Thursday, October 8, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Changes!

              I know it's not Sunday nor it's not my manager doing an update post. There is changes to the system we use to have. As you know by now with that announcement that I have gone solo on my own but still have Tiala and also Billy to help out as Moderator and Manager for me but most part no podcasts from other individuals, the projects is mainly me. So with what I have said here are the additional changes that I have made to the website since the changes with the social media:

Website Chat: Since it will hard to continually be active on the website chat on a regular basis and Jim no longer part of the team anymore the desire to have a chat on our website is a lot lower then I wanted it. 

Staff Page: Since there is hardly a team anymore, I've also done away with the staff page but if you wanna know Tiala is a Moderator for my Fan Page and Billy is a Manager for me. You will see him make posts from time to time if I need him too but like I said I am on my own but have help to make sure the trolls are at bay at all times.

Menu Bar and Pages: The menu bar has been tweaked again and pages have been removed from the website, community chat, staff have been removed, CBOTW Gamers Podcast has been removed as well as the RSS feed for that podcast. 

                   So those are the updates and there are a lot of updates to my website and also social and that one RSS feed is now no longer existing. I feel good to still have a Moderator and a Manager and I do not wanna make anymore changes and just go with the flow of things. I am sticking to my word with this and not going to turn back to the old method of having a team at one point. I am keeping it and nobody can change as it is my decision and my decision only and at least it is a ton less stress on my hands and happy in the end. I think it was long coming to these changes and it was definitely time. 


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Don't Know Why TheDirector015 Isn't Also Banned On YouTube....

            As you guys know we're currently banned from the YouTube platform since I really messed up telling one of my ex staff to get it banned which I will get into but what surprises me is why the heck YouTube still has my other channel is still around. I mean you would think they would realize its the same owner of the channel but I guess this really gives me a chance to download and don't think that I'm not going to get the account banned because I will be getting it removed off their website once all the content is downloaded and put onto an external hard drive and I do not want that other account on YouTube as it has become part of my past being on YouTube and now my future is Blogging and Podcasts and growing this website from the ground up and we have been doing that and work so hard on a regular basis. I just want our old YouTube channel gone down the road. Actually I got our Community Manager to start downloading the videos and transferring it to me to store away. 

             I do have a plan with those videos involving a DVD version of the episodes.  That is later though but I want anything to do with our past erased from YouTube as we're now moving onto bigger and better things. However I haven't spoken much about why and i honestly do not even know why as I'm surprised that they haven't even remotely noticed that a similar account but I will work hard to get it removed from the platform. Plus the fact it is currently unused and abandoned.  I wish I knew why they have kept that channel but in time it will be gone and a mere thing of the past as myself and the team are very much happier where we are but it don't really explain why it still exists but who knows. That will be worked on later when it is time to get it removed from their website.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Spelunky 2 Video Game Review!

                    I recently purchased on Steam for $20.51 which it was on sale with 5 or 10% off on the game.  I play for a bit in the mornings when I first get up every morning and play and I really suck at it to be honest but I am not giving up that easily and I have made some progress on the game and I almost made it out of the Caves once but ended up dying. The one thing I don't like are those yellow guys that roll up in a ball and try to run you down it is very annoying but I found if I throw a bomb at the enemy on the game, it helps a lot with the game in the end. Also the spiders and the bats are a pain as well but less the issue. I notice they have these things that can pound you and has been a problem.  Today's daily challenge I didn't last more then a minute and I was dead. So now I have to wait till tomorrow to play yet another daily.  However I like this game and enjoying it a lot more then Spelunky 1, the original game. There is a lot of work ahead of me and I am sure I will get to it one of these days. I am enjoying it and I plan on playing a little bit per day.

                   I still give this game a 10 out of 10 as it is such an amazing game. Yes I may suck at the game but I have been watching Dan on YouTube since it came out on PlayStation and I love the graphics on the game  and it is soooo good! I am so eager to play a lot of hours with this game and maybe I should trying using my remote and probably make a difference and I have used it with Spelunky the original game and it has helped me out really. It has made a difference with the game and I think it gives me a lot more control with the movement. Keyboard is not as good as I thought and I really wanna start using my Logitech remote control for video games.  Anyways I enjoy the game and enjoy playing it and I'm sure on weekends I will be playing it a ton more as I take off weekends from the day to day operations.


Monday, October 5, 2020

I'm Back and Changing My Routine A Bit!

            Well I'm back to running the day to day operations and me being the Owner once again. Now I know what you guys will say you need to take time off for myself and honestly things are going to change moving forward. On weekends, I am doing nothing regards to ChrisBOnTheWeb on weekends and why Jim our Community Manager will be keeping an eye on things answer social media questions and email inquires over the weekends so this way I can relax a bit more and take weekends off. Only time I'd work on a Sunday is if I recorded Power Rangers Podcast episodes and he is here in the studio but recently with CoVid-19 we're currently recording via Skype during the week at this time. However that is besides the point really. Also if it really comes down workload I will work the occasional weekends but I am not going to push the envelope as that is one of the reasons why I took 2 weeks away from the day to day operations of the website and group. Not only that but the trolls started to get to me and disrespect towards my staff and people being rude in general. 

            Either way I am very happy to be back to the day to day operations and being able to talk to you guys without not saying much minus a couple of posts on social media post and the one blog post that I did recently. That kind of helped me make that decision to return to ChrisBOnTheWeb and I am glad I did. I am really happy that I made that decision to come back sooner then I thought. I honestly thought it would of been a month before I returned to CBOTW and I really have been struggling to decide to come back but now is most definitely the time to make the return to ChrisBOnTheWeb. Now is the time for me to make the move to continue to grow this thing and I honestly it has even with me away from the day to day operations handed to Jim things progressed well under his leadership. However I am back and that is what matters. I am not going to push myself too much in the first. I do not wanna have a relapse of being stress and already started to stress myself out entirely but I am taking my time one thing at a time and my main focus this week is to get that darn Wild Force that is not even remotely near finished. I may have to work one or two weekends to get these notes as I plan on recording the following weekend after our Canadian Thanksgiving but we'll see how I do this week. 


Sunday, October 4, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates [10-04-2020]

              This is the weekly update post for what has been going on with ChrisBOnTheWeb & There are a pile of updates with the community happenings. So without further ado, let's get into the updates for the week:

Website: has seen the addition of the Community Chatroom once again and we do not care if it doesn't get used much but it is there in case you guys wanna chat with one another or even the Staff if we are available as we have work to do with the website. 

Facebook Page: Our Facebook page has seen a new like and we appreciate the support. The fact both Chris and I have gone into streams give em a like and listen to streams a bit show our support does help. Chris has been pushing the fan page hard to get some new likes and it's starting to pay off. We thank you guys for the love and support you have given us.

Entertainment Man Podcast: Chris is going to be recording a bonus episode of the podcast and has hinted it over the social media in the last 12 hours that he is planning and has sent me a picture of his microphone back out again as of yesterday morning and not he has specified that it will be up Wednesday @ 1 pm EST which mind  you it will not be a very long podcast probably between 10 and 15 minutes long. He has said to not get use to bonus episodes as he will not be doing it as often as he did before.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: Final update for the day is that Chris has OFFICIALLY started working on Power Rangers Wild Force between episodes of the podcast and really wants to take the next week or two to finish up the notes so he can start watching Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder so he can somewhat get back into a schedule. He said he may have to go back to twice a year or a no Schedule as going with a schedule has become to be proven tough. If I get an update this week, I will let you guys know. A lot of updates this week and sorry if it is longer then usual. 

Anyways I will be speaking to you guys on Saturday with a new Blog post and Chris, if you see this, Welcome Back! Glad to have you all back and please show some love for Chris's return in the comments below. 

Jim, CBOTW Community Manager           

Saturday, October 3, 2020

New Blog Post Schedule Starting Monday!

           Alright since it was announced Chris is going to be returning to ChrisBOnTheWeb as of Monday for what I believe he's now readjusted his schedule with the his workload to Monday through Fridays with me looking into CBOTW on the weekends. Anyways, he is going to have 5 blog post days out of the 7 days a week so he is easing back on posts and letting me post twice a week now to ease his stress levels. Anyways here is the schedule:

Mondays:  Regular topic by Chris    

Tuesdays: Regular topic by Chris

Wednesdays: Regular topic by Chris

Thursdays: Regular topic by Chris

Fridays: Weight Loss Update from Chris

Saturdays: Regular Topic by Me, (Jim)

Sundays: CBOTW (ChrisBOnTheWeb) Weekly Updates


               There is both of our schedules and even if I do not post during the week, don't mean that I am going to be around social media, answering questions or find me along with the other staff on our Community Chatroom. You can always find me there and I will always be around and ready to help you guys out if you need the help. I look forward to this new schedule and the return of our Founder and Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb.

Jim, CBOTW Community Manager

Friday, October 2, 2020

Chris Returns To ChrisBOnTheWeb Monday!

            It is Official! Chris is returning to ChrisBOnTheWeb and he has his tags ready to go to put em back onto his lanyard around his neck if you look at his Instagram account he posted a pic up of it yesterday. However he is not going to be full time to start with. He will be easing himself back to 4 days a week and we tried splitting up the week and this seems very reasonable. Here is the schedule who is on what week with the day to day operations:

Chris- He will be on Monday through Thursdays doing the day to day operations of ChrisBOnTheWeb including yes, Blogging again! He misses doing the daily blogs. He will even do updates to the website if they need the updates he will update it. Also will be around to answer Social Media and E-Mails and what not.

Jim (Me)- I will be on the weekend shift for running the operations of the website, still answering emails even during the weekday but also during the weekends. This includes Social Media will be under my direction for the Friday through Sundays shifts. I will be on the blog Friday, Saturday & Sundays as usual for the blog. 


          So he will be still on social even on the weekends but more then likely not as active as usual as he probably be working on other projects or taking time off for himself depending how far he is with the collaboration podcasts. This will probably be in affect for about 2 weeks then he will be around CBOTW Monday through Fridays, during the week. This is to not overwhelm him as he is returning to a regular schedule but I think once he is back on during the week, he is going to be off on the weekends with me on the weekend shifts. That is what he told me. Either way I am excited he is finally coming back and I think him easing his way back is the way to go and we just do not know how long till he's fully back or he will be working 5 or 6 days a week and taking weekends off that is to be determined.

Jim, Admin/Community Manager

Thursday, October 1, 2020

There Has Been Talks Recently!

             The Executive Producer & Senior Producer of Power Rangers Collaboration Chris & Larry have been talking and they realize this is going to to happen down the road that things are going to be slowing down for the podcast and they already been talking about this for many, many months now that they are planning on another show they grew up with over the course of their childhoods. They know that they will be slowing down in 2023 which is less then 3 years from now with Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and they have come up with something else I'm sure while new seasons of Power Rangers to air so they can watch it but I am not sure how far they wanna go to be honest. They haven't been specific to how far they are planning to go to go but they have been talking about covering Ghost Writer which they grew up. 

              I am surprised Chris has not brought back The CBOTW Show for specifically TV Shows and him doing recaps for TV Shows like this but it is what he wants to do and have to respect that. They have a plan moving forward and that is really good news for them as they plan to continue collaborating with one another and I think and honestly think it is a great thing as they both enjoy doing it with each other and they have fun doing it. I know this year had it's rough patches with the podcast with the podcast off it's normal scheduled program and the tech issues with recording through Skype and them fighting on and off but it's all good now and they have a better understanding how to do this via the online as they have had to make some changes. I am happy they are still working together on podcasts and content and I gotta admit their quite a duo when it comes to those. 

Jim, Admin/CBOTW Community Manager

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Our Founder/Owner Is Getting Close To Returning!

            After the post that Chris did yesterday, I can truly tell that he is ready to come back  to his role as Founder/Owner. It has been a long coming for him to return as our Owner as he has been off for a week and a half. I think the trip up north definitely did him so good and he's finally realized it is time for him to come back and run the day to day operations with me helping him as well. He has to realize he's got the team behind him 150% I am not sure when he will be returning as he's not given any hints whatsoever but he is showing signs he wants to be more involved with ChrisBOnTheWeb as he's been off for sometime now but just cannot tell you guys when that is the question. However he's not being clear when he is coming back but he's starting to realize he needs ChrisBOnTheWeb in his life. It's become a big part of him and his life. Something must of clicked while he was away yesterday. 

            However I can say he is getting close to returning just I wish he would tell us when whether it is next week (Monday) or a week Monday he hasn't said anything to me as of when I wrote this post for the day so I couldn't tell you and probably an announcement will be made by Friday at the latest. We will see but I think he is going to make an announcement today to the staff that he is returning but we can only hope he is on his way back and we will be a full strength of a team again. I can be honest I saw him show some more interest. For those who didn't know he was feeling like he's lost all his interest in what he loves to do and I think it has to do with the fact that this virus and him not able to go to events this year and he's just having no interest in the blogs or podcasts but that all seems to change with him making that post yesterday which brought his spirits up again. We'll all know by Friday morning at the most what he has decided to do. 

Jim, CBOTW Admin/Community Manager

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Renewed!

             Well, well, well... Long time no see. It has been a while since making blog content for you guys as our community manager has been taking the reigns of CBOTW in the last week but him and I spoke just before this post was started to be written. Jim wanted me to be the one to tell you guys this news that just happened in the last 18 - 20 hours. The news is that Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast has once again been renewed for another year which means another year of Power Rangers Content. Which ones will we be covering or seasons we will be covering in the new year? Well here is it:

- Power Rangers: SPD (Spring 2021)

- Power Rangers: Mystic Force (Spring 2021)

- Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive (Summer 2021)

- Power Rangers: Jungle Fury (Summer 2021)

- Power Rangers: RPM (Fall 2021)

- Power Rangers: Samurai (Fall 2021)


               There are no dates just approximations to when it will be out as right now we are still currently in this season still as we got Season 10, 11 and 12 (Wild Force, Ninja Storm & Dino Thunder) to still cover but to be clear: this is just confirmation that we are continuing on with this podcast. Once we have more information on the schedule for 2021, I or even Jim will be announcing. Now it will depend when I plan on returning as an Owner but we will see but one of blog staff will be the one that announces it but I should be back well before. Anyways that is my announcement and quite a surprise to hear from the Boss Man after a week of not posting up on the website personally huh.... I thought, I'd surprise you guys and maybe I need to do that once and a while, during my leave of absence so you guys do not have to worry. Hope you all enjoyed this post and I will talk to you all soon, I miss you guys and hope you all are well.

Chris, Founder/Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb

Monday, September 28, 2020

Let's Try This Chat Thing Yet Again! SMH!

           This was all Chris's idea in the way of chat of returning to the website and I had a couple of ideas which I will not get into as we're in the early stages of the chat's return and we do not want to rush it. However it is back up and running and yes guest chat is an option for right now but if the spam and disrespect returns then we will be locking down the chat once again and we are not afraid to do that whatsoever.  There is no holding back and we wanna grow the website and build this community. This is one of the reasons we brought it back was to start growing the community and the website. Now the views are up this is a great time to expand on the website so we made a few tweaks to the menu bar and the About is under it's own drop down menu to make way for the chatroom which was released right away.

           The chatroom can be found on and staff is around typically during the daytime but sometimes we will hide out in the chatroom from time to time but depends if we are awake we may answer but keep checking back in our community chat. We hope one of these days if we can get the chat really busy that we can start doing Community Nights on our chatroom but that is part of Phase 3 of the plan as we are only in Phase 1 which is growing the community. We also will be looking for Moderators but in due time. The Only Moderator we have right now is LarryR82 as he is a former staff member of The Video Projects Team and ChrisBOnTheWeb and he has Moderator status on our chatroom and is around when he can be on. Let's regrow this community and grow this website even further!

Jim, CBOTW Admin/CBOTW Community