Thursday, February 18, 2021

The Night Siri Wasn't Herself (Throwback Thursday)

                 For those who don't know, Siri is a Virtual Assistant on your IPhone. She can be quite funny or annoying as I have had my moments getting mad at her yet she's an AI voice technically. Anyways she has a habit of telling me I am next door at either of my neighbors... LOL which I call her out on every time she tells me a lie. Well, I swear she was drunk... She was giving me locations from down the hill to the street behind me to little ways away from here and she just was acting nuts and I dunno what was going on but she was lost and yet I was sitting down in my studio working on editing podcasts for you guys so you would have content for the next few weeks as you know I need to work on Dino Thunder. Anyways, I tried her the next morning and she was giving me either my exact location or next door from me and it was like she was drinking the night behind. However I was literally in tears and almost on the floor laughing so hard I had to share with my mom what she was doing to me.... 

              I know I ask the most ridiculous questions to her at times but she sometimes gives me some interesting answers to my questions. She can definitely keep you entertained and yes you can even look up what you can and cannot say to her as you have to watch what you say cause she accidently cranked called my friend Terry by accident.... Yet I never even said his name whatsoever. She is very sensitive at times but fun to ask questions like even what time it is in certain countries which is cool. So I had to tell you guys this little story and I wish I told you guys this story sooner honestly but it happened just a week ago but least it is fresh and this gives you guys content. Next week I want to tell you guys about the day I renewed an old web series for more episodes for an entire 1st season and where I was at the time of it happening. I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Is Getting A Chat Again!

                  The ChrisBOnTheWeb Team is always looking for new features and ideas and we have had our share of failures with a dead chat on, the Discord Drama, Discord not working very well now. Chris has consulted myself, Tiala, Billy and Jasmine on the website and we are going to be bringing back the Community Chat. Now we are not rushing on the Chatroom Community right away, I am working on designs and seeing what he likes and we are also working on making it mobile friendly as we have complaints about the mobile friendliness of the chat and we are listening to you guys and we wanna take our time to thinking of every point and technical aspect of the website Community Chat. We also wanna make some rules that will be followed as that has seem to be ignored and this time around they will have to be followed either way or you will be banned from chat. Consider this a fair warning in advance.     

            We will once again have guest chat but if the rule continue to be on broken when we clearly have rules to follow. If we have to require you guys to login we can do that under our discretion but we will see how things go with the chat returning. I believe the chatroom still exists but it isn't attached to our website but we have to look. Also we have to work on Staff Accounts and get them all Admin'd up on the chat. So that what we are planning and an announcement when the Community Tab goes back up but it will not be for quite some time, we just wanted to let you guys know that we are working on this project as people do not have a place to go hangout and chat between podcasts live and pre-recorded and when it is ready we will announce on our social medias that it is going live. I will be talking to you guys Friday as Chris already had something pre-written.

Charlotte, Site Admin

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Updates on The Podcasts Audio ONLY Feeds!

               I promised an update and sooner then we thought, but we still have a bit of a hurdle when it comes to the Audio ONLY. There are still episode we erased that has been erased since and still stuck on the feed and the numbers are not matching the main studio numbers which is 32 for Entertainment Man Podcast which that feed has not been affected whatsoever just The CBOTW Show that is affected and we just do not know why at this point. We have 2 episodes to post up on the Audio ONLY Platforms and we will upload the Audio ONLY side eventually but Chris wanted me to announce an mass upload schedule this weekend which will be a big weekend for Podcasts. Here is the schedule for posts for this weekend:

Saturday, February 20th, 2021: 1 pm EST: The CBOTW Show- Big Brother Relationships Podcast W/ Jasmine and Chris

Sunday, February 21st, 2021:     1 pm EST: Entertainment Man Podcast- EP # 7, Why Did I Quit YouTube?

              That should bring us into the week with 0 problems moving forward. This week we will be focusing on the Audio ONLY and fixing the issues with the platforms as you know Castbox has become a bit of issue for us and 0 communication from them to the issue so Chris spent all night transferring over back to which he wasn't on good terms with them when he left em last year but Chris is back with em and he even stated to me that he is sick and tired of playing "musical sites" moving all the time and wishes sites would be a bit more stable and communicate with their users on social media with problems so we are back home where we began in 2016. As I stated on Twitter, Chris messaged Jasmine if they can do  a reschedule to next week as the Audio ONLY has a priority at this moment. Chris was up all night, he was quite irritated and mad at this entire situation as he was so excited about going live later on and now  he has to postpone cause a website messes up the feed. He will not be on the blog rest of this week unfortunately and I will be posting throughout the rest of the week minus Thursday as he has something already pre-written and we will be sure to let you guys know what's happening with out Live Stream by the afternoon.  Tomorrow's post I have a bit of an announcement so please stay tune for that.

Charlotte, Site Admin

Monday, February 15, 2021

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates [02-15-2021]

                  We have been on a tear updating, testing and making sure we are polishing our sound and making sure we are 100% ready to go. The last week has been a very productive week for us and you probably noticed that we have been testing on and off of YouTube and Twitch and this is a network update for you guys. Chris yesterday successfully figured out the issue that it was a setting that was in the back side of the YouTube channel and was the entire problem but recently has been rectified and fixed. He has been in a better mood minus the next negative thing that has happened and that is Castbox. As you know Castbox is the main feed for both Entertainment Man Podcast and The CBOTW Show and Entertainment Man Podcast feed hasn't been affected whatsoever. However The CBOTW Show has been affected by this technical issues recently and Chris has put a hold on uploading to the main RSS Feed until the issue is resolved. 

As you can notice on the left side that I have since updated the Podcasts Drop down menu per his request since he is the boss man. We moved "Entertainment Man Podcast" and changed the Archives above to "Other Podcasts" and Everything About Reality TV Podcast disappeared and I re-created "Podcast Archives" which the links goes to which all you gotta do is click the image to actually get to the archives. It is not as I hard as I explained it, haha! Those are the updates I have for this week, Chris and Jasmine will be live this week on the YouTube channel while we figure out the Castbox issue and why the feed isn't updating at this moment but I may pop on during the week for an update  until then have a wonderful day and enjoy your Family Day to those who are having the holiday up here in Canada and I will hopefully talk to you guys later in the week if not then next Monday for the next update.

- Charlotte, Site Admin

Friday, February 12, 2021

Survivor 41 Greenlit!-- What Do We Know So Far?

                There has been rumors that Survivor Production has been greenlit to go to Fiji and film Season 41 of Survivor. There is nothing from CBS or Survivor or Jeff's Twitter about this rumor if it is true but there is an article stating in the coming days, crew will be heading to Fiji to start building sets or prepping for the upcoming season of Survivor. Could this mean possibly that it could air in the fall and we go back into the old schedule we had before the show was put onto Hiatus last year due to this pandemic. That is really all we know and the article you can Google Survivor Green Lit to Return to Filming or I hope this rumor is true and I believe it is true and I already knew they were aiming for taping the new season in March or April of this year so they are right on schedule as they said which is great! This is great for ChrisBOnTheWeb's Podcast The CBOTW Show.

               I am excited to see things get back to a sort of normal schedule with Survivor as I've missed Survivor, I can be honest with you. It has been quite odd the fact that we do not currently have a season right now and it will be nice when it does come back on the air. We do not know a lot of information right now as CBS hasn't said anything in particular but least there is something in the way of news. They do have to have all the gear ready for challenges especially and they also have to start building the Tribal Council within the Island so it will take a few weeks to do that. However I hope to get some news again soon and we can  give you dates when Billy is going to be starting out with his RECAPS but I am guessing and speculating that it would air this fall for Season 41. That is what I have to say about Survivor returning to filming and I cannot wait for it to return! I truly miss Jeff saying: "You wanna know watcha playing for?" and "The Tribe Has Spoken."


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Made The Sims 4 Big Brother House Quite Difficult!

               As most of you all know, I have been making the Big Brother House on The Sims 4 for nearly the past year now and have done 8 season in total at this point and the 8th just wrapped up yesterday morning as a new Winner has been crowned which was Justin. I made this season not easy for any of the houseguests. I stripped em of everything. As you know the living room normally have a bunch of TV's to communicate with Big Brother but this season it was all done by the ears. Also I stripped of things to do. All I gave em was Chess tables, 3 to be exact to play with. The hot tub was not added this time around nor they had have nots or a storage room this season. This was a season of no secrets really. Also in the main bathroom there was mirrors all over the place in the bathroom. Also there was an old shower style with no doors so no privacy whatsoever. We had so much blasted drama one died in the house during their lockup for the weeks they were locked up. I guess they couldn't deal with the stress of the game anymore and it is totally understandable. It is a very stressful game and she was not in the greatest shape.


            I honestly think they ate a ton and were well out of shape by the end of the game. I can imagine they were bored out of their minds in the house and unable to go outside world on the game. 7 made it out minus the one that died towards the end of the game. Anyways the house now sits gutted like a fish and waits for what is next for the very next season. I plan on expanding the storage room and kitchen eventually and gotta start designing the next house maybe next week I will get into it while I watch Dino Thunder. I had a glitched out item that was food that spoiled in the game but it finally went away I had to delete some things and it went away and it was bugging me for the longest time but so happy it's gone unless it's still there as I do not have any lights set up right now and the house sits in the dark. But that is the most recent season I did and the next season will be a season of technology, TV's will be back, Have Not Room, Storage room will be back as well. I will update you guys next week on the progress of that until tomorrow's post.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Shining Movie Review

           I can say this, I've been wanting to do the review on this season for quite sometime now since the start of the year but kept putting it off week after week but now here it is the review for this movie. The Shining, I heard so much and looking at clips from the movie Psycho and I stumbled on the scene where Jack Nicolson says: "Heeeere's Johnny!" which if you didn't know that was ab-lib and wasn't suppose to actually be a part of this. I honestly felt confused at the start of the movie but as it went on it all made sense, as the movie progressed, it became all clear that Jack Nicolson's character, Jack Torrance. Ironic they kept his first name technically. Anyways as the movie went on, I noticed he got a little more crazier up to the part I mentioned earlier the "Heeere's Johnny!" scene which now to this very day is an iconic scene from the movie.

            I can imagine how heavy the axe was carrying it upstairs. What I remember he was a writer and was writing a book during the movie. Jack Nicolson is an amazing actor and he fit the role very well in this movie. Was the first movie I saw with him in it. Anyways I loved the movie and it was an really good movie and I'd watch it again in the very nearby future. This movie gets an easy 10 out of 10. This movie easily goes on my top 10 Horror Movies of the 1980's along with Friday The 13th. I highly recommend this movie for you guys to see if you are an horror movie fan and haven't seen this movie yet. Of course you guys more then likely have but just saying if you haven't then watch it, lol. Anyways I am rambling. Next on my list is watching and finishing Friday The 13th which I'd like to review the movie on my list and probably do 3 movies in one post at a time and hopefully I can get it finished. Next week, I will be also reviewing Super Girl Seasons 4 & 5 at some point as well and I will be talking to you guys on tomorrow's post. 
