Showing posts with label Studio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Studio. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Are We Ready To Open Our Studio Again?

               The answer to that question is no, we are not ready to open the studio up to Larry or any of the team at this point cause of the pandemic is still on going and I am taking every precaution we can to avoid getting ill. i know with our studio on lock down still questions towards our Power Rangers Podcast but that is least of our worries honestly and we have a plan in case but honestly not in any rush to have Larry here and he knows this too. Staying healthy and having our staff safe is the upmost importance right now. I couldn't tell you when Larry and I will be back in the studio together and yea I admit to it, I miss seeing him in person. Getting tired of talking to him through Skype when I wanna see him physically in person but again this will be sooner then we expect with restrictions slowly being lifted up here I'm sure there will be a time and place him and I will see each other. Won't be at the mall anytime soon as I am not planning to return to the mall at any point in the nearby future till we know we are over this hump of this pandemic but it won't be going away it could come back in a second wave in the winter but who knows.

               The positive thing out of all of this is Larry and I have a plan to actually record through Skype if this continues to go longer and we have a plan in place and raring to go. Only difference is we will not have the same quality of sound but hey beggers cannot be choosers. We just have to be patient and we need to go with our plan to do things online for now till we are in a clear where we can be physically near each other again, and be together once more.  Right now is not the right time to do that and hopefully very, very soon we can start hanging out with one another again and things get back to a more of a normal schedule for us but we'll see. That is my mini post for the day and I will see you in the next post tomorrow.

- Chris

Monday, March 30, 2020

Another Studio Update [03-30-2020]

              So here is another update for you guys. The ceiling in my area is mainly done for the most part and towards the side wall still needs to be finished. Currently we have removed the book shelves that you see on the left hand side of the pic to the right of this first part of the post. This was to finish that wall entirely and we have to paint the covered up wall as that is one of the reasons and we put in trim around and honestly It looks not too nice but we haven't finished with it yet so in time it will look a ton better and not sure what the other wall by the door it's gonna look a bit odd but I guess in time I will be getting use to it and probably will not even noticed it as normally my back is turned to the door technically.

             As you guys can see that is how far we are and I believe today we are working on the ceiling and my dad will need my help as it will be a L Shape of a piece for the ceiling. and the other part you cannot see but going at the edge you will see no ceiling and at the very end there but that is the next few steps to get done and finished. So now it is pretty much it is the finishing touches to the ceiling and then paint that one wall and finish off edging at the corners. So what I am trying to say is it's the small stuff right now that we are finishing up at the moment. However a lot more progress has been made and by Monday's next actual update, I will have a bigger update for you guys with the next progress of this reno as we are now officially 4 months into this reno going into our 5th month next month.I honestly cannot wait till this is all done and we're back to normal here.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Studio Update-- Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

                Now that there has been more work done in the past few days and I know I did this post but now I can say the ceiling here in the studio is near complete. Trust me it looks really good as I added in pics. You can see near the doorway still needs ceiling right now but this studio looks really awesome. It is truly coming along and this week we are going to finish it up and get the final touches done to the ceiling. I know there is is fixes to the wall unit and means moving my furniture around but already got a plan for that moving forward. I can admit and my dad is right it really does brighten up my work space and it is so much brighter then usual but hey what do I have to complain about. This is truly a great space now to work in.

            Either way once the ceiling is done, a week from now I may or may not have another update but I am going to make it a Sunday update if I really need to but we will have to wait and see how things go here in the studio but one job I can do is prime the wall behind me by the door as that has to be done still and I will again have to ask my dad if he wants me to do that which I can simply do as it will not take that long to do really. So this is my update, nothing too major in the way of work done it's just ceiling work as usual as this is a big job just like the walls were as you guys can remember the massive updates I gave you guys before I went "radio silent" on you guys about it. However I apologize as there wasn't much to update you guys on but I promise moving forward I will try and keep you guys up to date. I am looking forward to the final step which is the shelving but that is coming very soon.


Monday, February 24, 2020

What's Next For The Studio?

          I know I haven't said much about the studio renovation. Honestly there is stuff to be done around the studio and this is the post what has to be done with the studio, at least my side of things at the most:

1) Ceiling: The ceiling still has the insulation hanging down at some areas and we need to get the drop ceiling put in. It is the last step honestly that needs to be done in the studio renovation. All we have to do is install the frame for the drop down then put in the ceiling titles which isn't overly too heavy, I don't think but we will see when it goes up.

2) Shelves: The Shelves for the most part have to go up and get things back so this way I can go unpack things in studio in the boxes that are at the far side of the studio. There is two sections as we know, there was two shelves technically.

3) Whiteboard: I need to put the whiteboard back in the studio on the right hand side of me where the second microphone is but it makes life so much easier to stay on track with things with the daily activities in the studio.

4) Cork Board: I am adding in the studio the newest thing to the space and that is a cork board which I can put up pictures my niece and nephew have made for me and some other things like reminders and what not.

5) Unpacking: The final step is to unpack everything and put them back on the shelf and I have to find somewhere to put the blue bin as I don't think even on the shelves it will hold it up and not going to take a risk whatsoever with it.

           I do not know what the plan is with the green screen. I do not think I will be honestly using the Green Screen again in the very nearby future as it will be tough to setup with a drop down ceiling without it pulling it down on top of me honestly. I think from here on here it will be sitting on the side and not used from here on out. Also the lights I do have a plan with it and it will be used just have to get the shelves set up. Finally when I get some of the steps done I will continue to update you guys with what is going around with the studio that is a promise I am giving you guys. 


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Moving Back To The Corner for My Studio (Throwback Thursday Story)

                So it has been a little over a week, about a week and a half now that I have been back in my space in the corner which mind you its been weird feeling for the past week in the space being surrounded by the 2 boom arms and mics again and just an different setup overall I am just not use to it honestly. It does have that cosey feel to  it and love it. Since moving back, I have been tweaking the mics and setting things up. I actually twist tied the mic wired together, so I do not have all this wired slack behind the desk. Actually it was Tuesday when I moved everything back, I had to get the desk down first as that was the first priority was the rug which is 6 x 8 or 6 x 10 but its pretty good size really and it covers up the side desk along with the drawers too so it covers up a good size. Then we put in the size desk to the side then followed by the main desk which had to be lifted over the rug then setup my new drawers and go through all my stuff and put it in there, paper, Christmas lights, microphone stuff, etc. Finally I put up the 2 stackables that is taped so it wouldn't move.

              That is besides the point really and this throwback Thursday story has really derailed itself. Either way I am really enjoying being in the studio and now I can enjoy the studio and utilize it since it has been done in my area and actually sit down and record podcasts with my team or even alumni for example and this weekend, I will be sitting down with Larry to record a podcast for The CBOTW Show as we are very much overdue to record a Power Rangers Podcast. Honestly I have said it once and I will say again it is long coming for us to start recording and it has been a long wait, 8 months to be exact and it is about time that we get back to normal around here. However with the setup complete minus the ceiling and shelves, but I can still record and what not one way or another. So next week I will have an announcement when the next one is out and released to the feeds.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Studio Updates for 01-05-2020

              I have some updates for you guys... I know its been several days, maybe a week or so now. However as you can see in the picture to the right of what I am typing yes, I am back at my studio desk, the one that has been restored with a new top to it which was easy to replace honestly. However trust me it is a heavy desk now. Now I have been back at my desk since Sunday night when I didn't have any of this setup no boom arms, side desk new stackables which I will get to momentarily and the final setup stages of the setup to the studio. So it stayed like this for a couple of days honestly and I was at what you see on the right hand side with just the monitors and there was absolutely no boom arms nothing! Just the bare bones of the desk.

Now I did move the desk to the corner as I was planning to and honestly my plan setting it back up was to be simple, have a simple setup. that is what I did there. Now in the picture you see to the left has no boom arms and yes I will get to that in a short bit. Mind you I had to go out to the Eye Doctor to get my lens ordered for my frames so I didn't have time to get to set it up so, like I said I will get to it. You can kind of imagine the process of it but big thanks to my dad for the help on the setup as he helped me setup the carpet desk and what not and honestly I kept on moving things and tweaking for hours on end but I think I am definitely happy with the setup as it is now and no regrets on my own setup.

           Finally in the 3rd and final picture is the final setup of the desk area which has the new stackables which is a ton better then what I had before which holds a lot more then it did before. Also you can see the side desk is once again back in play again and being used  again. Obviously the boom arms are setup but at this moment untested right now so I have to still do that at some point in the next week and a half as I have a podcast to record with Larry as we're only a week and a half from that which I will be addressing that on tomorrow's post. Finally I want to say the dresser yes needs the 3rd drawer put back as right now it is a broken drawer at the moment but in time I will get that repaired and fixed at some point soon. I hope you guys enjoyed this update on the studio and there is still the ceiling to finish and also putting up the shelving and unpacking stuff that is still to come but in time we will be all setup eventually. Not sure what the plan is with the curtain or the green screen is but we will see. Sorry for such a long post but I will talk to you guys tomorrow!


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Studio Updates for Saturday, January 26th, 2020

          Well the studio is looking really amazing and excited that the baseboards is now installed and the desk being worked on in the last week it is time for some more updates as I do have some updates I can make for you guys. As I said baseboards are in and you can see it on the bottom of the picture. Also you can noticed as well that the carpet is missing and yes we removed the old outdated carpet finally and it was pretty wear and tear and from me rolling back and forth so I have worn the carpet to nothing and the wheels got stuck and for those who didn't know one of the wheels snapped as stuff from the carpet was jamming into wheels so I actually changed all the wheels. However in that corner I will be adding in a carpet not the entire room but under my desk so it's not entirely cold on the feet of myself or guests that visit the studio for episodes of either podcasts that are running currently. Trust me a cold concrete floor is cold as heck and been there since all the carpet minus what is under the desk I am still using which will have to be removed once we clear what is on the desk and I am back at the old desk.

         The next  part of the desk which I mentioned before but as you can see the top is done, it has the polyurethane paint which gives it that nice look as you can see and I am getting more and more excited to move back and have to attach some extra wood to help support the very heavy duty Monitor stands that will be holding both of my monitors up and able to move around the area.  Either way I can imagine how this space is going to be looking when its done. Finally thing I want to say is it will be sometime until I put shelving back up on there and also the green screen or the other side will not be up until the ceiling is complete and right now it is not finished right yet but I am moving back so my dad can finish the other side. Now as for Power Rangers and other Collaboration Podcast a week tomorrow well I am going to make a post about that tomorrow addressing some things that is frustrating me right now. Oh one last think to mention trim around the door and windows will have to be done as well but that is minor detail and some baseboards at the bottom at the back of the studio as well but it will be done in due time. However in time we will be back to normal and I have been patient with this and the eagerness is getting higher and higher.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

What A Typical Day In The Studio Is Like

             A Typical day has at least 3 different scenarios depending on the day and my sleep patterns which honestly stink right now but there is 3 different typical days for me and here they are:

Scenario 1: Up around 3 - 4 am EST, and start with a blog post unless they are pre-written. Then usually working on other things such as planning out podcasts and recording, editing. Also a typical Podcast day where it has to go up that is a high pressure day to getting it recorded and edited. 

Scenario 2: Up half the night like the other night, in bed at 3 or 4 or sometimes 5 am EST working on things around the studio as I said in the first one but I would be up sometimes at 11 am to even 2 pm which gives me a late start of the day which honestly are my least favorite of the shifts but somehow I seem to manage.

Scenario 3: The final scenario is in bed at 6 pm all the way to 12 am, sometimes 1 or 2 am EST. Only reason I have been doing that to get work done and night time seems to be the most productive time for me in my honesty opinion.

               However I want to get back to going back to bed at 845 - 930 pm EST as this is getting ridiculous going to bed and being up early in the day so honestly I am going to make the change where I am going to be following Scenario 1 more then anything as that has worked in the past and it was a steady sleep schedule. Honestly tho my sleep has been a ton better but I think my sleep is the upmost importance actually. This is my 3 different scenarios but they vary from a  day to day basis depending how I feel as well so that is why our Facebook Page the private messaging to the Fan Page is set to away between Midnight and 9 am EST is because Staff here are most likely in bed and we will get back to you so that is what a typical that looks like.


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

My Head Is Going A Mile A Minute Right Now!

               Right now I got like 4 different things going on in my head and this is why I have been quiet overall on social media but I do update when I can and honestly this is what has been going on around the CBOTW Studios:

1) The first thing is the recent CBOTW Studio renovations I have been busy with helping my parents with the repairs to the studio which has honestly has become a full pledge reno to the space down here and we've been delaying things on and off so that is why we've been on hiatus on some of the things going on around the studio.

2) Everything About Reality TV- From recording Off Season and premiere of the upcoming new season of the podcast to editing episodes so this way you guys got episodes to listen to and today being an new episode coming out.

3) Power Rangers Podcast- The third thing on my list is Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast as you know it's been on a very long hiatus and recently with completing watching a season it all comes down to typing up the notes, but also in the end it is not just not that but the studio as i said above ^ and yes I used the arrow on the keyboard for it but right now we are not currently setup for a dual mic setup and right now we will be finishing up the desk, sanding it and putting the clear coat that gives it nice shine look. Also the minor things to be done, carpet removed, baseboard back up and trim installed so all of that has to be done but once the trim and baseboards I will be definitely back to normal with tons more content but right now were limited what we can and cannot do so that is the reason why.

4) Blogs- Bringing out new posts to the website on a regular basis and it has been nothing but go, go go for me with new posts and I have ideas and updates that I can bring to you guy, studio wise, podcast wise and of course website wise.

                 There are the 4 things that have kept my mind that has been going a mile a minute and obviously there is a ton of stuff going on and there is something even in the works and let's just say the past is going to come back as this has been thought of for the past while and I think now is the best time for this to happen and excited to be doing this on a weekly basis. More details to come soon to this new exciting adventure on top of what is become a  huge success. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Studio Update for 01-13-2020

            This is probably a massive update to CBOTW Studios & HQ. The walls are now complete with being put up and painted entirely. The next stage is to get the ceiling finished and covered with tiles and also the entire carpet removed as there are stains some of them thanks to my stupidity recently and let's say looks like a blood stain but it isn't just sauce I used for my burgers the other night but it doesn't matter the fate of the carpet is pretty much sealed and we are removing the old carpet is going. However today, we will be working on repairing my desk today so that is the primary goal and I am going to try and place things if possible but will not be moving back to the desk until it is actually painted on the top right now. I plan on painting the desktop so could be waiting a few more days but we need to get the trim in before anything goes back so we have to wait for that to be also be painted as well.. Also any trim that is going to be covering the wire where the WIFI is going to be so we also have that to be finished so next week at sometime I probably will be back in my old spot but again we will see what next week brings too but aiming to get things back to normal by the end of next week at the most. I was going to put up sound proofing but not sure right now but I think I will do it as I got ideas brewing in my head.

              There is the update and were getting sooo close to being finished and excited to make use of the fab space and will be so much better then we had before and yes since I do not use the green screen anymore the other side of the curtain will be facing the desktop side of things with the Green screen facing the doorway. Yes the lights I will be using as it to brighten up the space for the podcasts especially so I will still be using that for the space. I may not be broadcasting anymore but the equipment in the studio I will be using one way or another and I am planning to use the foot clicker to turn the lights on and off but will need another one when I setup Christmas lights and such a sort but that is down the road and I know Walmart will have them and that will be on the bucket light for Late Fall 2020 when Larry and I decorate the place and my parents are giving me lights which I can really deck out the place for Christmas 2020 but again that is 11 months from now so I am not going to worry about it but we will setup majority of it then we can make changes if we need to. Either way we're getting excited for the return to the space and getting things back to normal around here. Yes a formal announcement regarding a podcast is coming soon too.


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Another Studio Update [01-12-2020]

             So it is time for an update on the studio. I have been posting updates and you need to hear it from word of mouth from moi! So as you know we have 3 panels left but as you see on the right hand side that all 3 panels have been put in and I helped a tad on the first of the 3 but I was busy the last day of putting up the wall my dad finished it without my help and he ensured that he was fine without me and if he wasn't OK with it I most certainly would of cancelled my errands to help him out to finish this out. We actually got this finished before the New Year which we were only planning to finish it in the New Year so we got ahead of schedule and since January 1st we have definitely been full speed ahead since and you will see in the second part of this post today. Yes I realize my chair is in the way and during this construction I ended up having to replaced wheels on my chair cause they broke as the wheels got jammed so those got replaced. Anyways that is definitely besides the point but you can see that we moved things about and I will address one more thing towards the end of this post today.

             The second picture to the left is a picture of the walls primed with the primer and now awaits the actual coat of paint which will be happening today as you guys see and read this post, we will be working on painting and when I wrote this I noticed the wall theres a line so something isn't right and we may end up on a small road block as some of it wasn't sanded properly and there is a bump in it so I will or have told my mom on that issue. Anyways it will be all fine in the end I am just picky person I guess. Once the painting is done probably the ceiling above the space where I am going to be recording will be finishing up the ceiling then we will be removing the carpet in the room entirely with the bare floor and I will be getting a area rug at Walmart so we won't have cold feet recording. Once that is done I am going to start placing things around the room and I am probably going to move the desk to the corner even without it's top which is now off as you can see which needs repairs which my Uncle and I are going to be working that once the ceiling and rug is removed and we have things a lot more organized which Larry and I will move my stuff upstairs on Thursday and pack up my dad's records as I already destroyed one or two records so it is better safe in a box which I told him to originally but it was stuffed behind my desk but again I think I will ask for an hour of Larry's time to pack up and move things about and I am sure he won't mind hes been helping when I need it with packing up or moving things around and he did help move the ailing desk that is sitting here no top which is a throwback Thursday Story for this week. Anyways that is my update and I know it's long but hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you in the next post.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Studio Update 2 [11-27-2019]

           So I have made some changes and got some unfortunate news on the desk I used for the last 5 years. So in this post I will cover everything with where the studio is at right now:

1) Insulation completed for the walls. Walls are finished with the insulation however the ceiling isn't finished and we are still needing to do the ceiling above my area where I am going to have my desk at and where all the recording is going to be done. 

2) The computer has temporarily been moved to my dad's old desk and it is quite a tight squeeze for me but it will have to do for the next while until the work is done with the space and trust me I am sure it will go fast enough I'm sure. Once my space is done and painted then we have to work on the next part.

2B) Which brings me into the point of this post: The desk I have been using for the past 5 years is falling apart, it is weak on the top and has cracked underneath. The next thing is the desktop on the right side isn't being held by anything at all so that raises for a ton of concern. 

            Once the space is painted and finished then I will decide what the heck to do with the desk or give up and buy a brand new desk for myself. However I am going to try and fix the desk and strengthen it so it can last me another year at the most before I make that decision to replace it but it is neither here or there on the decision right now that I should make the decision to make the changes right now. That will come in the next few weeks and hope to get it repaired in time for me to make the move back quite quickly. Today we got one panel installed and we will be continuing on with this on Friday so were trying to get it done several times a week and we will finish this im sure in a few weeks before Christmas but I told my dad I do not wanna move anything back till the desk is repaired so that means the monitor stands will be sitting on the side till then. There is the update and by Sunday I should be able to update with pictures to what has been done here in the studio.


Friday, November 22, 2019

Studio Renovations Update! [11-22-2019]

             I know I have been very quiet lately with the studio renovations and no real update. All I can say is right now it is a big appalling mess behind me right now.  There is pretty much very little room to maneuver right now down here with all the stuff placed to the one side but either way I cannot move too well down here but with all this mess comes one wicked kick ass studio space for podcasts. I also already know what I am getting for my b day that has to do with the studio and that is a monitor mount for both of my screens here in the studio. As you can see the walls been torn off exposing the inners of the studio walls. Still gotta tear some wall down but that is besides the point as my space comes first and I am sure the studio will be set in place for the rest of the time it is down here till I move out on my own but I am excited for the new studio and it will look 100% so much better. However I need to get a stronger and better desk to be honest as this one is a cheap Walmart one but hey it did the job for the years I have had it for!

                   So the second part of this update is if you have noticed I have been very, very quiet around social media and that is the reason is I was with my dad today dumping a bunch of crap that we didn't need that was sitting around here in the basement and also the fact that we have busted up drywall that we threw away and I am sure that isn't the last as I said there is another part of the wall that needs removal but that is coming later on and right now the focus is squarely on my space, my area is the first step then we have to work on the rest of it but either way if it takes a couple of months then so be it. So that is the update that I do have for you guys and as you can see between the podcasts and blog posts I have been a very busy person with working around the studio with my dad getting things repaired and raring to go for the next version of the studio. When I have more updates I will be sure to make another post or keep an eye out to my Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram for updates. 

Until Tomorrow's post, have a great TGIF!


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Studio Renovations Have Started!

              The renovations have begun here in the studio which means mass chaos and mess but the most part the mess is done as we got the first layer down minus one area but today we were or are working on the second layer of the insulation as that is the first step towards this project. The next step after that is to try and move the electrical out and I know safety first as we will have to turn off the power in here to make sure we do not hurt ourselves whatsoever with this project. Then the fun part of this project begins with us working with putting up the wooden panels up on the wall. However we are working on it, we have just started this project and it will be a few week to a month hence the reason why we have stopped production of Power Rangers Podcast till at least January when this is all done an the studio is set in place finally with the changes that are being made as were moving stuff around in here and we're excited for studio changes that coming for us. That is why I have started to put things on hold. 

              There is no ETA when I will have things back and re-setup, I hope for Mid December to get things right on track with me but we will see as there is numerous changes with the desk top especially as there is a plan for that as well. Please be patient with me during the coming weeks as we are working as hard as we can to get things back on track first before we bring out some content to you guys so studio comes first before the content comes out to you guys that is what is the upmost importance. I know you guys were not happy with the announcement that Power Rangers Podcast went back on hiatus till January but if you think of it this way you guys are getting 3 collabs next year with Larry and I so that is truly a bonus for you especially so consider this a treat as the following year, well more then likely I will be back to 2 recording sessions a year so you guys are in for an bonus come 2020 on top of all these changes that is about to happen for the website especially. Finally I want to thank-you guys for being your patience and I will give updates from time to time when I have an update to give you guys.


Friday, September 27, 2019

Have Ton of Ideas With The New Studio!

             After thinking about it for a while now I certainly have a good idea what to expect with the new studio. I am planning to have myself and guest chairs facing out with the wall unit having the green screen pinned to the wall which is the initial thought and that is what I am planning. However the question is how is the lighting going to work so that is definitely a concern however there is a plan B in effect but I rather have the wall unit with the green screen attached to the wall unit as it probably work a lot better then the other plan. The second plan was to put the desk against the wall unit and the curtain directly behind me that could be an issue as there is nothing to hold up the rod up in the rafters so I am leaning towards the first one as that will be the best move but now how the heck in the way of spacing going to work? That is definitely going to be a challenge for me and I am sure both Larry and I will figure it out as hes going to help me pack up stuff in the studio in a week and a bit from now when we pack up stuff and certain mics will be removed and I will be switching the mic for a while.  Either way I have an idea where the white board will go as you know right now on the right side of me when I am sitting at my desk currently. However I could keep it as it is but then the green screen I would need to probably put it sideways so the guest in the studio would have a green screen. However again the lighting would have to change too.

            Either way I am excited for the next version of the studio and what I may have to do is get that lighting from Amazon as this lighting may or may not work for me as I do not know how the wiring would work and I would definitely have to make some changes to the studio especially with the new version of the studio but it will all be revealed in time I am sure as I am not sure what the exact plan is but right now my main focus is to get things packed up for the renovation which will be on going through the entire month of November and yes there will be a day I take off to go to the Royal Winter Fair. I promise you guys once I do get the actual studio done I will do an official tour on Instagram TV for you guys of the newly renovated studio and what it is going to look like. Final words on this post for today, Larry and I are planning to do a blue print of a plan for the newly renovated studio once it is done and everything is in place.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I'm Already Thinking About Studio Renovations!

            I know the start of studio renovations hasn't started yet but I am starting to picture the whole entire new setup here and I am planning on changing things around indefinitely! However first I need to get the desk rebuilt first and fixed up as it is a cheap Walmart desk. Now I am not saying Walmart if bad, it has done me well for the last several years since and it isn't the strongest then it use to be but that is the first side of the plan is the assess the desk as it is because when I move it the sides are not strong so that is the first issue to deal with then the desktop is the last thing as I am making this a bigger desk top and more room and especially for guest in my studio, it sure will make things easier and I think we are adding in the studio by June a second boom arm for the second microphone that we have in the studio for guests that come in to join in on a podcast! As part of the renovations and the additions I am going to add I plan on getting flags for my boom arms with the CBOTW emblem on it. 

            Also I am planning add in on top of the whiteboard a cork board for notes, schedules and also my niece and nephews pictures they have made me. Also after the reno is done, I am working on getting up a new clock on the wall and definitely posters all over and I am sure my niece and nephew will help me with poster ideas. I am already thinking Minecraft, The Binding of Isaac and Star Wars posters will be up on the walls of my studio space. But that may be way too many posters in the studio I would have to chose at least two of em to put up as I wouldn't wanna over do it honestly. However I do want to decorate the studio to my specifications. Also as I have mentioned before I am moving around the desk. It is OK to start thinking about it and I have even talked to my uncle about it and he's recommended wood board instead of wall board but I do have to ask him if it is paintable or not. Either I am always planning in my head and getting stoked to fix this studio up and start a new setup for the space I record in. 


Monday, February 11, 2019

Podcast Setup Changes Are Going To Be Made....

             Now that my studios plans are out there and I have been working on. This is only the start of things. First the studio is in the long term plans to repair this studio walls which will definitely cost money. But the most important the podcasting setup which records "Everything About Reality TV" & "The Collaboration" Podcasts and things are always changing for the podcast, new people want to collab which I have to make happen so I definitely have to make the room for it. I will explain what equipment I need to get. Actually let's start, I need a audio interface to take in calls and that can be up to 100 - 200 dollars or even more down the road and that means I have to put the money aside but I am working on it and I know I promised a few people but some have gone through or just been forgotten that this was going to happen as I haven't heard from them in a long time on the socials but I hope to reach out to them soon. Also Larry and I can even do the Power Rangers Podcast from two different households you never know!

              As you guys know I have a second microphone, the handheld which mind you it still works very, very well and Larry knows exactly what my intentions are and that is I am getting the second boom arm for the other microphone so this way I will not be diddly daddling around with hook it up and fiddling around with the sound. and it is so easy to actually maneuver the microphone  in when hes in the studio especially, so I am pretty excited about having a second microphone. Only catch is... IS I am going to wait till the desk is refurbished, as right now I simply do not have the room on a small desk for a second boom arm at this moment and no space to place the microphones at this moment of time. 

              However it is good that I do want to actually make some changes around the studio and to my podcasting setup here and down the road, I would love to add a second boom but it is a waiting game and right now, I cannot explain what is going on, it is something personal going on right now and I rather keep it a private matter right now. Patience is a virtue indeed and all I can do right now is continue on planning on recording the episodes and what not right now. The show must go on with this rather small desk right now and hey I have to deal with as it is and when time it will be great to have this desk refurbished and fixed up and having a wider desktop too in the process as well. It is excited to be growing the podcast setup that I have now. 


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Studio Updates Are Coming!

              As I probably have heard through social media, this studio is an appalling mess right now with holes and is in need of dire renovations. I have spoken to my uncle and he has actually recommended wood board which probably even better then drywall and at a more of a reasonable price to get done and I do not know if I am able to paint it but it wouldn't matter as the studio is in the basement. Also as you know my desk is need of a bit of refurbishing and going to add on the top to make it bigger desk top and trust me it was be a very strong desk once we fix things up. I also think there will a hole for wires to go through as it will be easier and the wiring below right now it is a mess which that will also be changed up as well. It's  friggin mess underneath. Also may as well mention this as well there will be a shelf build underneath for the tower but it will have to be definitely build to hold it up as it isn't light as it has all the stuff inside it. Also this week, I am getting a new chair as this chair is definition of broken... Another blog post for another day. 

                I really am not sure what else to say but once the desk is built, I am planning to do the rotation once the walls are repaired as well but again that probably will not be till next year at sometime but once that is done, the desk will be rotated around and the whiteboard will be moved around the desk will be against the south wall. I am not sure where the white board is going at this moment and also I want to add into the studio is a cork board as well to hanging up pictures my niece and nephew have made for me in the past years just hopefully I can end up putting everything I want but beggers cannot be choosers.  On tomorrow's blog post I will be discussing the podcast setup with the microphones and yes I said microphones and also the mixer and basically the setup for the podcast and the way we are planning on getting the setup done. I do want to change the way the things are setup for the podcast and yes I will be mentioning and bringing up the other microphone. 


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Started to Decorate My Studio!

            Christmas season is pretty much upon us and i have already started to decorate the studio but it is not fully done as the snowflakes and other Christmas decorations are now up up but I will be working on those soon hopefully. But I have started using the lights in the studio and I rather wait till December to really start lighting up the studio for the season so in time but I have started to light things up here in my studio. I have to figure out how to put the curtain snowflakes up due to the fact I currently have my Green Bay Packers flag up behind me at the moment that may either have to come down or put the snow flakes behind or around it if worse does come to worse. This year I did 2 different levels of Christmas lights in the Chris B On The Web Studio one at the first shelf above the desk area so the new set of lights are up there. Now new lights? Yes the ones that are now at the bottom of the desk where my screens do sit on is where the old lights are setup and i got them both hooked up to a clicker beneath the desk where I am use my foot to activate the lights and I have tested it and works very well.

               I think I will wait till Larry is here in the studio on December 9th which yes it is my anniversary of when I started this 13 year journey as a media man but I do need his help with the finally touches and I think I still got my old tree that I can use here in the studio but not sure if the lights work. I thought i got rid of that tree but apparently not, it wasn't thrown away so I have it still unless my parents are referring to the gold tree of mine that could of been it but never know what she means but I will most definitely have to ask as I sworn I actually thrown it away but it's whatever I guess, I must of stored it away since stopped using it recently so I am guessing it is still in the house. Anyways I am derailing myself from the topic at hand and that is when Larry is here next time, he will be helping me finish up the studio for the Christmas and winter season as I always keep the snowflakes up during the winter all the way into late March/early April at the most. So I have started to decorate the studio and slowly getting to it and in the new year I will have to take it down as I am fixing up my desk but I get to enjoy the lights right into the new year at least.

- Chris

Friday, July 20, 2018

My Plans For Fixing Up My Studio?

                 My plans to fix up the studio, well, lets say I let things get way out of control with the holes in the wall here. That is the first step is fixing up all the walls down here so it doesn't look like swiss cheese... I know small joke but I want to improve things here in my studio especially and fix things up eventually. Once that is done, I am planning to get another desk as this one is not built very well and would like one that's more sturdy and durable. I plan on looking at the sales at Leon's to see what I can find in the way of getting a desk for right here in the studio. 

                   Now as most of you know with my current setup is to rotate the desk against the west wall of the room instead of the way it is right now currently. I want a change of pace and I don't like this small cluttered space right now, I want more of an open concept kind of space  and I have a good amount of wall I can use, I mean space I can use for a studio and I wanna utilize it a bit more then I had before. I also have plan to have a cork board to put up pictures from my niece and nephew. I also would like to put up posters as well up on my wall unit as I want to give it that full look and what not. 

                    Yes I am excited for the studio to be fixed up and look like an actual studio again as right now I am sick and tired of looking at the holes here in the studio but I have learned from this and look forward to the future of this studio and the amazing recordings I am going to do in the nearby future as well!
