Showing posts with label Power Rangers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power Rangers. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast On Hold

                Chris has decided to put any upcoming Podcasts for Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast on hold till end of next week till him and Larry have a Skype meeting with each other on a lot of things. I will highlight what they need to discuss:

 -  When they will be recording Power Rangers Wild Force: They are currently still behind schedule and things are just getting rolling again and they are about to get ready to record and I am guessing at this point they are aiming for the end of September, early October. 

- State of COVid-19 With This Podcast: With things getting worsened in Ontario, he's already mentioned to me that I am will mention: Him and Larry have to actually discuss how long they wanna continue on recording Power Rangers Podcast via Skype at this point. If they wanna put the podcast on hold or if they wanna continue to record via Skype.

The views on Power Rangers Time Force: He will be discussing what the views that they got on the last episode which I have personally seen screenshots and it's not that bad really. 10 views is better then 5 and he's stated he don't care if he gets 5 views, he's doing it for the love of the show and bringing back his childhood memories plus he's doing this for Larry as it was an idea Larry had. 

- Future of The Collaboration Podcast: He is going to have a conversation about renewing the Collaboration Podcast which has been up and down with Chris trying to figure out what he wants to do and the worries of the views going down so he is truly worried about the amount of views but he's changed his attitude on that. 

               That is what he has to talk to Larry about and why he's mentioned to me to make this post but we will know more information by next week at some point once the two of them talking and I probably will end up being the first person to know since he isn't going to be on for a week and a half. 

Jim, Community Manager

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Update!

             Today marks the end of me watching Power Rangers Wild Force which means only one thing... I get to start to type up notes. I am hoping by next week to have em finished and I can send it off to Larry. He doesn't know I will be sending off the notes to him so he has them. It is nice to be done watching the episodes and able to start typing the notes. I and not going to be watching Ninja Storm for a while maybe till a week or 2 later due to the fact that I need a break from this. I do enjoy watching the series and getting important notes from it, but it is a very long and tiring process and I do need a break. However once Wild Force is fully complete, I can sit back think wow we are this far and trust me we have gotten very far with the show and I wanna continue if Larry wants to continue. I know I sent Larry a message saying I feel like I was ready to move on but it all depends on the views that we get from this podcast, it really depends on that.

              Don't think I will be thinking about the next step because I want to be ready to go as we are stepping back with 2 less episodes. Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder are at least 38 episodes long and we are now stepping down in the number of episodes and it will eventually be in the early 20's eventually but right now we remain in the later 30's in the way of episodes at this moment. So the length of the podcast will change eventually Mystic Force will be down in the early 30's and yeah while typing up these notes I looked it up and by the time we hit Samurai we will be down to 20 episodes. So we will be getting lower in the numbers but don't worry it will be still fun to do even if we end up continuing this for that long and honestly I am sure it will as long as you guys listen to the show  we will continue producing it all together! 


Monday, August 24, 2020

Something Is Up With Chris

              Chris is off today and he's not in a good frame of mine today. I will make it clear that I think he has made it clear that he is moving on after December. Part of what he's told myself and the staff of CBOTW that he's not thinking too far ahead and focusing on SPD and Mystic Force at this time but yet I remember him saying on FB Story and Instagram Stories that he was gonna start working on it but that seems to now be on the way side of things. He's been back and forth ever since he had it out with Larry with that technical issues. Yeah there has been drama between between the two of em which is ridiculous and I wish they'd get along as Chris has again in his stubborn ways told Larry that he's done, he's pretty sure there will be no renewal and the reason I am bringing up his actions is cause we all know Larry is away from the online life in August normally. I realize Chris is dealing with two friends passing away and Larry is going to somehow wonder but I know his email is in the CBOTW system and I can easily warn him ahead what's happening. However we are getting off topic aren't we? Well this all ties into what has been going on with him in his personal life and honestly Chris cracked yesterday and skipped his normal dinner time pills so his mood went really bad and I told him, he's gotta take it.

              Again, we're off topic again. I'm sure by January 2021 we will see a freakin renewal of our beloved collaboration podcast even if the numbers were bad for one episode and one episode only. It was a rough go for the two of them so I hope that he chooses to keep it going further as he is so close to his goal which is Samurai which he has time and time again talked to me about recently that being one of his ultimate goals to get with the big one to do ever single season eventually. This is a reason for why he should continue but it's his podcast and he can do what he wishes but don't forget Chris has a partner in this so should be a dual decision in the end.  Chris is stubborn and a lot of us have been saying this for years that he can be very stubborn person especially when it comes to something he is very passionate about, aka CBOTW. Let's just hope he changes his mind and I know he'd want you guys to know what's going on with him and maybe he will come out and say it one of these days. 


Friday, August 21, 2020

We're Still Learning With Power Rangers Collab Being Recorded Via Skype!

            Title doesn't lie, we're still learning with how we are doing the Power Rangers Podcast through Skype. I know these are rough waters for not just Larry and I but the entire team. We've been put into a position where we have had to record through Skype which was proven a disaster for us for the first time around and this is why I say that we're learning! We are still in the learning curve of fixing the problem. It will take a while for us to resolve the issues. Yeah, I blew my top off with Larry and it is just passion and really I have started to question in I will continue passed Dino Thunder at this point. However another post for another day and yeah, I just exposed how I really feel with the podcast and honestly I need to be more honest how I feel. We will get better as time goes on and I think we will be recording via Skype for a while at the least till the physical distancing and having masks are loosened up and I think it is best for not my safety but my family and also Larry and his Family. 

              We will come to full circle come September and I am sure him and I will end up recording the second podcast that was missing in June technically and let's just think that we have no problems anymore. However we have to remain positive and optimistic with the next section and I wanna surprise Larry with an email with the next podcast notes! We will get things corrected but it may take a few sessions. I know it's not the same with him being in the same room as I am but this is because of the pandemic going on. I rather not record with him in studio as you know we're in a pandemic right now and it is better safe then sorry to be honest that we record via Skype. To be honest I knew this was coming that we were going to end up recording via Skype since the start and honestly, we should of prepared a little better and that is my own fault we didn't test and figure it out first and that was entirely my own fault. We should of been more prepared but September we will test things out and get it working once again I promise you guys that. We've been testing some new software that I would like to use too. 


Monday, July 27, 2020

Power Rangers Is Returning To Recording Thursday!

                  Who would think that I would be sitting here making the announcement after a rough summer with preparing this but alas here it is! The biggest announcement that we have done yet! I wanna break this all down actually. First I wanna say is we were gonna hold off but Tuesday, made the decision to focus on Time Force Notes then Wild Force which I have already started and almost halfway there at this point. However Time Force is the upmost importance first as I want to record an episode and get that done so I can start editing it and getting things rolling. Taking baby steps and once Time Force is finished then we move into Wild Force. I guess what I am trying to say is with these really hard times, we gotta do with what we have and with the studio on lock down and if we have to we will break it down if so but we are still going to be recording 3 times a year and we are trying to stay on the schedule we set out to do. However the title isn't lying, we are indeed returning next week to recording and your wondering how? How are we going to do it with the studio in lock down still? Well we will be recording via Skype as this was the original plan back in May. We're so excited and when I made the decision to record the podcast this upcoming Monday, I messaged Larry at 330 in the morning. That's right I message him so early as I couldn't wait on Tuesday to tell him let's do this, let's make it happen. 

                   Now with the state of our YouTube channel with it now pretty much screwed up as that we have a strike on our account and warning we will be doing it live but it will be over our Facebook Fan Page which is probably more then better then YouTube or any other platform. The entire YouTube thing is another story and Larry is pretty much right on the YouTube thing but hey we got the Facebook Page and we wanna go live to show you guys how it's done and maybe these podcasts can be live here and there but not always. So Monday at 7 pm EST, both Larry and I will be live on Facebook and we cannot wait to talk about this season. Now should be by end of the week when we get the actual episode up but stay tuned for an announcement to come in the release by mid week. 


Friday, July 3, 2020

Will Power Rangers Podcast Be Recorded and Air This Summer?

                   Yes again, no Chris yet again. I think you won't be hearing much from him over the next couple of days till Monday at the most maybe longer. He is really not in the right shape or mind at this moment. He has got me to do a post to discuss what he discussed last night on Skype with The CBOTW Show's Co-Founder/Senior Producer Larry Rieck. So the main discussion they had was when is the recording and the answer is their aiming for the end of July. Mon. Jul 27th, 2020 & Thurs. July 30h, 2020 are the two dates that week that they are "aiming" towards. There is no guarantees on this right now as Chris is trying to watch the show and get the notes done at the same time. Plus typing up notes which will take some time as well so there is a lot of time consuming for him but with Everything About Reality TV Podcast now a thing of the past, Chris wants to make this a priority now. So the guys are hoping to get it recorded this summer so we can push the podcast out.

                    However the bad news is, with Chris on a Podcast Hiatus for this summer, this means that there will be no new episodes out yet and this means we will be sitting on these next two episodes for the entire summer and sitting on our hard drive waiting for a September release which I will be doing a formal announcement tomorrow's post due to the fact he has to tell me the dates for things and what shows he is planning to cover in the active season and off season as well. So we hope they get to record and we hope that a podcast will be out but if not then the plan is to record in September and double up on the podcasts one in Late September and one in November. Again this all depends on Chris and the prep work and recently he's been up late nights working on it to get it done and ready to go for those dates I mentioned above.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Power Rangers Time Force Got Me Hooked!

          I know this is been silent for quite sometime but today, I am officially getting into watching Power Rangers Time Force and would like to get to Episode 20 today. I figure 5 hours = 10 episodes. If I can endure 5 hours a day then I definitely can try and get it done. When I get on a roll I get on a roll and trust me I am hooked. It only took me one episode and I was instantly hooked on the show. I absolutely love this season and I know I am not far into this season yet but I will today at some point as I will be getting to work with the season. Either way one thing I didn't know was Wes and Alex are played by the same actor but I will be covering that on the podcast. Least i am hooked on the season and excited to be continuing on with this season and cannot wait to make a move on this season.

           I am looking forward especially to the cross over from Lightspeed Rescue and we have seen as we normally see but anyways I am thrilled by this season and excited and ready to go and to make a tear on this season and get ready for the fall. I find it easy to get hooked on a season but also it is tough to get bored of a season. I can say this, I had a hard time with Lightspeed Rescue and ended up just giving up on it to be honest and to a point where I had to stop but I know I had to watch it for the podcast and once I got into it then I was definitely hooked and enjoyed that season but this time I am instantly hooked with this season.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Power Rangers Podcast Planning Is Underway!

               I can be clear about this, that I have officially started Power Rangers Time Force and I am excited to be underway. I have only finished 3 episodes but it is just the start of the season and I got time, I have 2.5 months to work on it and today I am going to work hard on getting episodes watched. I can be honest, I have a ton of free time right now and able to take more time and effort into this podcast. Now please listen to Thursdays Bonus episode as Larry and I are still discussing stuff and hope to have an idea. I know this season and Wild Force have 40 but I know the number starts going lower like 20 - 25 episodes a season so either way it won't take me as long to watch a season and take notes but I will get these done in 2 weeks at the most then I move into Wild Force. Now I know Thursday I will be talking about what is to happen to the podcast as you know there is a lot going on in the world with COVID-19 and I will get to that on next week's Bonus podcast as I have another podcast idea for this week. 

               However I think I am going to push the Power Rangers Podcast this week as it is time for a mini update and I was going to talk about the sports again but I did that in a previous week but this is so ongoing issue I am not sure if I will wait a week or even bring out 2 bonus podcasts to you guys or try and get them done this Thursday and the following Thursday. However I am currently underway with the Pre-Production side of things and hopefully next week I will have an update for you guys what Larry and I are thinking but Pre-Production stage is underway and usually takes a few months to prepare notes and get things in order. I will explain more as I get more information but right now it is in the early stages. I can say this in my final words for this post is that I am actually enjoying this season. I know the last season I had a hard time getting into but this time I am right into this season and enjoying what I have seen so far and plan to continue to watch more today like I said and just plain excited to get these two seasons done then move on to the next ones.


Friday, January 31, 2020

Power Rangers Updates and Announcement!

               I can say this after working so hard on notes and trying to make up some ground on the podcast, I am near finished typing and by now you never know I could be finished up with the notes as they are getting very paper thin right now. Anyways I am close to finished and Larry and I were originally planning this weekend however it isn't about the notes being finished it is more then less we cannot mount the other boom arm and microphone on the desk I am currently using and the desk does not have the lip to hold the boom so that is not an option right now. Space is very limited at the moment and it is not entirely my fault as you guys know the studio is still under renovations at the moment however the desk is almost ready as we have to install a part at the back of the desk so we can mount the monitors on the mount for both screens. So we could be back at the desk this weekend or next week but that is why I am making this post this week to tell and update you guys what is going on. Even if we are on the restored desk, there will not be any shelves put back up for quite sometime until the ceiling in completed which has yet to be finished. So I plan on putting shelves when the ceiling is complete and we are ready to put shelves up. Again I will always keep you guys up to speed on things on when I have updates. I will be doing a formal blog post with a schedule at what it will look like.

             Now to the announcement part I am proud to officially say 2 weeks Sunday, both Larry and I are happy to say that Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast is coming back with talking about Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy and Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue! Now the official posting of the episodes will come once I edit the podcast and post it up. I will probably, more then likely I will be doing another blog post to announce the release schedule for the podcast. We are both excited to be returning after an 8 month hiatus which was honestly too long of a wait for the podcast to return and I know I messed up with not recording in October but that is officially behind us and now we are returning and excited to sit down and talk about these two seasons. Guess "best to those who wait" which is a great quote. Either or, we cannot wait and hope you guys will enjoy it when it comes out later in February.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Struggling With The Collaboration Podcast Page....

            The collaboration page, well let's just say the views aren't there anymore with the player. Now I know you guys have been to the collaboration page as the site views on it has been up and I think there is an issue with the player collecting the viewership as I know a people have been to the page to listen to it and people are hyped up were trying to get more collabs done between Everything About Reality TV. I have already contacted the site that we are with and honestly I am trying to find an alternate or another way so nothing really as of yet but we are looking and hope to find something since there is an issue with it if we cannot find it. I know I sound a lot calmer then yesterday morning around midnight when I was going off and complaining but I am glad I emailed and mentioned there is an issue with it and why the listens are not counting whatsoever. It has to be them for some reason I just feel that way right now. As for the Power Rangers Podcast, I have told Larry I am done for right now. This could change but right now I am just not feeling it right now with the issues but I am sure Larry and I will have a conversation on Wednesday night. We are suppose to be together but it is frustrating to not know that there is people listening to the podcast after the hard work Larry and I or even Steven and I put into the episodes we produce exclusively for here for the website.

            Do not worry we, I mean I will be continuing to work on episodes and it will be on standby and I promise you guys that we will record soon but it has gone from a studio that is in disarray still which as you know is starting to get back to normal to now having issues with the player counting listeners. I will monitor it and see but I have contacted the site so it is good to communicate with the site and after all I cannot complain as it is after all a free site and amazing website to upload audio or video archives. If worse comes to worse I will announce late week this week if Larry and I are recording or not. Maybe we have dried up and no interest but there was  an issue back in September so it is not the first time to have an issue really and it is really frustrating to be dealing with some issue and honestly I should of emailed them about the issue sooner because something isn't right honestly and I know you guys for a fact see my messages and listen in when they go up its just the player that's not registering the viewership and I wish I knew why this a problem because as of June last year we got between 20 and 50 views on the last Power Rangers Podcast. So honestly it makes absoutetly no sense whatsoever. That is 10 cents what is going on and hopefully Larry and I can finalize recording even if the views are low. Like he said in the end it is all about the views which is true. Why do it if the views are down but I got my own solution that could be the issue but we will see once I get an reply and Larry and I discuss but in the meantime, I want to focus on finishing up the notes to be prepared for the next weekend coming up.


Friday, December 27, 2019

Finished Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue!

           The title certainly doesn't lie, I am finished Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue! Which means I am on the next phase of the plan which is actually typing up the notes for the podcast. Now this doesn't guarantee a date when we will be recording and do not forget that this studio is pretty much still a mess and still in renovations and there is no date to being finished so the notes will be on standby till I know the studio is completed. However there is no excuse to delay typing up these notes starting today by the time you read this I will already working on it and hope it is done in a few days if I do work hard on it, it will be done quite quickly. However my end goal is to have this done by the end of this year so this way it will be ready whenever we chose to record the podcast technically. I am excited for next podcast as it will be quite interesting when it comes time to record the podcast with Larry. So when did I finish Lightspeed Rescue? December 24th in the middle of the night I worked hard, I mean really hard on finishing it and honestly it feels good to be at the point of being finished the first half but there is a second half that I have to do and that is like I said the typing phase. 

            I am doing half day today but do mean I will be trying and get the stuff done and see how far I can get in the notes. Starting in January 2020 I will be starting on the next Collaboration which will be Power Rangers Time Force and Power Wild Force seasons for June. I am just on a roll with the collabs and just want to get a bunch of them done for June and then October as you know the upcoming year there will be 3 recording sessions this year so it will be an insane and I made a promise to you guys to make it up for the 1 session this year which was the Turbo and In Space seasons that was covered this year. This year wasn't on our side this year with so much happening so fast so it was definitely not easy. I have had our share of disagreements with my Co-Host but having second thoughts about the collaboration podcasts but we worked things out and my gut is telling me to keep this going. Not only this podcast but even Everything About Reality TV was on that list too but I am still happy to be a part of both of the podcasts and watch it grow. Honestly the views are between 22 to almost the 50 views an episode range which is really good that we are pulling in the views and like Larry said in the end it is all about the views and he is right. You guys do not know how thrilled, excited and eager to get back to recording the podcast! It has been long coming for the next episode and if the views indeed hold up as usual this upcoming year, we may just start doing em 3 times a year! This is a real test for us and excited for it and even if we have to do we can set it up at this temporary desk in *cough, cough, January* but we will see and him and I will have a conversation in the coming weeks to when we wanna record and we will let you know dates when we have more information. 


Friday, November 1, 2019

Why Did Larry I Start The Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast?

           Today's post is why did I decided to start The Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast with Larry? Now as you know Larry wasn't part of CBOTW in 2018 and when him and I decided to do this it was more on a 2 times a year basis and that is what we really wanted to do with The Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast and that is what we have set but you never know what is in stored for 2020 especially. However this do not answer the question why the heck did Larry and I start this and why we enjoy doing this content exclusively on the website alone. First as two individuals who were born in the early 80's/Mid 80's we grew up with Power Rangers and being in our 30's we are just a bunch of nerds behind microphones and talking about a show we love and I thought after this started I thought this wouldn't do very well but it mind blowing to see the views flow right in and like Larry has said to me in the end it is always about the views and you guys seem to enjoy it. The second part I want to say is that we are aiming for the very nearby future to do every single season of the podcast but we are jumping ahead.

              However we enjoy it and as long as him and I enjoy this collaboration Podcast is what matters honestly. Also yes viewers matter and honestly at the start i thought we weren't that entertaining but you guys seem to really enjoy them and trust me we are only a month away from production and by then we will have a brand new studio to record in as right now I am in tornado alley with my studio as it's an appalling mess right now but that is besides the point. I may as well update you I am currently in Lightspeed Rescue and working extremely hard to get it done by December 1st, a month from now and really aiming for December for him and I to record so we can stay on schedule. So I am half way done at this point and getting closer. This is why I work hard I enjoy this kind of content and it seems to do very well, even for the website itself. It goes to show it does extremely well. So you can see with today's post both Larry and I enjoy this even if it is every twice a year with 2 episodes per session with a total of 4 episodes a year, we both sure as heck enjoy the episodes and why we have started this podcast. We are both looking forward to the very near future with this podcast.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Updates!

             I know things have been very awful quiet with the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. In today's post, I will be talking about some of the updates that I can provide to you guys now that things have slowly changed over the last couple of weeks and discussions have been made between the two parties. First of all, I know that the podcast did end up on a lengthy hiatus due to some unnecessary drama but this is why the post is being made this morning is to give you guys a bit of an update on what is happening currently with this Collaboration Podcast. So without further ado here are the updates I can give you for right now:

1) The feud between Larry and I, yes we had a bit of a feud due to a communication break down. Anyways now to this day, both him and I are on good terms and we have figured out things out and we are currently both wanting to continue with this collaboration as we did make a promise to YOU guys, the best fans out there that we would continued on with this podcast so we are back into Pre-Production.

2) With saying that what's the status of the Podcast now? Well, currently I am watching Power Rangers Lost Galaxy and near the finish of the 7th season so I will be heading into the 8th season of the series. There was a backlog due to what I said in my first post but with the drama, I did stop working on it and decided to not bother with it for about a week or two so the notes just sat in my bin without any work.

3) The third point I would like to make is that I did catch up with the notes and now more then half way mark as I have binged watched episodes for hours per day so I made up some time there. However the first week in October is now in question and with the studio renovation coming up, I am not sure we will be recording till later like December or even January 2020 at the most now. 

4) Finally if we indeed record in January 2020, we will be definitely be doing the podcast 3 times next year so I do plan on watching the next set of Power Ranger seasons and get myself a bit ahead so we are ready to go for the next two sessions. However I do need to still talk to Larry about things and come up with a proper make up schedule as November is a definite no as I will be helping and renovating the studio and changing things up here in the studio and none of the microphones will be up and things will be stored away during the renovations in the studio here so a proper schedule will have to be discussed between him and I this week hopefully.

                There is the updates I do have right now and once him and I are ready to start recording again, I will be making the official announcement for you guys to when it will be coming back but for right now it is 95% On Hiatus for now while the studio is being changed around and fixed up. Trust me when we get back, things will be definitely 100% better and the quality and production of this podcasts will be a ton better then hey have been recently.


Monday, August 26, 2019

Everything About Reality TV & Power Rangers Podcast Updates!

              This is a massive update for you guys. There is a lot to say on today's post since I did not post up yesterday. This is me catching up on things. So the first thing I would like to talk about is this week. As you know I lost 9 subscribers on one of the platforms which is no big deal but it is cause of the inconsistency of posting up on time so this week is me keeping up and with saying that there is some changes for this week. I have to change one of the two days for the podcast so the schedule for the podcast this week as follows:

Wednesday: 9 pm EDT- Amazing Race Canada 7 Recap

Saturday: 9 pm EDT- Big Brother 21 Recap (Temporary for this week only, will be back to normal schedule next week due to already scheduled family outing for the day, not making the same mistake to lose more listeners.)

                   The Next update is this fall, I am taking some time off from both Everything About Reality TV Podcast and Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. However with Everything About Reality TV, my good High school friend, Billy will be taking over for Survivor: Island of The Idols for me so the podcast isn't going anywhere and he will be responsible for recording the podcast each week which is only on a weekly basis on the Thursday which I will be giving you guys the official finale week schedule when we get closer into the finale of Big Brother 21 and premiere of Survivor: Island of The Idols which includes the preview podcast for Survivor which he will be doing prior to the season starting. 

                   Now the next part of this post is the Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast. So now I found out that the renovations for the studio will be happening very soon which ties into all of this post with both the regular and collab podcast. This break came in at the right time so I can help fix up this studio and make the changes to the new studio to what I would like to do for the changes. The position the desk is in now will be changed which you guys will see the changes through Twitter and Instagram as the progress moves on. I think I will have only one mic hooked up which more then likely will not be the condenser it will be the old handheld microphone when I pop onto Punk Rock Cheeseburger with Rocky I have that one that I can use but the setup will not all setup at the time, I will be taking some of my setup down while we renovation and fix up the walls in the studio. So this comes at the very right time to take a break from the podcasts and I have to talk to Larry about this and that we will have to hold off on our collab as I am planning right now to be recording 3 times next year, January, June and October 2020 to catch up on things but this studio reno is the upmost importance as I am sick of the mess in here. This is the updates on what to expect for CBOTW and the podcasts over the course of the next 4 - 4.5 months with work being done in here and with me taking a break from things.  


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast Definitely On Hiatus!

               So as you know since the start of this month, end of this month, Power Rangers Collab Podcast went on Hiatus and this is more of an update on this situation. Right now it is a communication issue and I took the last few weeks to really think about it and I know their on holidays right now but I asked them and i mentioned this in the last post earlier this afternoon in the late afternoon. This isn't looking good for the future of the collab with him and yes I said him and you know who I am referring to but again not trying to start drama. I think for right now him and I need to fix the communication issues we are having before we continue on with the collab and if we have to I am all for waiting for till the New Year to record. It is all about priorities and right now it is about us getting our communication and any other issues fixed, then we can focus on the collab podcast. Do not worry I am not letting this podcast go anytime soon. I am announcing the extension of the hiatus for now and when we are ready we will definitely be recording here in the studio but we are waiting for right now. I rather get the friendship back on track then let this craziness continue where it is just un-repairable and I do not need this to go to far honestly and lose yet another friend which has happened a ton in the last couple of days. 

                If it is in the New Year then that is what it is but if it is decided that nothing can be fixed then I will be definitely be making the announcement that it is has been cancelled and that I am moving on from it all together. I cannot think about the negative side of it right now. What I am going to do is I am going to continue preparing things for the next one and get a head start on the next one for next year as well this way I am way ahead of myself and all we have to do is record the podcast, then I edit and post it obviously! Either way I have a strong to quite strong feeling that it isn't over yet and we promised that we would be going all the way to Dino Thunder which we will be moving on to whatever if we choose to keep this train rolling and I think we will as I know both Larry and I enjoy doing these even tho we get together for them twice a year which is a very fair schedule as I am quite the busy guy with the other podcast. This break will be good for us to put our differences aside and try and fix the communication issue then we will be talking about the next recording session and it will be all ready to go by that time which is good I am staying productive between now and then. So yes the Hiatus is definite right now, but I am sure it will not last very long.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Podcast Status Updates....

              To be honest, I have changed this blog too many times but today's post is about Power Rangers Podcast which as you all know, has been put on hold. Yes it was first of all cancelled then put on a hiatus which that is the current status of it and hasn't moved or any news at this time if it will ever return to air here on the website. I just do not know as you know the co-host behind the second mic has been dismissed which I will not say why but they are no longer involved with that podcast which is why the podcast went on hiatus. I hope and pray things can be worked out this fall when they return online that is why it is on the hiatus status. It is sad to see it end up this way technically but it is what it is. I think it is just best it ends now before the fighting gets worse which has gotten bad again after 3 years of getting along with them. Anyways the status of the podcasts has changed and here is the list:

Active Podcasts:

- Everything About Reality TV (Currently In It's 11th Season)

On Hiatus:

- Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast

                 I honestly am fine working with Everything About Reality TV on it's own right now and it can change anytime soon but I will most definitely tell you guys if things change with Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast but I am being very stubborn and that is the plan as I am going to stand my ground this time around and if things work out they work out and if they don't they don't, it is what it is. I am standing up for my rights now and yes I realize it is affecting this website whatsoever but there is other projects I can put out here on the website. In fact I got a few in mind actually that I can do with two individuals who have come up to me or I have come up to them about it and it is some good ideas in the back of my mind which I think would be a great idea honestly. 


Saturday, June 29, 2019

Might Start Working On Power Rangers Podcast!

          Hoping this weekend to start working on the next Power Rangers Podcast, however was thinking about waiting till I get back actually. I will have a ton more time with it honestly when I am back from holidays. I think right now I am definitely in vacation/holiday mode right now but I can get the episodes knocked out within a week or two so I could be done so either way I will be done before even September starts or even at the start of September which I plan to transition into the next one right away as I am trying to see if I am able to schedule a January session as right now the question is open with a 3rd season of Celebrity Big Brother and a good friend of mine say its not going to happen. However I am still also waiting for the renewal of Music City, however I will be ready one way or another be ready for the next Collaboration podcast recording one way or another so it is good I want to be ahead of the game. Also if it is isn't in the New Year, it can be just after the Finale of Big Brother Canada 8 and maybe even a July recording but I cannot Jump too fast and expect 3 but only way 3 could happen if we do indeed be a 3 episode recording but I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet as it is still early and we still have to get through the October recording first.

          Either way I am excited to be working on the next Power Rangers Podcast and getting the ball rolling with the next one and I know Larry who is my Co-Host of this collaboration is eager for the next one. It is a long wait between the episodes but it is worth the wait with the episodes and Larry knows the schedule with "Everything About Reality TV" can be busy at times, especially when there is 3 podcasts a week which is very crazy at times especially this year was an experience and a half honestly and was a very stressful but interesting experiment honestly as you all know I did Big Brother Canada podcasts twice a week plus Survivor and adding on The Amazing Race that is why I was really tight for time when it came to the June 2nd recording with Larry but I got it done and ready for the next step on things and i have 3 months from now to get it done and done on time for once or even ahead a tad bit. Announcement for the recording session will be announced once it is booked and once the recording is done then I will also announce the release schedule as well.


Saturday, May 25, 2019

Finding It Tough To Focus On The Collaboration Podcast...

               1 week from now, my world will be flipped upside down as both Larry and I will be back together to record Power Rangers Podcast and yes it is finally coming back and I have been hiding the news for quite some time since March and April when I knew we are getting close to the return. When we return it will be near 6 months since we actually recorded the last 2 episodes which is a long time. Honestly since September I kind of knew that January to now would be a crazy schedule so I knew that I needed the hiatus and yes I now admit we were on a hiatus and with the recent studio changes, we are ready to go for this next collaboration and I kind of now do have the time to work on it and this summer I am sure I will have the time to start working on the next 2 for this fall. Anyways I am now off topic to the topic or title of this blog post. I am very distracted from finishing up the notes as right now I am just so eager to record and I have been busy preparing my other podcast's YouTube channel ready for re-launch as it hasn't been on YouTube for almost 3 years so one way or another I have been extremely busy with that but I only have a week to go and the pressure is indeed on!

              So I am struggling but with 1 hour nap and up most of the night as my sleep is the most messed up, I can see how I am struggling but between today and tomorrow I would like to honestly finish it as I am out of the smaller city here into even a bigger city for the day so I will not even be in the studio all day so I will definitely need to complete this in the next 24 hours at the most so I can finally get it done and over with and ready for next weekend as it will be a big weekend for Larry and I with this podcast so I need to refocus myself and get my head back into the game and work hard cause I want to stay on track so I can finish it. Yes I got other things on the list too for after this but my priority is the collaboration. I need to remain focused and confident that I can get this finished before mid week this upcoming week as I do not want to end up delaying the podcast and at the point of waiting till July to record which I promise you it will not happen. I promise you will be seeing content on Twitter and Instagram a week tomorrow which you guys will know it's truly going down and when we know it will be out we will definitely make the announcement when were ready to release.


Friday, November 16, 2018

Power Rangers Schedule for Part of 2019 & Hiatus

                  Well it is that time again to announce what my schedule for the Power Rangers Podcast is as this will be the final schedule till end of the year next year due to this hiatus which I will get to at the end of the this post. So as you all know both Larry and I are coming to the end of the Zordon Era in the Power Rangers first 6 seasons of the franchise so we are now coming to the end of the 6 seasons which is sad as I have and Larry as well has had so much fun behind the mic with these episodes particularly. So here is what things will look like for the schedule from here on out:

December 26th, 2018: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers Zeo Talk

January 2nd, 2019: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers Turbo Talk

April 23rd 2019: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers In Space

April 30th, 2019: The CBOTW Show, Power Rangers Roundtable Podcast

                    Now before moving into the Hiatus schedule but first of all I will be slipping the Turbo season talk and In Space and Roundtable Podcast into the mix with Last Man Standing & Music City so it will be quite a timetable to handful to handle but I am sure I will be able to handle it. The plan is set for the future and I am truly am excited to what is to come. Now to the hiatus news that I have is both Larry and I will be taking a brief hiatus so I can have some time off but also prep for the next phase of things and trust me I will be working hard on the next 2 seasons and I want to take some time off as well as it has been draining on me for the last while as well prepping and working on it but Larry and myself deserve the time off and it will be quite a lengthy break from it, I am taking a 9 month hiatus from it and I do not know what is in stored for the fall in the way of Last Man Standing if they will renew for an 8th season or not but soon as I know there is new season of Last Man Standing since Fox took over but if Last Man Standing does end after 7 seasons then I got other projects I can fall on like Power Rangers Podcast stuff which will be around for quite sometime now. That is my news that I am wanting to announce and there is probably more then likely more announcements to come soon down the road. 


Sunday, November 11, 2018

Which Show Will I Watch After Big Brother Canada and Power Rangers Turbo?

              As most of you know I have been watching Big Brother Canada from Season 1 to 6 before the next season comes out in the spring, so I am preparing ahead of the next season. What show will I be watching next after I am finished well right now I am working on both Big Brother Canada and Power Rangers and I am not far off from finishing Power Rangers Turbo to start typing up notes for for the podcast but after both of those what is the plan next for me? Well I plan on watching and binge watching Last Man Standing up to the point of working on Power Rangers In Space as well but Last Man Standing is on the list and I covered it on The Last Man Standing Recap Podcasts on The CBOTW Show that I need to get more familiarized with the show as at times when I do record, I still struggle with who is who on the show so that is why I am making it a priority to get familar with the show and when it is done between the holidays and New Year I will have more time to watch em back to back to back and get to know the characters on the show much better then I do now. Maybe just maybe I will get more into the show as I find myself struggling with The Last Man Standing Recap Podcasts right now this is why I want to make the move to get familiarized with the show and I actually starting to understand the timeline of events during the show and when Boyd came in especially and which of Mike's 3 girls had Boyd which i never knew who it Kristen that had him so it answers my questions in my head and the most recent episode of Season 7 which is what I am recapping currently.

               I may in the New Year in January or February I will be watching Power Rangers In Space before recording in April the final Power Rangers in the Zordon era which then there will be a hiatus between recordings as I want to focus on the other recaps I am doing but I will talk more about it in a new post another day some point of this week as a new week has started. I am enjoying the show's earlier seasons and have time as I have watched a couple of the episodes already but put it on hold as I am working on Big Brother Canada and finishing that up first before working on that and also Power Rangers Turbo which time is starting to tick away. After Last Man Standing? Who knows! I may watch every Apprentice Eh vlogs on YouTube for all I know but who really knows I haven't gotten that far yet as I just started Last Man Standing and finishing up other shows. Yes I realize I got 3 of them on the go at once right now.. ha ha.
