Thursday, April 16, 2020

Everything About Reality TV YouTube Channel Is Coming Along Nicely!

                    So I want to provide you guys with some updates regarding the rumors of Everything About Reality TV Podcast on YouTube as you know there was rumors speculating we were indeed to return to the platform after a 4 year Hiatus. It has been a crazy few days but anyways here are the updates:

1) We have added the banner which had to be recreated and its another story for another time. But it looks really sharp and I cannot wait to start promoting it but right now I am waiting for the right time to bring it up as we are currently in mid season for Survivor and not the right time to promote it.

2) Also I have been streaming a bit here and there to test it and Billy who is on Staff of the podcast has seen it and even the Podcast's Co-Founder has noticed that it went live.

3) I still gotta work on the channel trailer and I need to get that last element done before we  are ready to start doing podcasts live.

                      There is still work to be done and I am sure a lot of questions about the channel what is going to be Video and Audio ONLY and to what will be Audio ONLY, who is doing what and I can answer that right here, right now:

Video and Audio ONLY: 

- Survivor (Billy, as of Survivor 41)
-Big Brother (Reality Teas aka Chris)
- Big Brother Canada (Chris, Me)

Audio ONLY:

Amazing Race (Chris, Me)
Amazing  Race Canada (Chris, Me)


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Who Got Me Into The Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy?

               Now I really haven't talked about it and yes I have spoken about the 2 old shows in the past. When I first started to watch this show I had no clue who they were but yet yes I found them hilarious and still find them very hilarious to this day and been watching it on and off recently to keep my mind busy. Anyways it was my aunts who have passed on but I still watch the show and remember the nights I was at their place being taken care of as my parents went out and yes this is referring to when I was still in elem entry school and even my early high school days as well. I found Laurel and Hardy pretty funny and still to this day Sons of The Desert is one of faves and for The Three Stooges, "Plumbing We Will Go" and "Disorder In The Court" are my faves for that show. Either way I am thankful for my aunts introducing me to the show and enjoy em still even now. 

               I know this post isn't long and I am finding it hard to write as I have had a long day and maybe it is just time for me to put on a Stooges and lay back and enjoy the evening. I have been working all day when I am technically suppose to be off today. Anyways that is my story time with Chris and again I'm sorry this is a very brief but short post today, however it is still a post one way or another and because of my aunts introducing me to both the Stooges and Laurel and Hardy, I even got to see the 3 Stooges movie which I do not even think my aunt Maria got to see as she was dealing with Dementia at the time but I could of brought it over. I got a bunch of DVD's of hers from the Stooges and Laurel and Hardy that was their or back in the day VHS's that I wanna get the series on DVD now. Also I started to watch and own a ton more Laurel and Hardy and The Three Stooges so my collection of those are really piling up but that's OK, it keeps me entertained!


Monday, April 13, 2020

Favorite Soups To Eat!

            I realize this could be a boring post but going to try and make it as entertaining as I can. In today's post I want to talk about soups. I love my soups, especially on a cold day. I have so many favorites personally and it will be utterly impossible to go through em all. Anyways here is my list of favorite soups:

1) Chicken Noodle- Whether it is the Lipton kind of even the Campbells, I love it and makes things all better especially when I am sick (which I am not insinuating I am) but I love it and always been a favorite of mine since I was a kid.

2) Matzo Ball Soup- Now last time I had this was ages ago, I was a kid still at the time. This was at Shopsy's in Toronto which not many or any left but I did look it up one in Toronto near Queen so I am going to definitely go back there when this is all over with this Pandemic. 

3) Potato and Leek Soup- Talk about Hearty soups and I really love Leek Soup it is just scrumb diddly umcious as Ned Flanders would say on The Simpsons.

4) Beef and Barly Soup- Haven't had this one in a while now but definitely on my list to make again down the road. It has been a while since I have had it actually but always enjoy it as it is another hearty soup.

5) Turkey Soup- Love this one too and we always make it with left over Turkey from Thanksgiving or even Christmas time it's a great way to use left overs from holiday favorites one way or another.

6) Finally on my list is Vegetable Soup. I had it for the first time in years as my mom recently made it towards the end of the winter but all I can say my mom's, Aunt Margaret when she was still alive and grandma's soups are the best! 

             There is my top 6 list of soups, I enjoy and like I said there is more on my list but then this post would be an endless ramble of me going on and on about soup! One honorable mention is the Cabbage soup which is one of my faves and I wish I honestly listed it above but least I am giving it an honorable mention. 


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter 2020!

             I'd like to wish you guys a very Happy Easter. I admit this Easter is different from any other Easter due to these times of uncertainty. I admit this Easter been working extra hours to get things caught up and I got my time off scheduled which is Tuesday and Wednesday before I get back to normal schedule for myself. However I am planning to spend an hour or so with my parents to playing games and cannot wait for the Ham, Mashed Potatoes, veggies of some sort and for dessert Pumpkin Pie which was courtesy of my brother and sister in law. I hope you guys enjoy and make the best of your Easter under these extreme circumstances but make the best of it. Hopefully the next holiday we will be back with our own families. I am taking this time and have been taking this time to spend as much time as I can with my parents and been spending a ton more time with my parents and it really has brought me closer to them spending this time. Even during Holy Week leading into Easter my dad and I been spending time watching the mass and service with each other. Even if you are with your parents or with someone you love, you can still make the best of this Easter.

              Still can have Easter but it will be a smaller group and honestly what I am speculating is that my brother, sister in law and the kids probably will have a dinner once this is all said and done but we just do not know honestly. We could be making up and I think we will.  Those are my two cents and again, have a wonderful Easter, be safe, stay home is the best thing.  However it will be a really odd Easter but I guess in the end you just have to make the best of it. I know I sound a bit down and I am as it is not my holiday routine that we are having and this whole situation as you guys know I have been dealing with my mental health but patience is truly a virtue and I need to show a little patience. However I will make the best of this Easter and hope you guys will too and please stay home and stay safe and I will talk to you guys in the next post tomorrow. 


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Updates

                So I wanted to provide you guys with an update on the podcast. I have been very quiet and you guys probably thought, Oh he quit again, no been very much active and busy and if you look at any of the platforms, the podcast is back on the move again. In fact as of this morning I got a total of 4 episodes up. I think for those who subscribed to the feeds realized that the feeds started becoming active again after being dormant for weeks on end. Now I know that there is no exact date with the most recent episode of the podcast going up but going to be or am recording some more this morning and this afternoon with a total of 3 more episodes so we could be looking at a Monday finally catching up but cannot promise anything. Everything About Reality TV Podcast is the upmost important for me to get caught up and running again. However I can promise you guys we will be back next Thursday night as usual and we will officially be back on schedule again to the once a week. I am literally going to bed early and up around 1ish in the morning to work on things. Mornings I edit and post up so it is an overnight thing and probably why you are notified during the night. 

                  Now the Amazing Race 32 situation  and shows in general, I am starting to worry there will be no Big Brother 22 and Amazing Race Canada and that's OK but what the plan is for the summer right now is up in the air right now and it is truly a day to day basis and we're monitoring around the clock right now.  Sounding like things could indeed be delayed and not sure when things will get back to normal but again it is a day by day basis. It has been a very stressful time for this podcast with staff changes to the podcast went on a brief hiatus. However, we are back and already got some new Staff for some of the recaps and here is who is going to be doing what as of the summer:

Big Brother US- RealityTeas
Survivor- Billy
Amazing Race- Chris (Me)
Amazing Race Canada- Chris (Me)
Big Brother Canada- Chris (Me)

                   There is the list and as you can see, I am taking on less episodes for the recaps minus the 3 and look forward to the future of this podcast as we progress to our 5th Anniversary. As for the summer the discussions for ideas to even do an off season between June and September to try and fill the void. Again that is being discussed with the team and in time I will have information for you guys soon hopefully and when we know more. Right now we are focusing on catching up and also getting ready for the normal Thursday episode next week. I will post up a link when it's all said and done and we will be back on track this week! 


Thursday, April 9, 2020

It's All About Me Staying Positive!

             Going through all this stuff with all that is going on outside world and being stuck in the house 24-7 and not taking the risk of going out and about minus my front yard or backyard which is more then likely safer then going out in the public. Anyways, I have to remain optimistic and positive and I haven't been even with CBOTW, I have found myself to struggle at time with things around the studio here but now have been productive around the studio and been binge watching episodes of Reality TV, playing catching up on things and already can say I have been recording and editing and getting things done. Just gotta remain positive and keep busy and that is what I am doing as today I am back to recording 2 more episodes of the podcast so I am not bored with my time really, I am staying very busy, staying positive and that is the most important thing too. The fact I have been busy with unpacking stuff, recording, writing these posts every second day and yea I know it's a bit off for now till the podcast is up to speed with things.

               There is definitely no time for being negative right now, just gotta keep myself busy despite sleep is messed up, I have to just deal with it. There is a lot of faults that I probably need to correct myself on recently and I think as well I need to actually show some patience and that has been one of my major downfalls recently and that I need to actually improve this and it won't happen overnight but in time it will definitely will in time. As long as I said I am keeping busy I should be fine. Honestly right now, I do feel very content with things at the moment. I am hanging in there and trying staying positive and I realize some days are better then others but we all have a bad day here and there and we are only human. I know, I know, I'm rambling and I find doing these posts actually help with my struggles and I really wanna get back to everyday posts but a week Sunday we will be back to normal posts as I should be back on the straight and arrow of things with podcast content and hopefully back to Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast prep again. What I am trying to say is this is a good coping mechanism but cannot always talk about this and trying to change things around if I really have to. 


Tuesday, April 7, 2020

So Proud of My Team!

             Despite the changes with CBOTW involving COVID-19, I am proud of my team. We have made progress to fixing things from our own homes despite the studio being locked down to me only in the studio while this virus is happening. I know I haven't been the easiest person to get along with recently but my team has been nothing but amazing helping out as much as they can with things and it is nothing but a uphill battle from here. As you know I am watching Big Brother Canada and getting ready to start recording. I have most of the teams support minus one person which I have to try and convince him this is the best move for me.  I know my team is understanding and even my team stepped up with Everything About Reality TV.  Meaning Billy will eventually be taking over the Survivor Recaps hopefully in the fall and we hope to stay in the same scheduling but that is for a later date to be discussed as we haven't talked about that yet along with the collaboration podcast. Not just Staff but my Alumni have been a big help with things with some of the tough decisions that I have had to make recently with the changes that have been implemented.

              Either or, I consider even my alumni part of the team as they have even voiced their opinions especially at this really hard times that we are going through. Either way we are hanging in there and able to deal with some of the craziness and as long as we continue to communicate with one another we should definitely be OK over the next few weeks. Right now we are taking things one day at a time and when things get better which already are improving a tad as we haven't had as many cases of the virus today which is a improvement and let's hope it can stay this way moving forward. Right now the team and I are  discussing things for the remainder of April, May and June and how it will be affecting us in a big way as some production may end up halted. I'm fearing that Power Rangers Podcast will not happen now but least my team got my back and are there for me. My team and myself are in this together and going to try and keep things moving.


Sunday, April 5, 2020

OBS Has Become A Problem For Recording

               I can admit OBS has become a problem for me. As you guys know I had a podcast that didn't even remotely last very long. However  I was recording a video version of the podcast too and that didn't even remotely work as 13 mins was recorded and the rest was gone which really did tick me the heck off and annoyed. I have had a bit of issues with this program streaming but seemed to work on certain sites, cough cough YouTube, LOL. Anyways I just do not know what's going on with OBS why the recording only half and it could of been me pushing the wrong buttons which really wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the issue.  However OBS is a pain in my butt sometimes  but just gotta somehow deal with it if there is a point of time where I will have to use the software for example recording Power Rangers Podcast in case but I will try talking to the camera and see how long it lasts and maybe it was just me.

                However I had audio issues the first time around which was strike 1 then the second issue which is the 2nd strike. So as you can see my luck with these programs hasn't been the greatest. Just gotta try and figure things out for myself. I know I usually keep the technical issues to myself but this is or has gotten freakin ridiculous. Why do you think now I refuse to do video all together now. I just do not have the patience to deal with the technical issues and got my own issues as it is with my mixer acting up from time to time. Plus YouTube, well you guys know the story behind that but less headaches to deal with and this is why I wanna get the mix minus setup going so I can do away with OBS all together for good and get rid of it once and for all. I am just tired of the stupidity of issues and I am claiming I am remaining audio only once and for all as I just am over video casting moving forward. I know some of you may not like the decision but in the end it is my decision to not do video but doesn't mean any other podcasts like Billy's Sports Hour which is on hiatus and nothing really known on that project as Billy is assigned to Survivor as of the fall which I will address this week for you guys. Either or, I am very much happy with Audio ONLY and so is my team and we are going to keep it this way with the technical issues I am having currently having.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Weight Loss Update [04-04-2020]

              I know I haven't updated lately on my weight loss journey and honestly I haven't done a weigh-in lately but I am pretty sure I am currently around the 226 - 225 pounds mark as I have hardly been eating much since being home due to the fact that I am stressed out 24-7, my mental health is taking a toll on me and there is just days I hardly eat anything during the day minus my dinners which isn't healthy whatsoever. I need to work on eating a bit more and been wanting to get into the smoothies more and use Vanilla yogurt again as I found it a ton better and more of a smoother feel when drinking it but still cannot go wrong with Milk as long as theirs no lumps in it as we have found our milk bags recently. Again another story for another time.  Tomorrow (Sunday) I want to actually do a rant blog and Monday I will tell the story about the weird looking milk that was fresh.  Anyways, I am not moving around as much but still going up and down the stairs on a daily basis. I rarely go out but the occasion I go out for walks but seem to not feel safe and the most part I am inside and have lost weight randomly. 

                This update, I know makes no sense whatsoever but the weight is up and down from time to time and I actually am drinking  a ton more water which will help and become more calorie aware on how many calories I have per day now.  I am going to take this time to try and get my weight down while I am stuck in this insane asylum which seems it won't be anytime soon where I will be able to go. I plan on even working out using my weights a bit and lift my 10 pound weights. Going to start doing pushup's, I'm going to start strengthening everything up. It is impossible to even go on the treadmill as it's a  mess in the studio on the other side of me and that needs to be cleaned up but if I do not feel safe going for full walks then I can always go with my mom if worse comes to worse really. They haven't locked us in our homes here from the government yet and all they ask is to stay home and stay safe. Maybe the fact I do not eat too much is the reason and the reason I do not eat much is cause of the mental stress I am going through, hence my weight is fluctuating up and down. However like I said tomorrow I am going to weigh myself and see where I'm at. So next Saturday, I promise another update and to really give an update as all I can really tell you guys is that it's fluctuating non stop. 


Friday, April 3, 2020

When Could Amazing Race 32 Air?

            So the question is when will Amazing Race 32 air? I know I have not mentioned anything before my podcast obviously went on it's hiatus for weeks on end with no news. However with Big Brother Canada finished early due to this virus, like Eric told me this could be a good time but if you put it against Survivor might be hard in the ratings as it is competing but only my opinion honestly. Now we know this for a fact that they have been filming season 33 and with the recent situation in the world they had to stop and totally understandable as we gotta stay safe. My thoughts for 32 however is if there is Big Brother 22 and Amazing Race Canada, Everything About Reality TV may be on a summer hiatus but willing they will if they can get things under control with this soon I hope. However my point is if they have to CBS can definitely air Amazing Race 32 then and after reading articles some other shows are on hiatus due to the situation with the virus in the world.  However no real date as of yet and starting to make me wonder what is going to be happening with the show. Also according to this Reddit Post it could be also on be on the shelf in case of a writers strike for scripted shows such as NCIS, Law and Order for example. 

              Time will tell and looks grim for my podcast but there has been episodes I have done months ago back in January that I happened to erase but not lost and I can do off season stuff between and bring on Larry for an episode and even Billy on. One way or another there will be content while we wait for Amazing Race 32 especially. The final thing I would like to say is that Amazing Race 32 is and has been filmed almost a year a half ago which was taped finished in December 2018 to be exact. Either way I will as always keep you guys in the loop as we progress on with the weeks and see when they air it. One last thing on my list they told us mid season 2019 - 2020 and it is now getting into the late season and shows slowly ending and we still haven't gotten word when Amazing Race 32 so something is truly up but we'll have to wait and see honestly it is a tough time for the industry and just gotta try and keep ourselves busy while we wait. 


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Everything About Reality TV Podcast Has Returned AGAIN!

              Everything About Reality TV has returned. I am just so confused what I want to do and just not happy as a podcaster with anything that I have been doing. Now I am however am happy with Everything About Reality TV returning and more then happy, estatic, excited and working hard to catch up. However, I just feel like my time with Stitcher has come to an end. I am just tired of putting the podcast back and forth and making the staff there work extra hard. So I am thinking of pulling the podcast from their platform entirely. However there is still 18 different networks the podcast on and that's OK. I'm sure there will be other platforms it will be on. I am looking forward to recording and editing the podcast and my only worry is Larry. He's the one person as he's against me bringing this back and yes I'm talking about the Co-Founder of Everything About Reality TV but I know he respects my decision which is a good thing. Larry's got a lot a say and yes I realize this podcast is a lot of work. Well Power Rangers Podcast is too! Either way I have a ton of time right now and can work on both.   I know there is a ton of questions regards to this current season. Yes I am playing catch up with Survivor and I know I've watched the show already but re-watching it all which also goes for Big Brother Canada so over the next several days, I will be editing and posting up and no formal post that a new podcast is up till we get to Big Brother Canada. This will be how the recaps to catch up will look like and I know it is unprecedented to double up but only way to catch up so it will look like this:

EP # 248- Survivor Winners At War EP # 1 & 2
EP # 249- Survivor Winners At War EP # 3 & 4
EP # 250- Survivor Winners At War EP # 5 & 6
EP # 251- Big Brother Canada 8 Week 1 & 2
EP # 252- Survivor Winners At War EP # 7 & 8
EP # 253- Big Brother Canada Week 3 & 4 (Actual Post Will be posted up that Everything About Reality TV is up-to-date and ready for the next episode.)

                 I know that's like a span of 6 episodes! So wild! However this may take me a week and a half to catch up so the more recent episode will probably be out late then usual, however once we are caught up to speed then we go full speed ahead with the Survivor Season as you guys know Big Brother Canada, Season 8 ended prematurely due to this virus going around which I will address to you guys on the podcast itself. I wanna tell you guys this, I PROMISE you guys I will not quit again. This podcast has become something and honestly it seems it has 9 lives like a cat! What is this the 3rd time I've un-quit from a project now? LOL! Just kidding in all seriousness I think the fact this podcast has grown on me is another reason. Also in the next 2.5 months, I will be talking to my Co-Founder and New Host about this and I am referring to the summer scheduling as right now things are quiet and I do not know further what the plan is moving forward right now. Also still waiting on The Amazing Race and I will address that in a different post maybe tomorrow's post when we could see it or sometime in the next couple of days as I do have plans for other posts over the next few days.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sports Seasons Suspended-- Additional Thoughts

             Honestly, we do not know when the season will be back as I spoke about on a bonus episode of the podcast and honestly I recently heard that some ridiculous thing and that is that they will have a 45 day training camp then they will finish off the season and then playoffs in the summer followed by the start of the next season. I think it is ridiculous what my dad mentioned to me and been doing a little research as they do not know when they will resume but according to the Ottawa Sun article which you can find by Googling NHL season cancelled that they shouldn't be in a rush to cancel the season. Also talking about they can condense the season without an All-Star game and no 7 day break but I think they know more then what we do not know just not saying anything at the moment. Other sports sites like ESPN are saying cancel the season already. I think they should just cancel it and start a new season in the fall if things get better. I know Billy who is my manager for ChrisBOnTheWeb will not be happy about this but I just feel this will keep going for another 2  - 3 months at the most, maybe more and think finishing up the season now is not going to be happening. 

               This goes for the NBA, I think they will definitely cancel the rest of the season and I just feel like they will cancel. Major League Baseball I'm sure they will end up changing the season and possibly shorten the season? That could be a definite possibility and probably could happen. Again I am not a sports expert when it comes towards this and honestly it is still up in the air as we know cases of the virus are still coming in and yes some countries it has slowed down a bit-- Italy being one of them. Honestly we have to remain optimistic and just gotta occupy ourselves with the seasons being suspended and  when the leagues for the sports I have mentioned decide whether they are cancelling the season or a condensed or change but I think I am aiming towards a cancelled season but again we just do not know and will keep an eye out on the news in the coming days what the plan is.


Tuesday, March 31, 2020

2 Weeks In Self Isolation!

           It has been 2 weeks since I have been in self isolation and honestly going a little crazy and been sleeping a ton during the day and up the night time working on things so right now I am the complete opposite of what my sleep was when I was out and about and honestly. However when I was up and about what did I do? I worked on the podcast obviously and made sure it was up on time and that has obviously been an issue lately with me getting it up on time. However you guys still get the podcast one way or another but I need to get back on track. Also I have been trying to watch Power Rangers Time Force and going to be working on that today after my 15 - 20 min outing to the bank so I am able to pay my parents for rent or my butt is out the door but I know they wouldn't do that. One thing I do not really have to do is get my bus pass and I need to get in touch with the transit company here to find out where I can get it as things that aren't essential are closed right now due to the virus.  Either way I am still working on things and as I said in Sunday post, I am working on things slowly at a slower pace but I think with me not sleeping well is coming to an end and I will get a more steady sleep. 

              So with that please bare with me through this hard times and I can honestly I haven't been myself,  I have been depressed and just fed up of being at home 24-7. I know it is what we have to do right now and gotta deal with it and try and hang in there but again I have really and am struggling on a daily basis and not sure how much longer my mental health can take it honestly. However everyday I am fighting the mental health and depression and honestly it is one day at a time and I've had headaches cause I'm stressing myself out and just cannot wait till things get back to normal honestly and when is the question as I'm not doing well mentally and nothing I can do to help me cope with being home 24-7. I am going to the cemetery with my dad to take down wreaths  and don't worry I will be safe as I am going to be in the car and there will not be anyone there so I should be OK but having second thoughts going now but my parents understand why I don't wanna go but I have to decide soon what I wanna do. I can stay in the car if I wish and might just do that but again I gotta do what's best for me and my friends told me to go it'll be good for me so I am going to do that and from here on out after that I am back in Isolation and staying in my area. No more long trips.
