Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2020

Instagram Changed Some Settings!

              Instagram finally did something about the unwanted private messages that you get from people sending you inappropriate links or messages which I have been getting a lot lately. Twitter hasn't been bad at all really and I did open up DM's to everyone but I recently closed it as I wanna take things a little differently with business side of what I do and anything to do with guest appearances on podcasts or sponsorship opportunities I want done through the email most of the time. However for Instagram to make these changes which I never saw about a week ago, so it really must of been the update recently on my IPhone7 and why I am now seeing this very setting. So soon as I saw this immediately I turned off messages from anyone that doesn't follow me. If anyone outside need to get in touch they can follow me or use the email within my website if it is really important and related to my content but enough was enough with the random people adding me to random groups for no apparent reason and the inappropriate links and what not and trolls. I am so happy with this change and it will bring down the amount of spam I get on Instagram especially.

               So, Instagram you definitely did the right thing adding this feature to the website or the app depends how you use it and I actually use both. I use the App when I am away from the computer and studio most of the time.  When I am here in the studio it's the Instagram on the computer via the website. Anyways this was a long time coming for them to make the changes and I am really happy they did it. So that is my post and you can tell I am excited because I am, I am very much excited that they have made these adjustments and I wish I could of mentioned this idea to them but it is hard to get in touch with them, yet it is tough to get in touch as Facebook now owns and operates Instagram as well. Wish there was a way to recommend that feature. 


Monday, September 14, 2020

I'm Back and I Got Concerns!

               I know it has been a while since i was around posting up regular daily posts recently and the reason was cause of the drama which I will not get into but my mental health has honestly been bad recently. That is why I've been on and off making posts recently and it is hard for my team to keep up with the posts on a regular day but I am trying to deal with all of this and get the work done within the studio especially podcasts for Entertainment Man Podcast and Power Rangers Podcast which I should have an update by end of the week if we will be going through an renewal as I am need of answers and so are you guys too! It has been long coming since all of this craziness whether we will be indeed renewing the collaboration podcast or not and I have a funny feeling that it will be happening I have that positive set and mind it will return for yet another section of the series here on our website. That has been one of my concerns with the amount of views we got and least we got views that is what matters, we're getting more views on the collaboration podcast then my own personal podcast but my podcast is newer and people have to discover it and are already discovering it. 

               The next thing I wanna address is our Facebook Page which has really gone down hill for the last month and I honestly have thought about closing it down and focusing on Twitter and Instagram like we use to but I have to remember we still have 56 loyal fans on the fan page and I just do not feel like I wanna turn my back on the fans on there or any fans. Yeah we have had some troll and disrespectful people recently but all we have to do is block or ban them from the page and I know and you guys know I do not like to ban people if I do not have to but I am just getting tired of the disrespect and b.s. that is coming with it and at this point if I have to ban, I will ban, no warning nothing. I've had to do that with 4 people already and I know we lose likes cause of it but we just want to keep the positive and no drama and for the most part we keep to ourselves and trying to not post negativity on our page.  That is my post and I am for the most part I am back and I will see you guys in tomorrow's blog post!


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Chris Is Taking Time Away from The Blog and Social Media...

                Chris is taking some time away from the website, blog and social media as I stated on here and social yesterday, there was stuff going on which again we will not get into detail but he is stressed right out to a point of a mental breakdown and I think he had one the other night and him being away from the the team and all of this. However he will still be working on his own pace and the podcast will remain as schedule but as for the live I will be addressing that tomorrow. Things will be reveal over the next week as that is what he is planning to not be around for the next week as he needs. I think this is what he needs and honestly things were going just smoothly up to what happened and I was surprised to see a message from him late last night to what was going on and that is why I offered to take it over. Right now he needs to get his mental health better. He is all wound up like he gets like this especially like the other night. Plus he has been under immense pressure getting Entertainment Man Podcast notes done and also Power Rangers Podcast which is currently on standby.

               There is stuff I like to explain Saturday as there is a ton of stuff going on and why he's put things on hold. I do not why he has to bring me into his dirty work, honestly... LOL! He probably see this post and just shake his head at me talking about him but it is positive things. We're a team and we stick together to the end. He will be back soon I hope and right now it's him getting work done and discussing with who's left on this team at this moment as the staff seems to be fluctuating at this moment.  This is why he needs a community manager and he has one, me. I use to be near him at one point, but moved away and I am still happy to help him out one way or another. I am here to answer questions you guys may have via Social Media or email, just send me a message and I or the staff will be sure to answer them as quickly as possible.

Jim, Community Manager

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Will I Still Stream On Facebook and Instagram Live?

              Now with the announcement of the new Live Feature for Podcasts has been made the question I have is will I continue to do streams on Facebook and Instagram from time to time? The answer is yes. When I have a chance or announcement to make, I will most definitely go live and you can withhold me to that and right now there is no other announcement but I am not a fan of the live feature on Facebook and Instagram but if I need to make an announcement I definitely will. Don't expect it to be every day or couple of times a week. You will know when I go live to know what the announcement as you will be notified. I know I have had more requests for me to do live streams on the fan page and I would love to but I am a very busy person from maintaining the website to doing these posts to my own podcast and help getting the hosts onto the air as well as I am the one that setup that feature and the one that  has the key to the door to our stream on the website.

                Anyways, that is what I have to say and I know I am only going to be live on Facebook and my Instagram and I know you're going to ask what about the website well that is another story but in a nutshell I will be only live for Power Rangers Podcast at this point as you know my days for broadcasting are slim to non of me ever being a regular caster and as you know Power Rangers Collaboration Podcast is 3 times a year and I wanna save the airwaves for the other podcasts to be honest and when I said I am semi retired from casting I meant it and mainly if I was to cast it would be off my website or on the CBOTW social media's at this point. We've been banned off of Twitch, YouTube and other platforms. However I mean it I will pop up here on and socials from time to time but don't expect it to be often. Thank you for continuing to read on a daily basis and I will talk to you guys tomorrow.


Monday, August 17, 2020

We're Rebuilding Our Facebook Fan Page!

             The last few weeks has shown that some people do not wanna support us and just troll and be disrespectful and they know who they are. So we are doing a complete overhaul of our Facebook Fan Page and we need to start networking with people and get people over on our Facebook too besides Twitter and Instagram as it is. It is time to grow this community and if this means we have to move podcasts over to YouTube then so be it, we can definitely do that in the next few weeks we will. However we want to utilize the Facebook Page cause YouTube is not all that great anymore. It hasn't been good for years and this is why our podcasts are going to be on Facebook Fan Page and why we need to start networking and bringing more people on. Now we have just under 3100 followers thanks to people unfollowing us and re following so it does fluctuate however that's not the point I wanna make. The point is I can definitely bring people in from our Twitter and Instagram. We will get it fixed. I wanna eventually get over 100 likes at some point and it would really be nice and we use to have 80 something likes at one point but we had to remove people in the past for certain reasons but we will fix this. 


                 Give us some time to fix this and if we need to just record Audio ONLY till we fix the issue that could be something or even going live we could bring in new viewers and after all we will be using Streamyard for guests but for the most part they will be using the broadcaster or OBS to stream to the page. More information is to come very soon on that as things need to get fixed first before we do anything else. Social Media and Networking are the most important thing right now as we need to make sure we are troll free and it seems we have issues with this the last week or so. To those who are on there, thank you for continuing to support us and we will fix all of this eventually. There will be a time where we get new likes we just have to be patient through all of this. 


Friday, July 31, 2020

And Weeee're Back To Blogging!

               After a 1 day absence from the blog we are back to normal. Myself and Chris apologize... Wait we do not need to apologize as it was an Google issue really. Anyways any posts that were suppose to be done are scheduled for today and tomorrow. The regular update will be up on Sunday as usual. Things are back to normal and Chris had his panties in a knot over all of this yesterday and was really peeved off so to speak. On top of that we had a troll think they run the place on our chat when I was absent as I passed the heck out which we work 9 - 5 days Monday through Fridays and I even work on weekends on the email and Social Media outside the website but I cannot always be on the chatroom all the time really when we have work to do to get things ready to go for podcasts. Yesterday both Chris and I worked until 2 pm then had the rest of the day off so we had a half day working which is nice of him from this end to give a day off. There is plenty of work to do to get ready for Monday as you know from Chris's post on social that Power Rangers Podcast is coming back and that was one of the posts this weekend but we couldn't cause of the issues we were experiencing on our back end of the website.

               Let me let you guys know what the posts are for the weekend, today is this post and tomorrow is about a podcasts coming back and new podcasts to our network that we are bringing and let me hint with this, you will recognize one of the projects from back in March and no it isn't Everything About Reality TV as Chris made it clear he's retired from Reality TV Podcasts after nearly 5 years doing that podcasts and really the team and I are kind of just doing more prep work right now to prepare for Monday's recording sess. Like he said on social this beginning of September, we go back to full throttle on Podcasts and content. I think he's gotten something else in the back of his mind too and he may be streaming on and off from time to time. Not sure if it would be YouTube or just on our Facebook Fan page that he would do it that I could not tell you. Time will tell what he has in stored really and you never know what he has up his sleeve.

Sophie, Community Manager

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Big Brother 22 Speculations...

              There has been a ton of speculations from Dan coming on this season which he's now disappeared from Twitter and hasn't posted anything up on his Twitter and his Twitch Shows stopped this week where he isn't streaming at all right now. Even his Twitter and Instagram there has been one post to re run shows during the week and an announcement Sunday at 3 pm EST and I just got that funny feeling he's going to be on this season of Big Brother a d I wish I was on to recap it but that isn't my domain now as Chris (Reality Teas) has taken over the podcast. Anyways I read another post stating from Cody from BB19 saying it will not air this summer that we are not going to see a season of Big Brother but we will see. So far we have heard rumors of it being an All-Stars Season and sounds like it is going to to be just that as maybe they haven' gotten enough interesting people for an entire new cast but I just do not know what to believe anymore.  Maybe they had auditions to cover the fact that this season was an All-Stars. I've spoken to a bunch of you through Facebook groups, Twitter, etc and you guys did mention that they had auditions to cover up for Season 7 being an All-Stars season.  Back to the Dan situation, yes he's not streaming on Twitch, however he's still got videos scheduled to go up everyday so maybe that's a cover up? 

                Again, I just do not know what to expect what this season is to bring us and if it isn't true or not if it will happen. They still sound very hopefully on this season of Big Brother will happen. I know some Alum have hinted that they are on this season and just by going to their socials and seeing if they've tweeted or posting up a picture or not is a pretty good hint that they are going to be on this season. We will find out and they may just as well be in sequester at this current time to play the game once again. However I do not want them to end the production of this season of Big Brother early like they did up here in Canada for BBCAN and just worried it will happen again.  We will see hopefully soon if these speculations are true or not but again it will be the matter of time and hopefully in the next week or so we will find out whether all these speculations are true. Honestly I do not wanna jump to conclusions if this is really going to happen or not because I am pretty positive it will and they will make the necessary precautions and rules during this pandemic. Finally it is good to be back to blogging and I will talk to you guys tomorrow and oh Happy Canada Day to all the fellow Canadians out there!


Thursday, June 11, 2020

I'm Back To Blogging!

           After several days of not blogging and taking some time off from the blogging and having my staff take it over on the blog here on the website, I have returned! As you know I was under so much stress in the past week and this week, I have dealt with some much drama I just was at a breaking point and I made that decision to walk away for a bit from social media and the website but still do the workload offline. However I was answering messages from friends and I was still active on my personal accounts I.E. Instagram as I was podcasting last weekend with a special guest which drops this weekend on Saturday. Anyways I have been editing the last couple of days and still going at it as this podcast that is dropping is 2 hrs and 28 mins long which probably be less on Audio ONLY but more on Video as any of that content on there will be unedited actually. Also been preparing this week's episode and a bonus episode on Monday hopefully by Sunday we will be announcing when Big Brother is coming on and if it will and also the plan for the YouTube channel. 

            There is a ton of work to be done either way and you probably noticed the last 1.5 days I became a bit more active and took the Twitter over in the last day and a half and that was a sign I was ready to start be active again and that is a good thing cause originally wasn't planning on coming back till Monday next week and taking a week off Social. Thank goodness I have a team to keep an eye on things while I was away. Now I do have to address something on Saturday about the whole YouTube thing as there was concerns with recent changes but I will address all of that Saturday's post and I am writing it this morning.  So I am back and I am raring to go with more content for you guys and excited to what we are going to be bringing to you guys! 


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I Have Address Something-- Clear The Air...

            Recently I have found, we have found people blocking us for unfollowing. Now that is our choice if we want to unfollow. I have been honestly clearing a lot of the spam and honestly I should of thought of only following certain people. Now that I am not one on Twitch anymore since I am not with that other podcast anymore, or with YouTube anymore.  I have kept video games just because we can find a reason to do a review for our blog here on the website. Honestly we feel betrayed that this is what it comes down to us being blocked for no reason when we 1) we do not speak bad about anyone, we stay 100% focused on the content we come out 2) We have every right to actually unfollow people. I'd say just unfollow us and move on. There is no need to be rude and go block us. You can simply mention us hey why did you unfollow or like I said just unfollow us and move on. I honestly feel very betrayed and it has become very disheartening to lose followers like this. The other thing that has been bothering me is the amount of suspensions or restricted accounts is probably the reason that we have indeed lost a lot of followers and another reason why sometimes we decide to not follow back as it becomes a repetitive thing and nothing personal, it is just frustrating for us honestly but it's not their fault either as Twitter seems to be very strict now with the rules these days. 

               So that is what I want to say on this situation and honestly, we are doing what we have to do. We are just frustrated by all of this and it is a clear now too. So with that I do want to ramble on about it but the main part that is frustrating me is people blocking us for no reason. We kept thinking it is the posts that we are doing it is too many posts or not enough and I honestly think it isn't that so the reason, I am not really sure. I try to not get spammy with posts and you guys enjoy my posts and updates. However since I switched from my own personal Twitter to this being a team Twitter now and more professional. You have to understand I followed everyone and now we have to try and keep it to a professional level now and we decided to follow people around the kind of content we are doing which is blogging and podcasting. Hope you guys all understand where we are coming from and honestly we will not be unfollowing anyone else at this point unless its spam but either then that happy Tweeting! 


Friday, December 22, 2017

My Thoughts On The Twitter Rules Changes (Positive Feedback!)

             So as most of you know, Twitter has changed the rules where the harassment, cyber bullying, hate speech, they have officially made it more strict, not strict but I mean they are really enforcing this and I am really happy about these changes as I have had been harassed and bullied by people who now are indefinitely suspended and I am really glad Twitter are cracking down to this, there is too much hate speech I've seen. I would like to see Twitter crack down on the inappropriate pictures as I have seen it enough where I have had to block people over it. What I did hear I believe once you are banned, you are IP banned from making an new account but I could be wrong about this. 

               But it is very good they have cracked down on the abuse of hate speech, harassment and making Twitter a safe place for all users. It will be a lot better then it was before. I have been a part of the Twitter community since 2009 ish and trust me I have had some interesting trolls or individuals talking crap on me and Twitter is always changing and improving things for the community. I am sure the inappropriate images on Twitter I see from time to time, Twitter is receiving reports of it and it's a good thing. Twitter users do not need to be harassed, hate speech thrown on them, my definition of a happy community is getting along with one another, interacting and having a good conversation, laugh, joking around, promoting their content, their business. In my final words to this shorter blog post, I definitely think Twitter is heading in the right direction and looking forward to what innovative and new ideas they bring to the platform.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Which Social Media Do I Use The Most Currently?

          So you are probably wondering what Social Media? Well besides Facebook for my own personal use, my main go to Social Media for Chris B On The Web at this point is Twitter and is the only social media used for Chris B On The Web.

            As you guys know I've tried a fan page to a point I was trolled or not much activity on the page whatsoever. Also as you know my posts got reported so again that is why I have refused to make anymore groups at this point of time, someone keeps reporting my posts, not that I am bashing Facebook, because I'm not...  I got my reasons why I do not have the Facebook group or the Facebook Page and I am happy with what I got at this point of time. The way I see it, is go on social media that bring you the most success and interaction, it doesn't hurt to try it out if it doesn't work then you can remove it from that social media and work with which ones work the best for you. 

           So which platforms do I prefer to use? Well I liked Facebook but to a point of the post getting reported so Twitter is currently my go to for social media at this point of time and honestly I get a ton more response from it then i did elsewhere, even Google Plus wasn't doing overly great for me at the time, but my choices would be Facebook or Twitter, Facebook as I had ton of support on the group up to the point of being reported constantly from outside the group. Twitter, I get Retweets, replies Likes, you name it on there and I am very happy with the platform and been a solid member since 2011/2012, then the current account since 2013 and I've noticed on Twitter I have grown so much and so fast, it is my number 1 social media outside of my personal FB for friends and family. 


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Busy Week Ahead of Me!

            This week will indeed be an busy week for me once again as I have an appointment this week, well tomorrow and on top of that I will be doing a random podcast for you guys, outside Everything About Reality TV and the topic I am keeping quiet as I wanna surprise you guys on the topic that was chosen for this special “Random” Podcast. This was requested by a fan and also my moderator of the Chris B On The Web Facebook group that we have as one of the social media websites. It is very exciting to see you guys more and more involved each and everyday which I honestly love the interaction with you guys on a regular basis. Please keep an eye out on social media for when it goes up on my website.

          Not only that but blog posts I plan trying to write everyday this week which my goal for the week and I intend to actually be on track with the blogs and I got some real great topics, including some games I would like to get updated version of the game. What games? You will have to wait and see what I have in stored for the blog post tomorrow. So this week will be filled with lots of fun.

         Do not forget also on Thursday, I will be recording and posting up the next Everything About Reality TV Podcast recapping Survivor Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers EP # 9 and I am once again excited for this weeks next recap. I got a post to do Tuesday about it on my blog. So there you have it a busy but productive week for me and it keeps out of trouble at least... ha-ha!



Sunday, November 12, 2017

Personal Update For November 12th, 2017

                I have been up and down in stress in the pass week with the work load of getting podcasts out on time, blog posts are out on a daily basis or at least every two days at the most but I am slacked off bringing out blog posts on a regular basis. Not only that friendships went out the door on me this week and it has put me back into a depression for about 2 - 3 days but Thursday were a better day for me about 12 noon when I was being with friends and after I got back and got moving on the podcast which was up in no time. I think it had a lot to do with the stress of the Audio ONLY Platform issues I was having throughout the week with both Player FM & as well but that was cleared up with staff of both websites and the process time was much shorter then it was back on Monday or Tuesday night when I posted up the podcast from last week quite later then usual. I do feel bad for the lack of blog posts too, just not been motivated to write at the time or I get way to busy with other things but I do wanna write but some days I just don't feel like I want to, I lack motivation to do it, but I am writing it this morning thats for sure.

                  Sometimes I wonder why I am still doing podcasts and blog posts but I love to write and I love to talk "Reality TV" with you guys and the podcast has become ever so popular quickly out of the gate, I shouldn't give up on it whatsoever. I gotta someway, somehow motivate myself to get things back on track and I dont think blogs daily is going to work at this point so I will figure something out and put it on my list for the announcement & update for tomorrow. This is not going good as I have lost tons of followers because of the lack of updates and that puts me down but again I can't be on Twitter 24-7 that is my frustrating part of this as I got a life to live to and I cannot be tweeting but I try, that's what dragging me down is losing followers when I try to be as active as I can and I was active yesterday a tad bit but again I had my niece and nephew and couldn't tweet I was extremely busy or trying to save my data on my phone so I won't be in a wifi zone. So please understand where I'm coming from, but if you un-follow me then re-follow me constantly, may end up not following you back all together, might be changing the way things are for Twitter and following certain people but that is unsure at this moment of time. 

                      So that is what is going on with me and hope you understand the lack of tweets or Facebook updates, but I am still here and not going anywhere anytime soon and trying to keep you guys up to date as much as possible but sometimes it is hard when I am traveling from places without using my data as much as possible, so I am not ignoring you, just out of wifi zone or busy with things at the moment and I will get back to you soon as possible!

Have a fantastic Sunday!


Friday, October 13, 2017

Pre-Recording Vs. Live Broadcasts Podcasts

                Let me say this first, I've been wanting to do this post for quite sometime now in the way of regards of the podcasting world, as you know I am a podcaster on top of the blog posts that I do. So today I would like to talk about the differences from Pre-Recording Vs. Live Broadcasts Podcasts and the differences are and which one I prefer to use that will be in today's blog post. 

                So with Live Video Podcasts, like if you do Audio and also a video platform for example, this means scheduling and making sure you have to be on time for the live broadcast make sure you don't forget its happening on the night or day of the podcast. Also make sure your on time for the guests on the podcast is another thing, I made a mistake on a podcast where I went back to bed and over slept for a podcast to come out which was entirely my fault and I'm an idiot for doing it but making sure your in the studio at least 20 - 30 minutes before the podcast begins. Also notes being done and watching the TV show if you are recapping a TV show like I do several times a week as you guys know. So their are a lot of different things that has to be done to ensure a smooth podcast. Also promotion that I am going live to record podcasts, so the PR side of things for that but both require to promote it out onto social media.

                     Now with Pre-Recording I can record whenever I want on the day of the podcast being released or posted up. It is not as stressful as going live, only thing I really worry about and probably need to have ready for the having the notes ready and in the hand when the time is to turn on the mixer and have the program up with the intro to the podcast ready. So Pre-Recording is a lot better however I still gotta upload it to and also to the website for the player on the website but it's not as nerve racking as going live and even Larry, a former staff of mine even admit it, that it is not as stressful.

                     One last thing to say before wrapping up this blog post for tonight is I do get more listeners on Audio ONLY then I do on video, however if Stickam was still around, I'd probably get more views but being banned and broadcasting platforms are not like they use to be back in the day. So Audio ONLY is my preference, however I am not knocking the opportunity to going live for even Special Finales, for example Larry being here for a Big Brother Canada finale, definitely an opportunity knocking for sure. That is it for me on tonight's blog, hope you enjoyed it and I will talk to you on the next blog tomorrow.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Working Hard To Be Successful

             I have not really spoke about my new fond success at my Podcasts and Blogs that I written on either Soapbox or but to be successful on anything whether it is YouTube, Twitch or streaming in general or in my case blog posts or podcasts, but you gotta work hard, to get views it takes time to grow your audience and I found a difference between Podcasts and YouTube but that's for another blog post on another day but anyways it takes a while to grow your audience, YOUR fan base, trust me I have had a lot of support from the get go, when it was still on the YouTube platform and even now on the Audio ONLY Platforms for the podcast, I have gotten nothing but non stop support since the day I moved to Audio and a lot of other podcasters following me to show support to me doing the podcast throughout the reality TV seasons (Going onto my 3rd Season this summer!). 

              Now the best way to promote your content, whether it is Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus it is the best way to promote your content. Soon as you edit your content whether you are a YouTuber, podcaster or blogger, you should promote your content right off the bat, not wait, post it to all the social media that you have. You can also add onto the posts with hashtags and now what is a hashtag if you have no clue what it is, well it is just a simple "#" sign from your keyboard which if you use shift 3 button, it will give you the "#" sign. Hashtag is a great way to get yourself out there and you never know trending on social media and I have had Everything About Reality TV trending once in the past which was incredible and it was a very rewarding feeling to have to be sort of trending on Twitter. Numbers is not always important, it's about building your audience and having quality content out there which does help quite a lot, as I have realized that as I just completed my first podcast and I fixed the quality and the levels of my voice so it doesn't sound distorted. To be successful is to make the right connections out there, if you know what I mean. I connected with other podcasters, other cast members from Amazing Race and look where that has brought me to a very successful podcast and it has grown tremendously over the last 10 months almost. Do not feel down, do not give up, keep on trying and I ensure you will succeed at what you do. 

Have a great night!


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Never Giving Up & Following Your Heart!

                   No matter how much you are hated for the content or whatever you are doing out there you don't let anyone put you down whatsoever, don't let anyone get to you, like the saying goes, haters will hate. If you are on social media the best thing is to block the "haters" and not worry about them anymore. Also if you own a website like I own and run my own website: and it has a feature like I have to block IP Addresses, that is the best tool to have. I can share that I do got an counter on my website but you guys cannot see it whatsoever but it is on the site in the website html within the site. But anyway of security of your website helps you in any way, shape or form. Now even if things are going bad for example for me YouTube views going down or my team leaving me one by one, doesn't mean it is time to give up. Perhaps maybe time to change things up, for example I gave up YouTube because of my team decided to quit and turn their backs on me which I am now no longer upset or mad with them at this point but it was in great timing as YouTube was changing, the terms of service changed and I am sure tons of my old content would of been demonetized for some of the videos had language. So moving to blogging and podcasts was the best move I ever made as I have seen success with this podcast and planning to expand it in the future or bring back Team Chris B On The Web in the nearby future. You see I kept on trying and not giving up. I wasn't going to leave poor Chris B On The Web & to just sit empty and not in use anymore, someway, somehow I figured out what to put on the website in the way of content. 

                   Now as for following your heart, my heart told me it wasn't into YouTube anymore, I think I just grew out of the platform, did it for 10 years and didn't see much success in it hence I made the quickest and quietest exit out of any YouTuber, no questions ask, I just left deleted the channel and I should of stored the episodes on my computer for keep sake so I declared it ended after 4 seasons with possibility of Lost Episodes. So you see there I felt like I have completed a good solid run on YouTube and connected with tons of other YouTuber's and felt like The Entertainment Man Talk Show was ready to end it's run with it's 75 episodes and plus my team fell apart so myself & Justin came off the YouTube platform and the rest is written I began podcasting after a summer break as I felt it is the new thing on TV these days and there are tons of Reality TV so I followed my heart with that. Also my blogging took off with people re-tweeting and liking my posts when I put up the blog posts everyday or every second day, same goes with the podcast I am currently doing, I followed my heart to what I thought felt right and that will work for myself and Chris B On The Web & and what will be successful and not fail, but I'm not saying the others things I did wasn't successful, they were but I just got tired and part of following your heart, sometimes making tough decisions are a big part of it. I know that from dealing with it for almost the last year of did I make the right decision but now I know I did but when you follow your heart it takes time to re-grow what you love to do, so you have to be very patient to let things re-grow your passion and trust me it is very very worth it!

Have a great night!


Monday, March 27, 2017

Not Been The Greatest...

This is the hardest blog I have ever written, so much rushing through my mind right now to what to say.... Since more friends wanna turn their backs on me, it has put me into a complete tail spin of a downward spiral, I had one heck of a meltdown and hurt myself pretty bad. Today my mood is kind of somber, I am very quiet, haven't had much to eat just toast and peanut butter and probably wont be eating anything else today. I threw my Contigo cup against the old TV and I'm surprised it didn't crack the freakin screen. I doubt it'd work over the abuse its had recently... Ha ha. I am trying to smile a lot more today but its hard to crack a smile with the recent situation. I've pretty well turned on a group of people who care so much about me and my well being, but at this point I feel like I can't trust certain people, feel like I am unable to trust anyone who is my friend because they will turn on me in a dime. Had that happened this year with 3 people and 2 last year being 2 long friendships that have it's best times and it's worst times. I've been avoiding Facebook this week so far but minimal communication with people, such as people who have IM'd me back to make sure I am ok and also my Staff (My Team) I am keeping direct contact with so I can make sure everything is still going to plan. YES! I am trying to keep things as normal as possible when it comes to the operating of Chris B On The Web. I may be dealing with my Mental Health right now but I still want to get stuff out too as well ON Time and not fall behind like last year. Even if I ended up in the hospital, I probably be behind a few podcasts if I stayed over night or a few days but glad I am home and resting and trying to deal with this on my own terms which I should give props for as I am giving it my will power to try and deal with this on my own and I know I do have the option to walk into the Emergency to the crisis unit to talk to someone if I felt like I am still out of control and I feel out of control in my head still, my head is all over the place right now dealing with this, just not sure where my head is at these days with all the friendships falling apart and I just do not know who my friends are anymore in my real life, I just don't feel like I am wanted on Facebook and close to 100% wanting to delete my Facebook account and give certain friends and family my email to keep in touch, that's it.  I got till Sunday as I am taking the week off from the site to decided whether I am returning to Facebook or not. Now mind you I got family on there and high school and college friends, however maybe I need to be careful who I add and trust around my email and Facebook friends list at this point. Yes this is real life friends too I am talking about. Anyways that is the update what is going on with me and why I have been a bit quiet on Twitter and behind the podcasts especially.

Have a great night!
