Sunday, November 29, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Weekly Updates! [11-29-2020]

             This week hasn't been the easiest for Chris and he addressed it on his fan page and Twitter about it and we do not take being told to "Shutup" lightly. We work countless hours on content and fixing the website so there is changes effective immediately and this comes from the boss man himself who has instructed me to announce this changes so here they are:

Website: As you all know our Discord Server and accounts are down for good Chris has officially given me the OK to announce the Return of the chatroom right here on the website which you can find here: which I am there most of the time minus sleep and Chris is always lurking in even if he's not signed into the chatroom. We had the discord button which was removed from the website as Chris is back with Skype again for good this time around as he's not going to be messing around anymore. Also this week I am going to be starting working on an Terms of Use for both the website and Social Media Probably will not be released till New Year as we want to make things perfect and wanna take our time on it.

Entertainment Man Podcast: With the Podcast near it's Season 1 Finale Chris wanted me let you guys know that Tuesday he will be making an OFFICIAL press release here on the website and across Social Medias when Season 2 begins! He has finally decided on a date and that next Season will consist of 50 New Episodes. This depends on when the dates are each and every year so it can vary however either way he is excited to be returning in the New Year with brand new episodes.

Power Rangers Podcast: Also "Boss Man Chris" wanted me to let you guys know that he will be working on notes all week starting today within the day at some point after he finished editing as he was editing up to the point of the endless drama kind of drew him off but I assure he'll get it done today. This means next week Chris and Larry will be recording and he will be doing a seperate post next week not this week but the following and he will announce when he is recording once him and Larry know when their recording. 

              There is the updates for the week and I hope you have a wonderfull week and I am sure I will be seeing around you guys around Social Media and of course the website and please feel free to pop by the chatroom if you guys have any questions as guest chat is open around the clock but any abuse we will shut guest chat down and you will have to login but I look forward to chatting with you guys throughout the week.


Saturday, November 28, 2020

I Know The Plan For January During One Of The Podcasts Are On Hiatus....

               After my visit with my Grandma and getting money from her for my birthday after I was refusing to take the card till next Friday when I see her once again for a visit for my birthday since I will be very busy. However that is besides the point but with that money I will be getting two things and one of the items will happen to be the Mix-Minus setup I have been talking about for the past year and I tried to get the right gear for the mix minus setup and now that I know exactly what I need I can order it and it will be through Amazon as I rather stay home most of the time then go out and buy the stuff that I need to get it and Google is my friend so I can check what I need for the Mix-Minus setup. I even emailed a store to get some extra guidance to what I need for the mix minus setup and another fellow podcaster friend has helped out a ton which is always greatly appreciated! 

                You guys will be seeing an new type of setup in 2021 and I am is excited for the future of podcasting and it will be an better setup. With Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast getting closer to hiatus I have already started to tweak the settings and sound for the mics and so far so good sounds amazing at this moment. I know the fact we're not on the hiatus yet but already started getting things ready for the big return and I know I have been very quiet on the plans moving forward and you guys will know in time what we are doing to the studio and the future of podcasting. This isn't just Larry and I but also Joe is helping out with the changes so we can actually and in meetings all day to figure things out in regards to this changes and getting ready to make these changes in February 2021 next year after Dino Thunder is completed and finished up. As I have said before, I know the date when I wanna return and the dates to catch up. I can say this-- next year will be a different from other years we did this collab. I am again not going to expose everything, I will in time however just got to start preparing for the New Year, big stuff coming, I can tell you guys that.


Friday, November 27, 2020

This Year Has Been A Difficult Year For ChrisBOnTheWeb!

            This year has been a difficult year not just for me who has been dealing with Mental Health issues all year long since this pandemic started. ChrisBOnTheWeb has really struggled with things from Podcast starting to fall apart to it ending to no events which I really on events and even food reviews and I couldn't even do that this year which has affected the website greatly but not too bad as you guys have enjoyed the posts regardless and either way I still got my 100k views so it didn't matter but what I mean everything had to be done from the studio or through Skype (meaning the podcasts.) Anyways this hasn't been the easiest transitioning especially from podcast to podcast and with podcasts being moved from being in studio to Skype and we were nowhere near prepared to actually record through Skype but I think we are making the best of the situation as Wild Force was a lot of fun to record and a lot of laughs with it either way.

             I hope during some time away from the collab, both Larry and I can correct any of the recording online or through Skype and try to continue to give you guys the Quality content and hopefully fix the issues that we had this year as sound was not that great and like I said it's not be an easy switch from Studio to online cause of the pandemic. I can say this to you guys: I am planning to get the Mix Minus in January and set it up here in the studio so I can have a bit better of a setup for recording with people and not worry about OBS as a whole and don't get me wrong I love OBS and it has been a great program but what use is it really to someone who doesn't cast anymore. I am audio ONLY and think I should put the money and investment into the future of the podcasts. I can be honest there has been moments where I wanted to just shutdown operations but then I'd be giving up a very successful website that's had 1100 in a day which is crazy honestly so I must be doing something right and it is the matter of time I fix the problems and issues with what I mentioned. Anyways that is my post for today and I will see you in tomorrow's post. 


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Update...

                      You are probably wanting an update huh on Ninja Storm. I think on my Facebook/Instagram Stories, I did spill the beans on this but for those who haven't seen it well you are indeed in the right place. I know, I know get to the chase. I am now half way through this podcast prep as I am finished watching Ninja Storm and I am now on working on notes well after I finish editing this weekends podcast. I can say this I really, really enjoyed it and I had a lot of doubt on this season that I wouldn't like this season at all and that is not the case this time around. I very much enjoyed this season and was totally hooked into this season. Anyways to the next point I wanna make, once I am done editing the weekly podcast I will be typing up notes and also I will be working on Dino Thunder. So I am doubling down on the podcast and getting two done at once. I know I said on the FB/Instagram Stories I would like to get both done this year but that could be not possible but it all depends on how quickly I can get them done and if I can get 10 episodes or more done a day but that is besides the point I gave you guys a small set schedule but one step at a time.

                      We will get there at some point where we actually get these caught up and running again. So many different projects going on right now but so much I can do right now to be honest but I can definitely manage everything and one baby steps at a time. Either way not next week but the week after there will be a recording session and it will be a good episode and I already know that even tho the notes are not even remotely typed yet at this point. However this weekend I will be getting started on it and I will start watching Dino Thunder and doubling up but no guarantees whatsoever on recording this year but we will see how I do in the next week but you never know but first we have to start with what we have right now. Anyways I will talk to you guys on tomorrow's blog post.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Why Do I Like Dailymotion More?

                 It is no secret I am heading back to Dailymotion with Entertainment Man Podcast down the road which is not as long as you guys really think as you think. Anyways the question you are wondering why do I like Dailymotion better or in this case YouTube as you know my situation with YouTube. Well with YouTube the big downfall with YouTube is you need 1000 (1K) and so much for watch time in order for you to be monetized Dailymotion you can sign up for Partner and start being monetized right away. That is one of the reasons behind me bringing Entertainment Man Podcast to Dailymotion and this would be my 3rd source of income with the podcast and website at this point. Now the other think I like about Dailymotion, there is no dislike button as my old videos on the older channel which needs to be removed from that platform permanently and indefinitely. Also the fact you do get a bit more freedom, non of this family friendly stuff and you guys know it will be family friendly always on the podcast or I really try to that is.

                 It is so easy to get in touch with Dailymotion where YouTube it is harder but we know Google owns YouTube and again you know my position and story behind it. Yes I went through TeamYouTube and got nowhere but Dailymotion they replied back and was very helpful and I was able to bring my podcast to their awesome platform. I am over YouTube, yes I still listen to my favorite YouTube but I am over making content on that platform. I will do ANYTHING to get my old channel removed so any trace that The Video Projects Team or ChrisBOnTheWeb from that platform. Anyways this is the reason why I am happy with Dailymotion and I cannot wait to get started with the video side of the podcast and I thank Dailymotion for their helping making this dream a Reality. I hope you guys enjoyed this post with why I liked Dailymotion more. I am not bashing, just stating the facts about YouTube. I will talk to you guys Thursday for a new post as Joe is taking over the blog tomorrow morning.


Monday, November 23, 2020

What Ever Happened To The Video Projects Team?

               So the big question is what ever happened to The Video Projects Team, why did the team end? As you know the decision was made on October 31st, 2014 which didn't happened till 2 weeks later. I did speak about on Twitter at one point. However I made the announcement that we will be shutting down operations under the name The Video Projects Team. Now the reason why was the amount of members of the team was diminishing and we lost so many Staff members over the years since 2010 with the start of losing our camera man, then Eric, then our next camera man, he left just out of nowhere leaving it to the final 3 members of the team, myself, Larry and Justin. So the day before Larry and I went to the Royal Winter Fair and I knew this was it and the end was here for the team we once were at one point. The next day I made the official decision to end the team and Larry was the first one to know followed by Justin that the team was to end I go into a more solo projects with the two of them and their help. So mainly the decision was because of the team was starting to fall apart and we were losing staff quickly and people quitting and not telling us that they were quitting nothing. Things started going downhill in 2010 since most of the team we're either let go or quit knowing we were heading into that hiatus from Fall 2010 - April 2012. 

               This is just my thoughts that I have had to what went wrong with that team but in the end I have no regrets whatsoever that I ended The Video Projects because I know it was the right move to make honestly as look what happened I finished up my YouTube career very strong and also started my podcast career which has done well. That is what happened towards the end of the career and not much to what happened and gave you a timeline to when things started to fall apart and the reason why. It was quite disappointing to watch a great team fall apart after nearly 9 years and yes I say 9 years because we were on course of to that point however we are now on track to make 9 years less then 3 years to go I am excited for it. I know I have had bitterness how it ended and with the way staff just got up and walked out on me and not tell me whatsoever. Yeah I resent it ending it but I know I made the right choice and I should be proud of myself making the right decision to go more on a solo project.


Sunday, November 22, 2020

Weekly Updates [11-22-2020]

                  Another week has passed by and ton of updates to make with some of the things that happened in the next week. I will not delay the updates and here they are for the week of November 22nd, 2020 on our second last update for the month of November.

Website: Any problems with the actual players here on has been resolved. Chris and I spent a good 18 hours fixing the issues from a week ago this morning. We're happy the issues have been resolved and back to normal. Also tomorrow morning at 9 am EST, Chris and the Management Team and I are opening the Community Lounge tomorrow morning and we're excited to open up his community chatroom which I am running on his behalf and yes he will make the occasional appearence. 

Update On Chris: As you know Chris has been banned from Facebook for the past week and his ban is up tomorrow morning and will be back posting and what I heard, he is planning to do a live stream on Facebook tomorrow as a way to get himself realgumated to the Facebook world while I am now banned from Facebook Support for a month which he has given me the green light to do a post mid week this week and I will explain what I mean.

Entertainment Man Podcast: As him and I said on Social, he has deleted the Mixcloud account for the podcast. He specifically hasn't said why and that was his choice to not mention why and I will not bother him about it. Good news is he earning money not just from the website and Stitcher but also Dailymotion. He will be doing video versions on the podcast over on Dailymotion and hopefully eventually get paid for what he does.

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast: Just a friendly reminder that this week on Wednesday @ 1 pm EST, the latest episode of Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast will be up talking Power Rangers Wild Force.

                  There are the updates for this week and as I promised it is not as long as I was highlighting everything that was going on with the website issues but we are past that and let's make this a great week and it will be. Anyways have a great week and I will be I'll be talking to you guys on Wednesday for the surprise blog post. 


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Ramble...

            I am not being negative but I am trying the hardest I can to get the notes written then  type em and I don't care if I have to go to bed early and up during the nights and up the entire day I will fight to the tooth to get these notes done. Why you think this podcast is going on hiatus? We are so behind schedule right now, it's not even funny anymore and I have had thoughts of just ending this collab but I made a promise for one more year of the collab and I meant it and even if this means putting it off till June or July and yes I say that like I have a plan moving forward and I do have a plan. So am I feeling frustrated with this collab? Well I am frustrated the fact that one thing after another seems to be a problem from editing the current collab to fixing the website with issues with in the last week and haven't been up to watching Ninja Storm which isn't a lot of work really. I am sitting back enjoying watching a Television show. There should be not a single problem and as of this morning writing this post, I am at EP 10 of 38 so I am making good tracks and if I can get up to 20 or 25 episodes then I will be good. 

                I know I am whining a little bit  and I am just merely felt frustrated with this collab and ready to tell Larry I am seriously contemplating quitting the collab as it has become too much but I know he would get me to reverse my decision very quickly as I know when I tell him the butt kissing begins. To be very honest, we are now going on 2.5 years of this podcast and I see us continuing on to our goal which is Super Ninja Steel which you guys did not know that piece of information and yes I am exposing everything that is going on with the Podcast and I am fine with it because you guys deserve to know how I am feeling and the fact I am feeling frustrated with this podcast. I know in the end it will be all fine when the podcast is on hiatus and I start pumping out season notes for the entire year of 2021 while we are on this hiatus and hopefully this corrects any of the issues. Don't forget we do this 3 times a year and takes time to prep for each and every one. I know I have mentioned the fact it will be down to 38 episodes a season then eventually 32 episodes a season so it will be becoming easier eventually just gotta be a little more patient then I have been recently. 


Friday, November 20, 2020

What Would YouTube Look Like For Me Today?

                I can take this from different angles video projects wise or podcast wise and today I am going to actually focus on the "web series" side of things if I didn't decide to do podcasts and don't get me wrong, I love podcasting more then YouTube, I have a lot more ideas and creativity with podcasts and get to be myself where YouTube I have to come up with series and that was tough to do honestly. Anyways I want to focus on YouTube creating series not the podcast side of things. Now as you know if I stuck it out with YouTube beyond June 2016 things would of been a lot different for me with this pandemic and I am sure Larry and Justin would of still been with me as Camera Man and Set Designer. With this pandemic things would of probably be at a stand still at this point in the way of series and I would of had to put the series that was being recorded here in the studio on hold at this point as I couldn't or wouldn't be able able to have the crew here to do the filming for the series.  

                  I would probably have to come up with a web series online to do in the meantime and probably have guests or have Larry on as a regular Co-Host or something that will keep you guys entertained. I probably also have daily vlogs to what I am up to on a regular basis and honestly I miss being a vlogger everyday but it is what it is to this day, I was screwed over by one of my former staff who got my channel banned as they had access to it. It was my own fault but I will be explaining that on the podcast what happened to ChrisBOnTheWeb & YouTube. Back to what I was saying, a lot of things have to be done online as the studio would still be under that same lockdown as it is to this very day. I definitely think it could of been done either way it would of been possible. However in the end I am glad for what I am doing now and very happy with the choice I made. That is what I had to say about the entire YouTube thing and what it could of looked like for web series in 2020 and who know what I would of been doing today as well.


Thursday, November 19, 2020

I Won The Players Championship On PGATour2K21!

                Last week or the week before as I do not remember when to be honest but it was recently that this happened where I got to play in a tournament I love personally that is played each and every year The Players Championship and yes I played that tournament. Now I will go into a bit of detail of the tournament; I struggled with the first round where I had a double or triple bogie first round at the start and struggled with water and other array of issues. Second round I caught back up to even par and into the minus. 3rd and 4th round I added on but I believe that tournament it was a close finish I was up a few strokes at the most and yes I actually won with a few strokes and honestly I was excited. Honestly I wasn't feeling so positive I was gonna win the actual tournament. After the first round I felt I was finally defeated but I proved myself wrong and won the entire thing. Yes this means I am still undefeated and haven't lost any tournament yet and continue this hot streak I am on. 

                 Either way a win is a win and I will take it. I didn't expect Players Championship to be that easy on PGATour2K21, I knew this was gonna be a challenge and it really lived up to my expectations. I enjoyed it and now I know what to expect when I go into my second season in the PGATour2K21 which isn't far off from now to the end of this current season is very close. That is the update I can give you guys for now and I will keep you guys up to date on the progress of the video game and I haven't had the time to play the game and I need to make some time but editing has become a priority for me along with recording the normal podcast and watching Ninja Storm so I have become busy with content but once the editing of both podcasts are done for the week and I get into Ninja Storm I probably will play while I am working on the season and I can grind on both which all I do is watch episodes and take notes so I can do both I am sure.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

ChrisBOnTheWeb Community Lounge Opens Monday!

      I know surprise! I am making a mid week appearence and Chris already knows about it and says it's fine and gives him the day to work on the collab podcast with the editing this gives him the day free as it takes him sometimes 45 minutes to complete a post in the day when he could be editing the podcast. Anyways we are proud to say, we are launching the chat as of today. That's right, Chris messaged me this morning letting me know that as of 9 am EST Monday the Community Lounge will be open for business! As you know we have had our share of issues this week including last weekend and we were all set for launching the chat 2 days ago but we have had to put it on hold temporarily but he has made it OFFICIAL today that we will be going ahead with the launch of the Community Lounge as of Monday. So you will not be seeing this in an update. Just hope there will be no more issues around the website that will prevent us from launching the Community Lounge. What will be in thsi Lounge? You will see a chatroom where you guys will be able to talk and interact with Chris and his Management Team which I am a part of. This chatroom has been set and ready to go for days and sits there empty with just Chris and I doing the final touches to the chat especially. 

               You are wondering why Monday @ 9 am EST well that was Chris's decision to open it early in the day so everyone gets a chance to pop in to the page and it is bright and early in the day. You never know, Chris may be lurking in chat and if you guys pop in and yes guest chat will be open so everyone can participate. There are a few rules and they are: 1. No spamming; 2. NO posting links. Please ask a member of Staff or the Moderator Team; 3. NO being disrespectful of any kind; 4. NO asking for Mod, must earn the trust of Chris and the members of the Management Team Staff; 5. NO religion or politics talk is allowed. We do not want to have an argument happen in chat. Those are 5 simple rules to follow. Now one last thing Chris detailed to me this morning if the guest chat gets too abused with trolls, we will shutdown guest chat where you have to login. However, we are looking forward to this Community Lounge opening on Monday and be sure to be on the lookout for an official launch post on Social Media!
