Friday, May 22, 2020

Han Solo Story-- Star Wars Movie Review

                   Yesterday morning, I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch Han Solo Story for the very first time as I got it back in Christmas. My brother said it was OK, but I found it alright. It was good, it kind of gave me the story of when Han and Chewie met and also getting to know how Han and Lando met so that was cool too. It kind of answered a lot of questions I had how the two knew each other prior to the Empire Strikes Back aka Episode # 5.  Also I noticed they used older music from previous movies was really cool and mind you this movie took place between Episode 3 and Episode 4 along with Rogue One as well. This definitely told a story and the actor who played Han did a really good job. I'm sure he got tips from Harrison Ford before the filming begun. 

                  The movie itself will not get a full 10 out of 10 but I am going to be fair with my assessment of this movie. It wasn't bad and it wasn't excellent but I am giving the movie 7 out of 10 which is a 70% if you put in a percentage. Mind you this is the first time I have seen this movie as I haven't had the time to watch this movie. Either way it wasn't boring it was interesting enough for me to keep on watching right through. I'd watch it again in the very nearby future. If you guys enjoyed this kind of movie review let me know in the comments below and I think I am going to try and do one every week or two depending if there is a new movie I have not watched. Maybe 2 weeks from now I will do a Horror Movie or something maybe a review on The Shining which was a great movie back in the day. I will review that one next week.

- Chris

Thursday, May 21, 2020

I Lost 5 Sims Back To Back... SMH

                  Few weeks ago I lost 5 sims. That's a lot especially for playing a game of Big Brother. Apparently the game glitched out and 5 of the sims above died back to back which was insane and I wish I had my reaction to that on camera honestly. It was the most ridiculous thing ever. By the end of all of that 2 remained and wasn't right as we had no jury really left to vote and wouldn't have been fair. So I ended up ending the season and the final 2 left. I had to investigate the house to why this happened. The stairs going up and down the two levels were apparently disappeared and that became the issue behind it all. Now I believe I shifted rooms and fixed up the house where the stairs are in plain site. There was a couple of issues with the landing anyways aka the upstairs. IF you were upstairs and looked down then you can see behind one of the walls so that had to be fixed so I readjusted rooms and tore walls down but the stairs should be OK and shouldn't glitch out and disappear on me but haven't been back to the big building I built. We have vacated the premises for now.

                 Trust me I was freaking the heck out over it and was quite an interesting experience to watch one sim after another collapse. It is what it is honestly and it really stunk things had to end up this way but never know I may end up going back to the building I may just tear it down and Larry and I worked really hard on this world too and it stinks but it is what it is in the end. Building still exists and stays empty and dark at this point of time. I just do not know if it will be used anytime soon as of the recent turn of events. Yes I realize its a game but it ticked me off the fact that the game took away my bloody stairs and it's the game's fault... This game has been riddled with glitches for years like the sims won't teleport as quickly. However I am getting into a rant and I just do not have the energy anymore to rant and I know you guys like them from time to time it boosts ratings... LOL. Anyways I will see you in my next post tomorrow.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Life After The Studio Renovations

                  Since my space has been recently renovated and I've been back, life is great at this point. Utilizing the space on a regular basis and been working non stop and been in my studio majority of the quarantine when I wasn't upstairs watching TV or playing games. Recently added a to part of and old desk piece to my side desk and trust me it's helped me a lot recently especially with storage. I need the extra storage but really I have a ton more room then I did before which is a great thing. Honestly I have recorded a bunch of podcasts even before the shelves went up but the point is, I love this space and been taking care of it on a regular basis. Even been wiping things down like the phone with the wipes to ensure no germs on it whatsoever. Dusting and vacuuming the rug that is under half of the furniture but with our super duper vacuum it made the floor really makes the cleaning job awesome!

                  Don't get me wrong, I love this studio and there will be a ton of recording done in here! Only thing is there will not be any guests in studio at this moment and I am excited to continue to record podcasts and the future and many memories we will make with this studio. I am sure we will have a lot of new memories. It is nice to have back the studio lights that use to light up the green screen which really renders useless at this point as there is no way to hang it up with the ceiling now so I kind of wish I had my chair against the wall and the green screen against the wall unit but would of been a bit difficult and quite a setup to do. However I have adjusted to the background that I have behind my chair and gotten adjusted to it honestly. This is probably the best setup I have ever had ever have and this is probably my favorite setup out of them all to be honest!


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Been Over Thinking This Whole YouTube Thing!

                I feel like I have been over thinking with this entire YouTube thing to be honest and this is why I am making a second post for today. Least you cannot say I am doing content. As you know the team and I are preparing to bring Everything About Reality TV Podcast back to YouTube and I spoke to you guys in the early afternoon about the state of our podcast and that we are planning to return to YouTube soon. After this post went up, I had time to think about things and I think I am definitely over thinking things and I wanna for now take these steps to grow the podcast channel of ours:

  1. Not worry about earning money from the channel and take the time to really grow the channel and build up the viewership on there over the course of time. 
  2. Bring on the shows that we are going to cover on the podcast and fans from the Audio ONLY Platforms. Which really prove to be quite difficult to do at this moment as we are between seasons however. 
  3. Get the hosts setup to stream on the channel and try to stream on the channel to ensure they are up and running on the channel. 
  4. Not to rush the growth of this channel and really grow it slowly. I do not wanna push the channel too fast and was at fault for that when I wanted to launch the channel at the end of a season.
  5. Make a guest appearance here and there and I made a promise to Billy to come on one of his Survivor Recaps as we couldn't make it work with the 2 of us.
                  Those are steps I want to follow and really take the time to adjust to the video side of things. Honestly I will not be live on there as much as you guys think but Chris (Reality Teas) and Billy will be on there most of the time and I am on there on February/March each year. Right now we focus on the Audio ONLY stuff and YouTube will return one day soon. We have to do it when the time is right and with a month to go till Big Brother is to air, we just do not know when it will air to be honest. Just gotta take one step at a time especially with YouTube. 


What Is The Status of Everything About Reality TV?

                  So I know there is one big thing that wasn't on the list and that is on everyone's mind right now! Yes I realize the big announcement of the current season is still up in the air and I do know a bit of information right now but not enough to warrant an announcement. However this post is about the YouTube channel which is at this point sitting around gathering dust and we are currently waiting till one of the video platform shows which is Survivor which just finished and Big Brother Canada which were waiting for a Season 9. However the question we are waiting on Chris's (Reality Teas) Big Brother 22 Podcast which is one of the reasons we do not even bring up the channel and it's been very radio silent with YouTube. So the answer is we are waiting on the news. Might hear more this week, might not. Today we are supposedly hearing about the Fall lineup today at some point but I am not sure if there will be an announcement separately for Big Brother so it is information we are truly waiting on at this point.  

                  However I can hint as I am not ready to announce it fully there is something in the works for this summer which means the podcast will be active and no I am referring to Entertainment Man Podcast coming back, it's in the lineup and you guys know when it's returning but more like something else is in the plans. Also I got some interesting news which entails the podcast remaining on the air and could have time off between, but you guys will find out soon. We will do a massive post from our team, whether it's from me of the team there will be an massive update coming! There is at least 2 - 3 more shows till we know further. So in conclusion YouTube is on hold for now and kind of why we only currently have Staff that is subscribed at this moment of time and we hope soon we can role out video finally!


Monday, May 18, 2020

Power Rangers Time Force Got Me Hooked!

          I know this is been silent for quite sometime but today, I am officially getting into watching Power Rangers Time Force and would like to get to Episode 20 today. I figure 5 hours = 10 episodes. If I can endure 5 hours a day then I definitely can try and get it done. When I get on a roll I get on a roll and trust me I am hooked. It only took me one episode and I was instantly hooked on the show. I absolutely love this season and I know I am not far into this season yet but I will today at some point as I will be getting to work with the season. Either way one thing I didn't know was Wes and Alex are played by the same actor but I will be covering that on the podcast. Least i am hooked on the season and excited to be continuing on with this season and cannot wait to make a move on this season.

           I am looking forward especially to the cross over from Lightspeed Rescue and we have seen as we normally see but anyways I am thrilled by this season and excited and ready to go and to make a tear on this season and get ready for the fall. I find it easy to get hooked on a season but also it is tough to get bored of a season. I can say this, I had a hard time with Lightspeed Rescue and ended up just giving up on it to be honest and to a point where I had to stop but I know I had to watch it for the podcast and once I got into it then I was definitely hooked and enjoyed that season but this time I am instantly hooked with this season.


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Chris B On The Web Updates [05-17-2020]

               Hello everyone once again, here is your updates for Sunday, May 16th, 2020. It has been another crazy week for Chris and the team and him and I have been busy with the back end of the website. What do we mean by this? Well him and I officially completed the website menu bar and pages re-design which took us a very long time to complete and finish up. Now I am looking at tweaking the CSS and to make the page a lot more responsive to the pages as it has not as responsive as of right now. We're always looking to improve the responsiveness and better the website of the website. 

                As you guys know Chris has finished "Everything About Reality TV" Podcast and we are now on the "Off Season" and waiting for what is next for the podcast. We have something in the works and is being added to the list and will be on Audio ONLY but more information on that is coming. Him and the team are trying to expand the podcast and I think it's great he wants to expand his horizons.

                Finally on this update is Chris wants me to tell you guys to put this on your calendar on Monday, June 1st, 2020 @ 1 pm EST a brand new Episode of his personal podcast is returning after 2 months of a hiatus due to him going back to Everything About Reality TV. It will give you guys some content to listen to and yes it is Audio ONLY. He has no plans to move it into Video anytime soon and this is mainly an Audio ONLY. He will be recording in a week and a half from now and excited to post it up officially!

- The CBOTW Team

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Weight Loss Update-- I Failed To Keep Losing Weight....

                  I have been again struggling once again with losing weight and it is my own fault.  However I haven't really weighed in and haven't been eating much lately as I haven't been hungry or I have been in bed between 11 am and 1 pm EST everyday since I am up during the night majority of the last week or so. So it is hard to report on the progress of me losing weight right now and I need to first fix my sleep then I can work on the weight stuff. The one thing we have been bad with is the fattier foods and that hasn't really helped at all either. That is one other thing that needs to be fixed first. I'm sorry this isn't much of an weight loss update. I'm still fat as of right now and I'm not really afraid to say it either! LOL!!! Yes I know I am making fun of myself and I do that quite a lot and use to it.... ha-ha!

                 Moving forward if there isn't an update then I will not do any update and do a post on the Fan Page that there is going to be a different post. Honestly it is better then wasting your time reading a boring post, haha. Remember I have to remain positive with the weight loss as it won't be easy to lose it all and to be honest I haven't been walking much lately and it's my own fault but the problem is it is raining a bunch here in Ontario so walking is a bit of a problem and why the weight has recently fluctuated up and down so it really has shown especially in my belly sticking out and not many shirts fit so they remain on the bottom on the shirt pile. 


Friday, May 15, 2020

Grand Theft Auto 4 Lost and Damned and Grand Theft Auto 5 Fails!

                 Recently been having issues with Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto 4 and I recently completed the Nico missions and moved onto Lost and Damned and there was series of issues with the game in general and trust me I am not happy whatsoever with it. The first strike with this game and trust me there is a ton of problems I have had with it but the first issue it wouldn't let me save the game whatsoever and I had quite some good progress and was clearly enjoying the game so I am not sure what the issue was but really would like to do it one way or another. Not sure how to fix it honestly.  The second issue I had was a saved game couldn't load and I had to start right from scratch all over again which is quite frustrating to be honest. I really was enjoying the playthrough of Lost and Damned as I had the full version of Grand Theft Auto 4 and now I would have to start all over if indeed I was able to fix the glitch in the game. I honestly have had issues with this game in the past on my old computer and my current PC I am having issues with as well. 

                The next part I wanted to rant about a bit is Grand Theft Auto 5. This morning I installed the game and couldn't play it. It told me to uninstall Rockstar Social and I tried and I have to uninstall all games associated with it so now if I wanted to play and trust me I have no plans on playing anytime soon as I am just fed up with the issues I am having and I am going to work on other games that I have just reinstalled recently and there was a bunch that I did reinstall on my computer that I can play and GTA has my dissatisfaction but it is what it is and the game is back on the shelf. It is a fail on my part and maybe one day I will fix the issue but right now is not the moment.


Thursday, May 14, 2020


                 As you can tell with my recent post on social media, we have officially completed the website work. Every page is up and running and the entire menu bar is functional and working but just the menu isn't too responsive but it works at some point and going to start work in the coming weeks but honestly that is for my website admin to do as most of the work and design of the menu is complete. As you can see there are two Sections: 'Everything About Reality TV" which houses a ton of pages of podcasts we do.  We finally have our "Other Podcasts" which even includes Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast, Entertainment Man Podcast and the Archives of past podcasts. Trust me we can house more and you never know what is in-stored for the websites moving forward, new projects, new hosts. It took us weeks to get the menu to function and drop down but alas we got it working. Still a couple of bugs in it but in time we will get it working. You can use your arrows and it does help for now. 

                 During the construction phase of the page, noticed the number of views have been up lately which is truly a good thing. I looked at the pages and they all have gotten good views. The Hours we put in, the lack of sleep we have had to endured it was indeed worth the hours of hard work and dedication. I'm surprised this big project took us weeks and got it done. Took a lot of patience and we had a couple of bugs to iron out on the pages as it wouldn't save but that is besides the point as everything is now fine. I hope you guys enjoy the rebuilt menu bar that we worked hard in the last couple of weeks and we're excited for what is next for the website. Any issues, concerns or questions please contact is and we can answer any question or concern you may have. 


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Reflecting the Past 4.5 Years Doing Survivor Recaps

                As you guys know, tonight is my final Recap for Survivor on Everything About Reality TV Podcast and I had something else in the back of my mind for today and I think today is a fitting for me to reflect on the last 4.5 years of doing Survivor Recaps. I was sooo close to 5 years of Survivor however it is an honor to finish strong on Season 40, Survivor: Winners At War.  I actually really hoped for this and it happened. I started this adventure with Season 31, Survivor: Cambodia-  Second Chances with Larry nearly 5 years ago. Almost 5 years and these Recaps are still going strong. I've watched these Recaps grow gracefully and honestly I have had too much fun with these and do not know why I have to stop now. However, Billy is taking over and the fun will continue and I'm sure you guys will welcome him with open arms. 9 Seasons, I have covered and over 100 Episodes (109 to be exact.) Which a lot to be honest.  This year and wish I did this on the podcast sooner is the Rankings podcast and Billy hasn't indicated I could do it and I will not do it unless he approves but honestly it was a test run to see if you guys enjoyed it. I have been through rough times and really good times with these recaps and have no regrets whatsoever to the content I brought out despite the 1 and only 1 complaint I had about it but most of you guys have been happy with the content. I don't wanna focus on the negative but focus on the positive. One last thing I remember of these recaps was back at the start with Larry when his cat, Charlie who has since then passed on but he was always chiming in with his meowing and it made it quite funny and entertaining to be honest. 

                 It has been a honor to Recap Survivor for this long and like I said the Survivor Recaps are not going anywhere anytime soon.  Billy is taking over and we currently do not know when it will air at this point with the state of the world, so we could be at a dry spell to when shows and this will return. At this time I want to thank my team, Larry (who's been with me from the start), Billy (Who's taking over these Recaps) and Reality Teas (Chris) who is new to our team for the support during this season and input that has helped us do better as a podcast. I will take with me the memories of my time in my studio but don't forget I am still Recapping Big Brother Canada (which will be on Video & Audio ONLY), Amazing Race & Amazing Race Canada (which will be found on Audio ONLY.) I am going nowhere, I will be in the YouTube channel Moderator the chat and joining you guys in the conversation and helping Billy and Chris in anything they need. Like the saying goes all great things must come to an end but I don't see this as the end, it's more the adventure is just beginning for us. Our 5th anniversary is coming up and so much more to look forward to. In conclusion, I am sure Billy will have me on the podcast from time to time and maybe, just maybe I will make 1 appearance a season? That's for him to decide but you never know.

-  Chris

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Moving Chris B On The Web Updates To Sundays!

                      So I have made the executive decision to move the weekly updates to Sundays instead of the usual Monday. Trying something different and I think it wasn't the right fit on Mondays but there is a bunch of reasons too but as you know Entertainment Man Podcast is on the horizon to return to the line-up here not just the website but on the other platforms and there has been proposed projects so this means I gotta make more time to post up them so definitely think the update on the first day of the week is the best move. Don't worry same kind of format, nothing is changing really to it and no plan to change the way I do the weekly updates. I really wish I did this sooner on the Sundays originally when this idea came to me for a weekly update on the happenings around the "CBOTW Community" however we are making this change now before any other major additions to the website. We're trying to gradually expand the website not expand so fast this is why we're taking our time on the pages. 

                    Either way, CBOTW is always evolving and always making the necessary changes that comes with the growth of this website as recently we have officially peaked over the 80K in the last year which is crazy for a small but now huge website. So again we're moving the updates to Sundays and one other thing to add on, it will not be me who does those, it will be one of my team members who does the updates. I have decided as the Founder/Owner to hand the reigns over to the Website Admin to make the necessary updates to the website each week so you will be hearing from me 6 days of the week. This is good too as I have been along with my team swamped with work and updates and just growing our brand even more. I know you guys understand and will enjoy the posts on Sundays as you guys enjoyed them on the Mondays and I will see you guys in the next post tomorrow. 

- Chris 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Chris B On The Web Updates [05-11-2020]

                     I know I was going to start doing this but I have decided to keep it to the blog as usual and talk about other topics on Entertainment Man Podcast which I will talk about. There is a lot going on and emotions running high this week with this being Finale Week for us for Everything About Reality TV and again I will cover it. In this update, I will provide you guys the updates on everything that is going on with us and the website.

1) Website: This is the first crucial step for us and we have been so busy with other projects and this weekend myself and my website Admin were suppose to work on the website but got busy with family stuff and especially Mother's Day yesterday. However I worked a bit of it before bed last night and working on The Amazing Race Page to get that one completed. We currently have the Survivor, Big Brother and Big Brother Canada pages created and done and not sure if all of them are active as of yet but we will be checking soon as we finish both Amazing Race and Amazing Race Canada pages to ensure they are all active and running and with a post that it is indeed active on the website. Then we will be jumping away briefly to be working on Entertainment Man Podcast Page, then jumping back to "Everything About Reality TV" Podcast pages with Off Season Podcasts and 2 shows: "Music City CMT" & "Celeb Big Brother US" pages that were covered on the podcast. Then finally the archives page on the far right side. This will complete up the website page work and we will have an official announcement the site work is done. Right now you guys are working off the links page right now on which is going to be eventually a discontinued page and will not be active on the website anymore.

2) Entertainment Man Podcast: As you guys noticed, the Re-Launch date for this podcast being weekly is June 1st, 2020 at 1 pm EST. The reason why is so we can finish up the site work and also fix any of the platforms the podcast may be on. So this can take up a few weeks of my time to get it fixed on any platform the podcast is on. I believe, ITunes,, Player FM are all up to par and not sure about Spotify and I do not even think it is on Spotify and has been removed so I will have to put that on my list of platforms to put it on. Either way, I am close to the Re-launch but still a couple of things to do to ensure the platformsit's on and up to date as I never told em that I changed the RSS Feed as the main feed was originally deleted. Good News is I still have the episodes that I did record and are on the external hard drive of mine in storage.

3) Everything About Reality TV Podcast: As you know this is Finale Week for us and we will be on a bit of a hiatus. I wanted to say, we are recording an episode LIVE on our YouTube channel Wednesday night @ 11:15 pm EST to make it officially launched but having second thoughts as we will be on a hiatus for a while. I need to talk to Larry, Billy & Chris (Reality Teas) about doing some Off Season Content for both Video and Audio, Live and even video and Audio (Pre-Recorded) where I can either post it or even do a Premiere but might wait for Premieres for a while. Either way I need to talk to them and that is the reason we will be off air for a week or two to get things in order for what is next and hopefully we find something out Big Brother US Season 22 and Amazing Race Canada Season 8. 

                  There is the updates that I have for you guys and we continue to work on the site and content. I know I didn't mention Power Rangers Podcast but here is the thing as of today, I will be working on Time Force today and getting it on a role as July we are suppose to be recording and need to get watching this season and Wild Force if we are to make the Mid July target but when I got updates, I will give you guys more updates. For right now these are the current updates and what is being worked on and with extra time to really work hard on the collaboration Podcasts and get it ready for taping. Anyways I will see you in the next post tomorrow at our usual time.

- Chris