Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2022

End of The Week Updates [10-07-2022]

               Another week has come to a close, however this weekend will be a crazy weekend in content but here are the updates:

Blogs: This weekend, for the first time in a very long time, I will be blogging on Sunday which is very, very rare and haven't done that in a very long time.  Saturday I will have a special post for you guys at 11 am EST then I will be at Halton on Saturday and will be blogging about it on Sunday. Then a normal post on Monday and so forth since South Simcoe is cancelled on Monday due to them being sold out and this is why we should book in advance! Lesson learned!

Website: Will be keeping the collab under the archives for now, yes we're not saying much for right now so the site will seem a bit lighter in weight right now and the reason is because things are being worked on. In the coming weeks, there will be an announcement coming to when we are back in production.   

           That is all I can really say at the moment. Not much to say in the way of updates. Been busy all week with personal life stuff, recording the podcast interviews and shows just keeping busy in general this week.  Either way that is the blog post for today, I will talk to you all on Saturday and Sunday for another blogs posts.


Saturday, October 1, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-30-2022] (Updated)

                Another week has come to an end and time for another end of the week updates. I am going to get straight into it as there is a few things to update you guys on:

Website: Power Rangers Collab was on it's way back to Archives but more on a longer length of time with all the drama last week, I wasn't even sure what was going on. I ended up removing Larry from the Team Page, readding Jeff, then adding Larry back to the list again. I was back and forth on that page and unsure. Nothing has really changed when it comes to the website, still getting views and Tuesday reached 1300 views which is crazy. Things been slow in views as I said here on the blog on Wednesday.I have removed Power Rangers Collab from the drop down menu and put into the depths of the archives here on the website which is currently public still and you guys can access em under Podcast Archives at anytime you wanna catch up with. Also as you know the team page has been updated as we lost a member of the team today and I am leaving it at that for now.

CBOTW Studios now ChrisBOnTheWeb Channel YouTube: A lot has been going on for ChrisBOnTheWeb recently and right now isn't the right time nor place to start a new channel like this. However it will happen, I am currently planning for Launch on January 1st, 2023. That will be definitely a better time to re-launch CBOTW Studios channel. 

              Anyways those are the updates, I will talk to you all on Monday, it is what it is now and I just do not honestly feel like Power Rangers Collab will return at this point but all I can say is, it's now kind of put to the sidelines for right now. I will talk to you on Monday, have a great rest of the weekend.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022

This Month Has Been Slow on

                 This month has been a bit on the slower side of things lately. The views are not as high as last month and I think it's cause everyone is back to a normal work schedule and with kids back in school their busy. It is totally understandable with the website slower then normal and this summer it's been so busy on the website and honestly things do have to slow down at some point. However the views are still there and I am constantly updating on a regular basis to ensure that it is still fully updated every week and if anything needs an update then I will update it. However the website hasn't needed any updates right now but with the addition of CBOTW Studios Channel that has been updated and listed to the website now. That is the small minor details that need to be updated.

                I have been looking at the views and the weekend the views have been better and I think it has done a bit better and trying to make up those views that have been lost and it is just beyond the half way through this month and anything is possible to have a good number perhaps. However I am not going to stress over it and like I said things will slow down and that is the case but again not stressing over this. I finally have where I want it and I do not want to change anything on here. I am not changing anything but if Larry and I for example do the Power Rangers Movies then a Movie Collab page will pop up and there is a Movie Collab page right now on the website but it's not published at this moment but there is a dedicated page and it is there just not public yet, got a lot to talk to Larry about on the 30th. Anyways that is my post for today, I will speak to you all tomorrow. 




Friday, September 23, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-23-2022]

              Good Morning! This week has been full of problems and I am sure Chris is glad this week is finished. So here are the updates:

Website: Chris and I have been making some changes to the website and it has been unannounced the exact changes made to So CBOTW Studios Channel has been added to the On Demand section of his website as it is now part of this community and the go to place for updates, streams and behind the scenes look.

Power Rangers Collab: With the collab off air for a while, he will continue on to work on it and get seasons done at the same pace as before. Just the recording is currently on hold right now due to some creative differences which I know he will talk more about when he is good and ready but rest assure; the collab isn't going anywhere just on a bit of a hiatus for right now.  

              Chris has a bit extra time on his hands now with the collab on the side but it will be returning in the very nearby future but in the mean time he is focusing on the positive things coming for him the new channel and him growing the channel as he has been wanting to do streams since Facebook has muted the streams on him, he is moving over to YouTube. I want to thank Chris for this opportunity to taking over the blog, I may pop up for one more post tomorrow as I said Wednesday but we'll see but if not have a great weekend and I will see you guys around the community. 


Friday, September 9, 2022

End of The Week Updates [09-09-2022]

              It is the end of another week and time for another end of the week updates. This is another week of not as many updates at the moment as it is just me working on content and adding in some things to the website which is probably boring to you guys but here is what is going on.

Team Wise: Alexandra has returned after a bit of a hiatus from the team for personal reasons and has taken over as Community Manager for the long run.

Website: Alexandra, my Community Manager does have access to the website blog in case I need to step away so this way we can keep the blog rolling regardless of me available or not things keep on rolling. Also Power Rangers Collab has been moved back to active drop down menu once again. So archives has been updated as well as the team page has been updated. Chat was removed as it is now not a permanent fixture to CBOTW and maybe one day CBOTW will have it's own Discord Server perhaps? Never know!

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: As you know the news sprung that Larry will be returning to the studio after uncertainty with after having COVID, but we are indeed returning to in studio and I continue to monitor the cases and if we feel uncomfortable we can always do Skype. I have his information on his envelopes in case as I cannot be too sure from a day to day basis.

                 Those are the minor changes and I will continue to work on content and improving the website on a regular basis. Anyways those are the updates for you guys, hope you all have a wonderful weekend and as always, I will talk to you all on Monday for another blog post.


Monday, September 5, 2022

Changes To The "Schedule" Page

            If you guys have been recently on the "Schedule" page here on the website, you have probably noticed the merge of the collabs as I have now put the two seasons together as I am probably will expect Larry still wants to come over despite. I was a little out of line with him but I do not know what happened till he gets back online and it could be this week, it could be next week, who knows. So for right now I have just put the two seasons that co-aside with one another so I can considering the schedule isn't changing till I know further so I will be sure to let you all know on the changes with that project if anything changes this week or the coming weeks cause I am sure he's going to wonder why I was going off at him
sounding frantic. 

            Now also you will notice if you scroll all the way down that The Royal Winter Fair has been removed. Now I will be going to the Royal Winter Fair as far as I know but just for the fun of it if I decide to go as cases have gone up. You guys are probably wondering why it was removed and that is cause I was too late to booking my media and cases have gone up and worried it 'll be cancelled all together cause of the rise of cases but I am still planning on going to the Christmas Market as it is outside.                                       Anyways that is the post for today, I hope you all enjoyed this post as I am just really, really unsure if I wanna go to The Royal Winter Fair as cases have gone up and just worried cause I already been sick once and I just do not wanna get sick again. We'll see but I will keep you guys up to date on that as we continue to get closer to it and I will talk to you all tomorrow!   Chris

Friday, August 26, 2022

End of The Week Updates [08-26-2022] (And We're Back!)

                      We are back to End of The Week Updates after being off the last week or two now since having COVID and also away on holidays, I haven't been the greatest for updates. I do not remember when the last update was but made some changes to the website and what not but here are the updates:

Website: You probably noticed the website looks a bit different. First the collab has suddenly disappeared here on the website and don't fret it is still here on the website, it's hiding under Podcast Archives which the word is clickable and it will take you to it or it's under "On Demand" if you guys wanna find it. Right now I am remaining silent right now on the project and keeping things under the table as there is some key issues going on with the collab that Larry and I need to iron out but it is still on the site and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.  Also the team page has just been updated at this moment. Also under "Podcasts (Audio)" I have added the "Collaboration Podcast" as an opportunity is coming up for me and more details is coming soon.

Entertainment Man Podcast: I am already worked on episodes this week and sounds like it will be a topic but the following week, I plan on doing one or two interviews to do. I am waiting for to schedule one and I plan on booking another one next week as well.  It'll all work out in the end and excited to be doing more interviews right now, the more interviews the longer the podcast is on the air. 

Guest Podcast Appearance: I have a guest podcast appearance next week and I will be providing you guys information this weekend on Social Media where you can listen to it live and where can you listen to it through the Audio ONLY when that comes up and if it is Tuesday or later next week then I will definitely do a post hyping up the interview.  I am excited for this interview and I believe is the 3rd interview I've done this year where I've been the guest. I am not going to give full information yet but stay tuned for more information!

                   Those are the updates, not much, the same old stuff happening. I know I am not talking much about the collab and keeping quiet on the progress but maybe, just maybe I will do a post showing all the notes that has been done for you guys as I hope by Mid October to be done all the seasons or close to finish hopefully but we will see. Anyways I will talk to you tomorrow for a special post, have a great rest of your day and start to your weekend.


Thursday, August 4, 2022

We've Gotta Talk ChrisBOnTheWeb Emails!

                     The last few months has been chaotic especially July as I had family here hence probably one of the reasons I feel not great an I have to get better in order to go to Tobermory. However that isn't the post today it's about the emails that are listed here on the website. As you know I changed up the emails and the direction of things for ChrisBOnTheWeb. Months ago, I totally forgot when this happened but I got spam emails on every email that ChrisBOnTheWeb currently owns. It was ridiculous on the emails saying that ChrisBOnTheWeb isn't making the top search results which I looked at Google and my podcasts and website is up there in the search. But to spam the ChrisBOnTheWeb emails that isn't necessary like we get your emails and sometimes it ends up in spam half the time. Any spam will be just deleted and blocked cause we just do not need the spam on all the emails. All you need to do is email me or my team once. No need to spam all the email addresses. I'm not trying to be mean but spamming like I said will lead to a deleted email and not read whatsoever.

                 I also when emailing myself or my team and I have touched base on it recently when you email us, we want to make sure it is under the right email. It is hard to keep redirecting the emails to the proper and we wanna ensure it gets to the correct email as it is hard sometimes with the amount of emails  to go through them all so please make sure to send it to the correct email and with the emails being down to two for ChrisBOnTheWeb, should make life so much easier not just for me but with you guys as well. That is the reason behind all these changes, I thought it was time for some changes. Anyways that is the blog post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for the end of the week updates.




Friday, July 29, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-29-2022]

             For the last time this month, it is time for the end of the week updates! Yes July is slowly ending this weekend and we enter the last month of the summer as the fall is on the horizon. So without further ado, here is the end of the week updates:

CBOTW Studios YouTube Channel: Former member of The CBOTW Team had access to the channel and has deleted it completely on me. So moving forward now, I am actually now not giving anyone access as a manager to any of the channels, just moderator status where they can delete comments both in the channel comments and in the chatroom as well.

Website: Channel as I mentioned above has been removed but something is clearly in the works again for a new channel but that is all I am going to say for right now as I am not sure when it will be launched and made public right now. I am going to promote it when the time is right. 

Power Rangers Collab: As you know, I said I wasn't going to say anything and I didn't yesterday nor posted up pictures of Larry and I and that is because there was no recording session yesterday, we've postponed the recording till the fall because I wasn't finished whatsoever. So moving forward in the coming weeks and next 2 months, you will not be hearing anything till we are certain that we are ready to go and to go public with the episodes. 

              Anyways that are the updates, reminder that on August 12th which is a Friday, there will be no end of the week update but I have a special blog post. However you guys still get me for one more week as I am in the studio all of next week before I am gone for 5 days with my dad and I am on vacation up north for 5 days from August 8th - 12th, 2022. Also small note the week after that I am in the studio all week from the 14th - 21st of August as I will not be going out to see Friends on the Monday as their away so that week I will be going full speed ahead on content. Anyways I will talk to you all Monday, have a a great weekend!


Friday, July 22, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-22-2022]

             Another week has gone by and time for end of the week updates. It has been a tough week, trying to get things done but been so busy with personal stuff going on but I can provide you guys with some updates:

Website: As you see there has been changes. Chat page has been removed and what, Past Projects has been removed as I felt like that it was repetitive to the Podcast archives. I rather focus on now not the former YouTube but there is a page dedicated to my past, both ChrisBOnTheWeb YouTube Channel and The Video Projects Team which can be found Here. Also Podcast Archives have been updated and can be found On Podcasts Archives which is now under a new name now. Also Movie Collabs have been removed till next year as you know Power Rangers Movies are now pushed till next year in the spring as right now we're backed up in schedule thanks to me not finishing up Super Megaforce in time. 

Power Rangers Collab: There is really only update and that is soon as I am finished or have finished the current season, I am moving into Super Megaforce and I will talk about that briefly but we are doing the long version of the team up and the short version see what difference there is but if there is no real difference then we won't but I heard the previous episode to the team up is sort of tied into the team up so it may not be worth it but I'll watch it all and see. 

              Anyways that is the updates for this week, not many updates, just more website confluffle of the website changes and there was a lot of website changes have been made and it is a lot better then it was. I plan on keeping schedule under about for now on and also one other things is my streaming schedule is now sporadic schedule at this moment as I said on the YouTube video, I'll be back August 2nd, 2022 but for right now expect pop up streams for the moment as long as my computer allows me to as my PC is a problem now and I am in dire need to get the new one.  I will talk to you all tomorrow for a special Saturday Post!


Monday, July 18, 2022

Changes Made To!

          What you see to your right is true! Schedule is now mounted in the about drop down menu now along with About CBOTW, Team which is now as that changed now dirastically now. I know it seems cluttered but maybe in time I will declutter it but maybe I will not. Maybe I will leave it as it is perhaps? What matters now is I am making room for something on there. I had to play around with the website a bit and the code especially for the CSS Code for the menu bar, I had to actually kind of shift things around and knowing me, you guys will see another change later this week as welll. Yes I said change, there is still some more adjustments and will be removing one of the pages that I feel isn't relevant to ChrisBOnTheWeb in 2022 and the past is the past is the past and you guys will find out more soon as ideas are now flowing and we're about to really blow ChrisBOnTheWeb & up. Trust me, big stuff is on the horizon.

As you can see on the left, the menu bar is less crowded now as I have kind of picked away all the unnecessary items for the website and made the website a lot more simple then it has been recently. Schedule remains under the about section and actually if this post makes no sense, I apologize cause something was there but is now removed off the website at a last second. Something is on the horizon for it  and cannot wait to explain it. Also I have removed past projects and will explain at the end of the week but anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow.          


Friday, July 15, 2022

End of The Week Updates [07-15-2022]

              Another week has come to an end and time for some updates. Now again there is very little updates as things are quiet right now. Not much to report but there are a few things. 

Website: I have backed up the code to this website as I spent the morning yesterday saving the entire code that this website has. This website doesn't have any text elements nothing, basically all made out of code which mind you looks amazing really.  Also Past Projects has been updated along with the schedule to fit with this weekend as stream wise I do not know what is up for family sanction events so if I'm free, I'll stream. Probably do some Minecraft for a change. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: Now I have two interviews booked next week which will take up the next two weeks in the schedule for the podcast, one with someone my assistant has been coordinating on my behalf so I look forward to the interview on July 21st. Also 2 days later I have Chidi's interview about his book for the 23rd of this month. I look forward to both and this brings the podcast into the month of August.

Power Rangers Collab: By now, I should be done Megaforce and typing up the notes. I am going to try and get it done very quite quickly to see if it can be done by a week and a half from now. If not it will be rescheduled this fall along with Dino Charge and the movies. I do have a bit of a backup plan if things go awry on us.

              Anyways those are the only real updates for this week and seems more then you expected but it is what it is and I hope you guys have a great weekend and I will be talking to you all on Monday with another blog post.


Thursday, June 30, 2022

End of The Week Updates [06-30-2022]

                Because of Canada Day tomorrow, I am having a shorten week with blogs as CBOTW (ChrisBOnTheWeb) Studios will be closed for the holidays with it returning on Saturday. However this the end of the week updates and not much to report but a few things:

Power Rangers Collab: With work on Entertainment Man finished, all eyes are one again back on the collab once again. This is the # 1 priority to get done for the end of July so we can record the two podcasts so I can start on Dino Charge and Super Dino Charge the final piece to the puzzle so we stay on a schedule. We hope to even throw in the movies in November as a bonus but it will be on the Movie Collab page instead.

Website: Working on the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on and off with my Community Manager which her and I have been working hard to get it done and ready for September and get ready for launch of this brand new page which can help you guys with any questions that you may have and you never know we may launch it sooner, depends. 

Entertainment Man Podcast:  As you know, I am going to be unavailble at times of the next two weeks with family and friends stuff going on, I am not going to be around much so I have already recorded two episodes which consists of a bonus episode and two normal episodes so I am already ahead of schedule. I will be slipping in an interview somewhere in there but there is no real schedule when what episode goes up when but I know you guys will love it either way.

               Those are the updates I have for right now, not much for updates right now but I wanna wish all my fellow Canadians a very happy and safe Canada Day and I will be talking to you all on Monday here on 


Monday, June 27, 2022

Wrongfully Accused Movie Review

               First of all, Leslie Nielson is a great actor and this movie was nuts, I mean just nuts. It was just like the Naked Gun movies which was nuts too but hilarious. There was scene in this movie, I think I played back several times actually. That was him trying to hot wire the car and it started to play Lacucaracha and bouncing up and down righ to the point of him stopping the car after driving it, I almost fell off my chair in the studio from laughing so hard. Also the scene of him in the hospital which was another scene he was printing off some information and all he wanted to do was print the information out and the machin said ok, ok, ok and called him a name just randomly and the look on his face was priceless. Same goes with the car sign as well. Back to the car scene the poor guy in the porta potty unsure what was going on, I felt bad for him. 

              Anyways to the review part as I wanted to talk about two or three different things but if you are feeling down, watch a comedy movie and I even recommend this movie as it is worth your hour and a half of your time. It is a very hilarious movie and worth it. I give this movie 10 out of 10 as it is funny and keeps you laughing the entire time and it has that same Naked Gun movies vibe almost which is very funny also so you cannot go wrong with Leslie Nielson whatsoever. Anyways that is the post for today, I will talk to you all tomorrow for a blog about my trip to Toronto which is where I have disappeared to today.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

End of The Week Updates [06-25-2022]

                    Another week has come to a close and I have some updates, will be a bit quieter then usual once again:

Website: Will be introducing an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and it will be launching by September to help you with the basic questions. Over the summer myself and my community manager are going to be compiling questions you guys may have to help answer to people who may ask the same question

Entertainment Man Podcast: The Main RSS Feed should be slowly updating and I will be talking about it a bit more on Sunday on the podcast but please do be patient with it being updated across the other platforms. All older episodes are now uploaded and feed has all 106, excuse me 107 episodes on there.

                Anyways that is all I have to say for this week, I know I haven't said anything about the collab but I have mentioned it via Twitter and the Facebook page so I am working on the collab I am just staying quiet with things right now till I know I am ready to announce the next recording session and what not.  Also Streams will be not happening but videos once to 2 to,es a week to fill in the void for right now.  That is a very short update but not much to say this week but I will talk to you all Monday! 


Friday, June 17, 2022

End of The Week Updates [06-17-2020]

               Another week has come to an end and I've got some updates to give as I have been keeping you in the loop of things but there is a couple of things to update you on:

Website: As you know there has been uncertainty with ChrisBOnTheWeb this week but I have done some tweaks to the Team Page and it is now most definitely up to date now and I am happy with it. Also Movie Collab & Ghostwriter pages have been unpublished but are still in the back end infrastructure of the website waiting to be published and put into an active role onto 

Streams: As I said on social media, I will be live tomorrow on "CBOTW Studios" YouTube channel which you can find under "On Demand" here on the website or by typing in the channel name on the app or website for YouTube. I will be live at 1 pm EST on Saturday for an hour and half as I have to work on the collab too so I am working my tail off on the content constantly but taking time off for you guys to interact with you guys. No double stream this weekend because of Father's Day 

Power Rangers Collab: As you know today, I start working on Megaforce which I think I am the most excited for now that Samurai 2 seasons is wrapped up as the big team ups and celebration of 20 seasons or 20 years of the series is here, especially the return of some OG Rangers so I am so excited to be working on it and you may see the occasional tweet talking about it but either way this is another 2 seasons I am most looking forward to. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: This weekend's interview will be just uploaded as I will be busy with my dad since it is Father's Day weekend so I apologize for the inconvience this weekend but I will make it up for the next interview scheduled which should be Chidi's interview for next weekend as I am done with things but I think it will be the following weekend as I wanna make sure I am done so I am getting close for that interview as well. 

              Anyways those are the updates for the week and it is more updates then I expected but oh well. I wanna wish all the dad's out there a very Happy Father's Day, hope you enjoy your day and also have a great weekend and I will talk to you all on Monday!


Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Been Quiet With ChrisBOnTheWeb In The Past Week...

                    As you know since Friday, I have been kind of on the downlow or very quiet around the ChrisBOnTheWeb Community. Just been trying to readjust to the whole situation of Larry being back and getting use to him being in the studio to also dealing with issues after issues to a point, I've gone quite silent online. Some of you probably noticed I wasn't saying much or anything in the premiere as my team was in there monitoring the chatroom... Just finding it hard to deal with so much and having to make tough decisions with ChrisBOnTheWeb moving forward which consists of me getting into arguments with my Co-Host and Community Manager. (No my current, the one I had beforehand.) Anyways, I just decided to take the silent approach and probably will be quiet on social media with the odd post here and there throughout the days some days you probably will notice, I'm quiet others days I'm more chatty. 

                  With everything going on with the darn tech issues, I have been questioning my ability to continue on with ChrisBOnTheWeb and I know I agreed to a 4 year domain contract which means I wanna at least finish that out before doing anything else. However I can assure you CBOTW isn't going anywhere as I'm inching closer to 400k on my website, now isn't the time to stop and I am just feeling a whirlwind of feelings from the last 2 years and I think that will be an seperate post, probably tomorrow but I am going to try and keep going but somedays I am finding it harder to run this site then others and that is where I question myself as the Founder, Owner and Content Creator to this website. I keep fearing the worse case scenerio which is falling behind with that main RSS Feed for my podcast, Entertainment Man Podcast. Anyways that is the post for today, I'll talk to you all tomorrow.


Friday, June 3, 2022

End of The Week Updates [06-03-2022]

                    Another week has ended and it is time for the end of the week updates. Not much to report this week, just a few minor things to mention those so here are the updates:

Website: You probably noticed that the Movie Collab has been pulled off the website again and this time it is down till we are good and ready to start those and still aiming to do the Power Rangers Movies this year at some point but when is the question.

Entertainment Man Podcast: With the completion of the double recording yesterday, I am now taking some time today to edit yesterday's podcast and get the video one scheduled for a Premiere this weekend and as always I will be in the chatroom chatting with you all before my Live Stream at 2 pm.

Live Streams: This weekend I am streaming on Saturday 1 pm - 2 or 230 pm EST as I got work to do so it will be a brief stream Saturday this time then Sunday 2 pm EST to whenever I feel like stopping the stream but we'll see. 

Power Rangers Collab: Small note to add when the collab is ready to go, I will be sue to let you guys know on social media that it is up for you guys to listen to it which again is exclusively only here on the website.

                 There is a brief update, sorry not much to report back for you guys this week as not much on this week, just busy with typing up the notes and what not, getting ready for yesterday. So for right now, have a great weekend and I will talk to you all Monday!


Friday, May 27, 2022

End of The Week Updates [05-27-2022]

            Another week has come to an end and time for some updates. I only really have three updates as I can give you guys right now so here it is: 

Website: I've noticed the website has been a bit slower and I think it is that time of the year again where everyone is outside and enjoying this beautiful weather and we've had some nice weather ourselves, for a fact we've already had shorts weather actually. But I have notice the numbers are not as high as normal and I totally understand. 

Entertainment Man Podcast: I have decided to stay with as I wanna try and stay loyal and moving the podcast now will be confusing for everyone honestly so I do not wanna make a move right now not while the podcast is currently in production and moving was a pain getting things moved to the new RSS feed and published. Plus notifying platforms that the RSS Feed change that is just a ton of work to be done so it's best to stay put right now. 

Power Rangers Collab: I will have the Power Rangers Super Samurai done by end of the weekend in typing and Tuesday will be starting on Megaforce for the end of June/Early July so we can stay on track. I do plan on actually getting ahead as far ahead as humanly possible so this way I am not falling behind on schedule for the collabs I wanna make sure I am ahead of schedule hence the hard work I am putting into working on the collab and my goal is to try and get up to the end of Beast Morphers by end of this year then start working on Dino Fury Seasons 1 and 2 in the New Year, 2023. 

              Those are the updates for now, not much to report this week as I am working hard on content and enjoying streaming again and playing some video games and interacting with the fans that come on by to watch the live streams and it is truly nice to have two different channels, one primarily to focus on the podcast of mine and the other for streaming. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will talk to you all Monday and Happy Memorial Day to all my American fans, listeners, readers!


Monday, May 16, 2022

The Website Has Grow Massively In The Last 5 Years!

              Towards the end of the week last week, I actually was going through the blogs as I mentioned, I removed the negative posts, etc. Anyways, I compared the views from 5 years ago, 2017 compare to now 2022 and what a difference from 10,000 views compare to now, so it's massively grown as I am just over 360k (360,000) website views, that is like 70k a year that I get on the website which doesn't seem like much but it is! I don't wanna brag a lot but it is amazing to see the difference from when I started to now. It truly goes to show the hard work I put on my website on a day to day basis and always adding or fixing things on the website. I just keep grinding hard to get those amazing views and one day I am sure that my YouTube channel will reach that status as I know Entertainment Man Podcast is here to stay for years to come! 

               I probably told you guys and given advice to keep on going on your content! It will happen one day. Like I was told in a recent interview I did for my podcast you gotta find your niche and I think I found the right kind of niche to be quite honest. What I plan on doing moving forward is to keep things as they are and not keep changing things around. That is the one thing I found is if I change anything around on here, you guys get confused what is happening so I am sticking to the current schedule for content. I rather stay on a consistant schedule then being inconsistant. Being consistant is the way to go if you wanna see success. That is the post for today, thanks for reading and I will speak to you all tomorrow!
