Friday, August 16, 2019

Equipment For Podcasts- What Do You Need?

            Welcome to Day 2 of this mini series of Podcasting Help or tutorials. I am excited to be back to do another one of these for you guys and was a great turn out on the post yesterday so it is totally worth to continue this series. I was thinking about doing it every second day but decided to go day to day. Anyways today I am talking about equipment. 

1) Video and Audio ONLY: If You want to go on the video side of things, the equipment you probably need is: If you do not have a mixer a headset does work but still it is worth to invest in one, even a handheld on a stand itself can be the cheaper route for you guys to take. Also if you are streaming it live on YouTube, Twitch or any video platform a webcam is a must. You have to get yourself a decent one as the cheap ones were not the greatest as I know from experience but I got some quality cameras here in the studio now. Also for recording using Audacity is a great program, but there is other programs out there like Adobe Audition, however you can just Google it and see what there is out there. Finally for this part of today's post is the software you use for streaming your podcast live. Now there is a few programs that are very popular these days. First is OBS which is an open broadcast software and it is free compare to the other two you do have to buy a pro to get more features to where OBS is totally free. The link for this software is which I am not paid to promote their software but highly recommend this! Next is X-Split which I used for many years but the only issue is for the free version of the software you have only 4 scenes and I think some features are locked unless you get pro which I do not know as I haven't used that program in a very long time as I am more a OBS user now these days when I do or did stream. Finally is Wirecast which does cost a bunch to get and I wouldn't recommend it whatsoever.

2) Audio ONLY: For Audio ONLY all you need is Audacity or any audio recording program which I spoke about above, microphone or microphones depending if there is one or two of you for the podcast which my studio is setup for 2 mics right now at the moment. I highly recommend to even get a 70 - 100 dollar hand held like I said above even a stand that you can adjust. That is actually how it all began for me then a goose neck and the rest is history but that is a great way to start then as you go on then you can upgrade to a condenser like I have and like I have told you guys I have the handheld which is now on the second boom behind the second screen which is rarely used minus when guests of a certain collaboration podcast is over here talking up snow on me at the wrong time... haha. Anyways start small scale then you can build it up eventually. 

              Anyways that is the post for this morning, tomorrow we get into the beauty of the podcasting world with the different platforms and it will definitely will be an interesting as my podcast is on way to many platforms and I will cover em and what to do. I am excited to get to this portion of the podcast especially. Fair warning after tomorrow's post I am taking a few days off to cover different topics on here so it will be changing but Tuesday we will be back on this topic after a small break. 


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Starting A Podcast, What You Need!

                This has been on the schedule, sorry the list for quite some time now and I want to talk about this to help you new podcasters out especially. I have been technically been podcasting almost 5 years now so now I wanna give back to you guys after the years I have been doing this. So today's topic out of several which mind you I do not know how many exactly, but it could be 3 - 5 at the most tops no more then that. If there is part of this I am missing please do feel free to contact me and I will cover it on the blog. Today's post is about starting a podcast which takes numerous steps to get done. 

1) Microphone/Web Cam- Microphone doesn't have to be as professional as mine Next up is a Web cam especially if you are on a video platform like Twitch or YouTube which I do not recommend YouTube as you know by the situation I went through with YouTube but a good web cam is recommended but I will get into that under equipment later.

2) Choice of Platform- There are so many different podcast platforms to where your RSS Feed comes from,, Mixer, Anchor which Punk Rock Cheeseburger Podcast uses and yes I gave Rocky a shoutout there! lol. There is other platforms you can put your podcasts on from submitting You're Podcast which will be in this blog series, but not sure. I want to do different platforms you're podcast can be on and think that will be tomorrow actually where I will cover that. 

3) Program- You will need a recording software to record which is key to recording and again that will be under equipment post later on when I actually do that nut it is key to recording a podcast even if you stay Audio ONLY like I have been doing for the past 2.5 years now soon to be 3 years. 

4) Subject/Theme/Topic- Finally you need a subject/theme or Topic. For example for me as you know, I talk Reality TV each and every week and also as you know occasionally the Power Rangers Podcast. That is kind of what I mean is to have an topic or subject and best to try staying on the same topic week but if you wanna just go off the cuff that is good too. 

                     There is what you need to start a podcast and I know it is quite a list and I cover most of what you need and I will talk about the equipment you need and that is actually tomorrow's blog post is about is the actual equipment part as I tried to be short on my points that I made as some of them I will be covering tomorrow. However it is upmost important to have these 4 items in order for a successful podcast and of course its common sense that you need these things honestly if you wanna succeed in the world of podcasting which has become a really big thing these days. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My Thoughts For The Upcoming Big Brother Canada Season 8....

               Now that there was a post about BBCAN8, it is starting to make me wonder what the plan is. I have several ideas, thoughts and theories behind the upcoming season next year and this is why I called off the other post I was suppose to do today till tomorrow which you will see what I mean tomorrow. Anyways I wanna talk about this as I am, I mean it has me wondering as there has been speculation on one basic thing that we have been waiting for now 8 seasons. Here is my theories and thoughts:

1) All-Stars: This has been on our mind since the 7th season has now wrapped up and we could be seeing an All-Star season, however would the casting director make an announcement that casting information is coming soon? I mean wouldn't they stay quiet if it indeed been an all stars season cast? Their definitely wouldn't be anything in the way of auditions for an All-Stars as that is mainly them bringing back old cast from the previous 7 seasons so I am not totally certain there will not be an All-Stars yet but never know with Big Brother, Expect, the unexpected. They could be hyping us up for an All-Stars season after all but never know!

2) Big Brother Canada Vs. U.S. with newbies from both the U.S. and Canada- A topic long talked about after season 4 of Big Brother Canada after getting international houseguests in that season. I pretty much am convinced as they are talking about casting calls information is coming soon, like I said I think All-Stars is not in the question but again but you just do not know what they have in stored. 

3) Big Brother Canada Vs U.S. With Veterans- I know not every fan is fond of returnees but this could be another option, however what would be the point of auditions or casting information as it was said, that casting information is coming soon so this means there probably be casting so the 2nd one is probably more the probable at this point.

                 There is my list of 3 ideas that is going through my list as I spent about an hour and a half with Eric and we were talking to get my mind off the recent drama in my life and anything right now is possible with this. I just do not know which way they will go or they will once again have newbies this season. Eric mentioned they could be doing 8 Canadians, 8 American's in the winter and the same in the summer in the U.S So I just do not really can put a finger on it as I do not know what their plan is but right now it is but if it was All-Stars, there would of not been an announcement about casting but it is still early to tell and they could even do an All-Stars season but we will find out in time. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below!


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Did A Walk Down At The Lake Yesterday...

             Yesterday I did a walk down at the lake with my former staff and alum, Eric and it really brought back a lot of the memories from both series that was filmed. Eric even mentioned when we first started it was all started by a school project. Also we did several episodes down at the lake for both Durham Entertainment Today and also The Entertainment Man Talk Show especially. The Entertainment Man Talk Show, if I remember there was 2 or 3 episodes down there that we filmed with the rest of the crew.  We also went back to the Gazebo where the first episode was first filmed on January 7th, 2006 which was the very first filming date that we filmed a series. Yes I remember the date and I remembered when it was cancelled which is something I do not want to actually remember though. We also did a walk down the path that I use to do and he use to do which brought back a ton of the memories from the past. We were down at the beach area and it really made some memorable moments of another staff I use to have and I we took a picture down at the lake which I do not know where that pic ever went to after all these years.  Finally down at the pier which a freighter boat was actually there unloading steel beams from the boat. We actually walked on the pier and if I remember we did film somewhere on the pier but do not remember whatsoever where.

               Finally we headed back to the main building where the snack bar and had  bite to eat and we just went to the snack bar not the new restaurant they have down there. However the restaurant looked pretty cool and I think it is a great idea to add that into the lakefront and it does generate more people to the waterfront too. There were people actually eating there so that is a good sign that people are going to that restaurant and my dad and I should eventually try that out down the road. Last final thoughts on this little excursion down to the lake really rejuvenated me and got me all relaxed for the next couple of days of getting things ready for podcasts to be released tomorrow and Friday to ensure I can get back to a normal schedule. This idea was entirely mine and was the best idea I ever had as a long walk was what I needed. The fresh air really cleared my mind from any stress that I have had and I actually rephrased a meme "You Can't Fix Stupid, even with duct tape" to "You Can't fix baldness even with chrome polish" and did one for my friend, former staff and alumni Gordie as well just for fun.  Last but not least, It was a nice walk down memory lane for Eric and I honestly and was neat to actually remember the good old days of us filming a web series for YouTube but that is now behind me as I am now into the world of Podcasting but again still nice to remember the good times not the negative.


Monday, August 12, 2019

YouTube-- Copyright Claims On My Now Former YouTube Podcast Channel

             I have been quiet about this for a while and kept it off the website blog for a few weeks as I have been very very upset at the way it happened. What happened if you are wondering? I will be able tell you as it has been a couple of weeks since the incident happened. Well as you know last month I was in Boston with my parents for a family vacation/holiday whatever you call it. Anyways I got home and back into the grind of blog posts and podcasts and I was going to pre-record a video version of the podcast to premiere onto YouTube but found every single video had minus the intro video to have a copyright claim when the only music was the royalty free intro I have that introduces you guys to the hosts now that we have a second host added onto it. Apparently the claim was I was playing B-52s when there was nothing in the way to that artist so I do not know what the heck they would claim it honestly when that is the only music is the royalty free intro, no singing nothing. It could of been while I was doing the podcast but honestly the rest of that was just me talking! Me, I own the content, I am the Founder/Executive Producer/Host of the podcast! I own all the rights to it. Everything About Reality TV is produced by Chris B On The Web, so CBOTW pretty much also owns the rights since I run and operate the group.  So all of this really did tick me the heck off and I was pretty mad for about a week or so. However now I am pretty much over it all now. 

              So what did I do? I have once again and plan on never returning to YouTube, the channel was subsequently closed by moi (me) as I just do not need this extra stress. I did nothing wrong to deserve this. I did fight the claims and won but I still do not want to return anytime soon as of right now I am over YouTube honestly and fully retired from the platform as a content creator. However I am still active on there watching my favorite YouTubers that are still very much active on the platform. Either then that Everything About Reality TV is back to Audio ONLY now as you guy know and still going very much strong. I am nowhere near done as you know with the recent announcement were going big. It's go big or go home. Honestly have been creating content on Instagram TV which I have now been enjoying and has been doing well. I am forever grateful in the end for the community I grew the 38 subs that I had on both the original channel which I really need to start downloading all the old videos and storing them on a hard drive before I try to get to get that channel taken down for good as it has been inactive. But the copyright claims were totally uncalled for when there was no copyrighted material, just me talking about Reality TV so that really put the damper on things so that is why I have gone back to Audio ONLY and haven't decided to stick to Audio ONLY and it is the best move I can make at this point. I know you guys told me you do not blame me for making this move. 


Sunday, August 11, 2019

Everything About Reality TV Huge Announcement!

               The moment is here that you have all been waiting for. The huge announcement I have been holding onto since Thursday last week when my private group found out first as I have a private group to discuss things around the CBOTW Community but anyways to catch you guys up to speed I have made an addition to Everything About Reality TV in the way of covering TV Shows and I already looked into it and this show and it is a Reality TV Show. So with great pleasure it is my honor and privilege to announce the return of Hell's Kitchen Recaps! Now you are going to wonder am I going to host it? The answer to that is no. I have brought on someone new to the podcast to take those over. His name is Billy which you can find him on Twitter @Billy1196 and on Instagram billiams11 He will be the one that will be behind the microphone at his own place and he will be sending it to me to get it finalized and posted up on the Everything About Reality TV Audio ONLY Feed since YouTube screwed us over with that false copyright claims from a company but they took it down which I will address tomorrow's blog. Anyways I am excited for this change and the fact I am slowly stepping back on my role to 3 shows that I am now covering. I plan on getting other hosts down the line too for Big Brother Canada Season 8 and Big Brother US Season 22 and will be open to video applications online for this volunteer position. So Billy is just the start of things for the Everything About Reality TV Podcast crew.

                    Now I do not know when it will start and right now as there is not a schedule that has been released nor if it will be this fall or in the New Year so It is hard to tell at the moment as it is to be determined and it will be a tough one to answer. Soon as I know when the release date is then I will be doing up the schedule weekly. I do have Survivor: Island of The Idols scheduled at the top of my head so I am ready however few problems occurring the first week as I will not be home that Wednesday for the premiere, I will be at a friends for the premiere and finally of Big Brother US. However got ideas and know my schedule the next season which this will be our 12th season. Yes I said "Our" as Billy is the newest addition to the team. However like I said I am so thrilled to have him on the team and this podcast is constantly changing and this podcast is still in it's prime for it almost hitting 4 years of hard work it was finally time to bring someone new onto the podcast to help out and he is solely on his own with support from me mostly. I am the one adding in the theme but I think he will be the one to edit as well.  However we have to work on details right now and we have some time between now to work out the details. So welcome aboard Billy glad to have you part of this team even if it is a yearly thing for several months either way it is great to have him on board. I know he will do a good job.


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Promotion Is Key As a Content Creator!

             Not sure if I ever talked about this here on the blog but I am going to in case I didn't. Promotion is key especially when it comes to being a content creator. I have been told this back when I was still streaming and honestly I didn't have much in the way of social media when I was a regular broadcaster back in the day in 2011 which is a long time ago honestly. However it is very, very important to keep your fans up to date especially when it comes to technical issues which I experienced yesterday and the day before which seems to been ironed out. Anyways I let you guys know what was going on but mind you I didn't say anything Thursday as I was live somewhere and there was mic issues even then. However to always be in contact with you guys in the up most important thing for me so this way you guys know what the heck is going on with me especially and usually I am good at telling you guys these things and I do not hold back if something is on my mind especially tech issues is the biggest thing. Now moving on from tech issues to post up the podcast, I give as many links as I can. Normally 3 or 4 then where else you can find the podcast. Same with the blog I will post up the links everyday if the posts are everyday compare to me missing yesterdays but, yes but, I told you guys the truth why I wasn't going to post but what I should of done was told you guys in the morning but how the heck did I know that I was going to happen so that's way I made the late announcement as I got busy fixing the tech issues.

                 Now I even schedule the tweets out for promotion, from the blog post to the podcasts and it helps but other then that my tweets are genuinely me talking. Only things that are set to schedule is the blog posts and podcasts. The more you promote the better chance your podcast will be noticed and it took a long time over a year to start being noticed as a podcaster. I usually use these hashtags for my podcast #EverythingAboutRealityTV, #Podcast, #Podcasts, #Podcaster,#contentcreator, #blogger, #blog. I think you guys get the idea but hashtags helps a lot with content and helps you build your community and following and when I first started out as a podcaster and blogger full time I had very little so that is why I am saying hashtags really do help as a content creator in general, it helps you grow pretty quick. Another point when I first started I had about only 1200 and now over 3400 however lost a bunch thanks to the Twitter purge and hope to grow again and get to the 4k mark finally. My final advice just keep promoting, promoting and promoting, it will help you and if you need any help please do not hesitate to contact me via email here on the website, Twitter or Instagram and I will be more then happy to help you guys out. I am happy to help podcasters, bloggers, YouTubers out to grow their content, their channel. 


Thursday, August 8, 2019

My Thoughts About The Maple Leafs Changes

             All these changes had to happen, especially if Babcock wants to stay on as coach and he will be here to stay. Don't get me wrong he's a great coach and one of the best in the league and we wouldn't have gone this far without him! We have progressed well over the last couple of years with 2 playoff appearances. Mind you we have not gone far in the playoffs but just wait till the upcoming season. I think and got a great feeling we will have one hell of a team this year. Now I know Gardiner is gone as he became a restricted Free agent and we are still waiting to sign Marner which is still pending. Now back up goalie is the only concern I have really. We have Hutchinson and he could be our next back up goalie but we will have to say. Now we have invited Micheal Neuvirth who is a former Generals goaltender and he was one heck of a goalie when he played for the Gens. Yes Gens are my local Ontario Hockey League team. Anyways I know he has had his struggles in the goal but never know, he could perform well and could be our #2 man between the pipes but if not Hutchinson, could get the nod for the position and hes done fine when he was called up last season. Majority of these players, Kerfoot, etc I do not know much about but I will have to learn about them. Don't get me wrong, it is exciting to see new faces and see the direction the management and I feel very upbeat with the changes. One last thing we need to do is get our backup goalie and we should be good and ready to go. Yes I admit getting rid of Mcelhinney but I see why as they want to get a young team and build it from there. 

              One way or another, if Neuvirth isn't signed which my dad is not very upbeat because of his past seasons not doing well, however we are giving him a chance and that is what matters. We invited him to the training camp and he could be training hard for the upcoming training and could surprise us. You never really know what he will bring to the table honestly. Either way I am excited for this season and I honestly am over this baseball season as the Jays have not been doing that great, I mean yes they win here and there but I think at this point I am ready for hockey season and ready to see how the Maple Leafs do this season with all the new players they have acquired on the off season. It will be an interesting year and I will be watching all 82 games plus playoff games too but we need to focus on the season first before playoffs as I seem to have jumped too far ahead of myself and I need to just worry about the season first. I am most looking forward to the Leafs against the Montreal Canadiens aka the Toilet Seats as I give em the nickname. Especially as my friend, he's a Habs fan and I am a Leaf, there is a ton of comments between us which is hilarious hear us bicker at each other over our teams.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

I Have To Work On My Patience and Problem Solve Better

              There is a certain level I can tolerate with my patience level but if my patience is pushed then you will see a side of me that you do not want to say. Yes I am speaking about the future of Power Rangers Podcast, there will be 2 different press releases eventually and I am just not ready to announce it publicly as of yet. Yes my patience has been tested with the future of the Power Rangers Podcast however, things changed very, very quickly and again I am just eager to announce it eventually. However I still have to work on my patience but honestly I feel like it is getting better, however, some things I can and cannot tolerate and what I honestly think, there is a certain extent to where the patience will not be as patient if that makes any sense to you honestly. Let me put it this way, if it goes beyond my patience then there is nothing I can really do. There is hell to pay and that has been shown in the past from the Power Rangers Podcast to dealing with my phone company well that really pushed me over the edge and trust me you didn't wanna hear the language out of my mouth last night. I had quite the sailors mouth as the saying goes but there is a certain level, I need to watch my P's and Q's tho as that could and can get me and my mouth into trouble. Anyways I should of not lost my cool because I wasn't patient enough to fix the issue with charger which I have now replaced but one other unit the plug itself has to be replaced. I should of been a bit more patient and not take it out on them. Anyways moving forward I need to problem solve before going nuts on someone.

                 There is a bit more to work in the way of patience and also problem solving but I can be honest I have gotten indeed better at problem solving now but just gotta keep it up. I cannot back down on improving myself from here on out, just gotta keep working hard to better myself as a human being and I know it takes time and it cannot happen overnight technically but in time it will definitely happen. The problem solving I do find myself doing a lot more of and it is getting better but still needs some work. However my patience with the podcast has gotten better and gotten patient with the editing side of things but sometimes the technical side of things are not great from time to time but able to trouble shoot the problem.   Working hard to these goals and know if I keep my mind in the game, I can do it.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

What Do I Think About The Blue Jays With The Young Team?

           I am going to try and stay as positive as I can in this and it hasn't been the most positive feedback I have given on the Jays this year with frustration after frustration and I know all of us as fans feel that frustration honestly this year especially with change after change. I am going to explain a few things in today's blog. Now that we have gotten rid majority of our 2015 team from the ALDS, minus Smoak who is still with the organization, we sure as heck got rid of a lot of our pitchers. Honestly getting rid of Stroman was not the right move. Sanchez going yes I agree to why they traded him as his season hasn't been the greatest but started to bounce back before we traded him and now doing amazing in Houston with the Astro's Organization as recently he got a no hitter which I was very ecstatic for him. Now I haven't been a big Biagini fan in the recent years as they got him for Lirano but I have nothing but a lot of respect for Joe Biagini and getting rid of him was not the right move as we need pitching. I cannot stress that enough. He has been doing extremely well as a reliever and putting him as a starter to see how well he does. I think they should of kept him. To be honest I rather they traded Tepera who's had a rough time as a reliever and Biagini is the better option. However we got some pitchers for who we traded so still it will be interesting to see how it will work out. However back to the Stroman trade they said it is not goodbye as his contract is up in 2021 so we could see Stro come back to Toronto down the road, never know!

           Which brings me into the next point. Ever since we made all these trades, the team has been performing a lot better and winning a lot more. The trade did a lot of good for the team, with this young vibrant team with Biggio, Bichette and Guerrero Jr on the team, this young team sure does have a bright future. It is like they took a page out of the Leafs which I will get to on another post in the next day or so. Now it is all about the team coming together and getting the pitching they need in order to make a run in the playoffs once again and I highly think it won't be a long wait honestly. I am looking forward to what the Jays do next and I know they have to get the pitching to help them yet the pitchers they have now have done nothing but a great job. Yes they lost 2 games in a row, however they went on a 5 game winning streak which is the most you have seen out of the team and it is so excited. I think this is the first time this season I have been excited to be watching the Blue Jays play in a long time. I can be honest back in June, I stopped watching as I lost interest, however still kept up with transactions and how they been doing but recently I got back into the Jays again and I did miss the game last night as I was in bed early so I can get work done this morning but later on I plan on watching the Jays play against the O's (Orioles).


Monday, August 5, 2019

Not Sure What Expect For Podcasts In The New Year...

                I have been thinking about this and not sure what to expect with come New Year. Why do I say this? I am not sure if Music City will be back for a 3rd season as I am still waiting to hear any news if it will indeed be renewed but waiting on any news on that which could be mid August if we actually hear anything. As for Celebrity Big Brother, the same thing as well and should know by end of this current Big Brother 21 season.  So there is still waiting to do. As for Music City, I really think they wrapped up in the way of story lines, however there is new story lines they can go with, new things can happen on the show, however I understand if they do not renew and I have said this before on a video online that I am forever grateful CMT (Country Music Television Station) down in the states for the opportunity but there is 10 days till they made the season 2 announcement a year ago and hoping that it will happen we will see in that time frame. Now Celebrity Big Brother, my Alumni said, that he doesn't think it will happen, especially with rumors of Big Brother Canada could start in February instead of March but they can always push Celebrity Big Brother into mid January at the most. 

                  However in the end if there is no Celebrity Big Brother or Music City, I am already got some off season podcasts I can post up in the New Year every week or second week before the Big Brother Canada, Survivor 40 and Amazing Race 32 happen. I think I will definitely aim for every 2nd week if you think about it, that would be biweekly when the off season comes out. I have already been thinking about it and I got that really freakin odd feeling that Big Brother Canada Season 8 will be All-Stars as it is now August and no announcement nor the audition page has been updating so I am starting to speculate which means come New Year that is the one of the first two Podcasts that is coming out is an Dream All Star Cast and if things get better between myself and one of my alumni then I will be able to do the podcast with them but if not that means I am on my own technically. However I need to remain positive and remember this will be officially my 13th season on the air within 4 years which is crazy to think but not sure what to expect right now. I think I need to just go with the flow of things, focus on the remainder of this season which is moving at a fast pace for me but that's Ok, then followed by the 12th season which will have Survivor Island of the Idols which indeed will be an interesting season. From there I just will probably figure things out from there on out then. 
