Thursday, March 26, 2020

Website Is Doing Very Well!

               Not more then 2 months and the website continues to grows even more. We just 2 months ago approximately we celebrated the 50k mark with the website and just days ago we celebrated the 75k which is totally incredible and if things keeps going the way they are going we will break the 100k mark at some point this year. Another point I would like to make is we have had 4k, 5k, 6k in views so that definitely makes adds up in the viewership and I can just see it now breaking 100k. Now I even notice even around 3 - 4 am EST I am up and about and I look at the views and almost at 25 views for the day even more so I really have proved that is successful and it has proved that things are going very well with the website. I am not going to stop with promoting as promoting the website is the upmost important thing. However I rarely promote it except the daily blogs so I am guessing that it is word of mouth with the website is why the website has done extremely so well. I am not going stop, I am going to continue with growing with the website so I am not going to stop anytime soon.

                Either way I want to take the time to say thank-you. I want to thank you all for the continuous support and without you guys this website will not be  what it is today. I am excited for the future and this website has truly evolved even when there has been hard times with the podcasts and change overs of the podcast but that is besides the point, the point I am making is you guys stuck it out well the ones that didn't unfollow but I noticed a flux is unfollows on Twitter and some on Instagram but Facebook has been great but that is your choice to unfollow and I understand.  Those who stuck by me, thank you so much for being there and I know I went through a stage where I changed my display name and image on FB and Twitter but this is strictly my website and there is so much that is going to be happening for this website moving forward with a collaboration podcast in the works with Billy on top of the Larry collab that is already in the works. I can say this; even with the collaborations that has helped the numbers too so there is always ways I am figuring out how to increase the viewership on the website. I am so proud of what this site has become and just going to keep on going with it as nothing will stop me. 


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What Books Would I Like To Read or Re-Read Again?

             Now I am sure I have never mentioned this on the blog before as I have hardly time for reading but with being in self isolation there are books I would like to try and read even in the evening as normally I am done here in the studio around 6 pm EST Tuesdays through Sundays with my Mondays I am off as that is usually the place of my visits with Eric but with this virus, we're confined to our own places. Anyways here are some books I'd consider reading or re-read again:

1) Autobiography of Bobby Orr: Well known hockey player who played with Boston and also my local Ontario Hockey League so I have that book on my shelf waiting for me to read.

2) Lord of The Rings: Now I did start reading the book and I got the entire books actually in one big book. I had a hard time when I was younger and now I want to get back into it and understand it. I think I definitely will understand it a lot better now then I did before.

3) Harry Potter: I want to get back into reading the books from start to finish and I want to read the latest book which is a script format I forget the actual name for that book but that is also in there but I want to re-read em as it has been a very long time since I read them all. 

              Those are the 3 books that is on my list and with my extra time and being in isolation here at home for the next however long I definitely got something to do besides games, TV and being in the studio non stop but I will be taking time to myself to actually read a few chapters a day and I really need to get myself back into reading and I know I will have a ton of time as I do not think we will be able to go anywhere for quite some time with this virus. So there is my list and gives me plenty of time and stuff to do over the course of time and I will let you guys know how that is progressing well. 


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Power Rangers Podcast Planning Is Underway!

               I can be clear about this, that I have officially started Power Rangers Time Force and I am excited to be underway. I have only finished 3 episodes but it is just the start of the season and I got time, I have 2.5 months to work on it and today I am going to work hard on getting episodes watched. I can be honest, I have a ton of free time right now and able to take more time and effort into this podcast. Now please listen to Thursdays Bonus episode as Larry and I are still discussing stuff and hope to have an idea. I know this season and Wild Force have 40 but I know the number starts going lower like 20 - 25 episodes a season so either way it won't take me as long to watch a season and take notes but I will get these done in 2 weeks at the most then I move into Wild Force. Now I know Thursday I will be talking about what is to happen to the podcast as you know there is a lot going on in the world with COVID-19 and I will get to that on next week's Bonus podcast as I have another podcast idea for this week. 

               However I think I am going to push the Power Rangers Podcast this week as it is time for a mini update and I was going to talk about the sports again but I did that in a previous week but this is so ongoing issue I am not sure if I will wait a week or even bring out 2 bonus podcasts to you guys or try and get them done this Thursday and the following Thursday. However I am currently underway with the Pre-Production side of things and hopefully next week I will have an update for you guys what Larry and I are thinking but Pre-Production stage is underway and usually takes a few months to prepare notes and get things in order. I will explain more as I get more information but right now it is in the early stages. I can say this in my final words for this post is that I am actually enjoying this season. I know the last season I had a hard time getting into but this time I am right into this season and enjoying what I have seen so far and plan to continue to watch more today like I said and just plain excited to get these two seasons done then move on to the next ones.


Monday, March 23, 2020

Learning Basic Poker With My Mom!

            For those who don't know on my downtime that I have between the workload which mind you right now it is very limited what I can do and photocopying is not in the plans right now as you guys know I am going into a week stuck at home and sounds like I will be stuck here at home for quite sometime now.  However as you know I have spent sometime with my parents. Quite a lot of time and been shutting down the studio for hours on end to spend time with them. I haven't been to church as the masses been cancelled, however I have started to watch the mass on Facebook or the St. Micheal's Cathedral website so either way I get the mass on a daily basis. Now the title of this post is not what I have been up to lately, it's more like I have started to learn how to player straight up poker on my spare time and honestly, I have become extremely good at it too. I have learned so much and I can see why I am honestly a fast learner at anything that I do. However I plan on calling my grandma to ask her a question on the game but I am for the most part pretty smart what I need to throw away and what I need to keep to try and get the better hand.

             Either way I am definitely having fun with it and I have played before as this isn't the first time I have played the game but my mom had to reteach me how to play the game so I had an understanding. We had one round where we actually had an open hand which means our cards was visible to one another.  However after the first round, I picked up very quickly and since then have done well since. It is fun and honestly I am not ready for any kind of poker like Texas Holdem yet but maybe in the very nearby future. I am sure today I will be playing a round of cards with my mom and who knows I may actually go out to see my grandma with my mom and maybe that will bring my sanity back as I haven't been far in the past week and to get into the car would be nice but that is besides the point of this post. I wish I had old pennys which isn't used to just use em like poker chips and see who gets more as a more of a challenge but we can always check and see what we have. I may somewhere have a poker set and with chips and I can always steal them from that but will have to wait and see honestly. Either way it is definitely a fun game to play and does get rid of my boredom fast.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Studio Update-- Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

                Now that there has been more work done in the past few days and I know I did this post but now I can say the ceiling here in the studio is near complete. Trust me it looks really good as I added in pics. You can see near the doorway still needs ceiling right now but this studio looks really awesome. It is truly coming along and this week we are going to finish it up and get the final touches done to the ceiling. I know there is is fixes to the wall unit and means moving my furniture around but already got a plan for that moving forward. I can admit and my dad is right it really does brighten up my work space and it is so much brighter then usual but hey what do I have to complain about. This is truly a great space now to work in.

            Either way once the ceiling is done, a week from now I may or may not have another update but I am going to make it a Sunday update if I really need to but we will have to wait and see how things go here in the studio but one job I can do is prime the wall behind me by the door as that has to be done still and I will again have to ask my dad if he wants me to do that which I can simply do as it will not take that long to do really. So this is my update, nothing too major in the way of work done it's just ceiling work as usual as this is a big job just like the walls were as you guys can remember the massive updates I gave you guys before I went "radio silent" on you guys about it. However I apologize as there wasn't much to update you guys on but I promise moving forward I will try and keep you guys up to date. I am looking forward to the final step which is the shelving but that is coming very soon.


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Got 2 New Games On Steam and 2 Expansions For Sims 4!

                   I know the title seems complicated but I will explain to you guys what I mean. First let's start with Steam; For those who don't know, Steam is a site where you can get video games on. I haven't really gotten much in the way of games and been busy with cleaning out games that I really hit a brick wall on. However recently I have picked up Euro Truck Simulator 2 which is a relaxing game and not much stress to it minus getting speeding tickets all the time but I will get to a point where I follow the damn speed limit. Also I have started to get use to driving on the opposite side, however when I get into France it is back to the normal side the way we have it here in Canada and the USA but getting there tho with some of the changes. I like spending a couple of hours driving but obviously get tired of it after a while and already failed borrowing 100k as I ended up in the hole after buying a truck so I reset and trying all over again and doing a lot better then before. Anyways the other game on Steam is Pooligans which is a game where you can play with other people around the world. I actually got a win yesterday as the other person decided to quit on me and I had his number too as I had more balls sank in the game then ever and I know you guys probably be a smartbutt with me on what I just said... LOL

                  Finally as you guys know I have been working a lot on The Sims 4 and been getting my hours together. I bought Laundry Day and Fitness packs I guess you would say and I wanted to due to the fact that the house I created which took Larry and I hours to build but I felt like the one spot in the bathroom up in the upper floor had no Laundry like any other Big Brother has. Also I got a bit more options now in the way of fitness and I can actually put up a climbing wall which I am going to utilize in a normal house setting but I am excited either way to have the expansion and the new games and honestly it will keep me busy when I am not loaded with work which right now I am loaded with work at this moment but when I get less stuff to do, I will get to play but hey I am busy bee and keeps my boredom under control but I have been spending time with my family on my spare time and trying to get my sleep back under control.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Thoughts On This Season of Big Brother Canada, Season 8?

               I honestly have a lot to say about this season of Big Brother Canada as it has been a really insane last few weeks. First we saw the self eviction of Nico who didn't want to stay due to mental health and I understand that but wish he'd stay to try and fight at least. Then we had a regular week but without the audience, just Arisa in the studio. Which I totally understand why with the Corona Virus (COVID19) going around. I wasn't planning to actually to go into Toronto for an eviction unless things slowed down but at this point I will not be going and plus the audience has been suspended so I will watch from here at home and watch the drama unfold. Now bringing into this week to hear Jamar was ejected, expelled whatever you want to call it, please correct me in the comments below but due to things said which I rather not repeat it they were both removed from the house and this brings us into this week to the HOH where they are in sleeping bags and hanging on a bar which we find out on Sunday's episode so please no spoilers in the comments below.

                 Honestly I have mixed feelings about this season as everything that can go wrong can go wrong, like I said self eviction to 2 expulsions and this virus going around right now is making me worried they will just cancel the rest of this season or just stop and I just really do not know where this season is going to, especially with the virus Pandemic right now I just got a very weird vibe they may end up stopping the game. Let's hope not as I love Big Brother Canada dearly but I just feel like they could of held it off even till early June and yes I realize it would over lap the US but they could of done it in the fall too but we will have to really wait and see what this season becomes. Jamar situation I feel like Kyle started this entirely but now both gone, I still feel like Jamar could of not said anything and things probably be completely different and Kyle could of been the only one. Either way the game moves forward and I understand the frustration by all you guys the fans and I am really being heartfelt in my message about the season in this post. The game moves forward and we are hitting a reset and we will see who wins HOH Sunday to those who do not look at the spoilers. I am going to try and enjoy it but kind of giving up on this season with so many things going on, I feel like they need to just stop and try Big Brother Canada Season 9 like Kevin said on his Twitter and I totally agree with him maybe that is the best thing to do but hey gotta stay optimistic right? 

Have a great rest of you Friday (Happy TGIF)


Thursday, March 19, 2020

I Built My Own Big Brother House On The Sims 4

             I recently built with Larry's help the Sims 4 Big Brother house and yes I added in HOH, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom and honestly it really looks like the Big Brother Canada House in a strange way but I changed a few things around. Had issues with lighting but now it has theater like lights that remains. Mind you there is no houseguests in this house at the moment as I just finished a few weeks in game time of the game of Big Brother. Honestly it took Larry and I to build this hours and after he left I continued to improve it and I managed to tweak it down to size. It was way to big and still is very much too big but seems to work well for me.

               I have done 2 seasons and already had to expel 2 people in 2 different seasons for some how escaping the house. I had one sim pregnant but was evicted. The first season I did in that house I had no Have Not Room and I had to break walls to add it into the house.  Mind you I purposely put the lights on so you can see what the space looks like but again there is nobody in there but my guy who runs that entire house.  Either way it was a lot of work and I added in Fitness and Laundry Day extra and now the upstairs bathroom has a laundry feature. Had a few fires already but realized the issue was the sims was cleaning the lint trap while it was running so I figured out the issue. I am excited for redesigning the next house but taking a small break and in a normal house where my guy and his family have which ironically is next door to the big house. One last thing when I have 8 full people in the house which is the limit in the game, it's worth over $300,000 which is the most expensive house I have built to date on this game. Either way I have kept myself busy during my time in self isolation and yes I do not work non stop, I do take breaks from time to time.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

5 Years Ago I Was An Mess

             5 years ago, we lost my aunt whom I was so close to. Both of my aunt Maria and aunt Margaret, I was close to. I think I should of not been casting at the time and taken some personal time off. Because it was a disaster of a night on March 27th, 2015, from someone putting me down to me doing self harm and being banned. I think that was the point of me hanging up my casting shoes but as you know I went straight to Twitch for gaming which didn't last that long really. You know I think of it now, I should of just stayed off for a while and I am sure my listeners would of understood why I went off. Either way 5 years later, I feel sad but I am just remembering the memories and some of the memories is trying Thai food for the very first time and boy I really enjoyed it. The lunches I went over there was one of my favorite weeks as I went every second week for lunch with Afternoon visits on the other weeks. Funny thing to mention my aunt as yesterday morning at 3 am the alarm went off and with today being the 5 year since she passed kind of thinking either of my aunts pulling a practical joke as I woke up to it at 3 am yesterday morning.

              I realize and know being close to a loved one like my aunts, grandma, I knew I was going to be in for a rough time and we all deal with loss of a loved one differently and I guess I lost it entirely and even to this day I regret it but now I know she's proud of me for what I have done with my life, becoming who I am, a better man. Also healthier person, mentally. Anyways I am going to have my favorite drink this afternoon and just sit back and remember some of the good times. Sorry for a short post but better then nothing. I do still miss my aunt but I can always remember the good times I had with her and my other aunts. Also there is pictures that we have I can always look at as we got a ton of pictures of both of em both at the old house in Toronto and also here in my region.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Personal Update--- I Am Just Fine!

             I know you all are wondering how I am doing with the Corona Virus and we have a fair good amount of cases and I can ensure you guys, I am good and very healthy and I have made the decision to go out less. Minus going out to hang with Eric on a weekly basis, I have put myself into self isolation for right now. Yes I do get out once a week and I go out for walks but the most part I am hunkering here at home and honestly this is fine with me. I can get content done and today and tomorrow I gotta record stuff. I ensure you guys I am fine and actually in our Region we are in, we have only 2 cases. So I am honestly fine and trying to avoid going out as much as possible but if I really am bored then I will definitely be going out and about but for the most part I am choosing to stay home and try to avoid going out to the public unless I really necessarily have to. Now content will still remain as it is as long as I remain healthy I will keep up with content but if anything changes please check my social media as I have my phone with me at all times. Either way things are not changing but for now I chose to try and stay home and kind of want to stay clear of all of this.

            However I want to reassure you guys everything is great. I am in perfectly good health and my health has been great. Even my knees been better then usual so I am in very good spirits and sorry I haven't really said anything about the situation here in my province but I have just been so busy with content I should of known better to mention it to you guys that everything is fine but as long as you guys see posts you should all know I am fine. However Sunday I went AWAL on social and the reason was because I had Larry here in studio and we were talking a lot about future collabs with him and I am been talking about it and also we had a ton of fun around the studio playing Sims which I do have a post. Please do not panic, if you don't see me posting for an day, just feel free to private or DM message me to see if I am OK, especially if I disappear for 3 - 5 days then that is the time to send me a private message especially. Either way stay tuned for me content and just announced this evening I am giving video a shot but on Dailymotion instead of YouTube as you know my position with it. Either or, please do not worry, I am in good spirits and doing well and I will see you in tomorrow's post.


Studio Update-- 03-17-2020

               Studio is coming along nicely, today we are working on the ceiling today but I will have pictures next week, I promise as we only have two, well 3 plus the one tile at the time of me writing this post. However it is starting to look like a studio and we will have the final strip to put the white piece up today and all we have to do then is actually get the tiles in. The next step after the ceiling is done is clean up and shelves gotta go up. Before we do any of that, we have to actually fix part of the wall as it cracked at the top due to the fact we were screwing in the edge pieces for the ceiling so we have to fix that but that is at the end. Give us till the end of next week but you never know we could have it done sooner then we expect. However with me Self Isolated in the house here which I will talk about it later on about what is going on.  Mainly it is the ceiling of the entire one side where Chris B On The Web studios is located in the basement. Anyways it is just a very long process with the ceiling work and getting it done, however it will get done and I'm sure it will be done eventually. We have had a few issues along the way but hopefully soon it will finally be finished and completed.

                 That is the update and like I said there will be another post at 6 pm to update you guys what is going with me and this COVID-19 and how I am holding up with all of this. I hopefully have another studio update with pictures as I want you guys to see the progress or at least by the time you guys get another update to have the final product but keeping hopeful this can be finished as we have been going at this for 4 months as this was quite a long process but patience is a virtue! We will have get this finished it is just getting around a round unit and the lights in here. I know this wasn't my idea to do a ceiling but least it will look nice in the end. I hope you guys enjoyed this mini update I have given you guys and I will talk to you guys tonight. 


Monday, March 16, 2020

Chatroom Has Returned On The Website!

                 For those who didn't notice a chat tab appeared on my website and yes I brought it back as I want to grow the website further and I decided it is time to bring this feature back. Now I have Billy and Larry as moderators on the chat and there and I believe one other person. I will not be pulling it off the website this time, I promise you guys this. There is rules to follow which as follows:

1. No spamming the chatroom.

2. No being disrespectful to Staff, Moderators and other users in the chatroom, including racial slurs or homophobic remarks.

3. You can post links but no porn links are allowed.

4. No asking for mod, must earn it.

                 So please do follow them and also you have to login this is due to trolls in the past and you will be banned and will not be allowed back as we are not going to be fooling around this time. This is a place to hangout and chillout and there is absolutely not tolerance for drama as we have had to deal with quite a lot in the past week and we are just sick of this toxicity and we are trying to keep social and chat and comments a happy place to be in. Anyways you guys can find the Lounge Chat under the chat tab or at: which I am sure one of our team members is always around to chat with you guys. We are a welcoming and positive community and want to keep this place a safe and happy space to be in. So I encourage you guys to to come check it out, sign up with a name and have a fun conversation in the chat.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

I've Learned A lot Recently and Some Big News!

              You know now being a few weeks later after Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending, I can officially say I have learned a lot of about myself after having some time to reflect on things and think things through and I was clearly right, I was in the right path when it came to my thoughts about Everything About Reality TV Podcast ending last year when it was suppose to. It was my gut and heart telling me something and I failed to ignore it when I still tried to continue on. Now that I am doing my own podcast and weekly not this insane 2 - 3 I was on... LOL. I am thinking a lot clearly and a lot more happier now with my own podcast. If you think of it, my heart wasn't in the Reality TV Podcasts anymore, my heart was out of completely and I was clearly unhappy in that environment. However in the end I can be proud of 4 + Years, 12 Seasons and over 240 Episodes. Now I can move on and the positive thing out of all of this experience is I can really put my effort into this new podcast and also into the Power Rangers Collab as I announced on The Entertainment Man Podcast and if you missed it well.... keep on reading to find out. 

                What I am trying to say is I can do a lot more then I could before and able to put my entire effort towards the two projects and honestly I think weekly podcasts is what I need really. Between I am working on the collaboration podcast with Larry and I. I want to say something about this but you guys have to wait oh what the heck, what Larry and I are expanding on the Power Rangers Podcast with 3 recordings and 6 episodes a year which is a ton more and it will help grow the website itself with the views as well. This is something I never had before was time. I just had rarely anytime to work on Power Rangers Podcast but now I got all the time in the world now! I am quite happy about this and today Larry and I are talking further about the future of the collabs. We're excited for the future of the website and happy to have both Larry and Billy helping with moderation on the fan page and also Larry with the Collaboration Podcast. Trust me the entire 20 minute conversation him and I had on discord was all about the collab him and I have been doing for nearly 2 years now! He has been pushing for more of those as we enjoy em and it is truly so much fun. In the end I did the right move and life is so much easier now. I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you in the next post tomorrow.
