Friday, December 15, 2017

Results On My Ailing Knee/Retiring From Baseball

           So 1 week later, since my doctor appointment and I still find it hard to come to the realization that I may have arthritis in the knee, either one or both knees but mainly my right knee which is the worst of the 2 knees. It also made me realize my baseball & basketball career, well I wouldn't consider it a career but been doing sports for over 10 years but now I am limited what I am and can't do, it isn't because my family doctor didn't tell me to call it quits, this was my judgement on my own terms and I really do not wanna make the problem worse. On my last ever season I ever played, I struggled at the last game of the season and came off the field hurting and limping... The pain didn't stop me, my coach insisted I sit out to rest but nope! Stubborn old me had to play baseball regardless. Least I went out with a bang with a home run under my belt in the tournament. I went on to play basketball but did not complete to once again my knee. So as you can see ever since certain someone, no names mentioned.... LOL, hitting my in the knee cap, my knee has been the bane of my existence.

              There is your brief history but what did my doctor say to my mom and I? Well, possibly I could have arthritis which actually runs in my family both my mom and dad's side so I happen to be in that bad percentage of getting it and I gotta deal with it but not a full diagnosis has been made yet. What do you mean Chris? Well we didn't officially get an X-Ray or MRI done yet, I am going to do exercises between now and February and if it is not better by March or April I will be going back to the family doctor, the next step is an x-ray to see if it is arthritis and if my doctor has to do an MRI I will do it... Anything to get answers with the knee pain I have constantly.

                So with that, I am retired from basketball & baseball as there is no way the running will help and I feel at this time I would be a liability to the team and always pulled off the field and this is what is best for me. I need to take care of myself first before things go way out of control. I wanna thank my coaches for helping me, especially with my batting which got so much better on my last season of softball. Always there to support me and the rest of the team when struggled or felt down. I wanna thank my fellow team mates for being there for me and giving me the encouragement when I needed it. I will miss the team dearly but you never know, I may pop by for a visit to the Eagle/Hawks/Falcons!


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Am I Looking Forward To Winter?

                 So am I looking forward to snow this winter? No! Not really, it's driving me insane with this cold weather at the moment with my knee, pain and possible arthritis which is another blog post for later on in the week, hint, hint, double hint 😉

                 I mean the snow is nice around this time of the year, especially around Christmas time and what not but before or after the holidays having it non stop is would drive you nuts after a while and trust me what I have heard this Winter as I'm in Ontario that we are getting snow and boy I am not happy one bit the fact its here and I gotta deal with it and especially with my knee.

                  One good thing is, I can play in the snow with my niece and nephew especially, make a fort, make snowballs for a snowball fight, snow angels and just have plain good old fun with my niece and nephew. So yes and no I am looking forward to winter, as for the no it is mainly my knee that is driving me nuts and that's the post for tomorrow that I will be writing about. One other thing I sure look forward to with the snow is having a white Christmas and I think we will end up having a white Christmas as long as the white stuff stays on the group between now and Christmas we should have  a white one this year up here in Ontario. However, there are pros and cons to snow and I think I pretty much put my opinion on am I am looking forward to Winter, what do you guys think? Are you looking forward to winter? Let me know!


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Who Are My Favorite YouTubers?

          I don't think I have ever covered this in the blog before but that's OK, I am covering it right now in this blog post today. So which YouTuber's do I watch on the platform, yes even despite the adpocalypse on YouTube and the family friendly content, here is a general list of who I watch on YouTube:

McJuggernuggets: Ever since I discovered the Psycho Series, I've become a fan of his channel and watched his New series ever since then. And yes, I know it's fake! Knew that from after watching a few episodes, however I enjoy his series for entertainment purposes and that only, I don't care if it's fake or not, I enjoy watching his videos. Also ever since joining the IPhone Club, I've downloaded his app Storyfire which that is where his series are first before YouTube, so I keep up with his videos.

The Angry Grandpa Show: I found AGP's/ KidBehindACamera's channel through recommendations after watching McJuggernuggets channel which I know sounds off but whenever I am down, I watch a AGP video and it makes me laugh and puts a smile back on my face, as you know I have dealt with depression in the last couple of years and watching the videos, really make my day better and I am a AGP Fan for life. 

Boogie2988: Boogie has been an inspiration to me especially with his weight loss and inspired me to look after myself better. Not only that but I loved his Francis videos, whether it was a Francis rage or him cooking and messing up a meal like the turkey video, I really enjoy em.

RealManPwns: I have seen his casts since days and find him hilarious with his Ma'am, Ma'am! Love watching his cooking videos especially. Haven't seen a new video by him in 2 months but still continue to be a loyal subscriber.

             I didn't mention a lot of people but these are the ones who I love to watch on an almost regular basis but I watch other channels like Rob Has A Podcast, McCann's Farm, Corrado & Saskia from Apprentice Eh, NishaJD and several other channels.


12 Years In Online Media!

              So 12 years ago yesterday, I started my journey with Online Media, but started mainly making videos but not posting them up on YouTube. Then the group lasting up to it's 8.5 year mark in 2014, was so close to 9 years near 8 yrs on YouTube officially. Then making the move to Podcasting and haven't looked back since and love creating Reality TV Recap Podcasts each week.

               I've notice I have grown in the social media in the way of Twitter as you know I had 2 different Twitter accounts but the first one is now deleted and gone from the Twitterverse, as you know with the current social media I got right now is the one I use only now. It is amazing since 2013 my social media reached passed 1000 followers then now currently almost half way to 3200 followers so watching my social media grow is insane! I have grown as a person, also learned around problems and conflict with other people. I can say I am more knowledge of fixing problems, especially technology wise now too, yes I am talking about my website being the primary problem over the last couple of years.

                  I love what I do each and everyday and sharing my knowledge, wisdom & wit. Also interacting with you guys on a daily basis, I love getting to know each and everyone of you and connecting with other bloggers and podcaster's in the Twitter community each and everyday of my life. I am planning to keep on going with Chris B On The Web for years to come and hope you continue to support me in the years come as I continue to grow my fan base. Second Blog Post to come at 6 pm EST, in the meantime, have a great afternoon!



Saturday, December 9, 2017

Toronto Christmas Market @ Toronto Distillery District 2017!

          So last night, more like Thursday night, I got to go to the Distillery District in Toronto for the Toronto Christmas Market with my dad and this was the first time for us going to this ever and we heard about this last year and wanted to go but apparently it ended before Christmas but this year it goes up to the day before Christmas. We traveled to Toronto Via Go Train as it is the fastest way into the city, due to traffic during the rush hour time it would not be too good if we drove in we would of been stuck in traffic and there later then we were on Thursday Night.

So we got there, we took the subway to King Station and the streetcar over to the Distillery District. We got there and went in and I was amazed by all the lights at the distillery/Toronto Christmas Market, the red, the white lights. As you can see above, the white and red lights. Also as you see in the picture above I had a picture with me behind the white star which makes me like a star I guess. They had booths with small snow globes, also Christmas decorations as well. Their were some with food or snacks like a grilled Cheese stand, poutine which I had a poutine with Montreal Smoked Meat which is a French-Canadian kind of dish here in Canada. Also they got a huge tree as you can see on the left side of the post with my dad sort of under the tree. We had a great night, minus the transit booting us off as it was going out of service which it could of gone out of service at the loop and we could of waited for another streetcar to head back to Union Station but oh well, it is what it is and we managed to get home around 930 pm that evening and boy I was exhausted but yet I stayed up till 1 or 2 am in the morning which I haven't slept well but I felt relaxed after a fun evening.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Tyrone Parade of Lights 2017

             This year at the Tyrone Parade of Lights, was a bit frustrating to deal with the missing battery pack at the start of the parade which it was left here in the studio and let me say, I've loaded it for tonight's event I am going to, hence no Everything About Reality TV Podcast tonight and it's going up tomorrow. So every year I go to Tyrone and have been for about 10 years now. 

              So to take pictures were taken by my IPhone obviously as I messed up forgetting to load the camera battery last night. One thing I did find very frustrating with this parade the fact they said 730 pm and it didn't come till 20 mins to 8 O'Clock so they were late and boy I wasn't happy, I wasn't having it, I was not a happy camper and I wanted to go home and forget this parade. I even said to my dad, I wasn't going to come back next year, but I had second thoughts not long after. 

                Once the parade started, I enjoyed it, actually I noticed right off the bat there was a lot of new floats then last year so or there were additions to the parade then they had last year minus the first float as you see above and on the left side of this blog Santa on his Case Tractor but with a trailer this year that probably was the only one that was in this parade as they changed but I would have to go compare notes and I will do a follow up blog next week once I know what the differences are and it will make a different blog post and I wanna compare notes to last year's parade. Also the parade had more floats then last year and it was even better then last year, but my dad mentioned they should start it 30 mins earlier then they normally do. Other then that when it finished I said yes, I would go back next year no matter what happened this year with the late parade because I really do enjoy these parades each and every year with my dad.

Have  a great rest of your day!


My Birthday 2017!

          Yesterday was my birthday and was the most fun I have had out of all the birthday's. I got to celebrated with Larry, whom you all know from the highly successful podcast, Everything About Reality TV from time to time and he came over for about 6.5 hours, usually its like 7.5 hours we are together, but he came over and out of the 5 of us he was the only one that was able to come over but that's OK we had a fun time, played tons of Sims 4, he tried The Binding of Isaac, Star Wars Battlefront (the first of those games). We had chicken nuggets and fries. Inbetween him and I spending time, answering texts, and calls with birthday wishes from friends and family which was fine, I got to talk to my grandma again as I saw her back on Monday. Plus answering Facebook and Twitter birthday wishes.

               After Larry left, I spent time with my brother, my Niece and Nephew popped over to see me for a bit before they had to go and eat and the kids swimming class. I opened my gifts from my brother and my sister in law, the kids which was a One Republic CD also gift card for best buy. My mom and dad of course got me All In The Family Season 7 - 9 which completes my entire collection of the series. After my brother left as they were short for time, we made the pizza as I requested for my birthday dinner. It was delicious it had pepperoni, pineapple and cheese on it, I know pineapple does not go on Pizza! After that the night was pretty much to myself, watched a movie, talked to my friend Terry again for the second time in the day, so it was nice to sit back and relax after a very busy but fun day. 



Monday, December 4, 2017

Concerns, Everything About Reality TV, Everything About Reality TV Update

                   I know the Net Neutrality will not impact me much up in Canada if passed but the facts is my podcast is on an American Website and it will be throttled whether or not I am in Canada or The United States of America. This definitely hurts my podcast In every way, shape and form and if they throttle the websites my podcasts are on, it most definitely hurts my podcasts future on the internet and yet I got royalty free intro and the rest pretty much is me talking on the podcast, the intro is like 30 seconds then that's it. If it doesn't pass then everything will stand as it is with my podcast and running the podcast each and every week.

                    Now another thing that is on my mind with my podcast currently is the stability of the Reality TV Shows in the last several months with Big Brother Canada going on hiatus for a month, put me into a panic that my podcast was going downhill. I understand Survivor, Amazing Race won't be around forever but as long as I got Reality TV Shows to cover, I am happy to be recapping it for you guys once to a few times a week, depending on the schedule for the Reality TV. However yes I was concerned to the future of this podcast but I feel positive that it will be around for a while still and if it does end, I can always do other podcast projects in the near future and start a new journey. Like the saying goes, one door closes and another one opens to start something new.

Have a Great Night!


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Port Perry Santa Claus Parade 2017

            This is a different blog from any of the previous blog posts, I have done in the last couple of days and change is good. So last night I got to go to the Port Perry Santa Claus Parade, the first time since November/December 2009 which is almost 10 years ago since I have went to the parade last. So it was quite sometime ago since I was there and would like to try and go every year since we missed the parade in my city where I'm from. 

            So we left a bit late so we ended up parking further away then usual and of course we ended up walking where we were going to stand but hey it was good, because it was close to a spot where we can see the parade and also we got a treat, my dad got a coffee and a tart, I just had a raisin scone as I wasn't thirsty at all but the scone was delicious.

             As for the parade it was good, but there were somethings that I wasn't happy with, one being the parade was spaced out way to much and I felt like it was slow in sections. I know I am whining and complaining but it was the truth. I didn't really care it was a smaller parade because I understood it was a small town which I thought it made it more quaint for a parade. Would I go back? Probably as long as they don't space it out a lot, I will be more then happy to go back next year for the 2018 Port Perry Santa Claus Parade!


Friday, December 1, 2017

Net Neutrality And What My Thoughts On This....

                  I have seen YouTube Video about Net Neutrality and I figured I should address this in the blog today. It is very important issue with the FCC wanting to vote for Net Neutrality and to raise awareness on this. 

                 So the FCC want to pass Net Neutrality in the United States and if it is passed a lot of websites in the States will be throttled and yes this includes my podcast, as it is on an American website, so it may affect me too even though were neutral for Net and our ISP's (Internet Service Providers) & CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications) want to keep Neutral, but I believe I will still affected in some way with the American Websites out there and mass majority of the sites my podcast is on is on sites from the states, so I am still be affected as the FCC, I am sure when they throttle the sites and then my podcast is pretty much in trouble. Not only me other sites too.

                    Also sites like YouTube, also streaming sites like Stream Me, Camup, Vaughnlive, IVlog will be throttle, which means the streaming platforms are going to suffer dearly, but not just suffer but streaming site owners will lose their casters and money from their ads, pro or VIP users and pretty much the site will pretty much die down which is not a good thing, casting has become huge online. Also internet radio will not exist, especially with stations that broadcast on video platforms it will be throttled.

                    So with what I said, I encourage you to go to your member of congress and tell them, you don't want to see Net Neutrality passed as the online world will be coming crashing down very quickly on Dec 14th. As for us Canadians, we will not be affected it is up to our Internet Service Providers are the ones to deal with the activity I guess and hand out our prices for internet use but please down in the states talk to your member of congress and tell them you don't want the net neutrality passed. 


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Which Social Media Do I Use The Most Currently?

          So you are probably wondering what Social Media? Well besides Facebook for my own personal use, my main go to Social Media for Chris B On The Web at this point is Twitter and is the only social media used for Chris B On The Web.

            As you guys know I've tried a fan page to a point I was trolled or not much activity on the page whatsoever. Also as you know my posts got reported so again that is why I have refused to make anymore groups at this point of time, someone keeps reporting my posts, not that I am bashing Facebook, because I'm not...  I got my reasons why I do not have the Facebook group or the Facebook Page and I am happy with what I got at this point of time. The way I see it, is go on social media that bring you the most success and interaction, it doesn't hurt to try it out if it doesn't work then you can remove it from that social media and work with which ones work the best for you. 

           So which platforms do I prefer to use? Well I liked Facebook but to a point of the post getting reported so Twitter is currently my go to for social media at this point of time and honestly I get a ton more response from it then i did elsewhere, even Google Plus wasn't doing overly great for me at the time, but my choices would be Facebook or Twitter, Facebook as I had ton of support on the group up to the point of being reported constantly from outside the group. Twitter, I get Retweets, replies Likes, you name it on there and I am very happy with the platform and been a solid member since 2011/2012, then the current account since 2013 and I've noticed on Twitter I have grown so much and so fast, it is my number 1 social media outside of my personal FB for friends and family. 


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

I Made A Big Mistake!

           I knew I would get a backlash of hate and people un-following me for what I posted here on the blog and the post has been removed from the blog, it was unprofessional and I was wrong to make the wrong judgement and I know my cousin, he would of not been happy if the site goes down for good and if the site was to go down, it would be the day the domain expires if I felt like just having the blogger, I can link the podcasts on here somewhere and interviews on here. But I was talking about it a bit further on Periscope this afternoon. However, I was wrong to just give up on my website, when the going gets tough and I should know better and I deserved to lose 3 - 4 followers in the process for what I did. I know there are consequences for every action and I am taking the consequence of losing followers.

            I deeply sorry for those whom I may have affected with this startling announcement last night, it was uncalled for, I should of figured out a solution with the website and just given you guys the blog page and the other Audio ONLY platforms... I know a few people gave me crap already for even thinking of quitting something I love to do. I understand you guys love what I do and respect me for taking time out of my day to record quality content each and everyday. I was merely frustrated with the way my website was running and to just give up on everything, was not the right thing to do and was unforgivable. I hope you guys can forgive me and we move forward with everything on Chris B On The Web and the big future plans I got for my website. 

Have a great night!


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Why I Got Into Podcasting?

               So You are probably wondering how in the world did I get into podcasting, as most of you during my time as an YouTuber I had a podcast back in 2014 which I had a co host back then, but of course it didn't last long which doesn't really surprise me, same with another one in 2015. Of course Everything About Reality TV didn't come into play until September 24th, 2015 is the official date it started as I screwed up the dates on the anniversary so technically it's 2 years now it's been on the air.

             So why did I get into podcasting, well back in January 2012, I got involved with my college radio station and the program director and the staff there taught me so much. Good examples are like making sure my mouth isn't close to the mic which I don't have it close anymore, having notes to what you are talking about which you guys know I always got notes handy and ready to go. Also I am quite the good talker and able to interact with fans in a heartbeat as I already had quite a following even as I was in the middle of my series on YouTube even though it was on a hiatus while I attended school, so making a second Twitter and getting followers was a breeze and of course I promote this Twitter through my main one anyways to get the following. I was and still am the social media guru to this very day presently... 

               Most of you who been following my journey since the start of social media know I use to DJ for a station back on that is not the reason behind starting a podcast it is more the college visual radio station, Riot Radio is what inspired me to get into podcasting and that is where I am to this day. I started Everything About Reality TV on YouTube to going Audio ONLY and look how well it has done! I am really glad I joined Riot Radio, I got to meet so many amazing people and other fellow students at the college and put a great radio show on for everyone called Easy Rock With Chris B!
