfortable for me at least but it was nice but I perfect the other type of car but those were the only seats really available at the time of our purchase of tickets.

                This is not much of a post of the day as I did take several pics which you can definitely find on my Instagram account @ChrisBOnTheWeb. Anyways we had a good time yesterday and we know in the very nearby future we need to book ahead of time to do the entire trip to Stouville and back as we very much do enjoy that trip in the past and we will be back next year for sure! We will be making sure of that! Also we got a look at the Diesel up close and I wish I said I'd like to go into all 3 of the diesels when we filmed which I can say I have been in all 3 but least I got to be in 3612 at least. So may as well mention this to you guys as well this weekend my dad and I are off to Halton County Radial Museum and the following weekend we are heading to South Simcoe Railway so we will be indeed busy for the next few weekends with new posts. Again thank you so much for reading this short post and I hope you guys enjoyed this little post about my trip and I know it wasn't much but least I got a post out for you guys tonight due to me being extremely busy all day with Larry. 


Saturday, October 5, 2019

Silent Lake & Haliburton Ontario 2019!

              Yesterday I got to go up north for the day with my dad and got to spend some time in the great white north. It also gave me the time to start reflecting on things not just CBOTW related and my life. My life hasn't been the most happiest nor positive in the last while and I need to get back into a more happier mood and positive attitude as it really gone south and yesterday was a good day to be out despite it being cold and what not but we dressed warm so we were perfect. Anyways we got there and went to our own stopping grounds campsite 127 where we last stayed which was years ago when we were staying with the trailer. Then we went down the hill to the dock took pics out there, then followed by our little rock area. Then we headed out to the day beach. We did a couple of the loops where we camped but that was pretty much it. The Day beach was the last place we went to. 

Then we headed our way to Haliburton as it is on our route heading home and we got to see the colors which I think honestly was about 90 - 95% full colors. We got to Haliburton and we went to McKeck's which a food review is coming this upcoming week as I have two reviews coming out this week back to back so stay tuned for that as well. Overall we had a good day and we had a very busy day but least I did sleep well that night and able to get sleep for the next day which is the York-Durham Railway which I will be talking about on tomorrow's blog post. Had a small issue with the tickets that same night and I wasn't very happy about the way things ended up but all worked out both the trip to Silent Lake and this weekend and I cannot wait to talk about it to you guys about the other places I have been to and I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I will see you guys in the next post tomorrow hopefully on time.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Next 24 Hours Will Be Busy For Me!

              So the next 24 hours will be a busy one for me, as I will be with my dad doing things in the next  24 hours both today and tomorrow. This is why I decided to make a post and I think I am going to do some kind of post, however I wasn't going to originally post something up, however decided to make one since my weight loss is totally off kilter now due to eating out so much this week which isn't right and I know its for my mom's birthday and we didn't wanna cook but to eat 3 days in a row is much. Anyways here is what is on tap for me for today and tomorrow:

Today: I am heading up north for the day to Silent Lake Provincial Park for the day to enjoy the Fall colors as I am sure this is the time it will be really nice to see the leaves in full colors and hopefully the gate is open where we can go right through the entire park and see the colors for ourselves but we will have to definitely wait and see. Also we will be going through the Haliburton area on our way back down towards home and stopping at Makeck's which Walt Mackeny was a former Leaf player and he opened his own restaurant up in the area and it is an yearly tradition for my dad and I.

Tomorrow: Tomorrow we are going on the York Durham Railway on a small Hour and a half trip to Goodwood and back as Saturdays they do not go to Stouville which I wanted but they were completely sold out and I guess they are becoming more and more popular and that is truly great to hear and never know I may have had a part in it when we filmed in there as it is free promotion for them and you guys know I'd promote our local Heritage Railway anytime. I am looking forward to going on as I haven't been on it in a few years probably since the year Larry and I filmed up there. 

                There is what is what I am up to this weekend or start to the weekend and I think it will be definitely a good time and only the start of things technically as Sunday is another story and like I said you guys are going to know by Monday when I make the initial post about it but enjoy all the posts, today, tomorrow and Sunday as there is a ton of content in the way of the blog coming your way over the next couple of days. Anyways thanks for reading this post today and I will to you guys tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Collab Coming Out Today & Power Rangers Collab Podcast Updates!

                Originally this was suppose to be out last night but we ended up holding off as the editing is taking longer then usual. It is more of a scheduling conflict this time around and it is not a procrastinating issue this time around. So it is different from that this time around. The last couple of weeks has been extremely busy for me and especially the last couple of days since recording the collab with Rocky. However it will be up today at some point and aiming for the afternoon. I need to get the collab page set for the new episode to go up as it needs to be setup on a new line and sometimes the code on this website can go funny at times where the text will go smaller then usual. Also I apologize for taking the initial announcement down yesterday because I did not want to falsely advertise that it is going up and that is not like me. I am aiming for this afternoon to actually posting it up as I think I will have enough time between now and the time I want to put it up so I am in good and I aiming around 8 or 9 pm EST to having the collab out as I need to get ready for Survivor: Island of The Idols which that podcast comes out tomorrow so I need to definitely step up my A-Game right now and get things out. If anything changes I will definitely let you guys know on social media if I do need a bit more time but I have been up nearly 12 hours now and no rest for me whatsoever. 

                  Now that the collab I did on the weekend is out of the way, I want to talk about Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as you all know it has been very, very quiet recently and as you know the studio will be undergoing some renovations to the walls and some major cleanup around the studio as well. That is only half of the issue at hand as this weekend both Larry and I will be together for the day and this weekend we were suppose to record the collaboration this weekend, however at this moment that is not happening as I am currently half way finished with the two seasons I am watching right now. I am at the tail end of the Lost Galaxy season so I am getting close to the finish officially. Once that is done I move right into Lightspeed Rescue, however with the renovations coming up, I am not sure when we will be sitting down and recording right now. This is why we will be sitting down this weekend and we will be discussing when it will happen and maybe a timeline to when it will happen. I am questioning if I can finish by end of the month and we record at the end of October before one of the boom arms is removed temporarily while the reno is happening and I will be using the second mic as I am storing away the the condenser mic so it is not damaged during the renovations so I should know more by Sunday and by Monday will be making the announcement to when to expect recording to commence again. I apologize for the inconvenience but the renovation is a priority if we wanna improve the setup here in the studio. 


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Everything About Reality TV- January 2020 News

              I have been holding onto this news since last Wednesday night late and I do have a really good idea what is going to happen at this point but not 150% sure exactly on one of the shows we covered as there is no real news on it and been keeping an close eye so let's start talking about each of em to bringing you the news that I have:

Celebrity Big Brother: Julie who is the host of the American Big Brother did not mention a Celebrity Big Brother so I assuming there will be no announcement either. I have read up they didn't do another season, due to the ratings but I did my research which is always good to do and it did comparably well. However I heard this and Eric and I were talking about this as he is my go to news source for all things Reality TV. Now I know there is a 22nd season of Big Brother coming and the crew on Everything About Reality TV will be covering it for sure however the new contract Julie has did not include a Celebrity Big Brother Season 3 so I am at this point thinking it will not be happening which I am fine with it and that opens up a bit of a gap in the scheduling. 

Music City on CMT-  I am still waiting to see if there will be a future season and the renewal usually was in August when they mentioned if there was going to be another season. I could email them and find out but I rather be patient and wait but been waiting long month since the usual and I am starting to think it will not be returning which I am honestly sad to see it go if it is officially is finished which opens a lot of time between the seasons for me at this point so it really has started to make think and wonder what I will do between the seasons.

                  Now you are wondering what is next for this podcast after Survivor: Island of The Idols? Well if it is true that Celebrity Big Brother and Music City isn't returning then I am more then likely will be doing an pile of Off Season Podcasts for you guys even if it is every second week, I will be more then happily willing to do that and like I said on the socials I have been coming up with some new ideas that can help the podcast and it is all thanks to Eric yesterday as he gave me an idea that would be an interesting one and never know I could be doing that one in particular but we will see as usually they are picked at random when I do them. Soon as the end of the year comes and no announcement whatsoever then I will be talking about it around the 2nd of the New Year (January) to the schedule and probably will have a bunch recorded ready to go for the first week of January 2nd week of January.


Monday, September 30, 2019

Mac and Cheese Grilled Cheese Food Review

              Like I said yesterday, I wasn't planning a food review to be honest but anyways this is a spur the moment kind of review that I wasn't expecting. So I went something really out of the box and had Mac and Cheese. I know what you are going to say Mac and Cheese? Yes but it was in the Grilled Cheese Sandwich squished in the middle of the cheese and the bread. Now the outside bread had cheese on the outside as well and it is pretty much interesting and I was really unsure how to feel on the first couple of bites and I really had to look in the middle to see the actual macaroni in the middle that is when I figured it out why they call it Mac and Cheese so it was quite interesting sandwich that I had and something I feel confused about still even 2 days later I still wonder what I had. However to the review side of things the cheese was cooked perfectly, the cheese in the middle gooey and the macaroni not cooked but perfect. I honestly think it took me until the second half of my sandwich to really get the grasp of what I was eating honestly and I was truly confused but once I started to eat then I finally got the idea. So the review I would give it 3 out 5 as probably I wouldn't do it again as I rather have a normal everyday grilled cheese sandwich and I am trying to be generous.

               I honestly am being generous in my rating, I could of technically given it a 1 and really not give em a good rating. However it was good but something I think more then likely I wouldn't have again in the very nearby future. It is not because of the taste its more likely I do not think macaroni goes with a grilled cheese. It's definitely an odd ball for food but that is how I roll these days and not only that but I am also all for trying new things and that is probably one of the reasons I wanted to try it. I wasn't going to originally eat as I was trying to follow my diet after eating out on Wednesday night so my entire diet is out the window and tomorrow I need to get back into it. I really wish I could give this review a higher rating but the way I am feeling about what I ate, I feel like that yes it was good but something I wouldn't eat again. However this is just my opinion and I know you guys enjoy these and I know at times I can be critical but I said it before, I am all for trying new things and honestly I thought it was Mac and Cheese in a bowl but I was quite surprised honestly. 


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Doors Open Event 2019

                 Yesterday we had a Doors Open event and I think it was all across Ontario honestly which is really cool we got to do this as there hasn't really been one here before. So we went to a few places yesterday for those who are wondering what day I went to the event it was yesterday. I can say we made a mistake as we went to the Airport first and we took much time to find the NO. 6 Fire Hall as we were planning to visit it for doors open but we ended up in NO 5 which I told my dad it was 6 not 5. So we got down to the Courthouse for the Doors Open too late. We got to the airport and we saw a Cessna Float Plane I believe it was a 185 if I remember correctly. Also Piper and also the World War trainer "The Harvard" airplane. Also a Russian Airplane as well that we saw that was sitting there and my dad gave me a brief history on it as well. Also I had this Grilled Cheese with Macaroni.
I will get into that on tomorrow's blog post for you guys as I got yet another food review that wasn't suppose to be schedule this week but I am adding it in for you guys one way or another.  So we next up since the Courthouse Doors Open ended at 1 pm EST our time here we went to the Armory where we had all the vehicles from the Canadian Army which was so amazing how tough the vehicle material and we guess it is definitely very safe when in travelling. We spent probably a good 10 - 15 minutes there before we headed on our final location which was Cowan House which he was Mayor for about 6 or 7 years for our City which was a town at the time before it became an actual city as it is pretty good size now to this day. So we had some history of our city from way back in the late 1800's and I never thought the city existed back then but hey I learned something completely new yesterday an it is always nice to learn something new about the city that you live in. 

                   It wasn't a complete failure as we had the one mishap with the one location but both my dad and I agreed if they do this again next year and I am sure they will and I think it is a great way to expose yourself to some of the history of your local city or town's history. We have a couple of other locations in the back of our minds what we wanna do next year if they do indeed do this again. Anyways tomorrow like I am doing the food review and I did not get the name but I know exactly what it is and how it tasted so that is tomorrow's post then we will be back into a normal routine but I have already pre-written some already ahead of time as today, tomorrow will be a busy one so I am a bit of ahead of myself as my schedule is quite booked up recently. So be on the lookout for that and we will see you guys tomorrow for the next post which will be back up @ 11 am EST. 


Procrastinating Is Getting Better

             I can say this I am getting better at the procrastinating but still am having issues with the whole thing currently. It will indeed take me a while to get better at it. Recently I was procrastinating with the entire Big Brother 21 and I know the season is over now with it being 2 - 3 days later but I mean it was the worse experience of procrastination hence the reason why you guys saw it go to the way side very quickly but I made the promise to you guys it'll be back and I am a man to my word and will promise it. Sometimes it is too much to weave in at once and that could be the issue with me getting things out on time but recently things are looking are looking better as I said. I will explain myself on that. This week I have shown a lot more interest in Everything About Reality TV and I actually got to be on track this week for once and my goal is not procrastinate and get the podcasts out right on track for the entire season to see if I can indeed reach this goal as next year is going to be big for the podcast as you know it will be our 5th year ON-Air. Other then that I am still having some issues with getting posts out in the morning as my sleep schedule I am either in bed early or I'm up late but there is no excuse for me to fall behind on those. That is the one problems I am currently enduring at the moment but I can say it is starting to get better slowly but surely.

              I am getting a ton better but still got a bunch of work to do with the procrastinating. One things I have found myself doing is following a schedule I have set. So I normally have it all set up on the white board from posts for the daily blogs which I am shocked it has lasted this long 700 + blogs on almost a regular basis and I am still writing posts even to this day and I think this will never end to be honest as I enjoy writing on a daily basis and usually I am very, very good with actually posting up something everyday which is why today's post is being doubled up so you get a bonus post. Just to let you guys know the bonus post is out at 11 am EST followed by a 2 hr window for the main one. So in conclusion of this I think it is getting better but I still struggle from time to time on this issue but I think we all do at times so I am not the only one with procrastinating as we all procrastinate from time to time but I want to eventually cut it out entirely and have a very smooth flow of things. Sometimes I just to need to just go with the flow at times but I will get it eventually. 


Friday, September 27, 2019

Have Ton of Ideas With The New Studio!

             After thinking about it for a while now I certainly have a good idea what to expect with the new studio. I am planning to have myself and guest chairs facing out with the wall unit having the green screen pinned to the wall which is the initial thought and that is what I am planning. However the question is how is the lighting going to work so that is definitely a concern however there is a plan B in effect but I rather have the wall unit with the green screen attached to the wall unit as it probably work a lot better then the other plan. The second plan was to put the desk against the wall unit and the curtain directly behind me that could be an issue as there is nothing to hold up the rod up in the rafters so I am leaning towards the first one as that will be the best move but now how the heck in the way of spacing going to work? That is definitely going to be a challenge for me and I am sure both Larry and I will figure it out as hes going to help me pack up stuff in the studio in a week and a bit from now when we pack up stuff and certain mics will be removed and I will be switching the mic for a while.  Either way I have an idea where the white board will go as you know right now on the right side of me when I am sitting at my desk currently. However I could keep it as it is but then the green screen I would need to probably put it sideways so the guest in the studio would have a green screen. However again the lighting would have to change too.

            Either way I am excited for the next version of the studio and what I may have to do is get that lighting from Amazon as this lighting may or may not work for me as I do not know how the wiring would work and I would definitely have to make some changes to the studio especially with the new version of the studio but it will all be revealed in time I am sure as I am not sure what the exact plan is but right now my main focus is to get things packed up for the renovation which will be on going through the entire month of November and yes there will be a day I take off to go to the Royal Winter Fair. I promise you guys once I do get the actual studio done I will do an official tour on Instagram TV for you guys of the newly renovated studio and what it is going to look like. Final words on this post for today, Larry and I are planning to do a blue print of a plan for the newly renovated studio once it is done and everything is in place.


Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Year I Was In A Musical (Throwback Thursday Story)

               This is way back in the day this is my final years of elementary school I got the honor and privilege to be in a school musical called "The Highlight Zone" which the description of the music is or your consideration, Jess, who is to begin his/her first day at a new school, is especially apprehensive about taking Music Appreciation class. His/her fears about the unknown lead this unsuspecting student into "THE HIGHLIGHT ZONE!" It was a fun play to be on but was very stressful when it came to the rehearsals and staying after school to practice the music an the lyrics to the song and boy our teacher, she was tough on us but that is a good thing especially if we want to have a really good performances that were on May 31st an June 1st of 2001. Yes I remember the performances date to be exact and I remember that Tuesday, I had a school performance before the ones for the families and friends of all the students in the school. I also had to during the school performances for all the classes I had to do one extra line to fill in for someone and boy I was nervous but two of the girls ensured that I would be fine and I was they even said quietly during the performances and I remember them very well too. I remember the dress rehearsal that was a very dramatic and also hectic Saturday as well.

                 In the end it was a great show both the 2 shows we put on for the classes on that Tuesday and also the two performances we put on for the parents and families. I wasn't the greatest singer back then but you can hardly tell with my very coarse voice but I enjoyed it. I think with me in a musical, it really got me into being an entertainer to this very day so this dates back to 2001, 18 years ago before YouTube was an actual thing, before even live video streaming platforms existed but I am now sure a performer, even to this day I enjoy being an entertainer and it sure fits my personality as I am always cracking up stupid jokes at people or about myself, especially when it comes to my mishap behind the microphone from time to time. I hope you guys enjoyed this little throwback Thursday story as I always enjoy talking about experiences I had in the past, including when it comes to when I was in school, elementary school to be exact. I will see you guys on tomorrow's blog which I will be talking about my vision for the studio's future look when the reno is done.
