Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thoughts On Lying, Trust and Happiness

              Now this is a subject that I have never really covered this blog before but what do I think of lying? Obviously I am the most truthful, open and honest person you guys can ever meet. I was raised to be a honest person and I admit things pretty quickly and do not hide how I really feel. Now lying, I just do not like and been lied to in the past or people turning their back on me out of nowhere. I have even been helping with making my niece and nephew a very honest person. Honestly lying, I find it as it breaks a point of trust with anyone and I honestly find it tough to keep a friendship afloat as well. Lying just hurts the relationships you are in or even a friendship or even within your own family, they will find it tough to honestly trust you again. It will also make you having to earn their trust back in the process which can take a very long time and I know how it feels. Look at Eric and Larry for example, they both have had our differences in the past with one another but look at us. I can really say that both of them are 2 of my best friends now and we are our friendship is so strong now. I am using them as an example as I said we have had a rocky friendship at times and I will not go into detail but the point I am trying to make, were stronger then we were before.

            You know I have been too trusting and I admit that co-heartily and this year, I think I am going to change things  this year and going to be tougher with that honestly. Last year I had friends turn on me and I felt like an outcast and I think I just feel like I was too trusting and be lied to. I want to be a happy and healthier person. I openly admit my mental health this year needs to change . Honestly change is good and I am good with change now these days. When I was just found out that I have autism, which you guys know I do not talk about very often online but I found change tough but now, it's a piece of cake for me and I am good with change to this day. So this is my thoughts on lying, trust and happiness and I hope you guys enjoyed this topic and if you guys would like any other topics to cover on the blog, please let me know in  the comments below.


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I Am Feeling Alot Better!

               Lately I have been feeling depressed and some of it has to do with some of things that I have had to deal with lately which I am not going into any detail whatsoever about it. However, I have noticed since making changes in my life and getting rid of the negativity around me in my life, I have felt a ton better. Just been a ton more productive in the last month then ever. I have worked so hard on the podcasts and collaboration Podcast. I have actually worked on things and honestly it has kept me busy and not thinking the fact that I am depressed. Honestly I also found going out and about really keeps my mind off of things and fresh air is definitely a good thing. I can use yesterday for example. I went out and about not once but twice I was out and I will explain this. I had to run errands for today, let's put it lightly I had to refill my Presto card so I can travel on the GO Train today on my journey to Toronto with my dad. Also I decided to grab a Ice Cap on the way to the bus and it is nice to reward myself too. Now the second time after I got home and got some work done I took  an hour or so to myself to just take a mental break from things. So being back outside felt really good honestly and was an excuse to get my steps in for the day and I almost doubled my everyday 6k steps. 

               The Point is I feel really good and today is going to make me feel even a lot better as you know I am going to be back out and about today and the fact, I get away from the studio is a good thing and fresh air really clears my head. Moving forward you will see a very focused and happier Chris. Yes some days I will have my moments but don't we all have moments. I believe that is what you call daily life. Life throws us Lemon, as the saying goes? I have noticed recently been taking more time to myself, getting out and about during the days minus weekends most of the time I am home. However when I am home, I take time to even go for 30 - 40 minute walks and getting out and about. I can be honest I am not one for just sitting around, I have to move around. I am a doer not a sitter so to speak. Also I haven't really been running many errands for CBOTW and I need to get out to run those errands. I haven't had a chance with the editing of the most recent podcasts that has or is going up on the website. I am going to continue to go out and about as it is truly helping and anything to get my mental health back to normal.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Do I Have A Plan For Everything About Reality TV's 5th Anniversary?

              Do I Have A Plan For Everything About Reality TV's 5th Anniversary? Well yes we do, however at the moment we are currently trying to figure out right now between now and the end of the summer. We have an idea in the back of our mind honestly and it has been discussed what we have. This is going to be a long discussion and what the plan is and really I do not want to tell you guys, I want you guys to be surprised what we will be doing. Now in the way of recording schedule it will  be done the week before the actual anniversary so we can actually have it edited and posted up for you guys which that I can tell you guys that much information. Now, I am not hiding anything because honestly we are just getting down to the barrel of things with the planning and we have a lot to plan. What really needs to be done well here is what needs to be done:

1) Content; What will we talk about during the episode of the podcast. Need content and I honestly do have a couple of ideas in the back of my mind and that will be discussed over the next several months as we are planning this way ahead of time.

2) Who Will Be Joining Me?; I have a few people in mind and it will truly be an epic episode if things pull through with who I have. I really wanna tell you guys.

3) When?; The question is when do we want to record this podcast? When are the people involved with the podcast available. Now I did mention it would be done the week before the actual podcast goes up which, I know the date which is Thursday, September 24th, 2020, however that is and probably will be the premiere date for Survivor 41 so that does complicate things and it will needs a well needed discussion so that is that question for us indeed.

                  So right now, I cannot give answers but there is an anniversary plans coming and excited to talk about what we have planned for the podcast but right now we cannot give you guys the who what where when answers as we just started this planning process and we do not even know if there is a Season 41 of Survivor right now as we are currently in the Survivor Winners At War Season but yes I have heard rumors they are planning on 41 and 42 and beyond so with regards to The 5th Anniversary going up it may be tough to give you guys an answer right now. However we will figure it out and when we have answers for the 5th anniversary then we can start telling you the information. Mind you we will not be telling you who is going to be on it as that is a surprise but were excited for the 5th Anniversary. 


Monday, February 24, 2020

What's Next For The Studio?

          I know I haven't said much about the studio renovation. Honestly there is stuff to be done around the studio and this is the post what has to be done with the studio, at least my side of things at the most:

1) Ceiling: The ceiling still has the insulation hanging down at some areas and we need to get the drop ceiling put in. It is the last step honestly that needs to be done in the studio renovation. All we have to do is install the frame for the drop down then put in the ceiling titles which isn't overly too heavy, I don't think but we will see when it goes up.

2) Shelves: The Shelves for the most part have to go up and get things back so this way I can go unpack things in studio in the boxes that are at the far side of the studio. There is two sections as we know, there was two shelves technically.

3) Whiteboard: I need to put the whiteboard back in the studio on the right hand side of me where the second microphone is but it makes life so much easier to stay on track with things with the daily activities in the studio.

4) Cork Board: I am adding in the studio the newest thing to the space and that is a cork board which I can put up pictures my niece and nephew have made for me and some other things like reminders and what not.

5) Unpacking: The final step is to unpack everything and put them back on the shelf and I have to find somewhere to put the blue bin as I don't think even on the shelves it will hold it up and not going to take a risk whatsoever with it.

           I do not know what the plan is with the green screen. I do not think I will be honestly using the Green Screen again in the very nearby future as it will be tough to setup with a drop down ceiling without it pulling it down on top of me honestly. I think from here on here it will be sitting on the side and not used from here on out. Also the lights I do have a plan with it and it will be used just have to get the shelves set up. Finally when I get some of the steps done I will continue to update you guys with what is going around with the studio that is a promise I am giving you guys. 


Sunday, February 23, 2020

Power Rangers Podcast Release Schedule!

             It is officially here! The release schedule for Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast! As you know, Larry and I recorded a week ago and all week long, I have been editing the first episode at least. I found these episodes in particular long but honestly it was a ton of fun actually. I never thought we would go over an hour but hey we did! Felt good to record and I said to Larry look at my right monitor and the look on his face was priceless and I think it was long coming for us to finally record over an hour but you guys will see what I mean when you hear it in a few hours for the first episode at least. Anyways this is the schedule moving forward:

Today (Sunday, February 23rd, 2020) @ 3 pm EST: Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy Podcast

Sunday, March 1st, 2020 @ 3 pm EST: Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue Podcast

             There is the schedule and if there is any changes, I will be sure to let you guys know and I'm sorry if it has taken me a long time to edit as the podcast takes a while to edit as we go through a lot of information with the seasons and thinking if we can to try and only cover the main points as really it was a long episode and around the 30 minute to 1 hour mark and moving forward, I am going to make some changes to the podcast and ask more questions to Larry and try to capture the finer points of episodes as I do not want to bore you guys with an extra long episode. However if you guys would like to see the longer episodes then let us know! I think you guys have indeed enjoyed these episodes and they have done quite well in the way of listeners. We will keep on producing these as long as you want them on our website as you know this is a website exclusive podcast and no reason to put em on it's own separate podcast due to certain reasons I will not mention. However I am rambling and I hope you guys enjoy today's episode as it has been a long coming and we are ready and raring to go with the podcast. Don't worry more information for the next one is coming in the next 2.5 months from now. Until the next post everyone!


Saturday, February 22, 2020

History of Everything About Reality TV

               As most of you guys know, Everything About Reality TV has been on the air for nearly 5 Years now but I want to get more in depth with the history. Now this all started in January 2015 and I know you are raising an eyebrow to that but let me explain. I experimented with Recapping Reality TV shows which got some good response over the few videos I posted up. So over the few months I started to really think and my thought was hey this really works and let's bring this into a reality. So September 24th, 2015, we recorded our very first episode of the Podcast. We continued on YouTube up to end of June 2016.  We covered Survivor, Amazing Race, Big Brother Canada and Hell's Kitchen during our first 2 seasons of the Podcast which honestly it was only 2 seasons but that's how she got her start in 2015 and never will forget how it all began. Larry left the podcast in January 2016 but came back as a guest on a podcast at the Big Brother Canada Season 4 Finale. As I ended my YouTube career came to where is the podcast going to go now? I decided to take a break from the podcast for a summer hiatus while I rebuilt the website from the ground up. In the fall 2016, we started on Audio ONLY over on Mixcloud then moved over to what we are on to this current day over on, Stitcher and all the platforms you see the podcast on which is 19 platforms if you guys are wondering! 

               In November 2019 which was a few months ago, I almost made the decision to stop the podcast and move on to other projects. However thanks to messages and emails from you guys the podcast continues on with it's journey. Also last month, January we had the addition of Jasmine as Producer and Host of Big Brother Canada and Big Brother US Recaps on our podcast so it is exciting indeed but exhausting getting them ready but you know it is worth it in the end. I wanted to go big this year and we are indeed. This is the just the start of things. We have quite the history and in this post I gave you guys some insight on things that you never really knew about in the years you guys knew about and now you guys now see how this all came to be. I hope you guys enjoyed today's post and tomorrow I will be doing a history of The Entertainment Man Talk Show to end this mini series of posts off. 


Friday, February 21, 2020

The History of Chris B On The Web

           Chris B On The Web as you guys know to this day, was founded by me in 2014 not to replace but more on a independent YouTuber. Yes The Entertainment Man Talk Show continued on and I will get into the history of the project on Sunday's post. It remained on the air between 2014 and 2015 so it was pretty much short lived on the air as we recorded our very last episode at the start of June 2015. The project was immediately put on a hiatus between June 2015 and June 2016. However we vlogged on a daily basis and you guys really enjoyed it but after 700 + days of Vlogging on a regular basis, sick or not sick that was ended in 2015 at the end of the year when we stopped Daily vlogging to keep going on the projects.  In 2014 till March 2015, I had my first podcast "The Chris B Podcast" with Charlie. In 2016, we started to lose Staff left and right leaving Justin and I to fend for ourselves. We actually were so close to a renewal for a 7th Season of the Series but due to no staff to help film and record, the series was finally cancelled in June 2016. Also as you guys know Everything About Reality TV started with Larry in 2015 and he was involved with it up to January 2016 when he left Chris B On The Web. However the podcast continued on without him and if I remember he made an appearance on the podcast that spring for the Big Brother Canada Season 4 Finale Recap after him and I made amends with him and he agreed to come on. 

           He was also given that Title of Co-Founder due to him helping me out in the early years. He also appeared at the Big Brother Canada 5, 6 and 7 Finale Recaps on the podcast as well.  In June 2016, we saw the end of my YouTube career after nearly 10 years on the platform. Justin remained with me till May 2017 when I went entirely on my own. Also September the podcast went on Audio ONLY for Everything About Reality TV and again there will be a history post about it tomorrow.  In 2018 Larry and I joined forces and formed our Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and the rest of that is pretty much history. Also in 2019, we saw the addition of Billy and in 2020 we also saw the addition of Jasmine to Everything About Reality TV. Pretty much I am happy with the team we have currently and I think I am just going to leave things as they are for now and it is better for us to stay put for now but like I have said this is only the beginning. I will see you in the next post tomorrow!


Thursday, February 20, 2020

The History of The Video Projects Team

             The Video Projects Team started December 9th, 2005 at my Friday night Bowling League with Eric whom you have heard me mentioned him many times on the podcast or here on the blog. Anyways I had to do a project for High School Media class which I was just at the very tail end of my High School Career at the time. So the Project entailed talking about various attractions in our local area, mainly our hometown here which I am not mentioning the city so we do not end giving away where we are from. Anyways then we changed it to the region we are in at a later date as it became a very successful first episode despite the snow and wind. We even got to film at our own local gallery with permission of course. February 13th, 2006 a month later of him and I record we renewed the project for a full 16 episodes which we fulfilled and 3 episodes of a 2nd season which the project was cancelled in 2008. Also on January 31st, 2008 we opened our own YouTube channel to post up our projects on the internet. In the spring, I got to do a piece about my High School which I know I got a copy of the episode laying around and need to edit it and maybe re-burn it to a DVD.  However that series Chris Travels To Historic Places went all the way to June. The Entertainment Man Talk Show which as you guys know by my posts in the past, it ran 6 seasons. The series Started May 23rd, 2008 and ran on the team all the way to the end. Also did some Friends of The Entertainment Man, The CBO Show, w.e it was called back in the day, behind the scenes were all done in the span from 2008 - 2014. Also took a hiatus from the team and did post the odd video from time to time during my time in college studying my butt off.

           Now the team was around for almost 10 year mark before the team ended but in 2009 and 2010 we lost a ton of staff and that was just the start of issues. in 2011 and 2013 we added to the team, Justin and Larry. in 2013 we lost another staff and in 2014 after speaking to the last 2 staff we had, we talked about going to a different channel or on our own and abandoned the team to me being more on my own. They both agreed and to help me even past this transition stages and on November 13th, 2014, The Video Projects Team became the past history for me as I was moving into a brand new ERA for me and what we had left on the team. Also I need to make a point we also did cast from Stickam, BlogTV, JTV and those kind of websites from 2009 all the way into 2014. Now in the next post I will be covering the history of Chris B On The Web and even the history to this day as CBOTW is still going strong after 5 years on the internet. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Everything About Reality TV Updates [02-19-2020]

             So I have some updates since about 2 days ago this was while I was putting up other content here on the website, Both Jasmine and I agreed since we couldn't find a Host for the upcoming Big Brother Canada Season 8 and also Big Brother US, Season 22, they will be indeed doing the recaps as we originally planned on doing. I will be around if they need me to replace them one week but I we will make it work on way or another. You never know you may hear my voice on the podcast from time to time as a guest. Mind you I am still one of the hosts but I am playing more of a Behind The Scenes but still covering Survivor, The Amazing Race and The Amazing Race Canada so I am still involved but just not as involved for Big Brother anymore. I think it is the most appropriate time to step back on the role of host and actually let someone else cover it. It is exciting and it will be a strange feeling to have not covering it but this our plan moving forward for the 3 of us. So here is the updated schedule:

Thursdays: 9 pm EST- Survivor Winners At War RECAP

Fridays: 9 pm EST- Big Brother Canada 8 RECAP (Starting March 6th, 2020)

            There is our schedule if we need to tweak it we will let you know but for the most part we are sticking to our normal schedule as we have it during the Big Brother seasons so we are very much happy with it. Now TAR (The Amazing Race) we do not still not know what the plan or when it will be starting but found an article speculating May we could see that which is great as I will be at the end of Survivor and Amazing Race will just be in my schedule but right now it is too early to say as we haven't even started the Big Brother Canada Season 8 season yet so we will let you know when we know but I have informed CBOTW Staff, Everything About Reality TV Staff about what I found but will keep digging around like I always do.  These are our updates and like I said once I know further will definitely make another post for you guys. 


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I Have Address Something-- Clear The Air...

            Recently I have found, we have found people blocking us for unfollowing. Now that is our choice if we want to unfollow. I have been honestly clearing a lot of the spam and honestly I should of thought of only following certain people. Now that I am not one on Twitch anymore since I am not with that other podcast anymore, or with YouTube anymore.  I have kept video games just because we can find a reason to do a review for our blog here on the website. Honestly we feel betrayed that this is what it comes down to us being blocked for no reason when we 1) we do not speak bad about anyone, we stay 100% focused on the content we come out 2) We have every right to actually unfollow people. I'd say just unfollow us and move on. There is no need to be rude and go block us. You can simply mention us hey why did you unfollow or like I said just unfollow us and move on. I honestly feel very betrayed and it has become very disheartening to lose followers like this. The other thing that has been bothering me is the amount of suspensions or restricted accounts is probably the reason that we have indeed lost a lot of followers and another reason why sometimes we decide to not follow back as it becomes a repetitive thing and nothing personal, it is just frustrating for us honestly but it's not their fault either as Twitter seems to be very strict now with the rules these days. 

               So that is what I want to say on this situation and honestly, we are doing what we have to do. We are just frustrated by all of this and it is a clear now too. So with that I do want to ramble on about it but the main part that is frustrating me is people blocking us for no reason. We kept thinking it is the posts that we are doing it is too many posts or not enough and I honestly think it isn't that so the reason, I am not really sure. I try to not get spammy with posts and you guys enjoy my posts and updates. However since I switched from my own personal Twitter to this being a team Twitter now and more professional. You have to understand I followed everyone and now we have to try and keep it to a professional level now and we decided to follow people around the kind of content we are doing which is blogging and podcasting. Hope you guys all understand where we are coming from and honestly we will not be unfollowing anyone else at this point unless its spam but either then that happy Tweeting! 


Johnny's Food Review- Triple Decker Grilled Cheese W/ Ham!

           I know this was almost a week ago, but I had other content on the go for the website at the time and it went to the bottom of my list for now. However I decided to slip it into the schedule this week before I totally forget to do this honestly. Honestly it was starting to slip my mind but honestly as you guys know, I was at Eric's for Survivor premiere and we decided to go back to Johnny's. I know, I've done 2 reviews on the restaurant with this being my 3rd review and I am pretty sure you guys are tired of it but hey you guys enjoy this food review so I am going to do it. I know you can sense sarcasm from me but that is who I am some days, I tend to have a bit of sarcasm some days, ha-ha. So to the review, enough of me rambling on about myself. I had the triple Decker Grilled Cheese with Ham in it. Not just one piece of ham but to and it was a good thickness to it. However, I found it really, really good and I may try it here at home for myself but it was good. Now as you know I give the reviews 5 but this time around I am giving it a 10 all day long! Yes I know it has been an up and down with Johnny's but for the most part a positive experience for both of us and Eric actually had the same thing as me. The Grilled cheese was so soft, so gooey, was really really good.

             Now we even mentioned we know what we are going to have to dessert which was their infamous Apple Pie and she even checked for us while we waited for our food and she gave us a thumbs up as she had 2 of them left and saved them for us which was really nice of her. Actually we had the same waitress from the previous time which was back near my birthday in December. Of course we had the pie afterwards and of course it still has a 10 all day. That hasn't changed at all, however I think next time I may try the Coconut Cream Pie for a change perhaps but we will see. I am still partial to the Apple Pie. I love it and really tasty... Honestly you cannot go wrong with Apple Pie and always love it. Oh I may as well throw this 2 more things to this post, the Owner or Manager knows us very well as we're there a couple of times in a year for special occasions or even the Survivor or Big Brother Premieres or Finales. Also the waitress also warmed it up for us slightly but it was really good as well. In March, Larry and I will be finally doing the Pop Eyes Food Review and I am looking forward to that actually and cannot wait to actually try it out for the very first time in my life.
