Wednesday, March 18, 2020

5 Years Ago I Was An Mess

             5 years ago, we lost my aunt whom I was so close to. Both of my aunt Maria and aunt Margaret, I was close to. I think I should of not been casting at the time and taken some personal time off. Because it was a disaster of a night on March 27th, 2015, from someone putting me down to me doing self harm and being banned. I think that was the point of me hanging up my casting shoes but as you know I went straight to Twitch for gaming which didn't last that long really. You know I think of it now, I should of just stayed off for a while and I am sure my listeners would of understood why I went off. Either way 5 years later, I feel sad but I am just remembering the memories and some of the memories is trying Thai food for the very first time and boy I really enjoyed it. The lunches I went over there was one of my favorite weeks as I went every second week for lunch with Afternoon visits on the other weeks. Funny thing to mention my aunt as yesterday morning at 3 am the alarm went off and with today being the 5 year since she passed kind of thinking either of my aunts pulling a practical joke as I woke up to it at 3 am yesterday morning.

              I realize and know being close to a loved one like my aunts, grandma, I knew I was going to be in for a rough time and we all deal with loss of a loved one differently and I guess I lost it entirely and even to this day I regret it but now I know she's proud of me for what I have done with my life, becoming who I am, a better man. Also healthier person, mentally. Anyways I am going to have my favorite drink this afternoon and just sit back and remember some of the good times. Sorry for a short post but better then nothing. I do still miss my aunt but I can always remember the good times I had with her and my other aunts. Also there is pictures that we have I can always look at as we got a ton of pictures of both of em both at the old house in Toronto and also here in my region.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Personal Update--- I Am Just Fine!

             I know you all are wondering how I am doing with the Corona Virus and we have a fair good amount of cases and I can ensure you guys, I am good and very healthy and I have made the decision to go out less. Minus going out to hang with Eric on a weekly basis, I have put myself into self isolation for right now. Yes I do get out once a week and I go out for walks but the most part I am hunkering here at home and honestly this is fine with me. I can get content done and today and tomorrow I gotta record stuff. I ensure you guys I am fine and actually in our Region we are in, we have only 2 cases. So I am honestly fine and trying to avoid going out as much as possible but if I really am bored then I will definitely be going out and about but for the most part I am choosing to stay home and try to avoid going out to the public unless I really necessarily have to. Now content will still remain as it is as long as I remain healthy I will keep up with content but if anything changes please check my social media as I have my phone with me at all times. Either way things are not changing but for now I chose to try and stay home and kind of want to stay clear of all of this.

            However I want to reassure you guys everything is great. I am in perfectly good health and my health has been great. Even my knees been better then usual so I am in very good spirits and sorry I haven't really said anything about the situation here in my province but I have just been so busy with content I should of known better to mention it to you guys that everything is fine but as long as you guys see posts you should all know I am fine. However Sunday I went AWAL on social and the reason was because I had Larry here in studio and we were talking a lot about future collabs with him and I am been talking about it and also we had a ton of fun around the studio playing Sims which I do have a post. Please do not panic, if you don't see me posting for an day, just feel free to private or DM message me to see if I am OK, especially if I disappear for 3 - 5 days then that is the time to send me a private message especially. Either way stay tuned for me content and just announced this evening I am giving video a shot but on Dailymotion instead of YouTube as you know my position with it. Either or, please do not worry, I am in good spirits and doing well and I will see you in tomorrow's post.


Studio Update-- 03-17-2020

               Studio is coming along nicely, today we are working on the ceiling today but I will have pictures next week, I promise as we only have two, well 3 plus the one tile at the time of me writing this post. However it is starting to look like a studio and we will have the final strip to put the white piece up today and all we have to do then is actually get the tiles in. The next step after the ceiling is done is clean up and shelves gotta go up. Before we do any of that, we have to actually fix part of the wall as it cracked at the top due to the fact we were screwing in the edge pieces for the ceiling so we have to fix that but that is at the end. Give us till the end of next week but you never know we could have it done sooner then we expect. However with me Self Isolated in the house here which I will talk about it later on about what is going on.  Mainly it is the ceiling of the entire one side where Chris B On The Web studios is located in the basement. Anyways it is just a very long process with the ceiling work and getting it done, however it will get done and I'm sure it will be done eventually. We have had a few issues along the way but hopefully soon it will finally be finished and completed.

                 That is the update and like I said there will be another post at 6 pm to update you guys what is going with me and this COVID-19 and how I am holding up with all of this. I hopefully have another studio update with pictures as I want you guys to see the progress or at least by the time you guys get another update to have the final product but keeping hopeful this can be finished as we have been going at this for 4 months as this was quite a long process but patience is a virtue! We will have get this finished it is just getting around a round unit and the lights in here. I know this wasn't my idea to do a ceiling but least it will look nice in the end. I hope you guys enjoyed this mini update I have given you guys and I will talk to you guys tonight. 


Monday, March 16, 2020

Chatroom Has Returned On The Website!

                 For those who didn't notice a chat tab appeared on my website and yes I brought it back as I want to grow the website further and I decided it is time to bring this feature back. Now I have Billy and Larry as moderators on the chat and there and I believe one other person. I will not be pulling it off the website this time, I promise you guys this. There is rules to follow which as follows:

1. No spamming the chatroom.

2. No being disrespectful to Staff, Moderators and other users in the chatroom, including racial slurs or homophobic remarks.

3. You can post links but no porn links are allowed.

4. No asking for mod, must earn it.

                 So please do follow them and also you have to login this is due to trolls in the past and you will be banned and will not be allowed back as we are not going to be fooling around this time. This is a place to hangout and chillout and there is absolutely not tolerance for drama as we have had to deal with quite a lot in the past week and we are just sick of this toxicity and we are trying to keep social and chat and comments a happy place to be in. Anyways you guys can find the Lounge Chat under the chat tab or at: which I am sure one of our team members is always around to chat with you guys. We are a welcoming and positive community and want to keep this place a safe and happy space to be in. So I encourage you guys to to come check it out, sign up with a name and have a fun conversation in the chat.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

I've Learned A lot Recently and Some Big News!

              You know now being a few weeks later after Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending, I can officially say I have learned a lot of about myself after having some time to reflect on things and think things through and I was clearly right, I was in the right path when it came to my thoughts about Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending last year when it was suppose to. It was my gut and heart telling me something and I failed to ignore it when I still tried to continue on. Now that I am doing my own podcast and weekly not this insane 2 - 3 I was on... LOL. I am thinking a lot clearly and a lot more happier now with my own podcast. If you think of it, my heart wasn't in the Reality TV Podcasts anymore, my heart was out of completely and I was clearly unhappy in that environment. However in the end I can be proud of 4 + Years, 12 Seasons and over 240 Episodes. Now I can move on and the positive thing out of all of this experience is I can really put my effort into this new podcast and also into the Power Rangers Collab as I announced on The Entertainment Man Podcast and if you missed it well.... keep on reading to find out. 

                What I am trying to say is I can do a lot more then I could before and able to put my entire effort towards the two projects and honestly I think weekly podcasts is what I need really. Between I am working on the collaboration podcast with Larry and I. I want to say something about this but you guys have to wait oh what the heck, what Larry and I are expanding on the Power Rangers Podcast with 3 recordings and 6 episodes a year which is a ton more and it will help grow the website itself with the views as well. This is something I never had before was time. I just had rarely anytime to work on Power Rangers Podcast but now I got all the time in the world now! I am quite happy about this and today Larry and I are talking further about the future of the collabs. We're excited for the future of the website and happy to have both Larry and Billy helping with moderation on the fan page and also Larry with the Collaboration Podcast. Trust me the entire 20 minute conversation him and I had on discord was all about the collab him and I have been doing for nearly 2 years now! He has been pushing for more of those as we enjoy em and it is truly so much fun. In the end I did the right move and life is so much easier now. I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you in the next post tomorrow.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Super Girl (Season 3) TV Show Review

               Here is my Season 3 review of Super Girl and trust me not my last as I am darn well hooked still for some odd reason.I will get into that as you guys keep on reading on this post today. Now I know this season we saw no more Cat Grant but on the TV at the start of the season but I thought CatCo Worldwide Media was sold but then again Lena Luther bought it and James was like the CEO or the one that runs things in the office. Also saw the departure of Mon-El but of course Eric told me I could expect him back and boy he was right! Also when he came back his wife came back to the present day with him to help the DEO so it made for quite an interesting duo. Also Brainy aka Brainiac was a big help to them during the season. Also the 3 world enemies or whatever they were as this season was very recent as I just finished it yesterday actually but it slipped my mind. Well Pestilince was quite a pest and also Reign which I guessed right that Sam was Reign from the very start when they introduced her in the season. Also how they fought to get Sam back which they did and Reign returning one last time before she was killed at the end. Also we saw J'onn J'onn step down as the Director of the DEO and also Alex became the new director of the DEO. Also Winn left for the future with Mon-El and his wife. Oh I almost forgot to say I thought Kara's mom and dad died when Kryton exploded but she survived and on a planet.

               That is a small summary, of some of my favorite moments in the season and I definitely give this season another 10 out of 10 because it was full of action pack. Yes there was some really odd parts to the season but I am getting use to odd ends and outs of the show but still really enjoy it. Now the ending has given me that hook to continue and originally and I admit to saying it out of my mouth to my mom that I wasn't going to continue on with the series but hey I am hooked and I am going to continue on with the show even if it does get a bit odd. I am very fair with giving TV Shows a fair chance and I am usually like this where I am able to give it a shot. Either way another great season and now taking a bit of a break for a while so I can get Power Rangers Time Force going for another collaboration podcast in June which has priority right now. Don't worry probably by the fall I will start the 4th and 5th season and get caught up for the 6th season if they decide to do a 6th season. I get right through em very quickly but maybe by August I will be into Season 4 then followed by Season 5 but I shouldn't get too ahead of myself honestly.


Friday, March 13, 2020

Blog Post 900! What A Ride It Has Been!

            When I started to blog fully it was a long way back and if I go back to the first blog I did was March 25th, 2015 about a week after my aunt passed away, I posted up my first ever post and back then the blog was embedded to the original when I had the domain back in the day and was with that other website that seemed to have a grudge against me and suspend me twice for no apparent reason. Anyways I posted very little at the start but when I went on my own and YouTube became a thing of the past for me I went into blogging full time and I actually enjoy going to events which I need to talk to you guys about that this for this with Co-Vid19 currently going on. It has been a long journey and I have come a long way and in the past 5 years almost as the 5 year anniversary is 12 days away which I will do a post about it but I have gotten better at writing posts and better at my writing. I am lost for words to actually be at this amount of posts and it has been a crazy posting up on almost a regular basis.

             Now I am 100 posts from the 1,000 (1K) mark and I should do something special for that and I do have ideas right now that I can do but that is 100 days and probably during the summer or early summer when I hit the 1000 mark. Either way I am proud of myself for the way I have improved things and grown as a blogger. I enjoy going to the events and talking about various things and moving forward I plan on continuing on keeping on what I am doing the same and not make anymore changes at all to the way I am doing things. I think I am very content with the way things are and just happy with the way things are. If that is the way I am happy then I  am going to leave things as it is and not change a thing but this year there might be changes with events but sometimes I have to go with the flow of things especially with everything that has gone on recently.


Thursday, March 12, 2020

I Never Told You Guys This!

              Last month, the website saw a brand new record as you know the website itself get between 2000 and 2600 views but last month we saw massive more amount. We saw 4000, yes 4k in views on the website which I didn't tell you guys this the other day when I made the announcement 2 days ago. Anyways it a lot of views within the month and I am quite impressed. I guess the next step is 5k in views? Who knows but I am not rushing anything really. Like the quote says: "You Cannot Rush Greatness" which is totally right and you cannot push the issue. However I have been working so hard on growing the website and even today when I just saw I was just tad below the 100 mark which means I have gotten views, so you guys are always checking to see if any new content is published on the website which is great! There is a few new pages that I did forget to mention The Entertainment Man Podcast and Archives Pages but you guys have found it I'm sure in the drop down. 

             However I am getting off topic, the growth on this website has indeed been impressive and let's just continue to keep on growing the website and bringing in new content to the website. I also am planning something else that will even bring the numbers up even more and yes I am referring to the Power Rangers Podcast as there is an announcement that I will be dropping on the blog on Sunday as both Larry and I have talked yesterday for about 20 minutes about this and I will be announcing it on Sunday. Anyways the point is this announcement will be a big move not for just Larry and I but also for the website which will be bringing in more numbers and even more growth to the website. So that is what is going on with the website and I know it's exciting that we have marked another milestone. There will be plenty more of milestones and this is only the beginning for the website.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Super Girl, Season 2 Review

                So I have been holding this off almost an entire week but here is my thoughts on Season 2 of Supergirl. I have my thoughts on this season of Super Girl and I kind of started to sense Cat the Media Mogul of CatCo was on her way out and James was going to take over.  It was honestly another good season and I didn't know the actor who played Mon-El is married to Melissa Benoist who plays Kara Danvers aka Super Girl. That I found out by researching it online. Anyways the one enemy, Live Wire was one weird character but seems to be a memorable one that's for sure. I love the fact they still did the intro up to the 3rd Season of the show which I will get to in another post which is for another day. The show still shows the same action pack as always and always exciting to watch and the more I watch, the more I am hooked even more. Now the end of the season was exciting not just cause Superman shows up at the end (Sorry spoilers to those who never seen the show.) Winn finally joining the DEO was really neat to see as he is after all a computer nerd in the show and knows a lot of things. Live Wire, her character is quite an interesting character that's for sure.

               Anyways I will give this season a 10 out of 10 once again and excited to do the 3rd review this weekend maybe Friday but again it will depend when I finish season 3 of Supergirl this week and see how things go but the 3rd season will be the most important thing to do right now before I start working on Power Rangers Time Force, but you guys know I will probably watch Season 4 but my mom told me it gets really weird but either way I still enjoy this and going to give it a shot one way or another. I don't mind the weirdness of some of the episodes but I am more for the action which is one of the reasons I do enjoy the show. However I will eventually catch up and get up to speed on things. Anyways I hope you enjoyed some of the highlights and my thoughts on the season and look forward to reviewing season 3 sometime this week or during the weekend.


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Couple of Updates I Want To Give You Guys!

                The last 24 hours has been a lot of drama but it will not be tolerated as I was extremely stressed out all day yesterday. I almost went on a Leave of Absence but it wouldn't had made sense as the blog and social media pages would be pretty silent.  I just do not want to go silent on you guys and I want to stay as active as possible. So that is the first thing I wanted to tell you guys. 

-  The next thing is some great news! I am officially got access to ITunes PodcastConnect and able to login again. Switched the information incase this happens again. So what I have done this morning is go ahead and submitted The Entertainment Man Podcast to the platform for approval so we will once again be back onto ITunes.

- Also the second thing I want to tell you guys we officially got approved onto as I got the confirmation email in the CBOTW Email this morning so that is great and hope to have a full update soon on the platforms it is up.

- The third thing is the issue with Google Chrome it was our Chrome here in the studio that was the issue we were having and it was us and we are working around the clock to fixing that as right now we are using Firefox while we try and correct this issue.

- Finally we surpassed 70,000 (70K) here on the website which is incredible growth to the website and I never thought within a year of having the .com domain it would become so huge thing and it has done extremely well for us and we want to continue to grow and get bigger as we continue to grow this website. We get over 100 views a day and it continues to grow each and everyday.

               Those are the updates and what has been going on and I am feeling a tad bit better and today will be about my mental health today and getting back to a happier Chris. I know I am suppose to record today and I am going to try to even if it is this evening I will try and record so I can edit tomorrow throughout the day tomorrow and get that preview ready for you guys as I enjoy posting those up every week and  you guys seem to really enjoy getting a sneak peek and I plan on continuing with those to hype you guys for Sunday!



Monday, March 9, 2020

Platforms You Can Find The EM Podcast On!

             I know it is currently still early stages for some of the platforms for the podcasts but this is the platforms you can hear the podcasts on and the ones I am waiting on to fix and get up. Hopefully by end of the week, I will have more of an update on it all. I know it's only a week old and were moving fast pace right now as we have replaced Everything About Reality TV and honestly haven't had time to process things much but sometimes I work well under a fast pace. Anyways here are the updates:

Podcast Accepted Onto The Platform: (Automatically as that is where the source of the RSS Feed):




Platforms Still Waiting On:

ITunes: Having issues with login which I will explain on a podcast one day very soon! No real issues, just waiting on being approved to be on once again.

            There is the list and I want to start small then grow on other platforms as I continue on growing on this podcast. I gotta start small then keep on growing. Now I did say I had a few issues with a couple of the platforms and I will be working on that this week. There is always tech issues when starting something new and I will be working on tweaking my sound this week and making the quality of the episodes even better. Also been thinking of bringing the podcast to Video but I just do not know about that really. I have my reasons behind that too. I will let you guys know by the end of the week if we are on other platforms and I have updated: with all the links as at the time when it went up yesterday, we were only on one platform but yesterday afternoon we started on more platforms. Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at anytime. 

- Chris

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Woke Up Excited For Today!

              I have been up since nearly 4 am this morning even with this Daylight Savings time but I just couldn't sleep anymore. I am just excited to put the podcast up on the platform and yes I said Platform as there is only 1 platform at this time for the podcast. We are starting out on a singular platform, I am just excited to dive in and talk about Leisure things and nothing Reality TV on this podcast. I just needed this change and this morning I am just excited to post it up it going up and what you guys think of the first episode. Note I did go back to bed for a few hours but up in time to be at my niece and nephew's hockey game but will promise you guys I will definitely do some celebrating for the first episode going up with a favorite beverage of mine. That is a true promise and this is just the start of this podcast and I am excited for the weeks to come as I know the ideas that I have for future weeks coming up so I have a ton new ideas what I can do and what not. For now you guys have to enjoy the current episode. Also you guys will find the podcast on different networks but that is for a later time as right now we are just getting into this new podcast but I can tell you this week I will be working on things to get them on the platforms I mentioned.

             In the end I am excited and already getting podcasts put onto the different platforms as we speak and we are working hard to getting them on the platforms we want to put them on. I am starting small all over again and I honestly have done well even on my own without help of people and managed to work well. Yes I will still collab with Larry, he's not done me wrong recently and there is just way too much drama right now and me being a solo is the right thing and I am a lot happier today. I still got 2 moderators on the fan page to help make sure the page is smooth sailing from here. Either way we're still tweaking things around CBOTW and  in time we will be on a good pace. Also I got something in mind for a second podcast and possibly me being a Co-Host on but you will see in a later time. I hope you guys enjoyed this post and I am sorry I am really late but I had my niece and nephew's hockey game which was an interesting game but another story for another time, maybe Thursdays Throwback Thursday Story perhaps. 


Friday, March 6, 2020

I'm More Productive Now Then Busy...

             Ever since Everything About Reality TV was cancelled, I have been a lot more productive then busy. I will explain what I mean; I have been mentally preparing for Power Rangers Time Force which I am officially starting on Sunday with watching the seasons of the series again to get ready for mid June when both Larry and I will be recording another podcast again. There is so much I can do now with my time and I plan on starting next week to prepare for the next podcast. As we get further into the show, I know it goes down to 20 something odd episodes. Anyways I can do a ton of watching and taking notes between now and June and get the ball rolling on it. I will have 3 months to get it done and I know I will get the ball rolling very quickly and we will stay on track with me recording my own personal podcast each and every week.  Also there has been things that I haven't worked on lately. Honestly I decided to just start Time Force ahead of time and never know I probably get it done in a week or two! I also been watching Super Girl but I will have to work between each of those but I think I am going to plan on finishing the Super Girl Season 3 and then watch 4 and 5 later time. 

                However my list is actually long but taking my time on things and not rushing things at all. I also have been tinkering with the website and I removed pages and several pages that are not relevant to the website like one other podcast that isn't going to be happening and also Everything About Reality TV Podcast has been archived under the Page which has been updated in the last week since I made the announcement of the changes around CBOTW and with me going on as a solo podcaster and blogger. Honestly I am still getting use to the free time that I have between podcasts but it will take some time for me to get use to all the time I have on my hands but I promise you guys that I will take some time to myself between the podcasts and planning for myself. I know this is one of the reasons Everything About Reality TV ended as I was going non stop with myself. Either way I am very productive and getting the necessary things done in order to get ready to go for the next project and what not.
