Tuesday, September 22, 2020

I Originally Helped Build The Original ChrisBOnTheWeb.com

             This is going way back to the early days of us having a .com website or Chris so to speak like 2015 when he got the original ChrisBOnTheWeb.com which didn't have as many views as it does today to a couple of hundred of views a day which I will get into on another post another day this week as I have several ideas for the week. Anyways I want to go back 5 years ago when we just started out with a .com website, when this all became a reality. Yes we were a year and a half before ending YouTube as a whole but I helped Chris build the website from the ground up, pages added to the website the entire build of what was our very first menu bar which Chris hasn't really spoken about and I think he rather squash the fact he was with that provider as he's had his share of problems where they banned the website for no apparent reason not once but twice in the time which honestly was ridiculous. I'm sure it was being falsely reported but the point is we are with blogger now fully and love the way we have built up this website. 


          So I had a big hand in the build of the ORIGINAL website and have experience with the way ChrisBOnTheWeb.com runs so maybe that is why he has chosen me to help with the day to day operations while he's away. Now not only that I helped him build this website's pages and menu bar. Wasn't just Mark and I, it was a 3 man operation and there was a ton of work and it took us a long time. Chris mainly tested it and reported back to us as we did majority of the work switching on a regular basis. Either that doesn't matter who work on the website but I have learned a lot about building Menu Bars, CSS Code, IFrame and even building social media buttons within the website. This is how I am familiar with the build of our website. I hope you all enjoyed this story of how I was involved the website before we moved to blogger or blogspot on more permanent basis and I will talk to you guys tomorrow. 


Jim, CBOTW Admin/Community Manager

Monday, September 21, 2020

Chris Is On A Partial Leave of Absence...

           Well, you trolls won... You drove poor Chris to insanity and stress. He pours his time and effort into content, to continuing to grow this website, give him a darn break! He works countless hours without a break whatsoever, he works day in and day out and you tell him to get better content when he is working hard. It has been nothing but trolls and insults and rudeness towards him and the entire team. We lost one staff cause of ex staff being rude... It's driven him to a mental breakdown. I'm sorry but I have to vent because enough is enough with all of this. So the news I have is that Chris has decided with my help and suggestions to take a leave of absence from the administration side of things. However he will not be steering away from podcasts notes, Entertainment Man Podcast & Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and he will tweet updates from time to time when he's not busy to say hi or any updates on the podcast planning but I will also be tweeting and posting to social media as well. 

            Chris has been unhappy for nearly 2 months now and I saw this coming even before I took over the role of Community Manager and been around the ChrisBOnTheWeb Socials and the website. I may be taking on a bigger role within the team as Administrator but I will also be still pertaining the Community Manager role as normally. I am just taking on a second role while boss man is away getting better and dealing with his depression. Honestly I can say this, Chris has thought about giving me full Ownership and stepping down as Owner of the website and group but glad he has decided to do this and I've been trying to get him to take time away from the admin side of things to focus on the project aspect. Do not worry I was one of the 2 between myself and Mark who helped and built the menu bar and social media buttons on the website so I do have experience in coding and I previously helped him with the Original ChrisBOnTheWeb.com on that other provider that Chris doesn't really like... Finally you will be seeing more posts from me unless Chris decides to pop on to say hi and do a post. Do not worry, he is going to be back and when is the question as I cannot really tell you guys at this point when he is planning to start doing his normal everyday duties. Let's just hope he doesn't have to take another leave again cause of you trolls. Let me give you a warning, you once insult us or disrespect us, you will be banned and not allowed back. We have no room for trolls as wanna keep things flowing well and have been flowing well with new programming coming soon to the website. I will address that this week at some point. 

Jim, CBOTW Admin/Community Manager

Sunday, September 20, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates [09-20-2020]

            It is that time of the week again for another update. Another crazy week and let me say this: Give Chris a break. he is trying to create quality content for you guys and you tell him to do better content when he's trying his darnest to actually give you guys good content. We will ban trolls for disrespect and I was trashed talked in the last day or two and it is not tolerated honestly and we have to start putting our foot down and not afraid to ban if we have to and we will warn but honestly it doesn't seem to help sometimes. Anyways to the updates:

Website- Stream page has been removed as we are continuing on with the Audio ONLY side of things and wanna focus on Audio ONLY which is a ton better then Video and we have been told or Chris has been told we get a ton more views. Another thing you guys say we don't get views when the website and the podcasts are getting ton of views so people clearly do care and listen to our stuff. 

Power Rangers Podcast- The next recording of the podcast is scheduled for October sometime as Chris has to type up Wild Force still as it was put on hold recently but he will get it done soon I'm sure.  He also has to get to Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder for December so he can start the next phase if they chose to renew which he addressed it physically yesterday after the convo him and Larry. He didn't say much but has hinted things but he's being super weird with the plans with it at this point. 

             That is really is much it for updates. Not much to say or update for you guys and I had to vent on some trolling recently but we will not tolerate that and we are going to be careful and keep an eye out on the fan page and like I said if we have to warn people and/or ban them, we will but we will give a 2 warnings before a ban but those are the updates for the week and I will be speaking to you guys next weekend. Have a great week in the meantime.

Jim, CBOTW Community Manager

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Larry and I Been Joking Around and Updates!

           I had to share this as you know we're now in negotiations for a Renewal for Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and Larry had to make a stupid joke that we will still be doing this when we're 80 years old! I know we are making stupid jokes about ourselves but hey like he said as long as we're having fun with the series and talking about it that is what really matters.  You guys probably wondering are we getting close to a renewal? Well not yet. We have spoken about it recently this week and it is in the back of our minds at this point but we are having fun with the fact with in our 30's or late 30's talking about Power Rangers and there will always be some kind of series we will always be talking about I'm sure. By the sounds of the renewal I think it's gonna happen, I have a funny feeling it's gonna happen sooner or later and we will see us continuing on with this amazing series.  As Larry and I mentioned it is little early to be making this decision as we still got 3 more episodes to go before end of our agreement once again and this would make this the second agreement we have made so we will have to make a decision before December whether we are going to continue on and I think we will. 

              I have a feeling it is in the back of our mind it will be renewed and we will be indeed back to recording Power Rangers Podcast in February 2021 even if we end up still stuck with doing it through Skype at this point. I am good doing it through Skype at this point and one of these days we will be both back in studio recording the podcast at some point when this pandemic gets at ease and under control once we get a vaccine for it. Anyways I want this to continue even during this pandemic and I know it is not the same doing this via Skype but what other choice do we have. So yes both Larry and myself have talked about the future of the collaboration podcast and it will happen when the time is right but at this moment I do not think it is the appropriate time and we just need to focus on finishing these up but we continue to negotiate and we both thank you guys for your continuing love and support through email that you would like  to see us continue this collab and please keep telling us you'd like to continue to hear the podcast, anything helps us. 


Friday, September 18, 2020

Been Binge Watching Malcolm In The Middle Lately...

                 Lately I have found myself watching numerous series and got so many on the list, Supergirl, Big Brother Canada, Monk, CSI and Married With Children but in time I will get them all done and I am promising myself to not add on to the list at this point as it will be endless and I already have enough on the list as it is at this point. Anyways one of the shows I am watching right now is Malcolm in The Middle which I know is an old series 20 years ago which I was just prior to being in High School when I started watching the series. Anyways I definitely feel like it is a very dysfunctional family and one of moments I just saw was Lois going off at Reese and Malcolm and Reese mocking Lois yet there was a mirror on the door so she knew he was mocking her which honestly was pretty funny. Guess the saying goes you cannot fix stupid but the look on Reese's face like oh crap moment but it was priceless moment. However it is such a crazy series and funny in the same way.

                 I mean who in the world doesn't like a crazy family that's out of their mind. It sure makes for a great TV Show and to be honest, I miss this series and it has been a long time now 15 or more long years since it went off the air. However there is other shows that I can watch and I can do exactly what I am doing right now. I know my list is kind of on the endless list right now but I am sure in time I will be finishing up series. I do not really have a list of the shows I wanna watch in chronological order. I just do not know which one order but either way I am going to enjoy this show first and watch the Lois yelling at the boys and freaking out. I can tell you this, she ain't stupid that's for sure. She knows exactly what the boy are doing but either way. I am enjoying the series and first time I've watched the series back to back to back. I sure can use a laugh that's for sure especially with these hard times we're all going through. 


Thursday, September 17, 2020

First Series We Ever Recorded As The Video Projects Team! (Throwback Thursday Story)

          This goes back to 14.5 years ago when I was at the age of 20. This was when I was starting out on the Online Media world soon as I got out of High School, I got right into it all. Anyways the project was about different attractions within our region and was our very first project that we actually did. This all stemmed and started as a class project for my media class in high school. This is how this all began and started in 2005. We filmed the entire episode in a day and I believe I actually got my dad to drive us on the final stretch as we were running out of time and I think Eric was driven back cause of the timing as by the time we finished it was quite late in the day like 4 pm in the afternoon. Now we originally had an original plan for a small Reality TV series but since the teams backed out on us we had to come up with a new plan and a plan fast as I believe we were days away possibly 2 days from shooting the episode for the school project so we had to call Juliana at the Gallery to let her know of the change that was happening. I know we gave her a 2 day or 1 day notice but it was so sudden.  

            The series completed a 16 episode run as we continued on past the 1 episode on February 13th, 2006 when we decided to continue the series on with different locations out and about and there was no in studio recording. Our Season 1 Finale actually consisted of us doing a clip show outside with a TV in the carport which was little insane but that's OK. The series went on for a 2nd Season but it only lasted 3 episodes before it got cancelled entirely as we had some disagreements or creative differences with one another. However it was only our first series and I wish I kept all the episodes to eventually post up on YouTube as at that time we did not even started till January 31st, 2008. This series actually ended on January 10th, 2008, 21 days before we began our YouTube journey. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

I Admit I Haven't Been Myself Lately....

              I do admit it, I haven't been myself and stress and handling so much at once doesn't really help either which is definitely not a good thing. I think I am just taking on too much and letting the drama get to me and that obviously rowels me up and I end up not sleeping at night or I just end up back in a slump again. I think a few things that is probably bothering me is not just the workload for ChrisBOnTheWeb but also since Ruth Ann and Kevin passed, I have struggled with it recently and I am not using this for views I am just being open and honest and I have been keeping it very quiet to today's post and only post I will make. I know it will take some time to heal and I am glad I continued to work on ChrisBOnTheWeb and keep myself busy and probably the best thing to keep busy and my mind off the pain.  

               The next thing is the stuff going on behind the scenes here and it has been completely crazy drama recently and I am trying to steer clear of it happening but it's been almost a week since it happened and things have slowly quieted down for us and we're doing everything that we can to make sure there is no more problems. Anyways let's move on to my mental health has not been the best lately with this pandemic recently and it's actually started to drag me down where I have been stuck in the house a lot more then usual and just not use to being at home all the time, I am use to going out, being with friends, going to Staples and I know I have to hang in there and there will be a day and time when I will be able to do that all again hopefully soon but for the most I have to get my parents to drive me and pick me up which is fine with me. I will bounced back and I already have, I have been smiling in the last 12 + hours and it is definitely a start. I am just taking it one day at a time and the fact I have started being up during the night again doesn't help but I am going to lie down and sleep when my body tells me to. I think it has to do with the fact I do not really go anywhere and that I am home majority of the time so my body is a bit thrown off but again I am taking one day at a time and honestly that is what I need to do.
