Tuesday, March 31, 2020

2 Weeks In Self Isolation!

           It has been 2 weeks since I have been in self isolation and honestly going a little crazy and been sleeping a ton during the day and up the night time working on things so right now I am the complete opposite of what my sleep was when I was out and about and honestly. However when I was up and about what did I do? I worked on the podcast obviously and made sure it was up on time and that has obviously been an issue lately with me getting it up on time. However you guys still get the podcast one way or another but I need to get back on track. Also I have been trying to watch Power Rangers Time Force and going to be working on that today after my 15 - 20 min outing to the bank so I am able to pay my parents for rent or my butt is out the door but I know they wouldn't do that. One thing I do not really have to do is get my bus pass and I need to get in touch with the transit company here to find out where I can get it as things that aren't essential are closed right now due to the virus.  Either way I am still working on things and as I said in Sunday post, I am working on things slowly at a slower pace but I think with me not sleeping well is coming to an end and I will get a more steady sleep. 

              So with that please bare with me through this hard times and I can honestly I haven't been myself,  I have been depressed and just fed up of being at home 24-7. I know it is what we have to do right now and gotta deal with it and try and hang in there but again I have really and am struggling on a daily basis and not sure how much longer my mental health can take it honestly. However everyday I am fighting the mental health and depression and honestly it is one day at a time and I've had headaches cause I'm stressing myself out and just cannot wait till things get back to normal honestly and when is the question as I'm not doing well mentally and nothing I can do to help me cope with being home 24-7. I am going to the cemetery with my dad to take down wreaths  and don't worry I will be safe as I am going to be in the car and there will not be anyone there so I should be OK but having second thoughts going now but my parents understand why I don't wanna go but I have to decide soon what I wanna do. I can stay in the car if I wish and might just do that but again I gotta do what's best for me and my friends told me to go it'll be good for me so I am going to do that and from here on out after that I am back in Isolation and staying in my area. No more long trips.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Another Studio Update [03-30-2020]

              So here is another update for you guys. The ceiling in my area is mainly done for the most part and towards the side wall still needs to be finished. Currently we have removed the book shelves that you see on the left hand side of the pic to the right of this first part of the post. This was to finish that wall entirely and we have to paint the covered up wall as that is one of the reasons and we put in trim around and honestly It looks not too nice but we haven't finished with it yet so in time it will look a ton better and not sure what the other wall by the door it's gonna look a bit odd but I guess in time I will be getting use to it and probably will not even noticed it as normally my back is turned to the door technically.

             As you guys can see that is how far we are and I believe today we are working on the ceiling and my dad will need my help as it will be a L Shape of a piece for the ceiling. and the other part you cannot see but going at the edge you will see no ceiling and at the very end there but that is the next few steps to get done and finished. So now it is pretty much it is the finishing touches to the ceiling and then paint that one wall and finish off edging at the corners. So what I am trying to say is it's the small stuff right now that we are finishing up at the moment. However a lot more progress has been made and by Monday's next actual update, I will have a bigger update for you guys with the next progress of this reno as we are now officially 4 months into this reno going into our 5th month next month.I honestly cannot wait till this is all done and we're back to normal here.


Sunday, March 29, 2020

My Mental Health Is Not Great & Updates....

            My sleep is really weird right now and probably has to do with being isolated for nearly 2 weeks now and honestly will be talking about that this week on Tuesday if I remember correctly to when that post is going up. I have found myself sleeping way to early and up during the night like I use to which I really wanna get myself back to a normal routine even with me home 24-7 recently and just hope this is over soon as I am struggling on a daily basis and I just do not know how much longer I can hold out being in isolation but don't forget I am with my parents so that gives me someone to talk to honestly. However what I really meant is I'd like to see other people as it has been hard not to see friends and even texting, IM chatting online or Discord/Skype but more in person. I kind of feel what the sims feels at time desolate not seeing other people and I am starting to sound like Sims. I know my parents been trying to keep me occupied during these tough times. I know I haven't been the most impatient person during these tough times but there is nothing I can do. I can go out for walks and plan to go to the bank with my mom to get out of my area and isn't far to go really. However I am going to more then likely stay in the car but we'll see how I feel. 

             I really haven't been too motivated to do much and trying to get the content out to you guys as much as I can and trying some new things out for the podcast. I think this week I will be taking a small break from bonus episodes but promise you guys I will get back to a every second week schedule after this week.  I am also taking my time off and I may change my time off schedule and work Monday through Fridays this way I take off weekends which means I need to keep to my schedule which is:

7 Days a Week: Blog posts
Sundays: Entertainment Man Podcast- post up the episode @ 1 pm EST
Wednesdays: Entertainment Man Bonus Podcast- Record Bonus episode
                        Entertainment Man Podcast- Record Regular episode
Thursdays: Entertainment Man Podcast- post up bonus episode @ 1 pm EST (Every second week)
Fridays: Entertainment Man Podcast- Sneak Peek @ 1 pm EST

            There is my timetable honestly and looks very busy but the odd weeks that I am not doing the bonus I will always be doing other content or getting that content ready but this schedule will be temporary as I think working during the week is what I need so this will all start Tuesday so tomorrow I will be off then Tuesday through Friday then off during the weekends for the time being until this "Self Isolation" is done and could be another 2 - 3 months where I will not be able to get out but it depends how quickly they can get the vaccine figured out and it will take time to make it and test it out and then administer it to everyone. So I will hang in there and I will talk further what I have been up to during self isolation on Tuesday.


Saturday, March 28, 2020

Updates On Entertainment Man Podcast!

           I am in need for more topics and this is not me saying I am out of ideas because I have ton of ideas in the back of my mind. However I want to get you guys involved with ideas and topics and if there is anything in the back of your mind please let me know via Facebook Fan Page, Twitter or Instagram or by e-mail thecbotwteam@gmail.com. However I am going to be able to sustain ideas on my own but I am totally welcoming to ideas. Remember what I said I am planning interviews with a few people on my list and behind the scenes ideas so I am going to definitely throw that in the mix. However I have come up with a few ideas and I am mentioning an Q & A for the podcast down the road and will be working on some new ideas. I am trying to edit and get a sneak peek as I again failed to post it up. I need to get that fixed and I am going to work on a schedule for myself to make sure things are done on time. Good thing I got ideas ready to go and I am ahead of myself for that department. It is hard to get things done as the studio is in full lockdown right now cause of what is going on but I am trying to limit how much I get done during the week. 

              Being a few weeks in I have noticed the topics that I am talking about is actually working and the views are up and noticed this podcast is doing well and growing the podcast rapidly fast. But that is a good thing and I feel like things are doing really well and honestly a ton better then the other podcast I ran. I am not putting down the other podcast, it was fun and yes I will be talking about it on the podcast tomorrow as part of my discussion on following my heart. Either way I think I am a lot happier now then I was before. I am always thinking of ideas and seems every time I record there an idea that I come up with when I am recording the podcast which is nuts and puts a smile on my face honestly as I know this is indeed a great idea to go with and hey least the ideas are flowing compare to when I had to do off season Podcasts but I do miss the Reality TV days but now I am in a happier place and able to get things done at a better pace and I admit I am getting more likes and Retweets on social then I did with the other so that is a good thing so I am getting excited as we get further into the season as I know I should of started in January and honestly Larry is right it was a very stressful podcast and I do not need to stress myself out.  Anyways enjoy the sneak peek this afternoon and enjoy the episode as it was a fun episode to record.


Friday, March 27, 2020

Been Thinking About Sports Again...

            I been thinking about this for a while and right now it is all up in the air due to the virus everything is shutdown here but essential. What am I meaning? I was thinking about actually going back to a bowling league but with the state of the world I guess it will have to be on hold for now. Anyways, I did bowl for many years in a league on Fridays and technically I left cause of certain reasons. I really haven't thought about coming back and I honestly had to deal with my knee issues and now my knees are better but I need to work on my weight which mind you an update is coming tomorrow on this and I'm really happy to say this too. Anyways back to the topic at hand last time I played I almost made the provincials tournament which would of definitely been amazing to get to that step and I truly have been so close to actually making it twice which is incredible, 1 in bowling and 1 in softball. Yes I am referring to Special Olympics as most of you know I have Autism and not afraid to say it or actually hide it anymore.

              I know that my knees are the upmost importance if my decision to return to sports but bowling wouldn't be that bad or bad at all with returning and would be nice to meet new people and actually bowl. I could go to my parents Tuesday night league so this way I can come back with them home and that is always an option. However with the state of the world I guess that has to be on the back burner for now and that's OK. I rather stay healthy and technically the bowling alleys here are closed so I am willing to wait till this all passes and it will in time. I need to remain positive through this times and and I will bowl in time and the question is when and whenever they get a working vaccine which they have been working on but it's gotta be tested and make sure it works. So when things get back to normal, then is when I will definitely return to bowling. Idea I had in the back of my mind when things return to normal, I think I will go to my parents league for the time being so I can reserve my spot for the next season and I will definitely talk to my parents at some point today.


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Website Is Doing Very Well!

               Not more then 2 months and the website continues to grows even more. We just 2 months ago approximately we celebrated the 50k mark with the website and just days ago we celebrated the 75k which is totally incredible and if things keeps going the way they are going we will break the 100k mark at some point this year. Another point I would like to make is we have had 4k, 5k, 6k in views so that definitely makes adds up in the viewership and I can just see it now breaking 100k. Now I even notice even around 3 - 4 am EST I am up and about and I look at the views and almost at 25 views for the day even more so I really have proved that ChrisBOnTheWeb.com is successful and it has proved that things are going very well with the website. I am not going to stop with promoting as promoting the website is the upmost important thing. However I rarely promote it except the daily blogs so I am guessing that it is word of mouth with the website is why the website has done extremely so well. I am not going stop, I am going to continue with growing with the website so I am not going to stop anytime soon.

                Either way I want to take the time to say thank-you. I want to thank you all for the continuous support and without you guys this website will not be  what it is today. I am excited for the future and this website has truly evolved even when there has been hard times with the podcasts and change overs of the podcast but that is besides the point, the point I am making is you guys stuck it out well the ones that didn't unfollow but I noticed a flux is unfollows on Twitter and some on Instagram but Facebook has been great but that is your choice to unfollow and I understand.  Those who stuck by me, thank you so much for being there and I know I went through a stage where I changed my display name and image on FB and Twitter but this is strictly my website and there is so much that is going to be happening for this website moving forward with a collaboration podcast in the works with Billy on top of the Larry collab that is already in the works. I can say this; even with the collaborations that has helped the numbers too so there is always ways I am figuring out how to increase the viewership on the website. I am so proud of what this site has become and just going to keep on going with it as nothing will stop me. 


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What Books Would I Like To Read or Re-Read Again?

             Now I am sure I have never mentioned this on the blog before as I have hardly time for reading but with being in self isolation there are books I would like to try and read even in the evening as normally I am done here in the studio around 6 pm EST Tuesdays through Sundays with my Mondays I am off as that is usually the place of my visits with Eric but with this virus, we're confined to our own places. Anyways here are some books I'd consider reading or re-read again:

1) Autobiography of Bobby Orr: Well known hockey player who played with Boston and also my local Ontario Hockey League so I have that book on my shelf waiting for me to read.

2) Lord of The Rings: Now I did start reading the book and I got the entire books actually in one big book. I had a hard time when I was younger and now I want to get back into it and understand it. I think I definitely will understand it a lot better now then I did before.

3) Harry Potter: I want to get back into reading the books from start to finish and I want to read the latest book which is a script format I forget the actual name for that book but that is also in there but I want to re-read em as it has been a very long time since I read them all. 

              Those are the 3 books that is on my list and with my extra time and being in isolation here at home for the next however long I definitely got something to do besides games, TV and being in the studio non stop but I will be taking time to myself to actually read a few chapters a day and I really need to get myself back into reading and I know I will have a ton of time as I do not think we will be able to go anywhere for quite some time with this virus. So there is my list and gives me plenty of time and stuff to do over the course of time and I will let you guys know how that is progressing well. 
