Friday, January 12, 2018

No ETA on Re-Opening (I'm Sorry...)

             Today's blog I would like to touch on a few things this afternoon as I know, there has been delays with re-building the website at this time and I understand you're frustration. Like I have said on social media, it's definitely growing pains my website has been experiencing and this year is officially the year of growth and I am excited to see what the future brings for and as you know I am planning on moving over to a different web builder with the domain, once the domain expires then the move begins to the new web builder and will have to build the website again.

                  But this is not about the future of the website, it's more I at this time do not have an ETA to when the site will be back up and running, but please note I am working on it, just been running into problems, left right and center with the web builder servers going down the other day. Trust me I am eager to move to a new and more effective provider in late 2018, early 2019. But I ensure you, I am working on the website each and everyday, my website is growing and with growth comes growing pains and that is what my website is currently experiencing at this time even while it's down and the website is being rebuild. 

                    Now will there will be changes to the website? Yes! CBOTW Blog will be back as a single page not under a drop down menu like before as I am currently only blogging on the website due to me dropping the other blog last year after a short time with them. Also the contact page, the form will be removed due to abuse last year of making false statements and threats so the email will be provided to contact me in an email, so this will cut back the number of abuse within the website. On Demand Feature will remain as it is, the Everything About Reality TV will be the main feed for the active season of Everything About Reality TV with Archive Page being the page for the Archives for the podcast. 

                     Is there an ETA for the website being released? Not at the moment. It is a lot of work, the site is very much very complex with the amount of archived episodes of Everything About Reality TV, 90 episodes to this day have been archives, so to re-code and add in all the archives, it's not easy task at hand and plus you guys know I am on my own with working the website, blogs and the podcast, so it is tougher to get things done at a faster pace. Once the website is done, I gotta do some BETA testing make sure the bugs are not on the website to where there will be problems but you guys can contact me if you notice a bug on my website. I will do an announcement blog post to when the website will go live and I have more information. 

Have a great night!


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Mental Health Is No So Good Once Again...

              It's not like I didn't take my meds for my Persuasive Development Disorder (PDD) or also known as autism but today wasn't a great day and my friends ensured me none of this was my fault. But I feel responsible for my actions towards knocking the chair over and dropping my Contiago cup which is medal to the floor spilling the rest of my drink onto the floor making a mess, then grabbing my jacket and walking out the door with me kicking it further on the floor then knocking over the wet floor sign, out the door, then proceeding to kick the garbage can and spill the rest of my drink on the ground from the bottle then the rest of the day is history. 

               Now, I haven't had a mental breakdown this bad since April of last year and it is very concerning to me to when my moods gets this bad but I wonder if it is because of my lack of sleep in the last several days is what could be the culprit behind it as you all know I have been busy with the website recently, podcasts and the blog, I am not surprised I can hold in all this stress in for this long. Only a few people know what is going on with me with the lack of sleep problem but not everyone knew what was going on, only 2 friends if I remember knew about it. Now I ended up scratching my poor hand open and it's the first time since July of last year this has happened which is a good thing, I am not making it a habit of me doing that constantly to myself, so I am learning to not do harm to myself but I need to continue on with sticking to my strategies I have learned in the past year and a half almost now and keeping up with it. Now I walked away, however I could of gone without kicking my cup on the floor or knocking the wet floor sign or kicking the garbage can and things could of been better. But also I could of gone without hurting myself. However with me just deciding to go home, that was a smart move on my part and should of left sooner then sticking around, this could of been prevented but I of course listened to my friends advice and I always appreciate my friends sticking up for me or being supportive of me. 

                 There is a long road to my mental health getting better and I think without friends that turn on me on a dime or wants to cause problems ,I was in a much happier place till today happened. With my current circle of friends and my family supporting me, I know I can not self harm myself, I know I can control my anger and frustrations if people try to start trouble, I gotta just work harder and use my strategies and I know I will be a happier person and always smiling like I have in the past few weeks.

Have a great night!


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Everything About Reality TV 2018 Plan (Revisions)

        I know at times I am not clear on my plans and recently plans for going away to Arizona did not go according to plans to medical procedure with my mom, nothing bad just day surgery that's all. Anyways I have made a revised version of the Everything About Reality TV timetable for the 2018 year and here it is:

January 3rd, 2018: Amazing Race 30 Preview Podcast

January 4th, 2018: Amazing Race 30 RECAPS Start

February 21st, 2018: Survivor: Ghost Island Preview Podcast

February 22nd, 2018: Everything About Reality TV, 100th Episode

February 23rd, 2018: Amazing Race 30 Season Finale RECAP Podcast

February 28th, 2018: Big Brother Canada 6 Preview Podcast

March 1st, 2018: Survivor: Ghost Island RECAPS Start 

May 11th, 2018: Big Brother Canada 6 Season Finale RECAP Podcast with Guest in The Studio.

May 17th or May 24th, 2018: Survivor: Ghost Island Season Finale

May 18th or May 23rd to Mid June 2018: Everything About Reality TV Off Season Podcasts

Mid June/Late June 2018: Big Brother US 20 RECAPS Starts (Unsure if I Will Be Covering it yet) 

July 2018: Amazing Race Canada 6 RECAPS Starts

September 2018: Survivor: 37 (If Renewed again, I'm sure it will!)

          There is the revisions I made and it will indeed be an interesting year for Everything About Reality TV and it will be a fun filled year for the podcast as it reach's it's 2nd year of RECAPS on Audio ONLY and plenty more Podcasts to come in the nearby future on Audio ONLY platforms.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Why went down!

               Well on Sunday, January 7th, 2018, went down completely and this is due to  000webhost website going down but also their web builder does not publish whatsoever and I don't know if Zyro whom is the web builder 000webhost relies on knows about the technical issue. But as of right now is down and I got no clue which direction I am heading with the website 

                 But all I know I am looking forward to the moment of leaving 000webhost and changing up the website my website is on, however, I need to let the domain run out. If the web builder doesn't start publishing, I will more then likely try to find an alternative for now or stay focused on the blogspot for the blog, Audio ONLY for Everything About Reality TV Podcasts. As you do know, I need a website to host interviews on, however that is virtually impossible due to the web builder not publishing whatsoever or always giving me problems constantly. I do hope you all will be patient with me during this really tough times my website is having, but I know you will be supportive during this very stressful time for me.  also I need to have patience during this stressful time and let time pass and before you know it, they will fix the web builder and we will be back in business again. 

                 So what am I going to do while this happens? Well as long as I am able to save all the work I have done, I will fix the bugs on the website until the web builder is fixed from not being able to publish. Also the podcasts and blog posts will continue as usual. It will just be on one less website and by now you know I put the blog from my blogspot on via a html code, as there is no blog app on the web builder so this the best I can do for now at least. But everything will go as normal until this website issue is fixed and I ensure it will be fixed. It has been months since the last outage which was back in October, so it has been a solid running website for almost 2.5 and I know they are trying their best to run a solid website service and I am thankful for being a part of 00webhost for the last few years.


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Need For Speed Pursuit First Impressions

           I have decided once a week that I will do a gaming first impressions when I start a new video game that I have purchased, but if their is no first impressions of video games, I won't post but if I got several of them, then I will obviously will post one every week and talk about what I thought about the game out of first impressions of the game.

            Now on to the first impressions of the video game I have picked for this week. I chose today to post is Need For Speed Pursuit and for those who didn't know I have played Need For Speed World when it was an online game for free but obviously they shutdown the servers 2 years or so ago, so now I was without Need For Speed in a video game until I got NFS Pursuit and also Need For Speed SHIFT and I will do a First Impression next week at some point of the week. Now at the start of playing this game, I had no clue what the heck how to play, the buttons to hit the gas pedal to move the car which affected me in the race especially when I should be trying to keep up with the other racers in the game. However once you learn the gas pedals buttons on the keyboard as I am playing it on the PC, it is not that hard, however I prefer to use my game controller instead and I can race much easier with my remote controller. I do admit it is completely different from Need For Speed World but I like the video game though as  a whole because it has both elements that NFS World has, racing and also cop chases both as the crook and as the cop which is pretty cool and it is a big difference from the other Need For Speed I have played in the past, more cars are added and you get pretty decent cars at the start which helps me a lot but you unlock more as you go further and further in the game so this time your not spending any game money you earn on the video game but its more into the points system you unlock and able to use other and even better cars within the game!

             So what would I rate this game out of 10? Definitely a 10/10, its easy to learn, easy to understand through the game and its fun and exciting to play for hours on end and plus you can chose which ones you play as you unlock more and more tracks as you go on in the game!


Saturday, January 6, 2018

My Favorite Moment's In College!

             Today's blog post is about my time in College and the memories I have made at Durham College and the fun and great memories that I made during the 2 year program in the Community Integration Throughout Cooperative Education.

1) Becoming a part of my college's first visual radio station out there on the internet. I loved doing "Easy Rock With Chris" because I loved the music I played, music that was easy to listen to like Katy Perry, Coldplay, U2, etc.

2) Doing a few interviews with students in my program and even a tour of my locker. Had to do some video content for YouTube during the hiatus of my former web series, The Entertainment Man Talk Show. 

3) Going To a University of Ontario Institution of Technology Hockey game aka the UOIT Ridgebacks game with a bunch of my classmate in the CICE Program. It was a fun but also exciting game to go as I have never seen the University level of Hockey. 

4)  Got the chance to work out a bit at the CRCW on Campus and get back into shape while on campus and plus it gave me something to do between the long 2 or 3 hours between classes and my radio show on Riot Radio.

5) Doing my placements in two retail stores and also at the Oshawa Little Theater, which I loved working at the Theater and volunteered after briefly till December of 2012.

6) Larry and I becoming T1 & T2 (Trouble 1 & Trouble 2) talking snow on Liz whom is now the Liaison 

                There's my list of my top 6 memories of College and hope you guys enjoyed me writing this list on my favorite moments at college, I know I probably missed a pile of them but these are some of my favorite moments at college, but I truly enjoyed every moment being at Durham College and you never know I could make a return to learn something new to potentially start a career in my life!


Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Binding of Isaac: REBIRTH First Impressions!

                 So Sunday, December 31st, 2017, I got 100 dollars on my steam wallet and bought tons of games, Bomber Squad, Need For Speed Pursuit, The Binding of Isaac Re-Birth, Player Grounds Unknown also know as PUBG to most of the gaming community and The Walking Dead. Now today I am primarily focusing on The Binding of Isaac: Re-Birth and what my first impressions are of the game as I played it for the very first time ever. 

                  First I had a problem trying to shoot out the gumball shots as I call it, and on the vanilla Isaac, I can use the mouse, but however on the second one, you have to pretty much use the arrows to shoot, but as I got use to it, I found it more accurate to the targets and made me think, hey I think I am going to use the method as I finish up vanilla Isaac and Platinum God the game before moving onto Re-Birth. Hope this new find on this game will help me complete the game at a quicker but more accurate pace from here on out.

                   The next point I would like to make is there are new characters in this game, I am introduced to such as Dingle which can be a tricky little bugger at times but learning how to deal with him. Also Gurdy Jr. has changed quite a lot from the first Binding of Isaac. Also there is our personal favorites like Monstro, Monstro II, The Duke of Flies, Larry Jr and so forth. 

                     The third and final point I would like to make on this blog is the graphics are totally different darker, but as you move there's a light around you but also there is twinkles around and bigger rooms are now available as well which makes it a bit more challenging but you also get more enemies to kill on the game as well. The game also introduces a black heart which I got no clue what it does still but in time I will learn what it's for and what it does. In one day, I got to Mom in one day which is a new record which means, my Isaac skills are strong to quite strong and getting stronger day by day. In conclusion I'd definitely give this game a 10/10 as I fell in love with the game right off the bat soon as I got right into the game. 


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My Favorite Moment's In High School?

             This was requested by my high school friend, Darius. Today's blog post I am going to talk about favorite memories at my High School, my most memorable moment's at High School. 

1) Going over the mountain of mats in Mr Plishka's class. I got no clue, even to this day, why my own gym teacher would make us do this activity, maybe to split us up, even though half the time the team I was on, I felt like it was stacked hence we KEPT on winning every time, I know I shouldn't complain it was fun to win.

2) Going back to Grade 10 gym class bench pressing 150 lbs, maybe 155 lbs and Mr. Plishka pushing me to my limits which I didn't mind him pushing me to the max. Trust me I was quite strong after that. Maybe it's time I start lifting weight and buffing myself up again like I was in high school.

3) Wrestling a former football player, aka my grade 10 teacher... Trust me I thought I was going to take my gym teacher down, but uh I was down pretty damn fast and trust me my teacher, he is one tough cookie to take on. 

4) Playing against the teachers in a teachers vs. students game in Grade 10, once again I believe where I signed up to play against the teachers and they asked me to compete against them. The game was close but us the students kick the teacher's butts! 😛

5) Performing on stage with the hot stage lights. Well I wanted to know what performing on stage with hot stage lights is like and trust me its hard and it's hot! I wore, or had to wear a hoodie for the performance and it was so hot alone under the lights, it was hard to focus on the performance but I managed it no problem. 

6) Writing a play for the drama club: I wrote a play for the drama club and it was accepted into the competition but the cast dropped out after a few rehearsals and boy fireworks went off, I went off at one of the cast members as I was extremely upset when I saw the notice on the door the play was cancelled. 

7) Co-op placement: Second placement after I was fired from the library as they just didnt like me and they were pretty miserable and didn't wanna answer a question but I got to work along with the custodians and got to see parts of the school I never seen before like the boiler room when I had to clean brushes for the classes which chalk boards, I'm sure to this day is pretty much obsolete but got to see the boiler room. Also learning to getting the damp mop ready, cleaning tables, etc. Also I was asked back after my co-op was finished in my final week or so of classes which means they loved having me help them! Also the year I had my surgery, 2003, grade 11 if I am correct, I got to do a take a student to work and since my dad was retired and wasn't allowed to do take a student to work, the custodians took me back on for the entire day from 6 am till 3 pm an entire 8 HOUR Shift!

8) Final thing on my list is the Special Olympics Track and Field from half way through high school or 2 thirds of the way through my high school career and I remember doing a trial run so they know which group to put me in and riding back in my teachers truck, before Plishka got his hummer but I have another story for another day about it!

                      Hope you enjoyed this list and I love doing these list blogs for you guys from to time. Have a great day!


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I Am Feeling Ready To Date Again!

         So recently, I actually felt like, I am ready to get back into the dating game once again, thinking about when the last time I dated and it's been about a 5 years since my real seriously relationship not including my ex cheating on me and it's been a long anticipated wait and yes I have been looking for a girlfriend and tried on a dating site to see if I get any girls interested and nothing yet, but will be trying hopefully. That is a goal for me in 2018 and I can be honest, I am ready to settle down and trust me I've had girls waving at me, shouting at me, it's good girls are interested in me and I am not surprised whatsoever.

          I should of not taken that break from dating for this long but again, my one ex in 2015 OR 2016 cheated on me so I guess that was a move I wanted to make by taking a small well bigger break from dating. Of course I blew one chance I had with a girl. So at this point I would like to finally settle down, find a girlfriend and never know this could lead into getting married but let's not getting that .far yet. I need to take it slow as I do or would like to start my own family one day but I am still fairly young still and I can in time make this happen in the near future. 

           I do have great qualities as a guy, looks, not so much but I mean I can and am quite Mr romantic and give flowers or chocolate, or go for a romantic dinner which I have done it before, Casey's and of course I remember my 1 year anniversary I was at East Side Mario's for a dinner and nothing says anniversary like a romantic Italian dinner. However to date online again, that is a big no, no, as I am not planning nor planning on ever doing online dating as it was a disaster after breaking up with my ex's so I am being smart this time around. I didn't mention any names, I just put ex's in as I am talking about my relationship in the past in general, not anything specifically. I am ready this year to get back into dating even if it takes a few months, I will do whatever it takes to be in a relationship once again.


Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

               First of all I gotta say Happy New Year! 2018 is finally here, which means the plans I mentioned at the end of the year are now in full swing for 2018 and I cannot wait to each and every plan for this year! It will be a busy and hectic year ahead for Chris B On The Web and let the collaborations and interviews commence! 3 collabs for this year alone and 1 interview with a friend from Special Olympics will be popping by early summer for an interview and possibly a random collaboration podcast with me. Also like I said 2 collabs with Larry, 2 off season podcasts, one in June and one in December. Also Everything About Reality TV's 100th episode which has been anticipating for months on end as I prepare for the big day which is soon to come very, very soon!

                Next I am also looking forward to the studio changes as well with the studio pending renovations and repairs as we are getting it fixed up and things will most definitely be different from the way it looks currently with this small and crammed space I have right now as it is hard for guests to come in and out of the space which is why I wanna actually move things around, also build myself a desk instead of buying one from Staples or Walmart, no offense to them whatsoever but I wanna make my own custom desk to my liking and this way it has enough space for guests in the studio as well. I will be bringing down my tall lamp from my room to give it more lighting in the space which will help so all of these plans are very exciting and hence I am excited for 2018 now as it is now here!

                My New Years resolution is to be more patient with people and not lose my cool with them as last year tempers went all farce but piss me off that is a different reason but I will try to be more patient and not lose my cool but it is different then people pissing me off which I am a different person. I am generally nice, as long you are nice, show me respect, I will do the same. This year I am planning on a drama free year from certain people and I am very much done with broadcasting on video platforms but I do watch 2 shows in the morning times on IVlog, whom I have watched her since the BlogTV days, one on YouTube/Periscope as well from the UK but other then that I do my own thing beyond these blogs and the podcast itself as well. I know who my true friends are and going to stick by them in the thick and thin of things. I have been looking forward to 2018 for weeks now and it is finally here to make my dreams and hopes come true! Finally hope you all are having a very Happy and Joyful New Year and I am looking forward to what 2018 brings for me and also Chris B On The Web & Also as well.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

2017, A Year In Review!

              So here is my own year in review and what I thought of this year alone. I thought honestly, this year was an interesting year. Full of drama, friendships gone, people turning on me but I can say this year has been a productive year for me as I have been very much active with Chris B On The Web and I admit, this year is a year of change and I am quite happy with what went on this year. 

                This year saw a whole pile of changes that went on from the CBOTW Staff being dissolved entirely was the best move I have made as I became a happier person and trust me I have gotten so much work done in the entire year including the anticipation of the upcoming road to the 100th episode of Everything About Reality TV which is close but will obviously not happen this year but I pushed the envelope to hopefully get to it or at least get close to the 100th episode. Well 9 episodes to go, I am going into 2018 with the intention of recording the 100th episode of Everything About Reality TV and I am excited for it. Also I started making plans to start collaborating with friends and fans of Chris B On The Web and I executed the plan in 2018 to start collaborating and now you guys know and I know what the plan is as I blogged about it recently and it will be an exciting upcoming year! This year, I wanted to focus on podcasts and blog posts and the events I go to each and every year! Speaking of events, I decided not to return to the Greek Festival due to it being so busy, being pushed around and people telling me off when they were in my way. Also this is the first time in 2 years I decided to not to go to the Autism Celebration and part of the reason, as I ran out of money and there was so hassle in 2016. But I do or would like to go back but not entirely 100% sure if I will be back. Just recently I kind of was thinking, I am going to give my spot to someone else, I have been doing this for years on end, but don't get me wrong, I enjoyed going each and every year and if I was to go back, I have a few ideas in my mind if I do plan on going back. Also I made the decision to allow Larry into the blog as an alumni but we haven't seen him blog yet but he will be soon enough.  Also I saw the growth of both social media's, Facebook Group & Twitter for Chris B On The Web, almost 3200 followers on Twitter and currently standing on the Facebook group 33 members strong! The CBOTW Army is growing and growing fast!

               This year was a very productive and busy year for me and trust me you have not seen nothing yet and no I am not quoting the song lyrics from the song but I am very content what went on this year and I looking forward to 2018 and what is to come for Chris B On The Web. Have a Safe and Happy New Year and be sure to lookout for my New Years Post on New Years Day.
