Friday, June 26, 2020

Survivor & Big Brother Canada 9 On Hold, Amazing Race Canada To Air Next Year!

                 So much going on and this nightmare is far from over. Yes I am making reference to "Everything About Reality TV Podcast."  Yeah it's not been the greatest year for the podcast and I will get into that on another post on Friday here on the blog. Today I wanna talk about some of the Reality TV Shows I watch and also cover on the podcast. Anyways here is what is going on:

Survivor 41: I know it has been in doubt when they will be bringing back Survivor. I had word they were going to start filming it but now what I heard last it is now on hold which I found out from another fellow podcaster of mine. So I wonder and hope they get time to at least film Survivor 41 for this fall so this doesn't hurt my podcast whatsoever.

Big Brother Canada 9: What I have heard is they are putting Big Brother Canada on hold according to Big Brother Maple and MyIClick which you can find or for the entire article. However they are not sure they will be able to afford to air it as they are highly depend on sponsors etc but anyways you can read about it in the two articles I sourced on here. Yes I am sad to see this happen and I will again address why on the Friday post.

Amazing Race Canada 8: Finally on the list is Amazing Race Canada which they recently announced on their social media that they will be back next year for Amazing Race Canada 8 so this means they aren't able to film the show this year due to this Pandemic.  However this is why I already have Tough As Nails and hopefully one other show but I am fine with this but I understand why. 

             I know it took them sometime to announce but least we are now getting some news on the shows we love and watch. However we are still awaiting on Big Brother 22 and I just hope Big Brother 22 happens so this won't end up losing listeners especially with our Reality TV Podcast. It is frustrating indeed to have all this spare time of no Reality TV Show so I am trying to make the best of my time to be honest.


Thursday, June 25, 2020

Today Marks 1K in Blog Posts!

                    Well today marks 1000 blog posts or 1K if you wanna be totally politically correct... LOL. Anyways when we first started these posts it was here and there on the website and this was just the start so we weren't on the full time or daily blog posts and I couldn't really tell you when we started the full time blogging on a regular basis. However when we did we were very consistent with posting on on a regular basis actually. Yes we did miss a couple of days here and there and we're not trying for a world record but to have this many posts over the years since the beginning of Chris B On The Web almost 6 years ago we sure made up the time. I want to go through all the posts and I know that's a lot but I will be able to find it and pin point where we started and it definitely can be a post for next week and I will write it on my white board as a reminder of to do this post.

                   This isn't going to be overly a long post as I was rushed as I had an dentist appointment today but I want to thank you. Thank-you for sticking by us over the years, remaining loyal to our website, the podcasts and the growing pains we have experienced here on the website through the thick and thin of things with the website. Here is to many more blog posts as we are nowhere near stopping the daily blog content on a regular basis. As long as you guys continue to read the posts, we will continue to create new and exciting posts. We enjoy keeping you guys up to date with the progress of the website and the growth and we have some neat things in the works that we are planning to bring back to the website that we recently removed. We got ton more exciting blog posts coming next week with a ton more updates especially in my gaming world as I just recently made it. So you guys can see we're not slowing down we are full speed ahead.

Chris, Founder & Owner of ChrisBOnTheWeb

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Mixer Shutting Down-- My Thoughts?

           This came sudden to me with the announcement for Mixer streaming website and I was honestly shocked. I know recently I have had my own feelings about the website but will not talk bad about them as it was a really good website up to me being banned for apparently being under 13 years of age which all of you clearly know that I am not. I was reading into their blog post and did not understand why they were closing and it doesn't  really explain why it is shutting down but here's the article:  however I do not understand why. In my opinion it is truly sad to see another website closed. First Stickam which I grew up with, then then Justin.TV, and so forth. This does mean that streamers will either have to go to Facebook gaming as it says in the post or some go back to Twitch, YouTube or another website. I know how it feels to go from site to site, I've been there as some was the perfect fit for me some weren't. It is wherever you are most comfortable streaming to be honest/

            However I have to remain positive with this post and I have to say thank-you to the Mixer Team for being there for us gaming content creators and helping us grow as creators and grow our community and help us succeed in creating our own community and building. We understand why you have to close down and I remember when it first opened and trust me I was most impressed with the way it looked and I loved the way the chat looked and the name colors rather then a badge for a rank on your chat or even subscriber and I really liked that they were different from other platforms.  I may not be streaming games anymore but still support gaming sites even without it as I watch streamers like Taran from Rob Has A Podcast, Kevin from Big Brother Canada, Boogie2988, McJuggernuggets. Also still streaming our podcast on YouTube eventually. However thank you for reading what I have to say and stayed positive throughout the post and I will see you in the next post tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Changes and Announcements

           Over the last couple of days so much has happened since Mark announced what was going with Chris B On The Web. So this is I guess is another update and you know I love to keep you guys in the loop on things, so this is why this is yet another update 2 days later. So here are the updates:

Website:  Chats been moved to a single tab as the Big Brother idea probably will not work out so we will have one general chatroom called "Lounge" which is now active and open to the public. Yes we actually did open it to guests if you choose to not make an account but we still encourage it. However if guests get too rowdy like before and this is years ago then we will go back to where you have to login.  Also we've added the Live (YouTube) on our website with coming soon. Also CBOTW Gamers Podcast was removed and The CBOTW Show is under Other Podcasts and I will get to that shortly on this post why we removed it and moved the podcasts I mentioned. 

Everything About Reality TV: Myself, Larry (Our Co-Founder & Senior Producer) and our host for Big Brother Recaps made the executive decision to indeed do YouTube. Now there is no ETA when we will actually launch it at this point as we're still waiting on Big Brother 22 news and at this point nothing, nadda zip. I said this to Chris (Reality Teas) I am sick and tired of the rumors and just want more information. You know this is harming the podcast with lack of podcasts right now and we're trying our best. Speaking of that it doesn't sound like Amazing Race Canada is a no go and the reason is because of production has been postponed so it is sounding like they are going to wait till next year which really hurts the podcast but we understand it is because of this pandemic and it is always safety first for the cast and crew of the show.

The CBOTW Show: As I said above The CBOTW Show was moved up and now under Other Podcasts as I cannot put numerous show pages. I just do not wanna complicate this website too much as it is very complicated and complex as it is. So all shows will be under 1 page at this point. We will adding more shows later but this is the start. We also have our 2 Audio ONLY pages as of right now as we're waiting on Stitcher to fix our feed which wasn't fixed technically but besides the point really.

CBOTW Gamers Podcast: We're back to square one with this podcast and it was decided by me to just cancel the podcast all together and 0 plans and interest in bringing it back at this point as we just couldn't work things out with the host so it is just better it is on the shelf for good this time around. This is a business decision as this has been going back and forth for years now and at this point this podcast is not going to see production anytime. 

            I have every right as I am the Executive Producer for the programming you see on this very website and have darn right to cancel is put a podcast on hiatus to where I see it fit as I know I had one person not so happy with me but you gotta realize I am the one that has the power to do all that and it is my decision in the end. However that is what is going on with Chris B On The Web and anymore updates or developments especially in our Reality TV Department, we will let you all know soon!


Monday, June 22, 2020

Would I Audition For Big Brother Canada Again?

               I know a lot of you know that I have auditioned for Big Brother Canada in the past, numerous times Season 3, 4, 6 and 8. Yeah I remember the seasons I auditioned for. Now it's been brought up by my loyal fans and friends if I'd do it again. Well as you know the website has really taken off and now we have a team I just wanna focus on the website and continuing to grow the website. Honestly I have tried 4 times and I know Dan winner of Big Brother 10 said it took him ton of times to get on the show but that's not the reason why I do not wanna be on the show. The real reason is I just wanna focus on Chris B On The Web. It's become a priority and become so crazy with running the site with podcasts being added. I also do not have the desire to be on Reality TV, I do not have the itch to be on Reality TV anymore. I've tried so many times and really I want to focus on Chris B On The Web and it's podcasts and I just feel like I will not get on Reality TV unless they find out I'm a blogger and podcast personality. However you never know but I highly doubt it. The Podcast name has gotten out there recently.

               My days with auditioning for Reality TV is over as I said my focus is CBOTW as it's become a big part of my daily life and it's become very hectic for me and running this website is a job and a half to do too. Everyday it's the upkeep of the website, answering emails, etc. I know I got staff to do that but I am fine with this decision really. I will walk away from these experiences with knowledge and it also has made me a lot more confident as a person. I remember when I first did it I was so nervous but when I did the second audition through video, I was a bit more confident. When I got to the open audition, I was pretty confident person and I felt confident in my answers. However that ship has sailed and mind you I am going to still watch the shows and recap as it is part of my job as the Executive Producer of two amazing Podcasts so the answer is I am not going to audition for Reality TV anytime soon as I am focusing on this website. 


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chris B On The Web Updates (06-21-2020)

              It is time for another weekly update for Chris B On The Web. Another crazy week and we have made some changes to the website. I will explain in this update.  We were messing around with the website and have the ability to shut this blog off if we just get plain tired of blogging but it is your news source for updates around our community. 

1) Website-- We have added chats as you know but we have started to consider to remove it as it has yet to be active so we have done that and the chat menu drop down menu has been removed from the website for the time being. No plans to bring it back at this current time. 

2) Everything About Reality TV-- Chris worked on the podcast with some new podcast content and decided to 3 podcasts 2 more off season podcast and the preview podcast but you never know with him to be honest what he is thinking. He has been working on the notes all weekend long which is good. He hopes tomorrow to start recording all 3 and the editing process for them all. I cannot give you much information as I do not even know what he has planned.

3) The CBOTW Show-- He's been working on intros again and re doing every episode intro for the Power Rangers Podcast and is done at this point. The feed remains quiet for right now as he isn't planning anything till he is done with Wild Force and has the notes typed up and ready to go. 

4) CBOTW Gamers Podcast-- It is currently unknown if it will actually return right now and we're waiting on our potential host whether they are going to be doing it and this stems back to not announcing things till we are sure it will be happening. So we have made numerous changes to the website recently. 

                That is all I have for updates for this week. Not much to update except all the work we have put into the website and constantly bringing out content for you all. We continue on a daily basis to improve things on Chris B On The Web and any suggestions or ideas please do feel free to shoot us a private message on our social medias and we will take you suggestion for the very nearby future. 


Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Sims 4-- Biggest House Build Yet!

             So I have started working on a huge house but before I get into that, it was actually the old Sims 4 Big Brother House which was torn down right back down to the ground as I wanted to build a bigger compound for the CBOTW Staff as their house isn't too big and their technically in a tiny house at the moment. So the house they are in well the rest of them as my guy is overseeing the construction of this house will return when the house is built and ready to move in. Trust me it is looking pretty wicked right now. I have added an full legit basketball court in the back yard which will have a roof over top to protect them from the rain and snow. I also have a rock climbing unit as well added in there and a garden built right in there. Just gotta get seeds to start planting away but that will be when it opens officially. Right now it's bare bones of the house and been working on and off but recently been busy with my duty of CBOTW recently and it isn't easy to have time to work on it but hopefully soon when things die down a bit in our craziness we call Chris B On The Web! So there isn't any paint or brick or even many windows minus about 4 in the back but still work in progress really. 

             I wanna change a few things and the layout of the house so I am going to gut the entire inside of the house again and start from scratch. I just do not like the layout and I feel like moving the basketball court sideways to be honest and make the house a bit bigger in size but able to fit things in the backyard but we will have to wait and see. I need to gut the house first and I wanna make a front hall way. I may just destroy everyone what I built and restart and maybe not much of a backyard perhaps? Again I just started to re-think this entire house situation, I may end up seeing an entire demolition or just a partial but again I will assess that once I get done my workload for the podcasts. So that is what I am up to and I guess I will have to fill the other house with more sims but I will cross that bridge when that comes. I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I will talk to you guys Monday.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Still Deciding On If I Will Post Up A New Podcast Next Week

            Since I did post up the new podcast that was waiting I am pending a decision whether I am going to plan on recording next week and right now no announcement with Big Brother 22 so this means if all goes well, I will be definitely going to be doing at least one more podcast before the preview podcast for Tough As Nails. I am hearing mid July or late July for Big Brother so a definite shorter season and All-Stars. So this opens a bit more open time and able to one or two more one off podcasts and I am excited to do that honestly. If I had it my way I'd do actually 2 more but right now I think at least one more on the list is what I wanna do but yet again you guys never know with me to be honest as I can surprise the heck out of you. I have another one in the back of my mind I'd like to do that would of been had to do with a show that was suppose to air this summer that's Canadian, Amazing Race Canada so stay tuned for that. This weekend and next week will be busy in the way of podcasts. 

            This weekend while I work on the Wild Force Seasons, I am going to be preparing notes for the next 3 podcasts. This will really get the numbers up as we inch closer to the 300th episode which has kind of haulted back in the spring with the lack of episodes since Big Brother Canada ended early in the spring which I know I do not have to remind you of that but what I am trying to say is we would of been closer to the 300th episode but right now that is not the case and we will get there one day and even if it is this fall then that is totally fine with me to be honest. Right now I focusing on these 2 podcasts but there is content on it's way and it all starts today with me working on notes to get them ready to go. So that is the plan moving forward but I will not push the issue with 3 if I get 2 then that's fine too but I will work on it and really wanna get back to recording and bring out more podcast content for you guys. More then likely I will record the 2. 


Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Binding of Isaac and Spelunky Update! [06-18-2020]

           First of all, I screwed up. I was accidentally in the other account that use to house our YouTube Channel at one point way back. Anyways I am in my main account now and that is what matters. So this post I want to provide you guys a bit of an update on the Binding of Issac. Now I got to play a bit with the game and and I got to fight with Samson and actually went all the way past Mom and Mom's heart and went all the way. I actually had a good build going and I had the nail which gave me soul hearts and truly helped a ton and helped me with the build! I actually took devil deals where it gave me damage up (DMG) and that also helped me quite a lot and I managed through it all. So that made me happy. I also unlocked a bunch of things and one of them was actually the #6 challenge which is great. I actually took a try at it and got a good length but ended up dead in Necaroplis floor but I know I will get it done.  However I am glad I gotten a bit further in the game and soon as I get every single achievement before I get After Birth and After Birth +. I am going to be keep on playing moving forward. 

             Now to the Spelunky side of things. I have started to play a lot more and getting further but still dying like crazy so there is still work to do. I have learned a lot through Dan Gheesling's Spelunky runs and taking spiked shoes and the jet pack. I have started getting those when I can and it has helped me a lot. I still got a bad habit fighting the shop keeping or hitting the shop keeper which I have died most of the time even tho a few times I have won against the shop keeper in the past which means free items technically.  I have also used the shotgun on the game and it has helped me on my journey. However I haven't gotten passed the Mines level as of yet but I gotten to Mines 3 so that is definitely a good start for me to be honest. I am progressing and learning every time I play and excited to continue my playthrough of the game. I wanna get every item in the book to 100% this game as well. Anyways that is my gaming updates I do got another update this weekend on The Sims 4 and what I have been up to with it recently so stay tune for that. Until tomorrow's post, have a good day and I promise you to be on time tomorrow as I have been off schedule recently. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Went On A Walk Outside My Area Yesterday!

                Yeah the title is true. I broke my isolation, however since we are in Stage 2, I decided to go outside my comfort zone yesterday and go out for a walk. Now I was at the Lake which wasn't the original plan originally but we went to see the Federal Margaree that was sitting in the port unloading. It was planning to leave yesterday evening. Anyways we went on the new pathway which cool and different I think it took us 30 - 45 minutes of a walk to get to the end and back and I brought my FujiFilm SLR Camera with me thanks my uncle for giving it to me.  Anyways I will include an image of the freighter from between the trees which is one of my best pictures that I have taken yet! 

               Don't let the picture deceive you I was a long way back from the trees. My lens on the camera captured this picture very well. I also took some pictures of flowers and the nature as well while I was out there and on my little walk with my dad. Now at the time I wish I had my fitbit on my wrist but it was charging and it took 24 hours to charge as it was completely dead but I am pretty sure it was pretty dead, Anyways I enjoyed the little trek down to the lake and enjoyed every moment being out and about actually. I know there isn't much to say on this post but it felt good to get out and about for an hour at the most and I was already out earlier in the day shopping for things I needed I.E. getting my Fitbit wrist band replaced as it's been sitting on my night table for quite some time however this walk really felt good to get out and about to be honest. However I got 3 blisters, 2 on the left foot and 1 on the right so I should of really wore my shoes not sandles so I'm suffering through it all. It sure hurts like a bugger. One last thing is I have added one more picture to this post for you guys. 


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

We Have And Adding Chats To!

                 Chris gave me the green light to write this post for today's post. As you can see we have been busy around the website as we have been coding our eyes out yesterday which now looks really amazing to be honest! We have been always looking to add new features to the website and yes we had a chatroom on our website at one point but was shutdown due to spam and hate but we realize with this chat when someone is banned, nobody in particular but it's an IP ban. The Community Chat is up and active here on the website and we're around the website if you wanna chat but I am happy to say you guys got a place to go and chat and hangout with everyone else in the community. Only thing is getting it used but we will be leaving it up on a 6 months basis and if it doesn't work out then we will remove them but I am sure we will have a few people here and there. You guys have to realize this was just launched 24 hours ago and we are getting views on the page so that is good. We're around if you wanna talk. Now we have added a few rules to the list and we wanna focus on just chatting with you guys and leaving help to our E-Mail or contact page on our website.  

                 Now to the second "Chat" page it is ready to go but not released as of yet. We are waiting for the Big Brother season to be officially release a date to when the season is going to be starting. It is actually on the website itself just not visible at this time but it is going to come. This Big Brother Lounge will also be the official Chat for Big Brother Canada whenever they decide to renew the season. Chris or myself will update you when things go live but for right now we are sitting on this extra chatroom for right now but we're excited. One final thing I wanted mention is we are working on fixing the drop down and trying to come up with a fix for it as right now the darn thing is a horizontal drop down but we are researching how to fix that so it is what we are working on is to fix the drop down under "Chats" as I said it is the wrong way that we want it to be. 


Monday, June 15, 2020

Everything About Reality TV & The CBOTW Show News!

            I have been thinking about this and it's definitely an idea to work with but it will take some time and work.  I have been thinking about handing a few shows down to others and this will bring down the amount of shows that I do as a host for Everything About Reality TV. I am more then willing to do that and willing to do that. However I am planning to not give up every single show as I wanna do shows with this podcast and still wanna be involved host wise. Now I do not plan on giving up on all the shows just at least one more at the most.  Now the plan is the follow:

- Survivor: Me
-Big Brother: Reality Teas (Chris)
-Big Brother Canada: Audition Process for 2021
- Amazing Race: Me
- Amazing Race Canada: Me

                 Now Tough As Nails is just a filler show for this Summer and I do not think I will or would do another season right now but also it depends on the amount of listeners I get and if you guys do enjoy this. Either way we have a show for the summer to fill in the spots in case they decide to not air Big Brother and Amazing Race Canada but Big Brother is sounding like it's happening this summer which is good but we're waiting for OFFICIAL confirmation. 

                  Now onto The CBOTW Show which has been around on and off for the Past 2 Years and honestly I have been thinking about it deeply and yes I wanna bring it back even if it is just on two or three different platforms to start with that is totally fine with me to be honest. I am not gonna push this podcast much to start with. I wanna slowly grow it as that is what I did with Everything About Reality TV Podcast so do not expect a ton of podcast posts with The CBOTW Show at first but we will add more in the very near future. 


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Chris B On The Web Update [06-14-2020]

              Another week has gone by and it is time for another update. Lots of stuff has happened from drama and hateful stuff going on towards Chris our Founder. However him and I spoke and he's got a plan and we have made all the necessary changes made and this is what has happened:

Everything About Reality TV: We made the permanent staying on Audio ONLY and sticking to it this time around. We have made the mistake with the YouTube return and we ended up 30 dislikes on the channel and hateful comments. So the channel is removed off their website. Also with all the changes with YouTube, we have decided that it is just better for us to remain where we are.

The CBOTW Show: It is no joke, he has and is bringing back The CBOTW Show, another TV Recap Podcast. He wants to add on more shows to the list and he has let his staff know that Power Rangers Podcast will have a place on this podcast. Chris will hopefully start working on this today at some point.

CBOTW Gamers Podcast: A gaming podcast hosting by the only JLDrum aka Jeff. This has been in the works for the past year and a half and quite some difficulty getting it off the ground but it is finally going to happen and is now in the Pre-Production Stages at this point. 

Website: We recently last week added in the 2 new shows and tweaked the Menu bar under Podcasts so all three podcasts sit in the drop menu with no problems. We had some issues with it and it we thought it was in the menu bar code but it wasn't, it was in the CSS code of the website. However it is fixed and all good now. We helped each other out on the issue. 

                 We are most definitely happy with the recent changes made and I think it is the best decision for us. The views are definitely there and you guys seem to listen off our website too besides the other platforms which is definitely great. We are ready for the continuing growth. Also one last thing I wanna address is we got an email from someone about helping us fix this website. I gotta say, in way, shape or form we are in trouble with viewership. We sometimes get between 50 to sometimes 150 views a day! Which is a pile of them. We do not appreciate what was said and we are trying to stay professional and we do not usually share our analytics usually but I wanted to address this and that we are doing just fine and not in danger of losing views. Actually our fan page has grown! We have gained one extra like on the page which we thank you for it and we appreciate it.

Until Next week, 

- CBOTW Team